Here the next chapter! I hope you all enjoy this one since I been playing Infamous second sun a lot as of late.

So before I start this story, is alright I request a art of Blu Arc-Rose and/or Spero?

I have no idea why, but I feel like asking. If no one willing it okay, but if you are, let me know and I will credit you once it done.

Anyway, enough of my rambles, let get to the reason you all are here.

As everyone was getting over Spero death, a bright light appear and a door appear. Everyone frown as they never saw something like this before, but they saw the door open and out walk two people.

"Where are we?" A blond man in a blue suit with his hair slick back and spike ask as he look around the room and saw people of different background looking at him and the kids he meet in the room.

"It seem we are in a room." The teen answer as he seem to be holding something on his back.

"I wish daddy or mommy is here. They would know what to do." The lump on the back said.

The group eyes widen in shock as they saw Jaune Arc the defense attorney, Spero Arc the young hero, and the little girl is Bella Arc, Blake third child.

Everyone stare in shock at the group.

"I got this one." Blu said as he got up and walk toward the trio.


"I see. So we were brought here to different version of me. That interesting." Jaune(Phoenix Wright-PW) said with a hmm.

"I'm excited to get to know my father a little more. So I want to see this!" Spero said as he sat next to his mother, who was hugging the stuffing out of him, but he look find despite Nora legendary killers hugs.

The Arc family bit their lips. They wanted to greet Spero, but they can't look at him without his dying face popping in their minds.

While they don't accept the girls and have netrual to the kids that are yet to be born, they didn't hate them in any form.

They just have no idea what to say.

'Oh hey. My son/brother DIES in three of these. That too bad.'

Yeah, good words.

And then their kids. What could they say about their fighting or their future.

They stay silent out of not having words to say in fear of breaking down. Cause no matter their timeline or their life, family is still family.

And watching family fighting to death is never easy.

So they aren't acting cold, thewy are just too scare and emotional to watch and say anything.

But as they watch the kids of the future, they can't hold much longer.

"What wrong grandma? Everything okay so far?" Spero ask Athena with a concern frown.

"Nothing Spero. Just recalling some bad memories." Athena said with a calm smile she always use when trying to focus on the task on hand.

"Okay then. But it good to see you again. I haven't seen you guys since I lost my arm a few months back. I miss you so much. Well, the future you. But still you." Spero said happily.

"A-ah. I see. I hope your stump isn't hurting." Athena said with a wince at the stump.

"Psh please. I can handle it. Plus the doc said I will be fully heal in a week or so." Spero said with chuckle.

"I'm glade aura can procect you well." Athena said with a sigh.

"I have no aura." Spero said, making everyone eyes widen in shock.

"Wait what?!" Nora ask in shock.

"Yep. I'm 100% aura less. The doctor have no idea why, but it seem my body can't use aura in any form. So I had to built my body to be strong to make up for it." Spero said with a chuckle.

Everyone stare at the young man for a while.

"What that about him being weak Raven?" Qrow ask smugly.

"Shut up!" Raven hiss at her brother.

"That so cool!" Bella said in awe at Spero.

"Darn straight I'm cool!" Spero said with a grin.

"I don't think that what she meant." Blu said with a chuckle.

"My brothers are so cool!" Bella said happily as she jump up and down from Phineas lap.

"Your too adorable!" Phineas gush happily as he patted her head.

"I'm not adorable, I'm Bella!" Bella said with a pout as she try to punch him, but thanks to Phineas strong body,all she was doing is something like a tap.

"Hehe, sorry." Phineas said with a chuckle.

"Your a mean brother." Bella said with her tongue out. This made the Arc's son's laugh at her attitude.

Everyone was surprise at how happy Bella was when she learn she didn't have two brothers, but FIVE in total!

She always wanted a bigger family, but dad and mom were scare of having more children after the hospital accent.

She knew about it despite her parents efforts to hide it, but she was smarter then she looks.

But she IS a child, so she couldn't understand why. So, she just roll with it.

"Hehe, so what are going to watch first?" Spero ask as he stare at the screen.

"It will play soon. Just give it a second." Ozpin said as he took a sip from his mug.

Suddenly, the screen started.

"See." Ozpin said.

"Just shut Ozpin." Roman said with a sigh.

