One Year Later

She smirked to herself as her arrow soared through the air and straight into the walker's decaying eye, making it stumble back a few steps before falling to the ground where it joined its friends. The backpack on her shoulders was heavy with new supplies and she was beginning to feel sore from carrying the heavy load for too long.

"You sure you don't want me to carry that for you?" Nico called out a few feet ahead of her, his katana shining as he once again pulled it from its position on his back.

"I'm fine!" She called back with a shake of her head. "Its definitely not the heaviest thing I've carried."

"You can blame Percy for that one!" Thalia cackled from the trees above them. When Annabeth glanced up to smirk at her, she found Thalia's knuckles tightly holding her throwing blades. She had picked them up one day out on a run and after a few months of nonstop practice, became a pretty good shot with them. She usually hung back with Annabeth and Kate now as a distance fighter, though her attacks usually came from the treetops.

"I wasn't that big when I was born!" Percy grumbled next to her. Annabeth smiled to herself as Thalia merely cackled again and jumped to another tree to help Nico scout ahead.

Once they were alone, Percy didn't hesitate to pull her flush against him. His excitement was pressed against her and she rolled her eyes before quickly pulling him down for a kiss. Letting her lips linger longer then usual, she pulled away far enough that she could look at him. Her fingers easily tangled in his black locks.

"I don't want to be out much longer." Annabeth confessed quietly. "I think we have more then enough for a successful haul. The sun is going down soon."

Annabeth's eyes flickered to the fading sun through the trees and felt her breath catch at the beauty. Percy pressed his forehead against hers and smiled.

"We won't be gone much longer." He promised with a kiss to her forehead. "Thalia had somewhere she had wanted to check out then we're heading back."

"I just hate being out here too long."

"Never would have heard you say that a few months ago." Percy grinned. Annabeth rolled her eyes but let him pull her in for one last kiss. She smiled against his mouth. "But I get it babe. You have someone waiting for you."


Kate laughed quietly from her position on the watch tower as she watched Maya fuss over the flowers on the wooden table. She was trying to organize them neatly in the small plastic cups they had found for the occasion and Kate could admit they did stand out nicely over the white table cloth.

Her green eyes followed her brother as she watched him walk past several tables to stand by Maya's side. His free hand seemed to sneakily creep to the small of Maya's back when she once again leaned forward to adjust the flowers. When Maya's cheeks flushed sweetly at the action, Kate smiled. Watching them made her heart happy. Kate refocused on the pair and blushed. Mason's hand begun to slide from the small of Maya's back to-

Quickly turning back towards the forest and leaving her back to the pair inside the camp, Kate pressed a hand to her burning face. Her grip on her bow tightened as she struggled to burn the image from her brain.

"That's why we face this way in the watch tower Kate." She whispered to herself, refocusing out to the area surrounding their gated safe haven. The watch tower they had built from an old hang gliding starting post had easily become one of her favorite places to be. The air was clean and crisp so high up and she could easily see over the trees that hid them from the walkers. She would know before anyone else if a walker horde was approaching.

Sighing to herself and adjusting her bow, Kate took one last lingering glance towards the inside of the camp. Everyone was working tirelessly to finish the surprise before Annabeth and the others returned. They had been planning it for weeks.

Her fingers mindlessly toyed with her arrows laid out on the table. She easily loaded one into her bow and ran her finger down until they reached the pointed end. Nothing made her feel more powerful then holding this bow. She wasn't helpless. She could fight.

A thud near the entrance of the tower made her gasp. She quickly spun around, raising her loaded bow up on instinct and pulled the string back ready to fire. When Troy's face popped out over the top ladder step he held out a panicked hand.

"Friend!" He cried. "Friend not foe! Don't shoot."

Kate rolled her eyes and set her bow down before reaching over and grabbing his hand to pull him up into the watch tower with her. She pulled him flush against her but when she tried to pull her hand free from his grasp, he gripped it tighter and their intertwined fingers against his chest. She smiled at him.

"What are you doing creeping around here?" She asked teasingly. "Aren't you supposed to be helping Jason?"

"A guy can only be around so many flowers and frills before he has to sneak off to see his girl to feel manly again. I mean shit, look at you. I'm down there messing around with wedding décor and you get to sit up here with a loaded bow and be a badass."

