Rose pressed her lips together and her eyes danced with laughter. "Think about it this way. If I hadn't gone to the coffee shop with the older you first, the barista wouldn't have though I was engaged in some kind of sordid affair."
Forever and Never Apart, ch 32
It was immediately clear to Rose that the Doctor had spent his hour alone planning the perfect day. First, they had lunch at a fancy fondue restaurant where they cooked their food in hot oil right at the table. After that, they went on a sleigh ride through an ice sculpture exhibition at the park.
As beautiful as the sleigh ride was, it was also freezing. Rose stomped her feet and clapped her hands together when they got out. "Can we go someplace warm now, Doctor?"
"Oh yes!" he promised, his words forming a cloud of mist in the frigid air. "But first…" He clasped her hands between his, and a moment later, she felt warmth seep back into her fingers.
"How do you do that, when your body temperature is lower than mine?" she asked.
The Doctor smiled, then dropped her hands and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, holding her close as they left the park. "Since I can regulate my temperature in the cold and you can't, right now I'm actually warmer than you are—not my core temperature, but I am warmer to the touch."
Rose snuggled into his side and felt her tense muscles relax in his warmth. "Perfect excuse for a cuddle."
The Doctor laughed and pressed a kiss to her temple. "I didn't know we needed an excuse."
They bantered back and forth until Rose spotted a sign she recognised. "Oh, we've got to go in here!" She reached for the Doctor's hand and tugging him towards the cafe door. "They have the most incredible orange mochas."
The Doctor's hand went limp in hers and he stopped in the middle of the pavement. "You've already had one?"
"Well yeah… You took me this morning."
"I didn't take you."
Rose turned around and put her hands on her waist. "Yes, you did," she said firmly, letting him feel her waning patience with his jealousy of himself.
His bottom lip stuck out. "I wanted to see the look on your face the first time you tasted it."
She sighed and stepped towards him, putting her hand on his chest. "And you will, one day." She raised an eyebrow. "In fact, since you told yourself not to hide your memories, you had to take me then because you remembered pouting about not being the one to take me. You set up your own paradox, Doctor."
He huffed, but she saw a hint of a smile turn up the corners of his mouth. "All right. Let's warm up with a famous Julata orange mocha." He reached around her and pushed the door open.
The warmth of the cafe felt even better after having spent two hours outside. Rose leaned up and kissed the Doctor on the cheek.
"I'll find us a place to sit while you order," she told him. He hummed happily and squeezed her hand, then stepped up to the counter.
Rose bypassed the traditional cafe tables in favour of a love seat positioned in front of roaring fire. She'd just taken off her winter gear when the Doctor arrived, carrying two mochas and a folded piece of paper.
"What's that?" Rose asked as she took the drinks and set them down on the table.
"I don't know. The barista handed it to me with my change."
They sat down on the love seat and the Doctor unfolded the note. Rose watched the confusion cross his face a moment before amusement swept over the bond, and the Doctor tipped his head back and laughed.
"What? What is it?" She leaned over to read the note, then started laughing along with him.
That woman you called your wife was in here earlier with another bloke she said was her husband. Just thought you should know.