*Title: The Legends Clash.
*Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Avatar: Legend of Korra.
*Author: Uzumaki7.
*A/N: If you guys might see some potential then please review. This is my first Naruto and Legend of Korra crossover. If you want me to continue then please review and give me some ideas, I will put them into consideration because I am making this a first time deal with something that hadn't been used before in the Naruto crossover Fanfics or in the crossover between Naruto and the Legend of Korra.
Korra tumbled through the snow, the frigid slush of ice crunched underneath her each time she rolled, having heaps of snow cover around her as she rolled down from the mountainside. Just now, she escaped moments ago after Amon and his Equalist appeared in the hideout where she was held captive by the Water Tribe Councilman, Tarrlok. After managing to strip him of his Waterbending abilities she escaped and found herself constantly rolling down till she stopped when she began to slide down and her back met the trunk of a tree, grunting, the young Avatar gave a long wistful sigh from the exhaustion she felt over her body. Her muscles ached, her mind spinning and slowly drifting to unconsciousness. Her body was partially covered in a blanket of white snow, making her shiver from the frigidness.
How she came into this predicament was two days ago when she confronted Tarrlok when he was abusing his power as councilman on the non-benders, falsely accusing them of being part of the Equalists. It got even worst when he arrested all of her friends and threw them into prison. That got her to confront him and though a very, very harsh dispute with one another, hell broke loose: Waterbending Master fought against the 'Master of All Four Elements'. However, the most humiliating thing about that was that he had won through the use of his Bloodbending: a Bending Art forbidden and was made illegal by her own Waterbending Master and wife of her predecessor of the late Avatar Aang, Katara.
That completely threw her off in the most disturbing way. The feeling of her own blood against her had sent chills to her spine for that. She felt partially violated to be controlled like that. But now, Tarrlok no longer had his Bending and was entirely helpless. The Equalist Leader took him into a van parked outside the cabin where she was held captive. She would have been next if it wasn't for her quick thinking and managed to avoid being electrocuted by the Lieutenant. And deceiving them she escaped, this was how she found herself now.
But of course she wasn't as strong as she usually was. She was tired after two day without food or drink, just managing through adrenaline was her only aid to help her escape. Now, no longer keeping up to remain awake, her eyelids were closing and the dark was taking a hold of her. She needed to sleep, she really want to.
That's when she heard something; the snow was crunching beneath the sound of footsteps. Barely managing to stay awake she looked up to find a member of the Equalist walking through the snow and coming toward her. Wide eye, her heart raced and her instincts to survive kicked in. Already close to her, Korra quickly conjured the use of her Firebending abilities and unleashed a stream of scorching fire upon him. It was completely zero-range; she realized quickly that she just killed someone with her own Firebending. The flames didn't wane when she realize it. This wrong sensation made her heart pace much faster and the thought of this Equalist, no, this person who had friends and family was just killed by her hands. This person wanted the lives of non-benders like him to no longer be oppressed by the Bending Establishment. It made her sick, very sick till something surprising happened.
That's when she gasped in surprise. Black gloved hands met hers and clamped them shut, cutting off her Firebending. The black suit they usually wore wasn't crisped, not even a single burn to be seen. The only thing she did see was the heat radiating off of his clothes, in thin wisps of steam from his shoulders and outlining his body. Looking into those ominous glowing green lenses of the Equalist, this person raised his hand and pointed his index finger and moved it left and right. Like a parent scolding their child. That's when she felt herself being pulled, her whole body moving in an instant where her face was inches apart from his masked one. The next thing she knew the air quickly escaped from her lungs and made the young Water Tribeswoman cough out small globs of blood.
Blackness soon took over and she lost unconscious immediately.
Seeing her fall face first into the snow, the ominous looking Equalist tilted his head.
Giving a sigh, he hummed in annoyance, turning his head and looking where he came from, he looked back down at the Avatar. Grabbing her, he threw her over his shoulder and moved toward the opposite direction from where they both went down from.
*A/N: You don't have to take it seriously, but it will be longer when it comes to it. If not then it will be just another story that no one will recognized. Please review.