I have been reading a lot of House OUAT crossovers and I am in love with them now... I figured I would try to do one. I I am not well verse in the House universe. I probably will not do it justice. My concentration is on Emma throughout this story. I would love to hear your input for sure. and I hope you enjoy this


I'm stuck in this hell hole for eighteen fucking months. I thought as I looked around at the beige walls, which I think are actually probably white, only turned beige because they are filthy from the dust of the desert. They had just moved me from county to this Juvenile facility. At least there was air conditioning inside. The heat here is unbearable and it would be inhumane to turn off the AC and I was kind of grateful. Because out there, I could feel my insides boiling as if I were being roasted alive.

I felt a wave of nausea as they showed me to my bunk. There was a girl there. A Latina, she looked a little bit like Lily had. I instantly hated her. She had pictures plastered all over her walls of a little baby girl.

I stared at the baby in the pictures, and felt a twinge inside. I could I had that with Neil in Tallahassee. But the ass hat left me to take the fall for him here. "What you looking at wera?"

I started as the girl noticed that I had been looking at the pictures. I shook my head and sat. "She yours?"

She looked at me all disgusted. "I am a good mother okay?" she said defensively.

"Yet you're in here." I mumbled, laying back in my bunk.

"Bitch, I gave my baby up for adoption so she could have her best chance, I am a good mother." The girl railed at me.

"Okay…" I said just as a guard came to our partition.

"Swan, come with me please."

I got up and followed to the infirmary. "We have to perform a standard physical to every new inmate." The nurse said. I nodded and she started asking me a battery of questions.

"I don't know any medical history, I was found on the side of the road when I was like a day old." I said after she started in on my familial history.

"Okay, Are you sexually active?" She asked.

I nodded, "a couple of times."

"So what was the date of your last menstrual period/" she asked and I looked at her, I hadn't thought of it. I looked for a calendar, something to tell me so that I could count back to a date.

"I don't know." I answered.

"Okay we will be taking a few tests, including a drug screen and a pregnancy test would you go pee in this cup?" the nurse handed me a sterile cup and i walked into the bathroom. She stood there in front of me as I let out my stream. My face felt as though it were on fire I placed the lid back on and handed the nurse the cup in her gloved hand. She led me into a room isolated. What if I am pregnant? I thought What am I going to do?

The nurse walked into the room minutes later holding out a white stick to me. "Congratulations swan." she said.

My heart dropped to my stomach. I was pregnant with Neil's kid. I had eighteen months to go, and the kid was going to be born in roughly seven months. This is so fucked.

A/N: I know it is a prologue and it is short but I don't know if anyone really wants to read this from me so let me know! Til next time, much love!~S.K.