Author's Note: It's the last chapter you guys. Can you believe it? I know I've been keeping you all waiting long enough but it is here. Wow it's been a wild ride my first fanfic ever never did I expect to get the response I got from you guys. You all are amazing. I've learned a lot writing this story and being a writer is no easy task. Luckily thanks to you guys feed back I was able to grow as one and I thank you all for that. Let me know what kind of story you guys would like next, I have one in mind already but I'd love to hear your ideas. Also let me know if you think this should get I sequel, maybe less drama and more of a slice of life this time? i don't know. Ideas guys give them to meee. Anyway Enjoy the last chapter of Why can't I Give up On You!? Merry Christmas.
Disclaimer: if you haven't gotten it by now Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. I don't own it. I just make sloppy fanfics based on his content and thank god i only do that because i still stand by my statement it would be horrible, mushy, Neji would be alive and Iruka would be bearded.
Hinata had spent her afternoon stalking Neji like a lost puppy. Today was the day of the party and her friends wanted her to meet up at Ino's to get ready. Hinata had had enough of being locked up in the manner. She wanted to go out, get some fresh air and laugh with her girl friends. But Neji had other plans. He had given her a whole lecture about the risk going out to see her friends could potentially have and made sure to include the fact that he was being generous by letting her even go to the Christmas party at all.
Hinata was not hearing any of it. She was a grown woman, she had out grown that asking permission thing long ago and the only thing keeping her from fleeing the manner was the guards, which were sadly under the control of her father and apparently Neji.
Hinata stomped behind Neji as he walked to his office pretending not to notice her.
" Hinata-sama how long do you intend to follow me" Neji said flipping through his paper work as he walked.
" Until you call off the guards and let me leave" Hinata responded harshly.
Neji stopped in place and turned to Hinata who scrambled to maintain her balance after knocking into him. His eyes looked down at her sharply as if to set her in her place.
" We have been over this numerous times. I can not let you leave the manor just like that. Unless you want to be swatted by the media. May I remind you your "almost marriage" is still very much in the minds and on the TV's of the people of Konoha" Neji stated.
Hinata looked back at him just as fiercely and stood her ground. " I understand that but it has died down and who's to say I will ever stay out of the public's eye now. I don't want to spend my life locked up in here forever. Please I already gave up on going out yesterday just let me go see my friends I'll take the family car and everything" Hinata argued.
" Do not be greedy, you will see them later with me at the party,"
" I want to get dressed up and enjoy myself with my friends before the party I haven't seen them in so long" Hinata enforced.
" You can get dressed up here we have an excellent staff that will turn you into a princess if you ask" Neji argued,
" Yeah, a princess from the feudal era, Neji-Nisan please. Tonight is important to me."
Neji looked at Hinata's pouting face completely unfazed. He was super stubborned.
" No and not another word about this. I'm going to my office. Do not follow me there."
Neji began walking away leaving Hinata stewing in anger. Her hands balled up into fist as she watched him walk down the hall. She had no other choice but to use different tactics.
" NEJI!" She yelled down the hall. Neji stopped and slowly turned to her. She had dropped her polite way of speaking to him and now glared at him.
" You are to address me accordingly Hinata-sama, where are your manners?" Neji said sternly.
" Forget the Manners you will let me out of this house right now!" Hinata now took big steps towards him and crossed her arms when she stood directly in front of him.
Neji's eyes challenged her she could see a ghost of a smirk appear on his face. It made her blood boil.
" Yeah? and who will make me?" Neji responded.
Hinata reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone, She opened up her contacts, and shoved her phone into Neji's face, She now wore a smirk on her face.
Neji stared at the phone. Tenten's contact info was spelled out in big black font.
" I won't, but she will, so stop being a jerk and let me out of here" Hinata threatened,
Neji crossed his arms unimpressed. " Your going to use my girlfriend against me. Really?"
Hinata raised an eyebrow at him and smirked wider. " Did I stutter?"
Neji waved a hand lazily and chuckled at his cousin as if what she said was humerus.
" Your wrong if you thought that would work" Neji responded.
" Oh really?" Hinata questioned.
" Yes, Tenten does not control me" Neji said.
" Oh so you wouldn't mind if I called her and told her what's going on?" Hinata said waving her phone in front of him.
Neji shrugged his shoulders appearing completely calm. " Go right a head " he said.
Hinata's finger hovered over the call button of her phone. " I'm really going to do it"
" Be my guess" Neji said.
" I'm pressing the button Neji" Hinata said.
" I'm not stopping you" Neji responded.
Hinata clicked the button and put the phone on speaker. The ringing of the phone echoed through out the hall. Hinata stared at Neji. Though his face seemed unfazed she could see him begin to sweat,
" it's ringing Neji she's gonna pick up" Hinata said provoking him.
" I can hear it"
" Your shaking Neji" Hinata said.
" I am not " Neji said.
" Yes you are and your sweating you sure you want to do this?" Hinata said with a smile.
" Positive" Neji responded.
The ringing came to a stop grabbing the two's attention. Neji had stop breathing.
" Hey Hinata how are ya. What's up" Tentens voice boomed through the speaker of the phone.
" Not doing too good I'm afraid?" Hinata responded. She looked dead at Neji who was now visibly uncomfortable.
" Why what's wrong bunny? Is someone bothering you tell me who's ass i need to kick" Tenten said with concern.
" Well it might have to be your boyfriends you see-"
Hinata was cut off when Neji ripped the phone from her hand and ended the call. She almost laughed at Neji who was now hyperventilating and glaring at her.
