You'll regret folllowing me


Chapter 1 : A not so ordinarely meeting

Day 1

Marco's POV :

550 000 fucking dollars.

It's the price offer for this guy, no... this kid's capture.

Who is he anyway? I never heard of this brat anyway... Is he a murderer? A thief? A bank robber? A rich heir? Or just someone who had the bad luck of pissing off a really, really powerful guy?

...It's not like I care about it, I'm just curious : when I get my reward, it will be one of the most expensive catch I've ever made, and all that for a kid, who just barely got out of his teens.

I look at the description again : He's 20. Well fuck. I hate killing guys as young as him! Specially as cute : From what I see on the picture, this guys looks really nice : brown hairs, freckles, hazel eyes, tall and muscular. Yeah... Really cute. I usually don't accept jobs concerning people as... Hum... "Attractive" as him, but hey, usually, those guys's reward aren't 550 000 dollars. I know some guys who would kill their own mother for even half of this reward.

I cross the road, and look threw the restaurant's window: there he is: working as a server. He writes down a command of a client, smiles at him, and go to the kitchen. Just before he enters it, I see him talking to a girl, probably also a server, and he must have made a really funny joke because the girl just burst out laughing.

What exactly could this apparently normal guy have done that caused a billionaire like him to pay as much money for his capture? He don't look like a bad guy... Actually, he has a nice smile. The kind of guy I wouldn't mind at all in my bed... Never-mind : I'm distracting myself : this guys is the target. The target to eliminate.

Yeah... That's my job : killing people on command.

Okay... How the heck am I going to do eliminate him? Maybe I should just wait untill he finishes his job... Yeah. I'll do that. And, since it's early, I can even go to that restaurant to eat something before finishing the business.

Am I proud of doing what I do?

No. Definitely not. But, after all, I just don't care about my pride or other bullshit like that : what only matters was that I'm enjoying it. Really.

Yeah... I'm crazy : who enjoys killing for a leaving exept crazy people?

I enter the restaurant : even if it isn't a fancy restaurant, it isn't a awfull one either. The girl who had laughed at my futur victim's joke took me toward my seat and gave me a menu. Hum... I'm just gonna take pasta. I hate fancy things : it reminds me to much of Tchatch.

"Hello sir, have you chosen your order?"

I look up. There he is, the boy.

Portgas D. Ace.

"Yeah, just give me spaghetti... Oh, and some red vine..."

"Sure thing sir!"

"If I may... Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"At what time do you finish? Because my son would like to take a part time job as a server, but he doesn't know anything about the job" with that, I throw my most ravaging smile. I saw him blush... Oh, so he's shy?


"Well, it depends... Personally, I finish at midnight today."

Midnight? Really? I'll have to wait two hours for him to get out! Sigh. This is going to be really long.

"Midnight? That's late! But thank you mister."

With that, he smiles and goes toward the kitchen, his cheek still red.

Yeah, really cute.

Maybe I can have a little fun with him before killing him? No... It would be taking unnecessary risks, and I'm really tired today. I'll just get the job done quickly, go and find my employer of the moment, and just enjoy spending some the money in casinos and other useless stuffs.

He comes back...

"Here's your order sir"

I nod, and looked at him again... I quickly think that I'd put other things then just my tong in his mouth, before he leaves me again. Yeah... Cute little ass...

It's midnight now, and I'm following him threw the dark roads if the city. He's almost making this too easy : he's alone in almost empty streets! Seriously, didn't anyone ever told him that it was dangerous? Specially with a face as cute as his.

Sudently, he turns around, throwing a suspicious look left then right, but still not seeing me. Maybe he's sensing that someone is following him? Anyway... That's my chance.

"Well hello there. Don't you know better then wondering alone in this part of the city, at this hour? It's not like if Loguetown was reputed to be a safe town. Do you know how many rapers and killers gets arrested each year?"

He froze. "Who are you? Why are you following me?"

"Marco. And I suppose you're Ace. Portgas D. Ace"

At the sound of his name, he froze.

"How... How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot more about you then just your name brat."

"You're... You're that client from earlier! Why... Are you a stalker?"

I let out a little laugh:

"No. I'm a sorte of Bounty Hunter. I kill people, and, for that, I get more or less money. As you can guess... You're my next target"

Ace becomes pale. Really pale. Well... It's understandable. I did just insinuate that I was going to kill him after all, and, even if he don't look like a weakling, he certainly don't have even half of what it takes to have the slightest chance of wining against me in a fight.

