"Sailor Moon, I'm sorry I lied to you before…I did love you"
His eyelids feeling heavy, opened to what felt like the longest slumber of his life. At first, all he could do was look around at the vast nothingness that surrounded him. It was quiet.
'Where am I,' he weakly thought. Then the grim reality hit him, 'That's right, I died.'
He laid in the same position for a few moments until he found that he started to regain feeling in his body. First through his fingertips then up his appendages, to the rest of his body. He then slowly emerged from his paralyzed state and was finally able to survey the area around him. What seemed like endless blackness at first, finally gave image to structures that seemed all too familiar to him. He was back on Nemesis.
"I don't understand…I-I'm alive," he muttered to himself. His throat was sore, actually his whole body was sore and his head was fuzzy. How long had he been here like this? Rising from the cold floor, like a toddler taking his first steps, he tried to walk through his palace, but, as he started to make his way to his throne room he noticed everything looked the same but different.
Everything seemed to be broken down, not in a damaged way but, abandoned, almost as if everything had been eroded by time. The once magnificent, white columns were now cracked and dirty, as were the floors and the walls through the many hallways. When he finally managed to reach his throne room, he was shocked to see the throne that had always given him so much solitude was covered in cobwebs and the metal supporting it had completely rusted. As he started to reach out to his once lavish throne, he looked down at his arm and noticed that the sleeve to his suit was not only discolored and grey but tattered. He immediately checked the rest of his suit to find that he appeared to be wearing nothing more than mere rags as his blue embroidery had completely faded, the diamond jewels were dulled to a point you couldn't recognize them as gems and his cape was missing altogether. As he patted and checked the rest of himself he noticed that he was still wearing his earrings that were made from the Jakokusuishou. He took one out of his ear to examine and found that it was perfectly preserved as the last time he saw it, but of course something as powerful as the dark crystal couldn't be so easily damaged. Wiseman had shown him how to fully harvest it's power and he recalled that in his dying moments he seemed to have been defeated as well but he knew better than to think a creature as powerful as him could be killed off that easily.
Before he could dwell more on this, he all of a sudden heard a noise coming from the distant corridors of the palace making its way towards the area. 'Could it be…Wiseman?!' He panicked. As fast as his frail body would allow, he made his way to the entrance he came through and hid behind the doorway so he could use the few moments until Wiseman discovered he was alive to plan something. Without his strength, he didn't know how he was going to take on someone who had already essentially 'killed' him. But, as the noise made its way closer to the throne room something occurred to him.
'Could I be in one of his illusions? It would explain why this once glorious palace had transformed into a decrepit, rundown hole overnight. He could just be trying to deceive me using his mental warfare to have me question my own sanity,' though it was already working if that's the case.
With his back against the wall and his ear peered next to the entryway, he could hear the noise was making its way into the throne room now, but, he soon was able to pick up that the noise approaching was actually footsteps. Since Wiseman is a creature that hovers and transports there would be no way that those footsteps could belong to him but he still wanted to be cautious. With curiosity getting the better of him, he poked his head out slightly to get a good look at this person. All of a sudden a figure walked into the room but he couldn't make out who the figure was, only that it was a man. The more he watched the figure, he could see that each step he took was delayed, indicating that the man may be injured. The man kept walking until reaching the front of the ascending steps to the throne and stopped before looking upon it.
Then a familiar voice began to speak, "W-What is going on..why does everything look different?"
Immediately recognizing the voice and letting his guard down, Prince Demande made his way towards the familiar figure, "Saphir is it really you?!"
"Nii-san!" He shouted. They both weakly made their way towards each other before stopping until they were just a few feet apart and looked at each other for a a long time with shocked expressions examining one another. Saphir's clothes were a tattered mess just like his but he, himself didn't look any different than the last time he saw him…before Wiseman killed him. After a while Demande decided to break the silence, "Saphir is it really you? This must be an trick because there's no way you could still be alive but, even if it is just an illusion…just to see you again is incredible and I only wish I could let you know how sorry I am for not believing you, my only brother, who has always been so loyal to me. I know you were just trying to warn me about Wiseman and I let him manipulate me to the point where I lost sight of our original goal and I let my clan down...if there's even anyone from our clan left."
Losing his strength, Saphir sat on one of the steps giving a slight smile and just stared out into nothing. "I don't understand it myself how I am still alive, it's strange, the last memory I have is a bright light growing larger and larger coming towards me and then nothingness. As vengeful as one might be after going through something like that, what gave me peace is hearing your voice at my final moments, defending me, and that's how I knew that I wasn't alone, that's how I knew that you still saw me as your brother. No matter what happens you're my family and the leader of our people and I could never hate you."