"Well I am one of the best shots we have around here."

"And who do you have to thank for that hmm?" Troy asked with a raised eyebrow. He kissed her forehead quickly and smirked down at her. "And I didn't think the best shot around would almost shoot her boyfriend."

"Gotta take out the competition y'know?"

Kate's grin only widened when Troy's eyes sparkled with mischief and in seconds he had his arms around her sides, his fingers tickling the spots they knew would send her into a fit. Her hearty laughter filled the tower walls and echoed loud enough to be heard throughout the camp. When he decided she had enough, Kate desperately grasped Troy's shoulders to steady her breathing; her laughter still filled in the air around them.

When Kate finally found her composure, she found Troy smiling down at her. The only smile she was allowed to see; her smile. She would never get tired of it. Reaching up to cup her best friend's cheek, Kate felt her love for him swell in her chest until she felt breathless yet again.

"There's never a moment you don't take my breath away." She admitted quietly. Troy placed his forehead against her and let out a shuttered sigh.

"There's never a doubt in mind that you're my forever."

Her eyes caught his and she found herself melting in his arms. He leaned down to catch her mouth in the softest kiss they've ever shared. It was warm and gentle, and Kate found herself wanting it to last. She reached up to wind her arms around Troy's neck, even going as far to stand on her tippy toes to better their position.

As Troy began to pull away, Kate grasped his shirt with a free hand and pulled him back towards her. Kissing him more aggressively then the kiss they just shared, Kate smiled against his mouth when Troy momentarily stilled in shock. Used to her passion by now, he easily fell into the mood and pulled her tight against him. Lifting her leg to lock around his thigh, Kate sighed when Troy pushed gently against the wall and began to pepper her neck with kisses.

"I was hoping all this wedding stuff would get you in the mood." He whispered cheekily against her skin. Kate laughed breathlessly and weaved her fingers into his hair as he began to suck on her neck.

"Actually, it was all the talk about me being the best shot around." She gasped. "Nothing hotter then knowing you're the coolest thing since sliced bread when it comes to shooting dead things from vantage points."

Troy laughed against her neck and leaned up to kiss her soundly on the lips.

"Your pre-sex talk is hilarious." He chuckled. "I love you."

"I love you." Kate repeated. Her heart skipping a beat knowing how true it was. Grinning like a lovesick fool, she easily pulled him back towards her.

"Now, lets fool around in the watch tower before Leo comes up for his shift."


Piper hummed to herself as she carefully adjusted the food laid out on the table. Alice was standing on a stool across the table from her and eyeing everything carefully. When she caught her daughter's eye, Piper raised her hands.

*Well?* She signed with her fingers. *What do we think? Pretty enough for Uncle Percy and Aunt Annabeth's wedding?*

Alice's fingers were under her chin for a few seconds as she studied the display and Piper almost laughed when she found herself nervous to hear what her daughter had to say. When Alice grinned and held up two thumbs up, Piper smiled and offered Alice a small bag of hard candy as a reward for helping. Alice grinned before running off to join the other small children in the middle of the camp.

Piper smiled as she watched her go. She had been so happy to find there were other kids around the camp Alice's age. It had been a little hard to explain that Alice couldn't hear but kids can accept just about anything. It hadn't changed much and Alice played just as readily as any other kid. She actually had friends here and Piper couldn't believe how happy this place had made their lives.

When she heard a sweet giggle behind her, Piper's smile widened when she spun to find Jason holding the other light of her life.

"Well hello Miss Penelope Ann!" Piper cooed, reaching forward to take her from Jason. He kissed her before she could get too far away. Blushing lightly, she smiled and returned her attention back to her daughter.

"Mama!" Penny squealed as Piper nuzzled her forehead.

"How's everything going here babe?"

"We're all set." Piper sighed tiredly. "We're just waiting on the guest of honor."

"You think she's gonna go through with it?"

"I remember my wedding being the happiest day of my life so I'm sure she will."

Jason grinned and gently pulled her into his arms, kissing Penny's forehead as he did. She smiled between the two of them.

"Well that's because you were marrying me."