The screen show Jaune running with Velvet next to him as they were running in a town fill with neon signs.

"And we start off with running. That never good." Neptune said.

"Eh, I just hope Jaune and Velvet will be okay." Coco said as she saw how fast the two were running.

Jaune was wearing a red beanie, a white long sleeve hoodie with a red undershirt under it, blue jeans, red sneakers and a chain around his wrist. He was also wearing a vest with white bird with blue on it chest, giving a justice feel to it, on it back.

"He look like a well dress punk." Sun joke.

"White suit him well. It go with the vest very well." Coco said with a nod of approval.

"Now not the time for that." Yang said with a sweatdrop.

"Huh. What strange kids." Jaune(PW) said with a chuckle.

Velvet was wearing a yellow and navy blue high-collared jacket. Brown trousers with a stripe on the right leg, forming a small union jack design. Brown faux leather belt and leg bands. Her shoes were yellow and black combat boots and she had some sort of metal object hanging on her backpack. It also had the Cooper symbol on it.

"She look good in those!" Neptune said as he look at Velvet curves in the outfit as it was tight on her body.

"Try anything, you deal with me." Coco said a narrow stare.

"S-sorry." Neptune said nervously.

Velvet face turn slightly red as some of the guys check out her other self clothing.

Jaune(Sly) was confuse why his symbol on the backpack, but shrug it off. He'll get to it another day.

"Just had to call their boss a bitch didn't you!?" Velvet said as she dodge a bullet dodge.

"Oh come on! You were thinking it too!" Jaune said as he duck under cover.

"I was, but it call manners!" Velvet hiss as a bullet nick her arm as she duck with Jaune.

"I'm not suprise that Jaune is reason why this happing." Weiss said with a amuse expression.

"Yep. I think dad need learn how to not choke on his foot." Phineas said with a chuckle.

Jaune took a risk and peek over to the side and duck down quickly to dodge a machinegun fires at his head.

"Is it safe?" Velvet ask with a rose brow.

"Oh look. Sarcastic lady. I love that!" Spero said with a chuckle.

"Was a flirty remark?" Yang ask with a rose brow.

"Depends? Do I get a kiss or a punch?" Spero ask.

"...Your just messing around aren't you?" Yang ask.

"Oh come on. Let keep this going! And let ignore that my dad head was almost a sponge." Spero said childisly.

"Monty. You more hyper then Nora." Ren said with a chuckle.

"Of course Uncle. You made a batch of pancakes and waffles with a tine of maple syrup." Spero said with a chuckle.

"Oh my Monty he on a sugar rush." Pyrriha said in horror.

"I'm fine!" Spero said with a thumb up.

Jaune(PW) chuckle as he recall Velvet in his world and how she always say that.

Jaune didn't answer as he touch his red beaning and sigh.

"It look like we will be fighting our way out." Jaune said as he look at the chain on his right wrist.

"Why is he touching the chain?" Erza ask with a confuse expression.

"I think he going to use it as a weapon." Blake answer with a frown.

"That dumb. Why would he bring a normal chain to a gun fight?" Adam said with his arm cross.

"I guess it not normal. He must infuse dust to them to make it stronger. I have heard rumors that dust can make metal stronger if done correctly." Winter said with a thinking expression.

Velvet sigh.

"Of course. You hit first." Velvet said as she ready herself, her hands sparking.

Everyone eyes either narrow or widen at Velvet hand in shock.

"Did her hand just?" Blu started.

"Yes." Jason and Train said in unison.

"Good. I thought I was seeing things." Blu said.

"Okay. Just don't lag behind Bonbon." Jaune said as he ready himself.

"I hate it when you call me that." Velvet said with pout.

"Are they together?" Sun ask with a rose brow.

"I don't thin k so. I mean I could be wrong, but I think they are just good friends... for now." Weiss said, ignoring the glares Velvet was getting from the girls in the room.

Jaune just chuckle before he jump over the cover and the bullets fire at him.

But Jaune saw this coming and leap forward, his body turning into smoke as he wiz through them.

'Did he just turn into smoke!?" Glynda ask in surprise.

"Yes. Yes he did." Ozpin answer calmly as he drank his coffee.

"How!?" Ironwood ask.