" So you'll have the car ready by let's say...3?" Hinata said with an innocent smile.
" I hate you sometimes " Neji growled.
" Thank you" Hinata gave Neji a quick peck on the cheek and skipped merrily down the hall.
Hinata felt giddy with excitement when she saw Ino's flower shop in the distance. She had only seen her friends once since the incident and that was when she was in a hospital bed. She had so much to talk to them about and she was sure they had a few stories to share as well. The bright green letters that spelled Yamanaka was like a silent greeting to her as she exited the car. She stared up at it from her newsboy cap and let out a happy sigh. She had missed this place.
The jingling off the door caught Hinata's attention and it wasn't long before she was completely engulfed in a warm hug.
" God I've missed you gorgeous" Ino said squeezing Hinata tightly. Hinata hugged back just as tightly.
" Me too " she responded.
Separating, Hinata wiped away her un shedded tears and was surprised to see Ino wiping away her own.
" Damn it Hinata you've got me messing up my make up" Ino said, wiping under her bottom lids.
Hinata laughed. " Glad to see your still you."
Ino elbowed Hinata jokingly in response, before taking her arm. " And I'm glad you were able to escape the dungeon. We have a lot of gossip to catch up on and you absolutely have to let me do your make up."
Hinata nodded her head and gave her driver a sign that it was ok for him to pull off. Ino stuck her tongue out at him in jest as he drove off, making Hinata giggle. The two then went inside the store.
The smell of flowers took Hinata's breath away as she followed close behind Ino. After maneuvering around some pots she was led upstairs to where Ino's home was.
Hinata was over come with joy to see the rest of her girl friends sitting on a gray couch. There was all sorts of makeup products and out fits laid across the big coffee table that sat in front of them.
Tenten, Sakura and Temari had yet to notice there presence, they seemed to be in a deep discussion about tonight's event.
" Oh ladies guess who I brought" Ino said cupping both hands around her mouth.
The spot light was suddenly on Hinata, She barely had enough time to say hello, before she was tackled, her cap flying into the air and her bag slipping from her shoulder.
Sakura smushed her face with both her of hands and looked her up and down. " How are you? Have you healed? Are you sure your ok to come?" She said.
" You say this after you all tackle me" Hinata blubbered out from her squished lips.
Hinata took a step back from her worried friends and unzipped her jacket. She then lifted up her sweater and exposed her lower abdomen. A line from where her stitch's once were trailed horizontally across her stomach, as well as a small fading Incision right of her naval.
"The doctors had to go back in and fix some things but say I'm healing nicely, though I do experience some discomfort from time to time" Hinata said.
Tenten's brows furrowed in sadness and she once again hugged Hinata. " How about beyond physically.. I mean I've seen the news.."
Hinata pulled away from Tenten and gave her a soft look. " I'm ok ten, I go to regular therapy sessions, the only thing that's been bugging me is being trapped in the manor and not being able to see you guys."
" Oh my god that's so sweet I might die" Temari said, earning a wave of laughter amongst the girls.
The girls returned to the couch and from then on it was a story telling session. Ino of course led the conversation. Hinata listened and laughed away as Ino applied foundation to her face. A warm feeling of nostalgia filled every corner of the room and a smile never left Hinata's face.
" He was a total creep, I blocked him right after that. I mean if your broke why bother even taking me out in the first place? And he was totally staring at my boobs the entire time I was talking to him. And you know what that means"
Hinata began to grimace as Ino was now beating her face with her blending sponge.
" I hate that. They see my blond hair and my body and just think Oh I must be easy. I'm tired of guys like that you know."
" Ino " Hinata said squinting as her face was furiously attacked.
" I just want a guy who really gets me that knows I have a brain and can stimulate that too " Ino said continuing to beat the crap out of Hinata's face.
" I guess it's kinda my fault too I always just go for the typical tall dark and handsome and it's always a risk with those guys. I'm just the girl everyone wants to bang but no one wants to be in a relationship with!"
Tenten reached over and grabbed Ino's wrist preventing her from assaulting Hinata any more.
" Thank you" Hinata said rubbing her sore cheeks.
Ino gave her an apologetic look " Sorry bunny" She then let out a deep sigh and plopped next her on the couch.
" Maybe I'm doomed to be single forever." Ino then tucked her knees under her chin and rested her head on the arm rest of the chair. Her friends looked at each other and communicated in hand gestures and mouthed words.
Ino shot daggers at all of them. " What? Spit it out."
" Just it's weird to see you like this" Temari said casually blowing on her freshly manicured nails.
" Yeah usually your the one giving us all advice" Sakura added.
Ino frowned at them. " Even I have some low points ok. You girls all have men that interest you and some times I think we'll what about me?"
Tenten got up from her place on the couch and kneeled in front of Ino. Ino stared back at Tenten briefly eying the wild main that she had been brushing out with question.
" Let me guess your gonna say I'm stupid for feeling this way and any guy would be lucky to have me?" Ino said.
" Well that and I think maybe your looking for that special guy in the wrong place" Tenten responded.
Ino sat up and furrowed her brows at Tenten.
" What are you talking about?"
Sakura looked at Tenten and smiled. She then got up and ran into Ino's room. Ino followed her with her eyes while she heard all but Hinata begin to giggle. Hinata too looked at her friends in question.
Sakura returned to the living room with a huge painting of Ino and presented it to her like she'd never seen it before. Ino took the painting and looked back up at Sakura. Her cheeks were bright red.
