Hey guys. This is my first Fanfic ever! I hope you guys like it. Tell me what you liked and what I should fix or work on. No flames. I apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors.

Disclaimer: I don't own Lab Rats or any of the brands mentioned. I only own my plot.

The past week had been a whirlwind for Bree. On Monday morning, she had gotten stuck in her capsule due to an ongoing prank war between her brothers. Adam's plan was to super glue the door to Chase's capsule shut. Unfortunately for Bree, Adam had once again mixed up the bionic's capsules. Thanks to Adam, she was 20 minutes late for school and her English teacher was not happy that his lecture had been interrupted. As a result, she ended up with an extra 4 pages of homework to make up for the "oh-so-important" notes she missed. When she got home, she got a call from a screaming, crying, and irritated Caitlin. According to Caitlin, Rodney kissed another girl. Why Caitlin even thought about getting back together with him was a mystery to Bree.

On Tuesday, Bree was assigned a 10 page lab report on factors that affect plant growth. All of her research had to be done outside of class. The draft was due Friday and the final was due Monday. On her way to lunch, she saw Leo being bullied by Trent. Leo was pushed up against the lockers, his hands covering his face which was facing the lockers. When he never received the blow from Trent, he had open his eyes to find Bree on the floor, holding her eye and moaning in pain. She ended up in the nurse's office 2 minutes later with her lunch in her hand and an ice pack on her left eye. Bree spent the rest of the day trying to read and take notes with only one good eye.

The next day wasn't any better. Her eye was swollen shut and was disgusting purple-black color. Adam commenting on how ugly it looked didn't do anything to help her situation. Not to mention she hadn't even started her draft for her lab report. She had training with her brothers for 2 hours after school. Then she had her private training session with Mr. Davenport for another hour and a half. She had little time to take a quick shower and scarf down her dinner before she sprinted upstairs to finish her homework from the day and finish her research for her lab report. She went to bed at 2 am.

With only four hours of sleep, Bree wasn't in the mode for anyone's BS on Thursday. Sadly, Bree had to endure Stephanie's wrath for the whole day. In the morning, Stephanie and her clique whispered nasty, untrue things about Bree in front of her face, acting like Bree couldn't hear them. Stephanie tripped Bree in the hallways and laughed at her with her friends. At lunch, Stephanie "accidentally" slipped her lunch all over Bree's new shirt. Bree smelt like tomato sauce and balsamic vinaigrette for the rest for the day. Everyone snickered when she walked into class and whispered about her. It took three showers for the smell to come out. It took her all afternoon and some time after dinner to finish her lab report. She stayed up until 1 am to finish her homework.

"Ugh," Bree groaned.

Bree's lab report draft was due today and she felt terrible. For once she wished that she could once again be stuck in her capsule, and this time, never have to come out. The only upside today was that her black eye was no longer as swollen as before and she could partially open her eye. Grumpily and groggily, Bree went upstairs to the bathroom in Tasha's sewing room. There, she sneezed and coughed multiple times while trying to get ready for school. She stumbled down to the living room, grabbed the tissue box from its original spot on the dining room table, and placed it on the kitchen counter. She walked towards the wooden cabinets to grab 4 bowls. She placed them on the counter, one in front of each of the 4 bar stools. She went to the pantry to grab cereal for her and her brothers. Powdered Sugar Doughnut O's for Adam, Kellogg's Raisin Bran for Chase, General Mills' Lucky Charms for Leo, and General Mills' Cinnamon Toast Crunch for her. She placed the boxes on the counter. She grabbed milk from the fridge and spoons from the sink drawer. She poured herself breakfast as she heard the elevator coming up, probably with her bionic brothers in it. She blew her nose, producing a loud honking sound, coughing a couple times.

"Woah! There's a duck in Bree's body!" Adam yelled as the elevator doors opened.

Bree groaned, his loud voice giving her a headache. She lazily began to eat her breakfast. One of her arms was on the counter, holding her head up, and the other was holding the spoon.

"It's physically impossible for a duck to be trapped in Bree's body!" Chase responded to Adam's comment, rolling his eyes at his older brother.

"Well, it's impossible for someone to be so short," Adam lowered his hand so it was a foot of the ground, "but you are!" Adam countered, laughing at the irritated look on his younger brother's face.

"Hahaha, very funny" Chase replied sarcastically, taking a seat to Bree's right. "Raisin Bran! My favorite!" He exclaimed after viewing the cereal boxes on the counter. He grabbed the box and began pouring his breakfast.

"I know it was funny, that's why I said it. Duh!" The oldest bionic replied, not noticing the sarcasm in Chase's comment. He sat down on Bree's left. "Yeah! Powdered Sugar Doughnut O's!" He screamed in happiness. He snatched the box off the counter and pour almost half the box into his bowl.

"Could you two bozos keep it down please!" Bree said, her voice croaky, "I have a killer headache and you're making it worse."

"Oh please. You probably just stayed up all night talking to Owen." Chase retorted.

"What's up my bionic besties?!" Leo hollered from the top of the stairs. He ran down only to trip on the last step. He landed face down on the floor. "I'm okay!" He exclaimed, his voice muffled by the carpet. He got up and walked towards the counter. He slid into the only empty seat left on Adam's left and grabbed the Lucky Charms.

"I know what's not going up." Adam replied, "Chase's height!"

He and Leo burst out in laughter. Bree lacked the energy to care, let alone laugh along. She just groaned, blew out her nose, and sneezed a couple times.

"Gesundheit" Chase offered. He turned to Leo and Adam. "Why are you laughing Leo? You're even shorter than me!"