"We will find another time. But for now, just watch it." Ozpin answer with a sigh.

He appear back in solid form and drop a smoke ball that exopled, making those who couldn't escape in time to be cover in dusk.

Jaune ran toward them and slam them to the ground and then binding them to the ground.

"Huh, I didn't think smoke like abilities could be cool." Yang said with shock expression at how well Jaune was doing with 'smoke' so far.

"I guess when you body is smoke, you have to be creative." Winter said with widen eyes at how fast and effection Jaune was on the field.

They could use powers and people like that.

Jaune was so busy he didn't notice of one of their attackers appear behind him with a shotgun. But before the shooter could pull the trigger, he was hit with electricity.

"My word! That look like he hurt a lot." Summer said in surprise.

Velvet was out was shooting her electricity to those who got too close.

"I guess Velvet had a spark for Jaune." Yang said, making everyone but Phineas to groan.

Qrow smirk at Raven.

Raven flip him off.

If your curious why, well here is what their eyes just said.

'So strong tribe huh?'

'Fuck you. My tribe is stronger then this version.'

"Shit! Those freaks are beating us. Hit them with the missles!" One of the attackers said as a few of the men brought out their missles.

"Uhh, do you got this?" Jaune ask as he bind the last man who try to sneak away in bird form.

"Yes." Velvet said with a nod.

Raven snorted. She didn't believe the thing on her back or her powers can save them from so many missles.

They fire the missile, but Velvet sent an pulse wave and sent back to them.

"You know. This tribe or whatever Ravenbitch call it, is surprisingly stupid." Jaune said as saw some of them fly off.

Raven jaw drop a little as Qrow burst out laughing.

Yang and the others were laughing at how ridiculous they look flying off.

"Yeah. I'm starting to think we don't need to kill them. If we prove we are stronger then them, we can recruit them for the war." Velvet said with a 'hmm'.

"Can't we just kill them. It a bad idea to have them around weapons and they will back stab us the first chance they get for power and their own survival. I mean Ravenbitch said it herself, only the strong will survive and so her tribe will survive. She isn't trustworthy and is a danger to the group. And her tribe is nothing like Akomish. At least we are kind to other outside of our group." Jaune said with a frown.

"Akomish? Isn't that your old tribe mom?" Aqua ask in surprise.

"Yes. My family is from that tribe, but when I met John, I left the Akomish to live with him." Athena said with a nod.

"Interesting. I guess grew up with them if he knew how a tribe suppose to act." Qrow said.

"Please. The Akomish is a weak tribe. They only survive this long through luck." Raven said.

"Ahem. Have you forgotten there FIVE Akomish decedent in her with power above you?" Phineas said calmly.

Raven look to see the Arc's brothers were giving her a narrow stare.

As prideful and strong she is, she knows just fighting one of these kids can do her in.

So, she shut her mouth.

"I know she is. Trust me, if there was ANY group near their streaght, I would have recruit them. But they are some of the best around." Velvet said with a sigh.

"Yeah. Cause of that maiden and their numbers." Jaune said.

Ozpin and his group eyes narrow at Raven, who simple cross her eyes and glare back.

"I get it Jaune. You rather we don't add them, but this point, we need any form of help we can get." Velvet said while rubbing her temples.

"I know Vel. But if they turn on us in any form and no matter how small, I won't hestaite on putting her six feet under." Jaune said coldly.

"I know you will Jaune. That go without saying, and that why she won't join us. Cause her movement will be limited and she will be force to work under Ozpin direct rules. So she trying to prove to us that she can beat US. His strongest fighters. And she made YOU insult her to trigger the fight by trashing talking on your tribe." Velvet said.

Raven felt power rising in the room as the Arc's were glaring at her.

She made a mental note to form a peace treaty with the Akomish if they make people this strong.

"But didn't I lie though." Jaune ask with a smirk.

"You call her a cock sucking black raven hair bitch who only good thing is her chest since her personality is shit and her booty is nearly flat."Velvet said with her arm cross, but her expression hold amusement.

Some of the people burst out laughing as the rest of the group jaw drop at how rude Jaune was.

"Wow. Jaune must have been piss." Sun said in between chuckles.

"So glade I cover Bella ears." Jason said as he had his hands on Bella ears.

