A/N: another long request from my blog. Kid and Law want this person. Trust me hehehe :3

It had been an interesting day. The famous pirates Eustass Kid and Trafalgar Law were both doing anything and everything to catch the attention of a certain lady, Captain of the (C/N) Pirates, (F/N). Both Captains have been trying to woo them in a form of alliance/partnership with her, but since both of them were attempting this fleet it wasn't going so well.

Any time the other tried to catch (Names) attention, the other would butt in. Kid would try using his abilities to lure her close but then Law would come waltzing over and chat them up. Then vise versa Law would try talking to them and Kid would come barreling in and take away their attention. It was battle for not only for her but a grudge match against each other. And it was only getting worse.

"Trafalgar! If you get in my way again I'm going to rip your head off!" Kid was about to get close into sealing an alliance but Law came around to try sweeping (Name) off her feet. "Oh Eustass-ya you have no chance with her. She's looking for a more refined alliance. Not a uncivilized brute only wanting her in his bed." Law was enjoying the spectacle Kid was causing. Both of them were having a stare down over a few drinks while waiting for (Name) to show up. Waiting for her answer to their propositions.

Said captain of both their affections walked into the bar. Her crew had stayed outside to give them privacy for their discussion. Both men were entranced by her, the sway of her hips, the look of calm upon her features, and the confidence that came off her like sweet perfume. Anyone who knew of the famous pirate would understand why these two equally famous pirates were captivated by her.

"Well hello there Kid, Law. Good to see nothing has been destroyed yet." Taking her seat between the two. Both men couldn't speak well now that she was here and she knew this. Smirking slightly (Name) decided it'd be a good time to have some fun, "So boys, what was this all about you wanted to talk with me about? Must be important enough." Propping her feet on the table and leaning back in her seat.

Law snapped out of it first, "I asked you here (Name)-ya for a proposition of a partnership with me. To better our chanc-" Kid had interrupted him by slamming his fist on the table. "Oi I'm here for the same thing but," leaving his seat and moving over to (Name) leaning his arm over them on the back of their chair, "I want not just an alliance but you." He thought he was being so smooth but to (Name) he was just being a dork.

Putting one finger on his forehead, she pushed him slightly sending him straight on his butt. Kid looked up at her with surprise as did Law, neither didn't expect her to do that. "You both don't honestly think I didn't know that. Both of you try to get my attention the whole time on this island. Well let me tell you," placing her feet back down to stand, "I'm not some prize to be won or fight over." Lifting one pf her legs high, she brought it straight down crashing onto the table, splitting the wood right down the middle.

The whole tavern was frozen not in awe this time but in fear. Both Kid and Law stared in surprise at her, couldn't tell if they were in awe or turned on, probably both. (Name) turned to leave but looked over her shoulder before leaving, "Instead of trying to form an alliance with me you should be trying to defeat me. Since I'll be the one to reach One Piece, not you two."

Even after she left both captains didn't move from their places and shared the same thought, 'I have to have that woman.'

Thank you for reading :D