"Target? You want to... Kill me?"

"Yeah, pretty much. I don't know if you're aware of it brat, but there's a fucking high bounty on your head, and right now, I could use all this money." He don't move. Seriously, did I have to tell this guy everything? I come closer to him, and whisper in his ear, "this is the part where you start to run away." Why hadn't he already took off anyway? Usually, my "clients" try to escape just after the part where they see that they have a weird guy following them.

"I... I won't run!"

Wait... What? He won't run? Okay... Either he's really dumb, or really reckless. Maybe a little of both?
Anyway... That is... Well... This guy didn't look and didn't act like my usual client and I realize that I really didn't want to kill him.

Wait... Since when do I hesitate before getting rid of my victims? This never happened before! What is it with this kid? He isn't that different from my usual targets!

I don't let my thoughts show thought (something that I'm really good at), and I approach him: "You won't run eh? That's... Courageous. Completely reckless, but courageous anyway. But don't get me wrong : I respect courage. It's just that it won't be nearly enough to save you.

Just as I say that, he throw his punch towards me : Hey, the brat's fast! I barely dodged it! Then, before I knew it, I see a second punch heading towards my head, that I avoided again.

"Stop. It's no use. You can't possibly beat me, just give up : I don't want to hurt you... No wait, I do actually!" I let out a small laugh.

As I thought, that didn't even slow him down, and I dodge his fist for the third time. This is getting boring. I'm putting an end to it.

In half a second he was on the ground. It's not that he's weak and can't fight, it's just that I have been training restlessly my entire life. I remember, even when I was ten I could already take out some big guys.

I take my gun out and point it just above his head. Sight. Killing a face as pretty as him. What a waist.

But, just a that moment, he turns his head around, and I saw... I saw something that I never saw in any of my victims's eyes before : acceptance.

He was accepting the fact that he was about to die, and... Well... He look almost happy. His eyes look like there're saying "go on! Kill me! I've been waiting for this anyway".

And, at some point, that triggered something in me : I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was, but, just maybe, I was seeing myself in him : At a certain moment in my life, I wanted to die. I must have been a little younger then him : in my late teens. I remember : I was absolutely sure that I didn't deserve the rare moments of sunshine of my life.

Yeah... I recognize myself in this kid.
Wait a second. What. is. happening? Why do I suddenly care about killing people? I usually even let out a laugh before ending my victims in cold blood! I never feel bad, and I never hesitate. Then why? Why does a brat like him makes me feel almost guilty to do what I do? What does this kid could possibly have that the other's don't?

And shit. I'm not killing him. I don't want to regret something later.

I turned my gun around in my hand and knock him out with the handle of it. He falls to the ground.

Usually I kill without any hesitation, with even a little bit of pleasure when I see the desperate begging look on my victim's eyes. It's... Fun. Risky and freaky, sure, but fun. Anyway...

Again : what is it with this kid? I don't even know him!

This sucks. The kid's actually really heavy, and transporting his unconscious body from the street to my car had been harder then I expected. It's almost two am now, and I still have like three hours of road before arriving to my actual boss's house. No need to say that I'm completely exhausted.
Fuck it. I'm going to a hotel : the brat's not gonna wake anytime soon anyway, and, even if he does, I'll lock him in the car and knock him out again when I get back.

I've decided to bring him to my current boss alive... He'll handle it from there, and I'd get my reward. This sucky job's almost over, and I'll be rich.

Yeah.. Akainu can wait until tomorrow morning : he didn't gave me an exact limit of time to bring Ace anyway.


First fan fiction here! And not in my native language... Sorry if there's grammatical mistakes! Can't help it! Actually, I'm kind of looking for a beta reader, but I don't know how to find one :( Maybe you can tell me how in a reviews?

You already know that but I'll put it anyway: I -saddly- don't own anything (not even the picture). :( it all belongs to Oda...

So, if you hadn't notice, it's a modern fic, and Marco and Ace are completely out of character... sorry! Oh, and there will probably be some lemon, that's why it's rated M.

Anyway, I'll try to update the next chapter in ten days, is it okay?

Don't forget to favorite, follow, and REVIEW! Seriously, tell me what you think about it! Even critics are welcome! (no really, they are, like that I can get better).

See ya all soon!