"Thank Monty." Blake said happily.

"...Did I lie?" Jaune said with a smile.

"Sigh~ Let just go." Velvet said as she made an lasso of electricity and lunch it to the building and flew toward it.

Jaune chuckle and ran toward an vent.

"She agrees." Jaune said childish as he turn to smoke and went into vent.

Spero gave a small chuckle.

"He not wrong." Qrow said with a smirk. Raven glare at Qrow with fire in her eyes.

But Qrow smirk and pointed at Phineas. Raven growl a little as she knew what he mean.

'He likes me better, so he will listen to me if you misbehave.'

She simple roll her eyes and cross her arms.

"I feel like someone is getting huge amount of hate in here. And it not Sun Butts Wokong." Jaune(PW) mumble to himself.

Jaune pops out on top of the building. He landed next to Velvet who was looking at where Raven tribe was heading.

"Their returning to their base in this town. If we take railroad, we can cut them off." Velvet said as she saw the rails all around her.

"Okay. I'll try to keep up with Neon." Jaune said as he went to a neon sigh and held his hand out.

"With what?" Ruby ask with a head tilt.

"Is Neon one of his powers?" Coco ask.

"Maybe. We need to watch a little more to find out." Ozpin said.

The light seem to dissolve to Jaune hands and Jaune eyes glow pink before it went to normal.

He smile as check his powers, making his hand glow before nodded.

"I see. That very interesting?" Penny said as she scan Jaune vitals.

"What is it Penny?" Ironwood ask.

"His body suddenly change. His body is still that of a human structer, but his energy flow had change completely." Penny reported.

"How would you know that?" Ozpin ask with a rose brow.

"Penny had lose her left eye a few years back, but her father made her a new eye that can scan and see better then any eyes." Winter answer before Penny could answer.

"I see. I'm sorry for intruding." Ozpin said with to Penny, who smile nervously.

"It no problem. It didn't hurt at all. It like it never happen." Penny said sweetly.

"What a strange girl." Roman said with a chuckle.

Neo held up a sigh that said 'More so then you.'

"Your not funny." Roman said with an eyeroll.

"Keep up Jaune. I don't want to risk us getting separated in this town." Velvet said as she jump off the building and landed on the rail, rode it with high speed.

"Holding hell she fast!" Mercury said in surprise.

"Yeah. Who knew using electricity can be use like that." Weiss said in surprise.

"How will Jaune keep up?" Ruby wonder to herself.

"I got lost once!" Jaune shouted after Velvet as he started to run, his body cover in blueish energy, making him run as fast Velvet railroad ride, leaving small lines of blueish energy.

"I see. Neon is energy base, so his body would run as fast as Ms Rose speed. So he in no danger of losing Velvet if he keep close." Glynda said in awe.

"Those powers are bullshit." Sun said with a sigh, a little jealously creeping into face.

"To have powers like that, there MUST be draw backs." Yang said with a worry expression.

"What do you mean?" Weiss ask.

"Well, our semblance and aura's are limited and can be over taken, but their powers seem to run on something else. I think their body need some sort of 'sort' to function. Like how cars and planes need gas to move." Yang example.

"So what ypur implying is that without Smoke, Neon or Electrify, they would be drain of power." Ruby ask.

"Yes. You see how Jaune had to switch out, so there could be a reason why he had too. I mean, if was that easy to use those powers at once, he would have. But Penny words have me thinking. Why did Jaune body energy change when it was still the same body capable of using both?" Yang said as she was thin king deeper into this.

"I think you should wait on that." Ozpin cut in.

"Huh? Why that Ozpin?" Yang ask in surprise.

"I'm happy to see you thinking of this, but if we are going to find out why or if that cause of Jaune and Velvet powers, then we will have to wait for them to come here. Then we can question them about it." Ozpin said.

"Yeah, base on what we are seeing, more Jaune's are appearing at random, so we may see this version of him later." Glynda added in.

"I see. I guess I can wait then." Yang said with a small pout as she wanted to know what made them tick.

They kept going til they caught up with the tribe and Velvet jump off the railing, in front of them.

They try to run her over, but simply made her biggest pulse wave and sent them all flying.

"V for victory!" Nora cheer happily.

