Son of Rhea

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Percy Jackson & The Olympians

Chapter 1

It was a cold night in the village known as Konoha as a beautiful woman gave birth to a young healthy child.

The woman held her child close to her and smiled down at him with a motherly smile. The woman looked up at the village going up in smoke. The night of her child's birth was also the same night one of the nine tailed beasts, the Kyubi, the strongest of the nine attacked.

The woman had dark curly hair that swept her shoulders, eyes as green as meadows, and a smile that was as brighter than the sun. This was the Titan Queen of Mount Orthys, Rhea.

Rhea, the Titan of Fertility, Motherhood, Generation, Comfort, Blessing and Ease and mother to six other children fell in love with a mortal and she was quite happier than when she was with her husband and brother Kronos.

The man known as Minato Namikaze was a lot different from her husband. Minato didn't eat their child for starters. She was happy being with him and even married him, Rhea told him about her being a Titaness and he didn't care who or what she was to him, he genuinely loved her as her.

Then Rhea got pregnant with his child. What started as a vacation from her world turned into something much more and she would of live here if it wasn't for the Kyubi attack! She gave birth to a healthy boy she and Minato named him after the main character of his sensei's book.

Rhea turned around and left through a portal not wishing to stay in the land any longer, she took her baby boy and left Konoha with tears running down her beautiful face as one of her lions had the body of Minato on its back.

Minato died to save the village and sealed the Kyubi away, the Kyubi thankfully wasn't sealed inside her son but it was sealed somewhere else and her son was the only one who could reach the Kyubi. Minato with the help of Rhea created a pocket dimension where the Kyubi could roam free, it was akin to the summoning domains.

Minato summoned the Shinigami to help move the Kyubi to the special dimension they created. With the mixed blood of her son, Naruto became the sole summoner of the Kyubi. While they created the dimension the summoning was completely different as only the summoner's blood could be used for the summoning and that blood was Naruto's.

Rhea left the Elemental Nations knowing the fate of her son would be seen as the Kyubi incarnate or possessed by it. She didn't want to leave her child alone in a place that would hate him among other things.

The clearing was empty with no signs of anyone even being there. Rhea came out of the portal as did her lion and they buried Minato in her garden as she put her son in a crib.

Rhea Namikaze, as she was called after she married Minato, walked back to her son who was fast asleep unaware of the events.

Her son was a Demi-Titan, and a more powerful and beautiful than other demi children. Her children were more 'advanced' than others. Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and her now second youngest Zeus were born more powerful and beautiful, handsome in her sons' case, than others.

Her sons become gods and her daughters became goddesses. Her offspring was more advanced than others. Her second youngest created a rule against raising their demi-children but Zeus didn't want to upset his mother or invoke her wrath.

That and there was a loophole as well, they had demigods not demi-titans. So with a loophole and Zeus not willing to against his own mother, she would raise her youngest child after missing raising her other kids.

Rhea brought out a large scroll that was in the Namikaze home back in Konoha. They sealed their belongings just in case, it was just a few precious belongings and jutsus that Minato knew and wrote down for his child.

Rhea rubbed the side of her little maelstrom's cheek and had a motherly smile despite the tears running down her face.

3 Years Later

"Zeus tricked Kronos into throwing up his older siblings Hera, Hestia, Hades, Demeter and Poseidon after drinking a mixture of mustard and wine" A woman told the small listener who was sitting in front of her. "The five siblings that were living and growing up completely undigested in his stomach were freed and battled together to defeat Kronos and was sent to Tartarus" She finished the story as she looked at the child she told the story to.

"Kaa-chan" The small child said. "I got a question"

"Yes my little maelstrom" Rhea said.

"If they were barfed up, then how were they wearing clothes and had weapons and how did they get them from?" Naruto asked.

Rhea had a thoughtful look on her face. "That is a good question. I should ask them next time"

Naruto looked down at the ground. "Will my brothers and sisters like me?" He suddenly asked as Rhea picked up her child and hugged him.

"Of course they will" She said as she rubbed her hand through his blonde hair. Naruto had his father's hair and eyes while his facial structure was from her.

"I know dad loved me and you and I know you love me and dad" Naruto said thinking about his deceased father. "But will they see me as their brother? We have different fathers…"

"Naruto" Rhea said his name getting the blonde haired, blue eyed child to look up at her. "Your father and I love each other and you very much. I hated Kronos ever since he ate your older sister" She told the blonde.

"I have no love for Kronos, as he ate more of our… no my children I hated him more and more and so do your siblings" She smiled motherly at her child. "Your siblings would love to meet their younger brother. They will all love you very much"

Any thoughts Naruto had about his brothers and sisters were now gone and a sunny smile was on Naruto's face. Naruto inherited her warm, comforting personality, love for animals, sunny smile, and a few other features.