" It's a beautiful painting I wonder who painted this?" Sakura said in a taunting voice.
Hinata was now able to connect the dots and now mirrored her friends in smiles.
" The amount of detail is insane someone had to be really looking at you to create such a piece no?" Tenten said.
Ino gently placed the painting down on the table and averted her eyes. " Stop that. It was just a project he was working on for school. He gave it to me as an early Christmas gift you know to thank me for the inspiration."
" I heard you too have been hanging out a lot ever since he came out of the hospital " Temari added.
Ino turned to Temari who looked at her phone as if she was indifferent. " God not you too, look I am partly to blame for him getting hurt like that so I felt like i had to help him out, until he got back on his feet."
" Looks like you really must have helped him out" Sakura said. Ino looked up to see Sakura with out a care in the world scrolling through her text messages. Ino flew out of her seat.
" Hey beautiful, I really want to thank you again for helping me out. I'm not one for parties, but I'm sure it will be one to remember if you are there. See you then?" Sakura read out loud.
" You bitch, give me my phone. Forehead!" Ino said chasing Sakura around.
The other girls broke out into a fit of laughter watching the two run around.
" Wow who knew that Sai was a flirt. I've never seen you get so flustered over a guy before, if that isn't a sign I don't know what is. Go for it Ino" Tenten yelled.
" Yeah it's almost as big of a sign as that hickey on Tenten's neck" Temari said.
Tenten slapped a hand over her neck and glared at Temari. Suddenly the attention shifted from Ino.
A big smile formed on Ino's face, she abandoned her phone and ran back over to Tenten.
Tenten glared at Temari who pretended as if she did nothing.
" You and Neji seemed to have gotten even closer huh Ten?" Ino said. Her mischievous grin caused Tenten to redden and avert her eyes.
Sakura threw an arm around Tenten surprising her. " Let's see the damage"
" No!"
Tenten was then wrestled to the ground by Sakura while Ino and Temari began to tickle her until she moved the hand away from her neck. Hinata just watched from the couch feeling a bit uncomfortable by the subject. Neji was her cousin after all. Seeing the bruising that traveled down Tenten nten's neck didn't help the feeling either.
" My little Tenten is all grown up" Ino said pretending to wipe tears away,
Tenten picked up a pillow from the couch and attempted to suffocate her with it. " Shut up" she yelled zipping her jacket up.
" And you" Tenten said pointing at Temari. " You have a lot of nerve calling me out after sleeping around with Shikamaru!"
Temari simply shrugged her shoulders and stuck her tongue out. " Guilty" she said after all eyes fell on her.
" So we were right! And before anyone outs me Sasuke and I are finally dating" Sakura said
She did not receive the response she was hoping for. Everyone reacted nonchalantly, with Hinata being the only one to say congrats.
" We all kind of guessed that sweetie" Ino said.
" I hate you guys" Sakura said pouting.
Hinata stood up from her seat on the couch and let out a sigh. Her friends all looked up at her from their positions and looked at her with question. " Ok now that everyone has updated there relationship status's can we please get ready for this party."
Hinata then pointed to her face which was so caked with foundation she seemed almost ghost like. " Tonight's a special night for all of us and I certainly don't want to go like this" Hinata said.
There was a silence that fell over the room that made Hinata feel vulnerable. She could see in her friends eyes that they were trying to dissect her. She could see the ghost of a smile on their faces and she could tell she was about to be hit with so many questions.
" Awfully anxious to get to this party aren't we Hinata?" Ino was the first to say.
Hinata instantly regretted saying anything.
Sakura smirked and stood in front of Hinata. " Yes I agree, and to look good at this party too. Tell me Hinata is there any reason in particular, besides of course wanting to have fun with your friends."
" Maybe to see a certain someone hmmm? Maybe to repeat a certain event" Tenten added.
Hinata said nothing, but was obviously distressed. She hadn't planned on telling them about Naruto until after the party when everything was a bit more clear.
" Oh shit that's right you totally kissed Naruto in front of everyone. You couldn't have just let things go just like that, you've probably worked it out right?" Temari said blankly.
" Or fixed it in other ways" Ino said in a sing song tone.
Hinata swallowed hard looking at each of the girls with wide eyes and shut lips. The silence in the room and the glances she was receiving told her she might as well spit it out.
Hinata let out a sigh causing her friends to smile.
" Well we certainly did work it out.."
The clanking of their heels mimicked the beating In Hinata's chest. Not even the catchy music coming from the room down the hall, or her friends constant reassurance could settle her nerves. As she walked with her friends she caught her self in a mirror that hung in the hall and froze.
Her hair fanned over her shoulder in a dreamy body wave, pinned in place by a gold rose clip. Her lips were stained bright red to match her dress. It was close fitting just enough to show off her curves around the waist, before trailing off into a low split around the knee. Her shoulders were exposed and dusted with faint gold body glitter drawing attention to them, but had lace detailed quarter sleeves below them, doing almost nothing to keep her warm.
Ino had insisted she borrow her coat that was sure to keep her warm and that it did, but she had failed to mention that her coat was big white and furry that would make her stand out more than she did already. Hinata still wondered how they made it into the building unnoticed.
She played with her earrings in the mirror nervously analyzing the person she barely recognized.
Ino dressed in her sexy midnight green maxi dress eyed her friend shaking her head.
" Bunny, this is the 5th time you've done this we can't keep stoping at every mirror you see."
