Hey guys! I'm back from hiatus! Anyway I don't own Lab Rats just Autumn! Also October is almost over which means a bit more frequent updates... Here's Chapter 3. Also this Chapter might be a little short, because... dun dun dun... All of the kind reviews have prompted me to post Chapter Four as well!

Chapter Three

Marcus' POV

Sebastian and I are training, I have to say he's a decent opponent. He is able to defend himself from most of my attacks.

"So what are the Davenports like now? "I ask curiously as I aim a punch towards him.

"Leo's bionic, they have a bunch of new abilities, your "father" is now good and they are teaching some other kids how to use their bionics" Sebastian says catching my fist.

"Wait a minute they gave that idiot Leo bionics, and my father the same guy whose entire obsession was capturing, commanding them to be soldiers, and now he's some weakling who is all about reform... pathetic." I mutter.

Autumn/Dahlia's POV

I was watching the bionics practice, they had no idea they were so skilled. They have no idea what they're up against.

"Alright that's lunch!" Adam says loudly.

My eyes are on Chase, he wouldn't like Autumn he would like Deliah, not a stone cold juvenile delinquent.

Chase approaches me, smiling slightly

"So we were thinking we could teach you some moves... in case Sebastian shows up." he says.

"Chase that's a really nice offer... But I really don't think that's a good idea..." I say softly.

"Come on, I'll go easy on you..."Chase teases.

My lips form a little smile. "Alright, I warned you." She says,

Chase picks up two bo-staffs, and tosses one to me.

"Show me what you got!" He teased.

I gave him a coy smile and slowly started attacking him, we spared for a couple of hours.

Miss your next shot... I think to myself.

Chase slowly brought his bo-staff down.

I tap his stomach playfully.

"And I believe that's point Mr. Davenport." I say with a coy smile.

Chase's POV

It was strange, when we were sparring, I thought I heard someone's voice in my head telling me to miss the next shot. I slowly dropped my staff, leaving me vulnerable for an attack.

Dahlia tapped my chest playfully.

I had lost, and something about my defeat almost seemed bittersweet.

Could Dhalia be evil, nah she was something though. She was beautiful and by far the most interesting girl I have ever met. She has a certain spark that I have never really seen.

Dahlia/Autumn's POV

I almost felt bad for manipulating Chase. I wanted to tell him who I really was, a spy sent to destroy him and his family. But if I told him that he would hate me even more it was a risk I wasn't willing to take. I snuck past Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo and went to the more quiet part of the island.

I heard loud footsteps, as I hid behind the wall I saw the man again. That Douglas guy again, why won't he just leave? I have a mission, get revenge on him and the Davenports. I guess it's fairly useful he's here so I can get into that stupid lab and get what I need so Ms. G can help me get my revenge.

"State your access code" the door chimed.

He groaned loudly. "I Douglas Orville Davenport, am allowed to enter this lab..." He says.

"Retina scan?" the door says

Douglas flashed his hazel eye.

I smirked to myself now knowing how I would get inside the lab.

Douglas walked out fifteen minutes or so later. In seconds I closed my eyes and took on Douglas' form.

"State your access code..."

"I Douglas Orville Davenport, am allowed to enter this lab." I say changing my voice to sound like Douglas'.

"Retina scan..."

I flash the similar hazel brown eye and enter the lab.

"Where is that stupid box?" I snarl.

There in the corner, is a metal box. I rip it open smirking as I gather the contents in my hands. And put them in my pocket.

In time, I vanished taking my form back.

What did Autumn take? Is she going to find out why Douglas saved her? Am I going to stop asking questions? Next Chapter is coming in a few!