"And if they don't…" Rhea thought seriously. If her children didn't accept Naruto as their little brother, then Rhea had some…'serious talking' to do with her children.

Meanwhile on Olympus and in the Underworld Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera and Hestia shivered knowing that something painful would happen to them if they didn't accept someone or something. They all knew one thing, their mother would be pissed and they didn't want to invoke her wrath.

"Hey Kaa-chan" Naruto said happily.

"Yes Naruto"

"Can I learn the Tongue of the Old Times?" He asked as Rhea lifted an eyebrow.

"Why is that?" The Titaness asked him. None of her other children bothered or asked to learn about it.

"It's a language you know right?" He asked as she nodded. "I want to be more connected to you"

"Connected to me?" The titan queen asked. "You are already connected to me already"

"I know but it doesn't hurt to get closer right?" He asked his mother. "Learning this language would make me closer to you"

Rhea smiled and ruffled his hair. "I'll teach you the Tongue of the Old Times my little maelstrom"

Naruto smiled a bright smile not as sunny as his mother's but still bright as an aura of comfort and ease started to fill the room. Rhea gave a motherly smile as she watched her son unlock his powers as her aura also filled the room.

2 Years Later

A five year old Naruto was playing with one of his mother's lions. The lion carefully watched and protected the blonde as it played with said child.

Naruto played with the lion until his mother called for him. "Naru-chan, can you come here"

"Coming Kaa-chan" Naruto said as he run inside as the lion walked slowly behind him. Naruto entered an elegant Japanese looking house, mainly because they were in Japan and lived out in the country surrounded by the beautiful scenery.

Rhea smiled down to her child. "It's time for your lessons"

"Okay!" Naruto said as he sat down as Rhea patted the lion's head.

"Are you ready my little maelstrom?" The Titaness asked as Naruto nodded. "$ #%& &%$ %$#"

" %$ &$## &%!%&*^*!" Naruto replied in the Tongue of the Old Times, Naruto knew multiple languages, Japanese (to honour his father), Greek, Latin, English, and finally the Tongue of the Old Times.

For people who don't understand the language it would appear and sound unintelligible to those listening in or reading it if it was written.

After the lessons of the Tongue of the Old Times, Naruto spent the rest of the day learning about his father's chakra. Rhea told Naruto about the use of chakra and how it could be used but since she wasn't a chakra user like his father, Minato, she had no proper knowledge of it, only the information Minato told her.

One day she said that he will be able to read and learn from his father's scroll, Naruto would look forward to that day but until then he was going to enjoy life as it was right now.

3 Years Later

Naruto was standing on a pond after he unlocked his chakra when he was six and learnt something called chakra control. His father's scroll was very interesting as the eight year old practiced, he was thankful his mother knew how to unlock his chakra.

His mother also started to teach him about his demi-titan abilities that he inherited from her. In the scroll he father made that included his jutsu, which a few was fuinjutsu. Naruto wasn't allowed to start on the jutsu until he was older.

Naruto walked off the water and smiled at the lion who was watching him. The lion was lying on the ground as it watched the blonde.

The Demi-Titan walked past the lion and patted its head before it got up and followed him. When Naruto went inside he saw his mother tending to some of the plants she got from Demeter years ago, he wondered how they stayed alive after all these years when Rhea went to the Elemental Nations.

When he asked his mother how they stayed alive when she was in Konoha she replied that she had a friend take care of them, a nymph to be precise. Rhea said he would meet both the nymph and Demeter one day.

Naruto saw the scroll on the table but he decided to ignore it for now. "Hi Kaa-chan" He greeted as his mother turned to him.

"Hello Naruto-chan" She said as she looked at her youngest son.

"Do you need help?" The half-blood asked.

"No, I'm fine dear" She replied. "How were your chakra control exercises?"

"It was fine" Naruto said. "Didn't fall into the water again"

Rhea giggled as she remembered the first time Naruto tried the water walking exercise, he fell into the water so many times.

"Well that is definitely an improvement" Rhea chuckled in amusement.

"It is" He nodded in agreement. "Soon I will be able to learn dad's techniques" He was looking forward to learning the techniques, there wouldn't be to many techniques in there as his father would have added techniques he made, basically family only techniques unless taught outside of the family.

"You got to wait till your older Naruto" Rhea told her son. She wasn't letting him due any of those techniques till he was older. They were dangerous if he didn't pay attention!

"I know Kaa-chan" He said as he patted the lion next to him.

Rhea smiled towards him. "That's my boy"

Naruto smiled as he decided to watch the clouds with the lion. One thought he had been thinking about was his future meeting with his older siblings. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep lying against the side of the lion with a smile.