Demande sat beside him feeling a slight weight being lifted off his shoulders as he looked out into the empty room as well. After a few minutes of being trapped in his thoughts, he suddenly began to remember the horrible events that took place before he woke up and then he finally sighed, "You may not feel vengeful but Wiseman betraying me, killing our comrades and making me look like a fool is not something I can take lightly. If he is still out there, he will pay for what he's done."
Saphir finally looked back at him and started to chuckle. Taken aback Demande took his gaze off the empty room and onto his brother, "What?"
"I'm sorry it's just in our present state I don't think there's much we could do. I know it's not funny but, I never thought I'd see my brother, the Prince, wearing scraps for clothing." He continued to chuckle. Demande just looked at him then started to laugh as well, just seeing at how pathetic Saphir looked he could only imagine his appearance. After a moment of their heart to heart he decided to bring up the obvious question, "Seriously Saphir, what do you think happened here? One minute I am laying on my death bed, which seeing you here now I can confirm that I was indeed dead, then I woke up and now everything is different. I assumed I had only been alive days ago but looking around, it looks like years have passed if that's possible."
He responded, "I'm not sure as well. Everything around us including our tattered rags suggest that while our bodies were being perfectly preserved in a comatose state, time has passed through maybe centuries leaving Nemesis now a desolate wasteland. Before I came in here I looked through most of the palace and there seemed to be no one here but us. Though I would suggest we keep loo-" he abruptly stopped.
A slight tremor could be felt all of a sudden between them. They immediately jumped to their feet and looked at each other. After a few moments of being still, they felt it again but it was stronger this time. "What's going on?!" Demand shouted. Soon after, the tremor stopped and after a few moments started again but became more vigorous this time to the point where they could start to see the columns visibly shaking and breaking down. "This is bad, we need to go or the whole place is going to collapse on us!" Saphir said in a panicked state. "But wher-?" Saphir already grabbed Demande by the sleeve running with a destination in mind. Still in a weakened state Demande breathlessly shouted, "Where are we going?!"
Saphir yelled back, "When I first woke up I was in the room that had held the Malefic Black Crystal reactor and although it was dusty, it was still intact. I think I can still get it to work!"
'That's right, when I brought Saphir's dead body back from the past, I laid him on an altar in that room and then got caught up in trying to fulfill our plans before I was able to lay him to rest in our family's mausoleum. How could I have possibly thought that was more important?'
Once Demande was out of his thoughts he realized that they had reached their destination. With the tremors stopping momentarily, Saphir immediately got to work on getting the reactor started but with how long it's been since the last time it ran, who knows how long that would take. "Shit! There's so many layers of dust and rubble I can hardly see what the Hell I'm doing on the control panel!"
At that moment, Prince Demande of Nemesis finally realized that they were about to leave their planet, their home forever. Yes, he had intended on conquering Earth for it was a more resourceful and beautiful planet but he never anticipated for their ancestral grounds to be completely lost to them.
Luckily, Saphir was eventually able to turn on the reactor and now they just needed it to completely power up but as he impatiently waited he couldn't help but look at his brother and worry for him because he too, was feeling the same way. Even though his brother was a prince who had everything handed to him and people grovel over him his whole life, he knew that he truly felt dedication towards this planet and it's people giving him purpose. Wherever they would go from here, he would no longer be a prince but a normal man. The tremors started again then stopping, the gaps of peace in between becoming shorter each time. As the quakes began to progressively become more violent, this made them nervous on if the building would fall around them before they could be able to use the reactor. Fate would be cruel to have them cheat death and reunite with each other only to have it taken away from them again.
In another moment of stillness Saphir excitedly exclaimed, "It's about to be at full power, when I give the word we need to go!" While he was happy that they actually had a chance to make it out alive, all he could do is look at his brother who continued to gaze out into the empty room with a somber look on his face. Saphir put his hand on his brother's shoulder breaking his gaze, "Nii-san there is nothing here for us anymore, everyone is gone whether this quake happened or not, besides, we can finally start our new life on Earth like we always wanted."
"Earth?" he looked back at him.
"Of course, where else would we go? The settings were already programmed to travel there from our past missions. Unfortunately I could hardly see what time I set it to with all that dust in the way so we'll see what year it takes-ah!" The tremor this time was the strongest one yet sending both of them off balance. The walls were starting to break down and crumble as well, they looked up to see clumps of dust and dirt fall on their head from the ceiling above them that was wearing down fast. The quake was getting more violent and not showing any promise of the building holding up for too long. Until finally a miracle happened, "Nii-san look, the reactor's at full power and ready, we have to go now!" Both of them rose up off of the cold, cracked floors below them and looked at each other and then back to their empty palace that they grew up in one last time before jumping into the past. At that moment as the two young brothers from Nemesis disappeared, the palace preceded to collapse around the reactor, there was no coming back.