Piper laughed and leaned up to kiss her husband quickly. Alice had found the three of them together and rushed back to crash into her father's legs. Jason didn't hesitate to pick her up so they could all grin at each other.

"And that was the best choice I've ever made."


Mason watched Kate try to contain her giggles as Troy pulled her along towards their cabin. He rolled his eyes. They had heard her laughter earlier from the watch tower and he had barely had to count the seconds after Leo went to take over his shift before those two were dashing back towards their home. He was happy watching his sister so lost in her love but knowing what his best friend was about to do to her had his blood boiling.

Maya watched from her spot next to him with a small smile as she shook her head. He glanced down at her and felt something get caught in his throat as a gentle breeze blew her brown hair away from her eyes. When she tilted her head to direct that smile at him, he felt like falling over. He stayed standing however, as he would never let her know the true effect she had on him.

"That's better then watching them fight all the time hmm?" She asked him softly. Mason scoffed and placed his hand on his hip.

"Whatever." He grouched. "There's better ways to show your affection then sex you know. He doesn't have to seduce her all the time to show her how he feels. It shouldn't only be about that."

"With Troy and Kate I highly doubt it is." Maya assured him. She hummed thoughtfully under her breath. "Besides I agree with you. Relationships don't have to have sex in them to be meaningful."

"Really?" Mason asked in disbelief. Maya laughed at his surprised and nodded. Her smile had him seemingly breathless.

"Yeah." She laughed again. "Just knowing there's someone out there who cares about me, thinks about me and wants to make me happy is enough for me. Having someone to make me smile and hold me when I need it. I just need an arm wrapped around me to know I'm loved."

Mason hesitantly wiggled his fingers. He was used to only having five of them by now, but he knew it left him at a disadvantage. Maya was one of the few people who didn't look at him differently because of it but…

"Just one?"


"You just need one arm?"

Maya glanced down at his and smiled at him once more. She carefully grasped his hand to pull it up to her chest and hold it there. Kissing his fingers softly, she nodded.

"Just one is more then enough." She assured him. Raising a teasing eyebrow, she shrugged. "If someone had two wrapped around me, I might take that as clingy."

Mason rolled his eyes and freed his hand from her grasp to use it to pull her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and rested her cheek against his shoulder. Breathing in the smell of her vanilla shampoo, Mason sighed against her hair.

"See?" She mumbled happily into his shirt. "One arm is perfect."


He was perfect. Annabeth had decided it a long time ago. His black hair was soft and felt wonderful between her fingers. His eyes would always follow her around the room and she could easily see the love in them anytime she would stare back. His voice, his laugh, she loved everything about him. He was the love of her life.

But Percy was currently blocking her view of him.

"Move." She ordered instantly, shoving him aside so she could properly see her son. Percy practically slammed into the wall of their son's nursery at her desperate shove, but she didn't care. She hadn't seen their son since this morning and she had missed him more then she thought possible. Picking him up and laughing right along side him, Annabeth sighed in relief when his tiny fingers curled around her locks.

"Hi Oliver." She whispered into his hair. "Oh Mommy missed you so much. Yes she did! Did you miss Mommy?"

Oliver grinned in response and let out a baby squeal as she smiled down at him. Her heart swelled in her chest at the perfect boy in front of her. She didn't think she would ever love anyone more than Percy but the proof she could was cuddled safe in her arms.

"Jesus, Annabeth I think you broke something."

Annabeth barely glanced away from their son as Percy began to rub his side. He pouted at the lack of attention, but it quickly melted into a smile when he watched their son. He came to stand by her side, his arms carefully wrapping around the both of them. He pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead before brushing back Oliver's hair.

"He really is perfect." Percy whispered. Annabeth nodded and shut her eyes, letting herself become consumed in the comfort of her two-favorite people.

They had argued a lot about what their son's name should be. Annabeth wanted to give him her father's name to remember him by. Percy told her it would make her feel guilty anytime they looked at their son and remembered what happened to his legacy. He agreed his name should have something with Chase remembrance in it while giving him a sense of independence.

So, when Oliver Chase Jackson was welcomed into the world, they had all cried. For the lives she lost and the life that was just brought into the world.

She hasn't cried since then.