" I don't know if I can do this" Hinata said looking back at her, " You can pull this kind of dress off Ino, but I just look like a really expensive call girl" Hinata said.
Sakura put a hand on Hinata's shoulder. Her shimmery gold dress seemed to dance under the hall way lights.
" Stop that you look hot ok! Stop being so damn conservative tonight is special isn't it? There's a tall blond waiting for you in there you want to see right?" Sakura said.
Hinata nodded her head a little too furiously, earning a few chuckles from her friends. Her cheeks tinted slightly in embarrassment.
Tenten put her hands on her hips accentuating the flow of her white vintage dress. " Then lets go in there and enjoy ourselves we deserve it after all we've been through" she said with a wide smile
" Yeah we all got boys waiting for us and we all look great. Sounds like a pretty good situation to me" Temari said playing with the fabric of her short silver dress.
Hinata found herself laughing out loud at Temari's blunt statement. She nodded her head and followed behind her friends, trying to leave her nerves in the hallway.
They were right after all. She and her friends had experienced tragedy beyond the realm of comprehension. Now that it was over, being stressed about appearance seemed so small. She had experienced being the center of attention for several weeks why did it bother her now? Inside that room she now stood in front of was nothing to be afraid of. Inside that room was love, warmth and compassion under the name of friendship, under the name of a bond that was everlasting.
And Hinata felt that as the room door opened.
The rhythm of the music drummed through her flesh, filling her head to toe with its joyful tune. Familiar faces filled the room, some swaying to music or enjoying the delicious platters of food that had been provided, others deep in conversation. The combination of muffled chatter, music and laughter created a cozy atmosphere that was intoxicating. Under the blinking lights and shining decorations Hinata felt her self being consumed with a comfortable heat that brought a smile to her face.
Ino smirked following her eyes and a proud smile plastered on her face. " Not so nervous anymore?"
" Ino this is beautiful you guys did such a wonderful job" Hinata replied stepping into the room, her eyes refusing to stay still.
" Well it took a little harsh directing and alcohol but yeah I think we nailed it" Ino responded.
Ino and the others followed behind sharing Hinata's excitement. It wasn't long before they caught the attention of the other guest. Hinata waved at and greeted a few people, ranging from college and high school class mates to co workers and friends of friends. The four stuck together trying there best to not get lost in the sea of people and questions.
Hinata almost forgot for a moment there that she was still very much in the public eye.
" I did not expect so many people to show up since it was so last minute" Ino said.
They had finally found a corner to themselves to recollect.
" And i didn't expect you to invite that many people. What happened to simple and cute? Even my brother's are freaking here" Temari said watching her very anti social brothers sit on the couch talking amongst themselves.
Ino laughed nervously. " I might have went a little overboard. oop's"
Ino and Temari stopped speaking to watch their three other friends beside them look around and squint there eyes like a group of nosy neighbors.
" Geez ladies you just got here can't the boys wait a damn minute" Ino said.
The three adjusted themselves after being called out and just smiled very guiltily at her.
Ino rested her hand on her head in annoyance, " God what are you a bunch of horny high schoolers?"
" Sorry Ino your right we should have some fun with just us girls. For now" Tenten said.
" Yeah even though the fact that I don't see Sasuke is giving me major anxiety. He's not that party type you know. He might not have came " Sakura said.
" Neji's the same he's way too prim and proper for this kind of thing" Tenten replied.
Temari slapped her hand on the wall knocking the girls out of their nervous stupor. " You know what will totally fix this. Booze. how about I go get us some?"
" Smart thinking Temari" Ino said snapping her fingers. Temari nodded and quickly disappeared into the crowd.
In the meantime the girls chatted away gossiping about the people who were there at the party and the memories connected to them. They were approached by many people to dance to which they refused. Still waiting for their friend to return with their had more fun dancing amongst themselves anyway. Hinata couldn't help but let her eyes wonder from time to time to the crowd of people, hoping that she'd see the man her heart had been yearning to see. When she looked at her friends she could tell they were secretly wishing the same. Hinata watched from her seat as Ino and Tenten danced to a fast beat song they had both deemed " Their song."
Hinata clapped her hands laughing at their silly movements, while Sakura yanked on her arm to join them. Hinata wasn't a bad dancer just a shy one, but sucked up her embarrassment and joined them for one and just one dance.
" God where the hell is she" Ino said moving her hips to the beat of the music.
Sakura shrugged her shoulders, giggling as she dipped Tenten in a dramatic fashion.
Hinata looked at that clock across the room and realized it had been more than 15 minutes. Her eyes widened as Ino spun around her in a sensual fashion. Then something clicked in her brain.
" Uh Ino" Hinata said as Ino humorously bumped hips with her.
" What?" Ino responded. Her full attention wasn't on her she seemed to be enjoying their little dance session.
" There's 5 of us girls right?" Hinata said stoping in place.
" Yeah and?" Ino stopped dancing taking Hinata's questions a bit more seriously.
" Temari only has two hands " Hinata responded.
Ino stared at Hinata for a moment her brain connecting all the pieces. The girls could see her getting angrier by the second.
" That bitch went to find Shikamaru didn't she?" Ino finally said,
" Damn it all " Ino raged with a stomp against the hard wood floor. Hinata put both hands on her shoulder trying to calm her down.
" Now Ino" Hinata started.
" No she pretended to be helping out but she really had dick on the brain too" Ino scoffed. " You guys..."