"Hell yeah. Now that how you make an entrance!" Yang said with a whistle.

Velvet blush at the cheer her other self was getting.

It feel nice to be rooted for then against like she most time.

Jaune arrive once they are getting out of their ride and start to tie them up with his neon powers. But he only took down 1/5 of them before they could attack.

"I see. They're trying to adviod bloodshed. It would show how strong and how kind they are." Ozpin said with a nod of approval.

"I think it foolish. If they wanted to show their powers, they shouldn't hold back and go all and kill them. Fear is a good way to gain control of a group." Cinder said.

"Fear lead to mistrust and doubt. They need to understand that while they ARE stronger then them, they are better for taking the high ground and showing mercy. It a way to show good fate." Ozpin answer back calmly.

Cinder open her mouth to retort, but she felt a hand on her shoulders. She look and saw Blu smiling at her.

He pull her closer and whisper a few words.

"Just shut up you flase maiden. I know of you and your lackeys and your queen. I said nothing out of respect of Salem memory to spar you. I also don't want to risk ruining time itself. So just stay silent and roll with it. I would hate to bloody my hands again so soon." Blu said calmly, his eyes glowing a bit to show how serious he is.

And Cinder realize. He could rat her out at any moment. All her plains could be stop here. In a room of POWERFUL and SKILL fighters.

And the fact no video of others worlds had hinted to her being the bad guy means whoever showing these are being careful to no disturb the flow time if Blu words to go by.

So, if she were to use a word most people hate, there no 'spoilors' to her future plains or her loyalty. And Mercury and Emerald are in the clear as well.

So she just nodded at Blu who smile and lean back to his brothers side.

She made a note to NEVER piss off an Arc or Blu for that matter.

Ozpin simply rose an brow at the two and shrug.

'Most be kids stuff. Ah youth. How i miss thee.' Ozpin thought fondly.

Jaune fought them off with his blast attacks and his chains acting like a laser sword now, but he was having a hard time.

Ruby squeel at how Jaune chain became so cool with lasers!

"I think my ears are bleeding!" Sun said loudly as his ears drums pops.

"What!?" Yang ask.

"What!?" Sun answer back. This went on for a while til everyone regain their hearing back.

"So, cool laser chain huh?" Sun ask as he still felt the ringings in his ears.

"It off the chain huh?" Phineas said cheerfully.

Yang chuckle as everyone just sigh.

He was trying not kill anyone in sigh of good fate, but he was having a hard time holding back.

The enemies brought out miniguns and started to fire at Velvet, who was drain at using so much energy. But she made a shield to procet herself with.

They started to grin as they thought they are going to kill one of these 'freaks'.

Velvet look worry for her other self safety.

"It look like Velvet have more then one skill. That pretty awesome!" Ruby said in awe.

"I agree. It look like a useful power." Weiss said with a nod.

But Velvet smirk.

"Thanks for the recharge boys." She said as her energy was coming back quickly thanks to her shield ability to absorb damage and transfer the energy to her body.

They stop firing as they realize they recharge her, but that all she needed. She threw five gerandes she made out of her powers and they exopled. Knocking a good number of them. She turn around started to attack the tribe to help Jaune with the swordlike object on her back, that spark to life with her power going through it.

Ruby eye began to sparkly at Velvet weapon.

Everyone cover their ears as Ruby once again sqeaul happily at the second coolest weapon.

Everyone let go of their ears as Ruby calm down.

"That an interesting weapon. I'm guessing it help Velvet contracted her powers to a more stable melee style of fighting." Glynda said, impress by how well Velvet was fighting with it.

"Yes it does seem like it does. But it also help channel her powers and make it stronger." Ozpin said.

"Hmm, is it possible to do so for others abilities?" Ironwood ask.

"I don't think so. Aura and Semblance only effect the human body. So no." Glynda said quickly.

She knows he would try to make weapons of it.

No need for more weapons that can crush the future like those robots.

As the two were fighting, they notice they brought in some paladins to fight and some more fighters came in.

"Why does it seem like everyone have those!?" Ironwood said angrily.

"Cause your security sucks." The Arc's children all said at once.

"And how you know!?" Ironwood ask angrily.

"I fought YOUR army of robots. Your fire walls was shit." Phineas said with a deadpan.