"As much as I would love to stand here locked away in this room with my two reasons for living, we do have a surprise to get you to."

Annabeth's eyes opened again to watch him skeptically. He had been going on about a surprise all day; even going as far to insist they both had to leave camp and Oliver behind so it could have time to get ready. She had no idea what kind of surprise it could be but knowing Percy, it would probably embarrass her.

"Can't I stay with him a little longer?" Annabeth asked softly. "I don't want to put him down."

"You don't have to." Percy assured her with a soft smile. "Take him with you. Piper and Thalia are waiting and they're expecting him too."

"Just what are you planning Mr. Jackson?"

"You'll see." He kissed her quickly before doing the same to Oliver. "Its something I've been wanting to do for a while now. You'll like it, I promise!"

Annabeth could only sigh and watch him dash out of the room. She glanced down at her son who had lost interest and begun to chew his fingers.

"Let's go see what your crazy daddy has done now."


She expected the unexpected when it came to Percy, but she couldn't honestly say anything would prepare her for this. She could have never seen this coming. Piper and Thalia had caught her when she had left her cabin with Oliver and quickly taken her back inside to get her ready. When they had ripped Oliver from her arms to stuff her in a lace white dress, she hadn't been pleased. Confused more then anything but she was irritated.

When they had placed white flats on her feet and ushered her back to the door, she had been too lost within her emotions to place any pieces together. Only when the door reopened, and she found Nico smiling at her cheekily with a bouquet of daisies in his hand, had she finally taken in her surroundings.

White was everywhere. Flowers decorated everything. The entire camp was smiling at her as she fully came into view and just a few feet away, a short enough walk, Percy stood in a dress shirt waiting for her.

Nico slowly extended his hand to give her the flowers and gently reached up to wipe a lone tear from her cheek. She hadn't realized she had even shed one.

"Wha-? This is…"

"Can I walk you down the aisle Beth?" Nico asked her already extending his arm welcomingly. "Its only fair seeing as you stole him from me."

Annabeth let him guide her hand into his arm as her mind struggled to keep up. This was her wedding. Percy had surprised her with a wedding. Something she didn't think they could have. They had only talked about it once before a few days after Oliver was born. She already thought of him as a life partner. She didn't think something like a wedding could exist in this new world, though she had admitted quietly in the safe darkness of their room that she wished she could marry him in an actual ceremony.

And he had given her one.

When her eyes caught his, Percy smiled at her.

"Wanna marry me?"

Everyone around them let out happy laughter at his small joke and Annabeth let a small laugh escape her lips as she fought the urge to sob. The love she held for this man was overwhelming. Oliver cooed from his spot in Thalia's arms behind her. Annabeth glanced behind her and gestured for Thalia to bring her son closer. She kissed his forehead and nodded over at Nico.

Slowly they took their first steps and Annabeth found her heart beating louder in her chest as she got closer to him.

Nico pitched her side when they were only a few steps away.

"I loved you first."

"I haven't forgotten."

When it came time for Nico to pass her off, Annabeth pulled her hand free of his arm and pulled him into a tight hug. He easily wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back just as tightly. No matter how much she loved Percy, Nico would always be considered her partner. Percy could be her everything else.

Nico cupped her cheeks briefly in his hands before pulling them to meet Percy's. Annabeth watched them shake hands firmly before Percy was gently leading her towards the small deck built for the two of them. His hands gripped hers firmly as Leo began to speak. His words drowned out.

"Some surprise huh?" Percy whispered down to her. Annabeth smirked lightly.

"Caught me off guard." She agreed. "Aren't you usually supposed to ask the girl to marry you before you give her the wedding?"

"Usually." Percy grinned. "But we've always done things out of order. And… well I've considered you my wife since Oliver was born. This was just to prove to you I'll love you forever."

Before Annabeth could reply, Leo was looking at them expectantly. Neither one of them knowing who was supposed to speak first, they shared a look before turning to Leo to speak in unison.

"I do."

"Always doing everything together eh?" Leo laughed and shook his head. "This is crazy. You guys are already the most married people here, even without all of this. Just say I love you, kiss and we can all party."

