A/N: Short update... just getting my footing back. It's short, sorry but I'm getting closer to House now.

Mayo Clinic

I worked my ass off in med school. just like always. I was actually heading some lab teams in school. I was working at the Mayo Clinic at the same time I was in school, like a paid researcher. I had taken a Job in epidemiology. Though my heart rested in the Neurosciences because of Jay.

I was great at my job. I got excited when I began to see patterns in the diseases that ravaged people's bodies and I wrote so many papers that I was considered something of an epidemiology expert at the Lab.

At home, Jay's parents and brother kind of took me in as one of their own They became my family in my mind. They fed me and took me in when it was a holiday and I almost felt accepted. something that I had dreamed my entire life.

The third year, and I was walking out of my lab and I spotted Teddy, Jay's brother. "Hey, kid."

I smiled. "Teddy! what are you doing here?"

"I came to… ask you to maybe not come around my mom so much."

"What?" I asked not understanding where this was coming from.

"Don't get me wrong, mom loves you, it's just that … You remind her of Jay, and it's hard."

"Oh…" Was all she said. Another Rejection. "Okay, I'll um… okay."

I turned away from him. I didn't look back as I walked back into the Lab. I had been around them for Three years. Now they are cutting me away from the only source of Jay that I had.

"Dr. Cameron?" A voice came from my Course Director's office. I turned to look at this woman who exuded more confidence that I had ever seen on anyone, and I hoped to be this confident in my abilities one day.

"Hi," I said shyly.

"Hi Emma, Listen I know you have your heart set on Neuroscience because of your husband, but I was wondering if you would like to travel to Princeton with me for a Diagnostic Medicine Symposium. Dr. Gregory House is a genius in diagnostic Medicine and I think it would do you some good."

I bit my lip and thought about why I was doing Neuroscience. IT was because of Jay. I needed to get Jay out of my system. Maybe I should try… "Okay, sure."

"Great, we leave in two days." She said and gave me a bunch of literature to read.

When I got to Princeton, I don't know what came over me. IT was this sense of peace and where I needed to be. I had lived out west all this time, but getting back east, where it all began for me just felt right.

I walked into the halls of Princeton, and this girl walked by me. I paused because her eyes seemed to devour me. I let my own eyes do some Roaming and a twitch came to my lips as I took in her lithe form and long brown hair. I turned to Dr. Smythe and said. "Hey, I just need a moment,"

"Of course, I'll be toward the front symposium starts in fifteen." Fifteen was plenty of time. I had an itch to scratch, it had been a while.

"Hey, Allison Cameron," I said holding out my hand to the beautiful brunette. She shifted and I could see it in her eyes. The attraction she was feeling.

"Do you really care what my name is?" She asked breathlessly.

"No," I said walking out of the room her hand still in mine. She trailed behind me and found a supply closet close by. Pretty soon she had me up against the wall and coming like I hadn't come since before Jay. "Fuck," I said.

"That's what I'm doing." She said breathlessly as I positioned myself to reciprocate. And she responded beautifully.

I got a text "where are you it's about to start."

I looked at her and smirked. "Thanks for a good time."

She smirked and we both raced back to the symposium straightening our clothing. When we finally made it into the symposium, There was a man at the podium that was clearly inebriated. I mean he was high-off-his-ass, because he was stumbling around. He was slurring his words. I watched for a while only because I had gotten there late, and he had noticed. Sure House was sharp but he was still high and therefore irrelevant.

So I got up to leave. "Where do you think you are going?" He said interrupting his prattling. I turned to face him, then I looked around the room and pointed at myself. "Yeah, you blondie."

"Well, I'm leaving," I said. "This symposium is a joke to you, and I could be doing better things with my time."

"Like what?" He asked limping a little from behind the podium.

"I don't know," I shrugged, but I kept my eye on him as he walked. He was limping. Strange.

"Well Maybe if you didn't come to a symposium you are conducting high off your ass, she wouldn't have felt the need to get up and leave." The hot girl from before said. I blushed a little and turned to go.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Dr. Hadley sir." The Hot girl said.

"Not you, Blondie." He said dismissing Hadley.

I turned to face him again. "Cameron," I answered.

"What are you seeing Dr. Cameron?" He asked curiously. He walked over to a chair across the stage and rolled it back to center and sat.

"I think you need to either lower the dosage of your pain meds or get that leg looked at."

House's eyebrows shot up. He nodded. "Sit down Cameron."

I did as he told me, and then everything started to make sense.

Later, when I was back to Mayo, I found out that Dr. House had an infarction in his right thigh, that had been diagnosed after the symposium. He also had forwarded me an invitation to apply to the Princeton Department of Diagnostic Medicine Fellowship.

What the hell? It wasn't like there was anything left in Cleveland for me. So I applied, and By graduation, I had been accepted to the Fellowship.

A/N How was that? Tell me what you are thinking. 'Til next time, much love! ~S.K.