"We simply walk through many of your base with ease without notice." Train said as Jason nodded in agreement.

"In my world were war was most of my life, the enemy keep stealing your weapons." Blu said with a sheepish smile.

"Grimm's went through them like butter." Spero said with a chuckle.

"...I hate all of you." Ironwood said with a sigh as he rub his face in frustration.

"Just telling the truth." The Arc's children said in unison.

"Jaune." Velvet said with a slight pant.

"Yeah?" Jaune said as he absorbs some smoke that was made thanks to the cars, regaining his smoke abilities.

"Drop it on them." Velvet said.

Jaune eyes widen in shock, but then he started to smirk.

"I don't like that smile. It like when Jaune give Nora a permission to smash." Ren said with a worry frown.

"Oh this going to be great." Jaune said as he ran toward the group.

He use his smoke to dodge their guns, sword or whatever they had to hit him. But he dodge a good few of them. But once he got in a good spot, he stop and focuse on his smoke.

He spilte himself into three smoke flares going upward and then connecting back to Jaune body, who smiling toward the sky without a care in the world, and rocket back down. He angle his body as he did so he can land where he wanted.

"That awesome." Bella said in awe at her father cool powers.

"I agree. I can tell this will not end well for them." Ruby said with a nod.

As he was coming down, they try to shoot him down, but Velvet jump behind some cars and waited.

Once Jaune slam on the ground, the place exopled, making everyone within range fly and/or knocking them out.

"Holy hell!" Sun said in suprise.

"That is powerful as hell!" Mercury said in shock.

Jaune body appear in the crater as his body brought his body back together.

"That just creepy." Emerald said with frown.

"And that how you finish a fight in style!" Jaune cheer as he fist pump the air.

Velvet came out walking, waving away the smoke, toward Jaune.

"It look like we won." Velvet said as she saw all of their enemies on the ground grounding or struggling to escape their bindings.

"Yep. Was there any doubt?" Jaune said with a smirk.

"Jaune is so cocky in this world." Nora said with a rose brow.

"Well, with powers like that. I think he entailed to be." Pyrrha said with a giggle.

"Uhuh. So, is that all the prove you need to not make each others enemies Raven, or will we have to fight you too?" Velvet ask as she look at a raven that was watching them.

The raven flew to the ground in front of them and transform to a human woman.

Raven eyes narrow at how easily she was detected by the two.

"I've seen your strengths and I want you to work for me. We can use you in our ranks. Ozpin won't be able to give you what you two yearn for." Raven said smoothly.

"Oh jeez wiz! We can join a cult of idiots! Golly that sounds great!" Velvet said 'happily.'

"Oh look. Velvet does have a sense of humor." Coco said with a smirk.

"She is so done with her shit." Yang said with a chuckle.

"Let see. Abandon my loves ones and family for a group of idiots or stay with everything in my live that make my life FURFILLING AND WORTH and not be with a cult. Hmm, tough choice we got here." Jaune said dramatically.

"And Jaune is still so angry at her for them insults at his tribe." Sun said with a chuckle.

Raven eyes narrow at the two.

"Hey. You started this fight with how you desreapted us, my tribe and my uncle. So of course I'm going to treat you like shit." Jaune said with a shrug at Raven glare.

"That fair." Neptune said.

"Man. WHAT did she say to warrant just treatment?" Mercury said with a rose brow.

"Here YOUR choices. Work with us against a bigger threat that can do what we just did to your so call 'tribe' and live, give us the artifacts you stole and stay out of everyone way, or die here as you will pick yourself to be an enemy." Velvet said coldly.

"Pick wisely. You only got one chance." Jaune added calmly.

"No more nice powerful teenagers." Qrow said with a chuckle.

"Yep. So I hope she choose her words wisely. They look piss." Yang said with a sweatdrop.

Raven growl as she stare the two down.

They had a stare off for what seem like forever, when it reality it was only five seconds.

"Find. Tell Ozpin he will have my aid-" Raven started, but Jaune cut her off.

"Help. Aide me being leader to victory, help means your helping the main factors." Jaune said with a narrow stare.

"That just mess up." Velvet said with a sigh.

Ozpin just took a sip from his mug and simply said 'Rude.'