"I love you." Percy told her instantly. Annabeth laughed and reached up to cup his cheek. She never thought she could feel this way about someone. She never thought she would find any kind of happiness in this world. When she lost her family, she had lost a part of her heart. She hadn't realized that she already had another family waiting for her. Percy, Oliver and the others were her family now and she couldn't be any happier.

"I love you back."

They shared another smile before Percy was placing his forehead against hers.

"Forever." He whispered. "I'm here with you forever."

Annabeth was more a woman of action then words. Pulling Percy's head to meet hers more forcefully then she intended, she practically had to catch him when his lips caught hers. The cheering of their friends blurred together in the background and Annabeth swore the only thing she could hear was two dueling hearts.


I went on the search for something true.
I was almost there when I found you.
Sooner than my fate was wrote
Perfectly it slit my throat
And beads of lust released into the air.
When I awoke you were standing there.

Kate's voice was soft but it gently carried out through the night air around them. Small lanterns were lit around them as they all danced. It was one of those few, rare moments they could all truly forget about the world outside the walls surrounding them. Everything in this moment, was perfect.

I was on the mend when I fell through.
The sky around was anything but blue.
I found as I regained my feet
A wound across my memory
That no amount of stitches would repair.
But I awoke and you were standing there.

Piper was laughing as Jason spun her around all the other couples, Alice wiggling at their feet. Just as Jason went to dip his wife, Thalia leaned down to scoop up her niece so they could dance together. Nico was dancing beside them with Penelope Ann in one arm while Will held the other and spun them. They're smiles were all wide and earnest.

There's no fortune at the end of the road that has no end.
There's no returning to the spoils
Once you've spoiled the thought of them.
There's no falling back asleep
Once you've wakened from the dream
Now I'm rested and I'm ready,
I'm rested and I'm ready to begin.
I'm ready to begin.

Mason tried not to smile as Maya continuously glanced down at their feet, desperate not to step on his toes. It was messing them up further but in an effort not to embarrass her, Mason simply pulled her closer and led them in a gentle sway instead. He had her flush against him; he could almost feel her heartbeat. Her smile was pressed against his shoulder and he hid his in her hair.

I went on the search for something real.
Traded what I know for how I feel.
But the ceiling and the walls collapsed
Upon the darkness I was trapped
And as the last of breath was drawn from me
The light broke in and brought me to my feet.

Kate was still singing along with the music a few older gentlemen were playing but she found herself being led away from the band and towards the group of dancers by a warm hand. Still singing, Kate reached up to weave her hands into Troy's hair as they danced. His blue eyes sparkled in the low light and she practically had to hang onto him to stay upright. Her voice grew softer as everyone turned to watch the couple of the night dance together.

There's no fortune at the end of the road that has no end.
There's no returning to the spoils
Once you've spoiled the thought of them.
There's no falling back to sleep
Once you've wakened from the dream.
Now I'm rested and I'm ready
I'm rested and I'm ready
Yeah I'm rested and I'm ready
I'm rested and I'm ready.

Annabeth sighed contently as Percy continued to sway them gently. They had Oliver cradled in their linked arms; their chests pressed together and their foreheads touching. The three of them couldn't be any closer. Oliver was fast asleep, the energy of the day leaving him exhausted.

Annabeth found herself in disbelief when she found herself in moments like this one. They were all trapped together at the end of the world and here she was dancing together with the two loves of her life; happier then she has ever been.

She had spent so long searching for something. Before the outbreak, she had been searching for her purpose in life; who she was meant to be. After it all began, she searched for a safe place for her family. They were all she cared about. When they vanished, she searched for them. When they were gone, she searched for anything to hold onto; any form of happiness that would show her it was worth staying here.

And then she had found it.

She had found friendship.

She had found love.

She had found her family.

Yeah I'm rested and I'm ready
I'm rested and I'm ready
To begin.
I'm ready to begin

And that's a wrap on Saudade!

I wasn't super sure how to end it but hopefully I did everyone justice. I'm a sucker for happy endings.

This is a bit of a birthday present to me. Ending the story on my birthday :)

I don't own the song btw. Its call February Seven and its one of my favorites.

I'll save the big, long thank you, you guys deserve for the last and final update of this chapter. So many requested it, that I'm going to write up the bonus blooper chapter. Just for you guys!

I'll see you guys then!