

Crossover with Double Teamed

Rated G

No spoilers

Summary: Whitney and Chloe start out on a three-on-one, but it turns into some one-on-one

"Do you girls realize it's one in the morning?" Whitney Fordman called out as he approached the two junior girls playing basketball.

"Whitney Fordman," The blonde uttered under her breath to the other blonde.

"You live here?" The blonde in the red asked.

"And sleep here, when I can."

"Sorry." The blonde in blue replied.

"It's fine. You guys just got back from a tournament, right?"

"Right. We came in second."

"I'm not surprised. I've seen you guys play. You seriously lack the teamwork element."

"You sound like our coach."

"He's right."

"Wait, isn't football your big thing? What do you know about basketball?" The blonde in red, obviously the more outspoken one, asked.

"Enough to have lettered in it the first two years at SHS. You want to go or what?" He asked.

"We don't want to take away from your beauty sleep." The blonde in blue replied.

"I'm up." Whitney shrugged, making his way over to the blonde in blue. "Heidi," he said, causing her to grin. "You've got to stop with the screwy shots."

"Now you sound like my sister." Heidi replied, causing Whitney's gaze to fall on the other blonde.

"Heather. Your strength is defense. Keep with it. Don't try to be a star." He said, making the girl in red blush.

"Shut up, Fordman. You're making them blush." Another female voice called from the shadows.

"Hey, Chlo'" Heather called out, grateful for another female presence.

"I didn't know you lived here Sullivan." Whitney replied, bouncing the ball to her.

"Bet you didn't know I could do this, either," She said, closing her eyes and tossing the ball straight into the hoop.

"How about a little three-on-one?" Whitney said.

"Works for me," Chloe grinned, ready for a challenge anytime, day or night. "Girls?" She said, turning to face the two juniors.

"Sure," They said at the same time.

"Let me set you up," Whitney said, grabbing Heather first.

"You.under the basket," He said, leading her by the arm and positing her. She grinned and Heidi grinned back as he held on to her arm and guided her to the other side of the court.

"Chloe, you're here," He said, guiding her to the opposite side of the court, forming a triangle out of the girls.

Chloe decided to play with Whitney a little bit, just to make the girls laugh. "So, here?" She asked, sidestepping to the right a little.

Whitney turned to look at her and rolled his eyes. "No, here," He replied, setting her back in the original position.

"I'm sorry, here?" She asked, moving to the left a little.

Whitney sighed again and planted her back in her original spot. "Funny, Sullivan. Let's go" He said, checking the ball to Heather.


Half an hour later, Whitney was down by six and there were no signs of the girls letting up. Whitney decided he needed to take out their biggest asset. Chloe.

She grabbed the ball as it came down from hoop and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Foul!" She cried, trying to break free from his grip.

"I know." He said, pressing his lips to hers in fury.

"Foul," Chloe breathed as he broke away and the two younger girls exploded into applause.