"Man. Jaune just hate her guts." Coco said with a whistle.

Raven just rolls her eyes.

As she did right now.

"Tell Ozpin he will have my help and I will follow so as long we get our reward in the end." Raven said.

"You do realize if we lose this war, EVERYONE dies right. Your 'rewards' will be surviving and living and being seen as a hero. I hope you know that." Velvet said.

"Wow. It that serious." Yang said with a gulp.

"War get bad. It never get easier." Blu said sadly, his eyes looking tire.

Phineas just brought him into a hug and patted his back.

Everyone suddenly picture Yang and Ruby doing the same.

"They are acting like perfect brothers." Ozpin mumble with a amuse expression.

"I do. And I do want my tribe to be reorganize for their effort they will put in this." Raven said with her arms cross.

"Good. Just making sure you realize any money or dust will go to rebuilding." Velvet said.

"I guess you can say we are done. We will see in a week back at Beacon to meet up with Ozpin and them." Jaune said as he fix his beanie.

"I understand. Now leave if you have no other business." Raven said calmly.

"Now that just rude." Qrow said.

"They just beat the hell out of most of her men. I be angry too." Ironwood said.

"Of course you would be." Qrow said with an eyeroll.

"Okay. Let go Jaune." Velvet said as she turn around started to walk away.

Jaune just dab on Raven and follow Velvet.

Eveyone just made a 'what the fuck' face, beside Nora and Spero who giggle/chuckle at that.

Raven rose an eyebrow in confusion at Jaune, but shrug it off.


Jaune and Velvet were walking through the forest, with Velvet looking a little nervous.

"Guess outside the city she feel more tire." Coco said with a worry frown.

"Well, there isn't many place where she can feel electricity. So she must feel drain and exhaust without her power sort nearby." Glynda guess.

"That suck." Ruby said with a pout.

"At least she with Jaune. He make smoke to fight, so if a fire start, he will be ready." Yang said with a smile.

"We did our mission cleaning, no one dies and I dab on the tribe. I say this been a good day." Jaune said with a chuckle.

"I still don't know why you keep dabbing after every big win." Velvet said with a sigh.

"Cause I can." Jaune said with a chuckle.

"The best answer!" Blu and Spero said happily.

"We know who the funny ones in this group." Train said.

"I like them." Bella said with a giggle.

"Of course you would." Jason said as he patted Bella head.

Jaune reach into his vest to get out his scroll to call Ozpin, but a spray can fell out.

Velvet stare at the can and Jaune started to sweat up a storm.

"Something tell me he shouldn't have that." Glynda said with a amuse expression.

"Jaune? What did you do?" Velvet started slowly.

"N-nothing." Jaune said with a nervous smile.

Velvet eyes narrow at Jaune some more.

"Yeah. I even know that lie is bad." Ruby said with a sigh.

"And she not good with lies in general." Yang added.

Ruby pouted in response.

"I-I may sorta maybe spray paint Raven tribe a little." Jaune said after a while.

"How big is it?" Velvet ask with her arms cross.

"It not that big...Just half of one of their base sides is cover." Jaune answer.

Velvet facepalm.



"Your an idiot." Velvet said as she kept on walking.

Everyone burst out laughing at the interaction between the two.

(Somewhere else)

Raven was glaring at a wall with a picture on it.

The men and women behind her try to not laugh, but a snickers escape a few time.

Cause on the wall was Raven face, but with nerdy glasses, tongue sticking out and nerd teeth. In her hands was one taco and a soda can. And the words 'Best Taco's ever bitches!' was in a word bubble.

Everyone just started laughing harder. The image is just too funny to ignore.

And that the fact that Jaune manage to make it look so good and the details was amazing and made it more perfect.

"...I'm going to kill that blond bastard." Raven said as she walk inside her base, her eyes burning red in anger.

(End od video.)

"It look like you just got prank sis." Qrow said with a amuse expression, and chuckle escaping every second.

"Just shut up you drunk." Raven said with growl.

Everyone started to chat about what they just saw and started to show their new arrivals around the place as they did so.

And done. I hope you all enjoy this.

I feel like I could have done better, but meh. I just like how it turn out for now. Anyway. it midnight now, so I'm off to bed.

Goodnight and have a good day if that your time zone.