Ino crossed her arms. Her friends all exchanged worry and guilt filled glances. Ino let out a sharp breath and her scowl slowly formed a small smile.
" I guess I can't be selfish, I want to keep you all to myself but that wouldn't be right would it. I'm sure they want to see you all too" Ino confessed.
" Go find your dudes, but you all owe me a dance by the end of the night" Ino said. " I'm going to go find Temari kick her ass, then drink and party until I see Santa Claus himself."
" And we promise we will be right there with you later on" Sakura said with a smile.
Ino smiled back. " I hope so, now excuse me"
" Temari!" She yelled as she disappeared into the crowd.
Sakura and the remaining girls giggled at their bold friend.
" I feel bad " Hinata said with a sad smile.
" Don't worry Ino is strong she understands we just have to be there for that dance" Sakura said.
" Ah excuse me" a none feminine voice said. The 3 girl spun around to see a familiar face.
Sai stood before them his black eyes read a bit of awkwardness as he adjusted his gray dress shirt.
" Oh sai it's good to see you. Looking for someone?" Tenten said with a Mischievous smile.
Sai struggle to make eye contact with any of them for a bit before recollecting himself. It was something the girls had yet to see. Sai was normally unreadable and robot like yet the man standing in front of them looked completely different.
" I thought Ino might be with you. I was mistaken. Have you've seen her? I would like to talk to her" Sai said.
Sakura and Tenten gave each other knowing glances that evoked a giggle out of Hinata. They could tell Sai was growing inpatient.
Hinata pointed to the direction where Ino went. " I saw her go that way she was looking for Temari so maybe if you find her you will find Ino" she said.
" Thank you" Sai responded and then very quickly disappeared into the crowd.
Sakura slung her arm around Hinata with a bright smile. " I think she'll be more than fine bunny."
The now three girls laughed, before waving goodbye to one another, wishing each other good luck. The girls were especially encouraging to Hinata already knowing what was going on between her and Naruto.
The pressure was on. Trying to find Naruto was a lot harder than she thought. She was devastated to find her phone had not charged and was dead, which meant wandering around the place like a lost puppy was the only option. She politely pushed through the crowd of people looking in all directions for any sign of him. The room wasn't even that big why was it so hard for her to locate a tall blond guy with whisker like marks on his cheeks?
Her heels were starting to bug her too, digging into her ankles like tiny teeth. She stopped walking for a moment ready to take them off, when she stumbled into someone who smelled heavily of eggnog.
" S-Sorry" Hinata said separating herself from the man's chest.
" Hinata?" The man said.
Hinata looked up and was surprised to see Kiba standing in front of her.
" Oh it's you Kiba " she said in shock. She then extended her arms and gave him a quick hug smiling from ear to ear.
" Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes" Kiba said taking a swig from a cup Hinata just noticed.
Hinata giggled spinning around in her dress. " Yeah drunk eyes, what's that like your third cup?"
" Fourth, you know I need a little help to get through these kind of party's with monkey suits and the fancy smancy wine glasses" Kiba said with a grin.
Hinata scoffed playfully pushing him. " Your horrible, but the monkey suits not a bad look on you."
" Thank you " Kiba said giving Hinata a twirl himself to which she laughed at.
" Listen uh have you seen-"
" Naruto?" Kiba said cutting her off. Hinata smiled at him nervously and nodded her head.
He chuckled at her embarrassment. " Like Romeo and Juliet, he's been looking all over the place for you,"
Hinata became instantly flustered hearing that. " R-Really?"
" Yeah you better hurry and find him before he start's moving furniture, he's says you have to talk.I wonder what about?" Kiba said with a wink.
Hinata reddened even further realizing he also knew. Kiba grabbed her shoulder and moved her in a direction right of him.
" Last time I saw him he went that way."
Hinata looked at him with kind eyes. " Thank you Kiba"
" No problem girly. Now if you'll excuse me there's a girl that's been giving me the eye for the longest I must confront ."
" You sure it isn't because your drunk?" Hinata said smirking.
" Doesn't matter I like a challenge, especially ones in skin tight leather."
Hinata made a puking face at him as he strutted over to a pretty girl with long brown hair and her friends. She was pretty sure she was that cat girl Kiba claimed to hate. He really was drunk. She then took off in the direction he directed her to go.
Naruto was becoming fed up. He had been looking forward to this day for the longest and now yet again another obstacle was keeping him from reaching his goal.
" Where is she?" He said looking at his watch as he elbowed his way through the crowd.
Granted he had came to the party fashionably late. Ok maybe not fashionably late since he had held the record in his friend group for tardiness, but the party was still thriving, there was too many people there in fact. He felt like he had been searching for Hinata for hours, running around like a chicken with out a head and questioning just about everyone who knew her. Was she hiding from him? Had he not made his feelings clear enough to her. She was definitely here according to other people but they must have just missed each other.
He wouldn't give up. He did not go through all this effort to look presentable and wear some uncomfortable clothing for nothing.
From the corner of his eye he could see Sasuke stand with Sakura in the corner. They were close almost as if they were getting ready to whispered to each other. Naruto didn't give a crap about their little cringey attempt at a romantic moment, he rushed over there. He was desperate now.
" Yo!" He yelled loudly interrupting them.
The two turned to him obviously embarrassed and annoyed by his presence but Naruto didn't bat and eye.
" What is it Naruto!?" Sakura growled.
Naruto ignored Sakura's death glare and caught his breath.
" First, hello how are you?" Naruto said.