Leo's chuckles stopped. Leo stuck his tongue out at Chase, before turning back to the counter to finish his breakfast. Chase stuck his tongue out at Leo in return. Bree rolled her eyes at her brothers' antics before slowly getting up to put her bowl in the sink.

Chase watched her walk to the sink. Her steps were slow and she stumbled a little while walking. She brought her arm up to her face to cover her mouth at least 5 times on the way there. Her face looked a little flushed as well. As she made her way to the couch, Chase began to doubt his original conclusion that she had been up texting all night. Perhaps it's more than lack of sleep, he thought.

Bree laid down on the couch, her head resting on the end closest to the door. She watched her brothers argue and laugh. She closed her eyes and smiled to herself. It's hard to believe it's only been a year and half since we met Leo, she thought. Their new sibling had adjusted to having bionic siblings fairly quickly. From just a glance, one would have thought they had known each other since birth.

"Bree!" " Bree!" "Bree!" Called three voices, causing her to zone back in.

"Huh?" She replied quietly. Opening her eyes, she saw her brothers hovering over her.

"We have to leave for school now." Chase said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Rubbing her eyes, she rose up from the couch. She yawned, stretching her arms and grabbing her backpack from the floor. She retrieved her boots and jacket from the closet and put them on. It was only April so it was still a little chilly outside. The bionic shivered as she open the front door. She stepped out the door. The cold air snapped at her face. She pulled the hood of her jacket over her head. She crossed her arms over her chest. Her brothers came out minutes after her.

The walk to school was relatively quiet and Bree was glad for that. She sneezed so many times on the way to school that she lost count. The Davenports reached there a couple minutes early. Bree headed towards her locker which she had decorated both inside and out. On the outside, she had simply used bubble letter pop-up stickers to spell her name. Around her name was some decorative tape. On the inside of the door, she has put up a picture of her and her brothers at the beach along some pictures of her and her friends. Bree placed her bag inside of her locker and grabbed what she needed for the first half of the day. She coughed into the crook of her elbow. Her throat felt sore and she would do anything for a cough drop. She placed her materials in a small tote bag Tasha had made for Bree for her birthday. She closed her locker and headed over to where her brothers were standing.

"Wassup Bree?" Adam's loud voice echoed through the halls and hurt Bree's ears.

So this is what Chase must feel like, Bree thought, wincing. "Hey Adam." She replied faintly.

"Could you possibly be any louder?!" Chase scolded Adam.

"Of course I could be louder Chase." Adam replied with. " Just listen to this!" And with that he let out an ear piercing scream that could have been heard from any part of the school.

"Aaaaah!" Bree and Chase yelled out in pain. Bree placed her hands over her ears and squeezed, trying to silence the sound and lessen her pain. Lacking the strength to stand up on her own, she leaned against the lockers behind her for support. Her younger brother dropped to the floor. His hands were pressed to his ears, like Bree. He squirmed on the ground. His bionic super hearing was a blessing and a curse. Leo just covered his ears and looked at Adam like he was insane. Adam stopped screaming, a proud smile on his face. As he turned towards his sister, his smile vanished and was replaced by a small frown.

"Woah! Are you okay Bree?" Adam asked rushing to his sister's side, completely ignoring his younger brother on the floor.

"I'm fine Adam." She said, squeezing her eyes shut to prevent the tears that were building up from spilling. "Just please don't be too loud."

"I'm fine too! Thanks for asking!" The youngest bionic piped up from the his spot on the floor. His words were full of sarcasm.

"Nobody asked." Leo replied. Leo turned towards his sister and Adam and began walking towards them.

Chase jumped to his feet and brushed his jeans with his hands. He turned towards his sister. He had noticed Bree's reaction to Adam's scream, before he had crumpled to the ground. Normally she would just cover her ears and then yell at the eldest bionic afterwards. Now, she seemed to lack the energy to stand upright on her own. Her eyes were shut tightly and she was biting her bottom lip, something she only did when she was in a lot of pain. He walked over to his siblings, his eyes trained on Bree, looking for signs of discomfort or agony. Suddenly, the bell rang, indicating it was time to head to class. Adam, Bree, and Leo groaned. Chase jumped with joy.

"Yes!" He exclaimed with happiness. "I have algebra first and we're doing radicals!" The youngest bionic was grinning from ear-to-ear.

"Only you would get so excited about that, Chase. Only you." Bree told her brother, laughing.

"Nerd!" Adam exclaimed, pointing at Chase. He and Leo began laughing at Chase.

"At least my brain works!" Chase retorted, looking at his older brother. Adam stopped laughing and sulked.

"Well, um… You're… Smelly!" Adam shot back, his response was a poor excuse for a comeback.

Chase laughed at his brother and headed to his first class.

"Oh, I am so gonna get him at home." Adam said to himself, cracking his knuckles. His siblings didn't say anything. If there was anything they had learned regarding Adam and his shenanigans, it was to not question them. That would only lead to more confusion and frustration. Adam head towards his first class, Global History.

"Well, I have P.E. first," Leo said, facing his sister, "and Trent is in my class so, wish me luck!" A scared look appeared on the boy's face. He headed to the gym, walking slowly to savor his last few minutes before class.

Bree took a deep breath and sighed. She was not looking forward to English. She was heading for her locker to grab a couple things when she sneezed loudly. A few seconds later she sneezed again, and again, and again. Groaning, she open her locker and grabbed the rest of her things. She had just closed her locker when she sneezed again. So what if I sneezed a couple times, she thought walking towards her English class. It's just a small cold. It can't be that bad.

If only she knew how wrong she was.