Disclaimer: I don't own Gilmore Girls, the series. I just own what ideas I write...

Author's Note: Hmm. This is my first ever Literati!! You have to give me your opinion on this or I seriously will never ever do any Literati's in the future!!! I feel quite proud about this story though… *rueful grin… so I will be quite depressed if there are no reviews!

Details: In this story, Jess and Rory never kissed. He left after the accident where Rory's wrist got fractured. Plus, Rory never went to see him in New York, so she doesn't know about 'his bench' in Washing Park. The writing in Italics are what the person is thinking...

Chapter 1: The meeting

"Mum!" squealed Rory Gilmore, exhausted from making her way to the Inn.

Lorelai turned around to greet her hyperactive daughter. "Rory?" she asked. "What are you doing here?"

She took a closer look at Rory, who was bent double trying to catch her breath. "And did you run all the way here?"

Rory stood up again, and cast a haughty look. "Of course not. I jogged half way."

Lorelai nodded, as if she understood this. "Wassup?"

Rory leaned closer. "I got a job!"

"Rory, there's no need to lean closer and then shout in my ear. It will only result in me getting deaf sooner than planned." Lorelai rolled her eyes. "So which famous newspaper that's won lots of awards has begged my daughter to work in it?"

Rory laughed. "Mum, I'm just a rookie. And I got a job at the New York Tribune."

Lorelai raised her eyebrows. "Don't ever insult yourself. You're an experienced rookie!"

Rory grinned. "You've just contradicted yourself there…"

"Whatever, Einstein. So… New York?"

Rory nodded. "New York."

"New York?"

"Yes, mum. New York."

"But… why New York? My daughter's going to leave me all alone?" Lorelai wailed.

Michel walked in. "Lorelai, what's all that noise? Stop it or you're going to scare all the customers away." He glanced at Rory. "Oh hello, Rory."

"Shut your trap, Michel," snapped Lorelai.

Michel smiled. "It's not my fault if we don't have any customers then." He walked out; leaving the two Lorelai's together.


"Luke, I want cof---"

"No, Lorelai," said Luke, giving her a glare.

"Please," begged Lorelai.

"It rots your teeth and stunts your growth," muttered Luke.

"But, my favourite daughter is leaving me all alone..." persuaded Lorelai, making her lips tremble.

"Mum, I'm your only daughter," added Rory.

"Really, where are you going?" asked Luke, directing the question to Rory.

Rory shrugged. "Uh, The New York Tribune hired me. So, I guess I'm heading to New York."

Luke gave a smile. "That's great. When are you leaving?"


Lorelai's heart lurched. "What, tomorrow? I thought it was next week!"

Rory gave a crooked smile. "Sorry about that. I have to leave tomorrow, because I have to get settled into the apartment they set up for me in order to make it organised to work on Monday."

Lorelai sighed. "What's the joy of being organised?"

Luke pointed at Lorelai. "Wouldn't you like to find out?"

Lorelai stuck out her tongue. "Stop picking on me."

Luke grumbled, and poured them both coffee. "I have to go now, got a lot of customers to attend to..."

Rory smiled at him. "Bye, Luke."

"Take care, Rory," said Luke. He took a few steps, then turned around. "Oh, if you see Jess... tell him I said hello."

Rory nodded. Jess Mariano. I haven't seen him in 5 years... I wander what he's doing now, what he's doing, how he looks like. He always had a hot body, nice hair, eyes that did wonders for expressing his feelings, lips that are kissable...

Rory shook herself mentally. What was I thinking? Why was I thinking of Jess of all people? I only liked him as a regular friend. I couldn't have liked like him as more than a friend. I was with Dean, for heaven's sake. Besides, he was the one who ran away from me. He should have known that I wouldn't blame him for the accident. But I do blame him for leaving. Hell, he didn't even say goodbye...

Lorelai looked at the expressions that crossed her beloved daughter's face, and knew that she must be thinking of Jess Mariano. From the first time his mouth opened, Lorelai knew he was trouble. But he was nice to Rory, and that was all that mattered. Lorelai always suspected that a part of Rory was crushing on him.

She snapped her fingers in front of Rory's face. "What was that about?"

Rory blushed. "Nothing, mum."

She noticed the look on Rory's face, but didn't want to press it. "So, what are you going to do if you see Jess?" asked Lorelai curiously.

Rory shrugged. "It's a big city, mum. I might not even see him."

Lorelai smiled. "You never know, honey..."


Rory shouted," What do you mean you can't find my luggage?"

The man shrugged. "I'm sorry, Miss. There must be some problem in the system."

"Do you know what I have in there? The address to where I'm staying, that's what! Plus, my clothes. What am I going to wear?!"

"I'm sorry, Miss. Just fill in this form, and we'll inform you when we've discovered your luggage."

Rory grumbled, but filled in the form reluctantly.

The man added," If we can't find it in a week's time, we'll give you some payment in return."

Rory nodded. "Okay. Call my mobile phone number." If you can't find my luggage, then I'll slap a lawsuit on this company.

The man smiled at her. "Have a nice day, Miss."

Rory glared at him, but walked away before she did him any bodily harm.

The nerve of that man to wish me a nice day. After I lost my luggage as well! Where the hell am I going to rest? She kicked some stones, and glanced about her. Great. Lost in the middle of New York. What a great way to start the day...

She noticed a park, and sighed. Might as well make my way there to rest my feet.

She sat on the cleanest bench that she could find, and took a book out to pass the time. After a while, she got really into the novel. Moll Flanders, by Daniel Defoe. The book was about a lady who was guilty of incense, bigamy, and thieving.

Then, a man's voice from behind her shocked her from the peace she had made for herself.

"What are you doing on my bench?" asked the man. He had a deep, resonant, and soothing voice, which did not match with the words that came out of his mouth.

Rory rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't see your name on this bench."

"Really? Look underneath it then."

Rory smirked. This guy must be insane to think that he actually owns this particular bench. She bent down anyway, just to humour him. She inspected the bottom of the bench, and saw a plaque. She read the writing on it.

'This bench is the property of Jess Mariano. Acknowledged by the Mayor of New York.'

Rory gasped, and stood up to stare at the man before her. "Jess?"

The man took a double take, and took in the sight before him. A woman, with coffee coloured hair and bright blue eyes.

"Rory?" he asked in disbelief.

To be continued...