" I was just great until you showed up now beat it" Sakura snapped back, still clinging to Sasuke.
" Trust me I'd be more than happy to after what I just saw, but where's Hinata you came with her didn't you?" Naruto said.
" You still haven't found her she's looking for you. How is that possible?" Sakura said.
Naruto raked a hand through his now messed up hair in Irritation. " Seriously is this some sort of prank how are we missing each other?"
" I saw her go towards that closet over there " Sasuke pointed across the room. " She's wearing red and had a gold piece in her hair i don't know if that helps but hey."
Naruto sighed. " Thanks. I guess I'm running again."
He then took off. Sasuke's comment seemed to only confused him even more. With so many women choosing to wear red at this Christmas party he was grabbing and tapping the shoulder of a lot of random women. They for sure thought he was some perverted drunk as they slapped his hand way and swore at him. Suddenly he felt a little bit of pity for Jiraiya.
Naruto reached the closet with out seeing Hinata once. Feeling defeated he leaned against the door in discouragement. He took out his phone and saw no replies to his text or calls. He really began to wonder if she was mad at him.
A knocking and small yelp from the closet made Naruto jump a little. He backed away from the closet observing it from a safe distance. Hearing the sound again curiosity got the better of him and he grabbed the nob of the door.
" Uh hello? " Naruto said as he opened to door.
Naruto had instant regret after seeing what was inside.
Temari and Shikamaru clung onto each other, clothes disheveled and lipstick covering Shikamaru's face. Both of them looked back at Naruto with wide eyes and were speechless.
Naruto looked back at them with just as much shock.
" Ah well this..this is.." Shikamaru stammered trying to explain himself.
" No No don't explain yourselves trust me I know what this is" Naruto said scrunching his face at them. He then quickly slammed the door, wishing he took that shot with Kiba earlier.
" That's going to be burnt into the back of my eye lids forever now yuck" Naruto said to himself as he took off in the opposite direction.
He froze in place however when he noticed a very beautiful woman in the distance matching Sasuke's description. His heart drummed hard in his chest, though her back was to him he knew that had to be her. He no longer felt the need to run, one look was all he needed he wouldn't lose sight of her now. He slowly made his way through the crowd watching with butterflies filling his gut.
Hinata had taken a break from her searching. The anxiety and frustration was starting to over whelm her and the last thing she wanted to do was break down crying in the middle of a party. She removed her heels and wandered over to the food table grabbing herself a drink and a few cookies to munch on. The music in the room had slowed down along with the atmosphere and couples stuck to one another like glue. Hinata tried to pushback her loneliness with what ever peppermint liquid was in her cup.
Some random man she had never seen before approached her extending his hand to her. He was whispering something along the lines of " She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and how she had to dance with him," when her eye caught something more interesting.
A very drunk Ino stumbled around mumbling curse after curse. Mascara ran down her cheeks like she had been crying and her hair was a wild mess.
" Hold this" Hinata said handing the man her drink and going after her.
Hinata was a few feet away from her when Sai got to her first.
He caught both her hands while her eyes stared at the ground completely spaced out. Then as if just realizing he was there looked up at him.
" Sai?" She said looking into his dark eyes.
" You look a mess" Sai said in response.
Hinata cringed at his bluntness. Diplomacy wasn't apart of him she supposed.
Hinata secretly followed behind them as Sai dragged her away from the crowd and took her to a less populated area.
Hiding behind a wall Hinata spied on them convincing herself it was for safety purposes only.
Sai pulled out his handkerchief and did his best to wipe Ino's mascara stained face clean. Ino sloppily tried to stop him but he held her in place.
" Stop! my make up your ruining it " Ino said with a hiccup.
" To late for that" Sai responded.
" There" he said with a smile as if the situation was humorous to him. He folded his handkerchief and stuck it back in his pocket. " Your beautiful again"
Ino just looked at him in awe, her face was now almost completely make up less. She couldn't tell if it was alcohol that was making her feel this way but her stomach did back flips hearing him say that. She quickly took a seat on the nearby couch lengthening the distance between them and pulled a pillow close to her chest.
" What do you want?" she said with a slight slur.
Sai took a seat right next to her ignoring her cold shoulder attempt.
" Well.. you I suppose" he responded folding his hands under his chin.
Both Hinata and Ino were again floored by his straightforwardness.
" W-what? Do you realize what your even saying!" Ino said moving further away on the couch.
Sai moved on the couch along with her this time he sat even closer to her. Ino couldn't believe what was happening surely she had drunk way too much.
" This is what they call flirting isn't it?" Sai said taking her hand.
Hinata had to cover her mouth to prevent her self from making any noise she was so shocked.
Ino looked at him sternly " Sai this isn't funny, don't use me as one of your experiments. You read another book didn't you? I'm not your guinea pig ya know" she said snatching her hand away from him.
He took it right back and this time placed it on his chest. Ino was now redder than Hinata's dress. This was a rare sight for Hinata, Ino was a man eater she was always so full of confidence and oozed sexy when she was with men. The Ino she was seeing now was like puddy in Sai's hands. Hinata couldn't help but smile to herself witnessing this.
" Do you feel that?" Sai said.
" Y-your chest?" Ino stammered in embarrassment.
" My heart. It's racing. It seems to only do that when I'm with you. I have no illness, I've been to the doctors already. I told them my symptoms and they just laughed at me" Sai said.
Ino began to relax now understanding what Sai was saying to her.
" Apparently having the urge to be with someone all the time and wanting to touch them isn't a heart condition."
Ino began laughing wildly at Sai's statement. Seeing her bright smile Hinata agreed with Sai's statement she was beautiful.
" Naturally i did some research and while I still don't understand it I think I found my answer" Sai said.
Ino leaned towards Sai, she smiled noticing his cheeks changing color.
" Yeah? and what was that?" she said with an alluring smirk.
" It appears somehow I have acquired some sort of romantic feelings for you. I don't know how. I don't know why, but I have them" Sai responded looking back into Ino's pale eyes.
Ino pulled back from him and crossed her arms. " When you say it like that you make it sound like it's a curse."
" I wouldn't say curse more like a spell casted upon me" Sai said.
Hinata slapped her hand against her head.
Ino stood up angrily. " Really? How about I help you break it then. Distance should help. I'm going to go get my lonely ass another shot."
Sai grabbed her hand stopping her in place. " Who said I wanted to break it?" Sai said.
Ino's face softened as Sai also stood up.
" The feeling isn't unpleasant, in fact it's the complete opposite. You have inspired me, not just in my art work but as a person. I know I am not the best with words, but I'd like to keep you. By my side i mean."
Ino raised an eyebrow at him. " Are you asking me out?"
" Yes. Did I do it wrong?" Sai replied.
A wide smile spread on Ino's face and Hinata could see a bit of tears forming in her eyes.
" God your so weird" Ino said laughing.
She slowly wrapped her arms around Sai's neck and looked him in the eyes. His face seem slightly flustered only adding to Ino's happiness.
" I think I might have had a spell casted on me too, but just to make sure i need to experiment" Ino said with hooded eyes. " Wanna help me?"
Sai swallowed his throat suddenly becoming dry. " H-how can I help?"
Ino took his hands and placed them on her waist and stood so close to him there noses almost touched. " Keep your hands there and close your eyes, after that you should be able to follow along."
Sai nodded and as his eyes closed Ino tilted her head and locked her lips with his.
Hinata blushed, feeling her presence was no longer needed. Not that it was to begin with.
" You go Ino" she whispered in excitement leaving them to have their privacy.
As Hinata began to walk away, she was suddenly glued to her spot. The person she was looking for all night now stood in front of her smiling mischievously, yet charmingly. Her mouth laid agape while her heart pounded rapidly.
" Looks like I've found a spy" Naruto said.
Suddenly, it was like the spot where she was standing was on fire. She ran to him her bare feet drumming against the floor. She jumped into his arms, surprising both him and the few people standing by.
" Woah someone missed me" he said scrambling to catch her. Hinata buried her nose into his shoulder and held him like she hadn't seen him in years. They had finally found each other.
Naruto kissed the side of her head as he lowered her to the ground. She looked up at him with a pout. She was sad he let her down so soon.
" Where are your shoes?" He said looking at her bare feet.
" Forget my shoes where the frig were you?" She said swatting his arm.
" Looking for you? Where the frig were YOU?" Naruto said pulling her cheeks.
" Looking For YOU" Hinata said with a giggle. She then pointed to her toes" Hence the loss of my shoes"
" You walked around bare foot looking for me?" Naruto said with a concerned look.
" Not at first I was wearing heals, but I took them off because they hurt like hell " Hinata responded.
" Then, you wore those pointy foot Murderers for me?" Naruto said.
Hinata smiled a bit embarrassed " Well Yeah... I wanted to look pretty...f-for you"
Naruto smiled back at her, " Your always pretty, you could wear a potato sack and still look great, but I can't say your dress doesn't have an effect on me."
" That response was a little too perfect" Hinata said.
" What? I'm telling the truth" Naruto said as he intertwined his fingers with hers.
" Come on let's get some air I feel like I've seen a little too much of this party " Naruto said pulling her along.
Hinata nodded smiling. As they walked she couldn't help but admire him. He wore a gray vest and dress shirt, with a black pants and tie to match. He wasn't one for dressing up, but when he did Hinata could drool over him for hours. It was the perfect combo of sexy and tasteful.
Walking through the crowd she felt like all eyes were on them and for once she didn't mind. She felt proud walking with her handsome partner, because he belonged to her. All the other women in the room could look for as long as they wanted to. She knew he only had eyes for her.
After locating Hinata's shoes the couple made their way to the balcony only to be disappointed. Neji and Tenten stood outside looking up at the night sky while in a deep conversation.
" Let's not ruin their little moment" Hinata whispered to Naruto.
" Neji's already pist at me so yeah let's not do that" Naruto responded.
" He's mad at me too" Hinata said with a half smile.
" You pist off Neji? What did you do? In fact, who are you?" Naruto said with a chuckle.
Hinata laughed and shushed him. " I've got stories. Let's go to another spot you'll probably like it a lot better."
Hinata led him towards the door that led out of the room, confusing Naruto, but he followed her nonetheless. Hinata made sure to snag two glasses and the remainder of a champagne bottle on her way out. Soon they were out side the room and entering a elevator.
" Where are you taking me?" Naruto said laughing.
Hinata smiled " Its a surprise you'll like it trust me" she hit a button on the elevator and blocked it from view with her body.
" I feel like I'm about to be taken advantage of I mean you even brought alcohol" Naruto joked.
" This is not a repeat of that time at Jiraiya's" Hinata said with a teasing smile.
Naruto looked at her with wide eyes " Y-you remembered?"
Hinata flushed. " So something did happen! I was just bluffing again."
Naruto too became flushed " Oh heh.. I was just joking"
" No you weren't! Fine be that way I won't tell you what you did when we slept together on the floor that one night then " Hinata said crossing her arms.
" Wait what did I do!?" Naruto questioned.
Hinata smiled mischievously " Oh I was just joking nothing happened. "
" Hinata that's not fair!" Naruto said in defiance.
The elevator doors opened and the two were left speechless. The night sky was bright and the moon could be seen in the distance Illuminating them from above along with twinkling stars. Hinata stepped out of the elevator extending both arms.
" What do you think? It's hard to find spots like this in Konoha" she said with excitement.
Naruto stepped outside smiling, clearly impressed. " This is so cool, Hinata your dad has great taste."
Hinata grabbed his arm and pulled him " It gets better."
She led him to a seated area, she put the champagne glasses down on a nearby table and reached under the sofa's storage compartment and pulled out a blanket, then flipped a switch.
She sat down and patted the spot next her.
" Take a seat" she said sweetly.
Naruto did as he was told and was shock to feel the sofa cushion was warm.
" This thing is heated?"
" Yup" Hinata replied smiling at the excitement on Naruto's face.
" I'm starting to like your dad a lot more" He said as he got comfortable. Hinata giggled and began to pour them each a glass of champagne. They sat in a cozy silence as the absorbed the scene and each other's company. Hinata rested her head on his shoulder and stared at the stars. This to her was better than any party on the planet. Here under the beautiful night sky with the person she loved was more than she could have ever asked for.
" You know I never properly got to tell you my feelings" Naruto said. He didn't look at her his eyes were glued to the magical light show that was in front of them. Hinata shifted from her position on his shoulder and sat up to look at him.
Naruto turned to her, she could see a tinge of sadness in his eyes.
" All those years ago I...i hurt you. I was dumb I didn't think it was possible that you could have those feelings for me. It wasn't that I thought you weren't good enough. I thought i wasn't. I didn't want to risk believing that you actually felt that way for me because I was scared of the hurt I might have felt if I was wrong. So i thought you had to be joking, that you were messing with me and when you played along I thought I was right" Naruto said.
He chuckled sarcastically " And of course me being so dense I didn't pick up on the fact that the reason you were distancing yourself was me."
" I didn't let you" Hinata said cutting him off. " I put on a fake smile, came up with excuses and left with out telling anyone. I had my faults too don't take all the blame."
Naruto smiled sadly " Yeah but I was your best friend I should have been able to tell. I am suppose to be the one who knew you the best."
" You were busy. You had a lot going on too. School, work, sports you were seventeen living in an a apartment all by yourself that's a lot Naruto-kun. You couldn't have noticed every little thing that was wrong with me that's not fair. Your human" Hinata responded.
Hinata played with her fingers. " I was the one who was immature. I kept everything bottled up inside. I was embarrassed and having the childhood I've had I thought I had failed once again. I have some of the best friends in the world but because I am so set on being independent, being the strong woman my mother was and what my father wanted me to be I took on a lot of things on my own. I could have talked about it, I could have said something, but I chose to do what I'm use to. Running away."
Naruto rested his hand on her's to show her he understood.
" But I chased you" Naruto responded.
Hinata smiled at him. " You sure did. You chased and chased. Even when I pushed you away even when I hurt you. I wanted to give up but you didn't."
Naruto scooted closer to her and brought her hand to his lips. " That's because you were the only one who felt right. I've been with so many girls but no one got me like you, I realize I was searching for love that I already had" he said kissing her finger tips.
" It might have took a little pushing"
" More like a lot" Hinata said with a laugh. " Your lucky your so charming and likable I fell right back in love with you. That's what saved you."
" And handsome don't forget that" Naruto said.
Hinata chuckled " That too."
Naruto looked at Hinata with a smile that warmed her heart, his eyes shining brighter than the stars.
" I love you Hinata" he declared. " And I think I always have and I always will."
Hinata was overwhelmed with emotions. Those were the words she had always dreamed of hearing. The words she had given up on receiving and the words she felt when ever she looked at him. She could feel tears roll down her cheek, yet her smile was bigger and brighter than ever before.
Naruto smiled back at her just as widely. She could feel the passion emulating from him. He wiped her tears with his thumbs. " I hope you'll continue to let me. I've gotta a lot of making up to do but I'm a hard worker."
" Plus I've been told I meet all the requirements to be a great boyfriend" he joked
Hinata laughed wiping her cheeks. " Oh so your my boyfriend now?"
" I-I mean if that's ok with you?" Naruto stuttered. " I just thought.."
Hinata laughed yet again " I'm only teasing you, I've been waiting too long to reject you now."
Naruto cleared his throat in embarrassment " Right" he then let out of breath of relief.
Hinata noticed something shift in Naruto's eyes, she no longer was laughing. She was all too familiar with that look. He came even closer to her as she sat froze and blushing. It was like he could read her mind he smiled confidently.
" So miss girlfriend. Is it ok for me to ask to continue where we left off at the coffee shop?" He said in a low spine tingling tone.
Hinata's breath hitched as heat traveled up her neck. " At the coffee shop? Doesn't ring a bell. I think I need to be reminded" she said with an innocent look.
Naruto put a hand to her cheek and smirked, " I'd be more than happy to do that."
Cupping her cheeks with both of his hands he crashed his lips onto her's.
Consumed with warmth and joy, Hinata wondered how it was possible for her to even think of giving up on Naruto?