A/N: Hey everyone~ These are a collection of one shots that my darling readers of 'The Greatest Treasure' requested when we reached over 400 reviews. I want to get all these out before I update that story and they needed to be in a separate story rather than a bonus chapter because a bonus chapter would have simply been too long to fit everything in.

Anyway this chapter is a collection of letters, mainly from Ace and Sabo, to Makino and Dadan, talking about their adventures up until Christmas. This was requested by the amazing UkeObsessed so you can all thank them for this~

Hope you like it and can forgive me for not updating my stories in such a long time :'(

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece

Dear Makino,

You did ask us to write to you and Dadan every so often so that's what I'm doing now. I also think Ace and Luffy may have forgotten about this promise but I'll make sure to remind them to write as soon as they can.

But sorry you've had to wait so long for a letter; it's already been several months. Time flies out here on the ocean and we've been up to so much I don't know how I'm going to fit it all in.

But something I think you should know is we've made it to the Grand Line. Impressive, huh? Believe it or not we had to climb over a mountain to get here. The first thing we came across though was a giant whale and a crazy old lighthouse keeper. The poor whale has been waiting for around forty seven years for his friends to return back but the lighthouse keeper suspects they've died on the Grand Line's treacherous waters. Luffy felt really bad for him. You'll never believe what he did though: he found a way to get through to the whale and promised that, in three years time when he starts on his own journey, he'll come back and spend some time with him. It's just like Luffy, isn't it? Though I dread to think what my little brother might be planning to do with a whale that big. Knowing him he'd try and bring it along as a crew member.

However that's just the start of our Grand Line adventure and I shouldn't be telling you about our journey in reverse order so I'll start at the beginning again.

When we sailed away from Dawn Island I don't think any of us would have expected how much we'd miss you (and the rotten bandits but don't let them know that: they'd cry more than Luffy ever did when he was seven if they knew we missed them). But we forged on and continued sailing, landing on all sorts of islands. On one of the islands we visited we managed to recruit a 'first mate' of sorts called Makou from a kind town called Orange Town. I say of sorts because Ace is still hesitant to give him that position despite the fact they trust one another explicitly. I think he does this out of some misplaced guilt for my feelings. Honestly I don't care if Makou is first mate; he does a much better job of Ace-wrangling than I do (mainly because I tend to agree with whatever whim my darling older brother gets into his head; they're just so interesting!)

We also picked up a cook from the same town who is also Makou's younger brother. His name is Khaled and honestly I don't know how we're all going to stay in shape with the amount of scrumptious cakes he makes us. It also doesn't help that he's quite a gentle natured bloke and therefore can't say no to any of Luffy's demands. Though something tells me it's Ace that's requesting all the cake while Luffy requests steak for dinner every night if he can get away with it. Either way I'll need to actually talk to Khaled soon about food supplies.

One island I definitely want to talk to you about was Loguetown. It's known as 'the beginning of the end' did you know that? Luffy wanted to go see the execution platform but I knew Ace didn't want to be around the island for too long let alone go near the place his father was executed so I managed to convince him not to go. It was bad enough that Luffy talked our ears off about the Pirate King as soon as he knew where we were stopping off at. I though Ace was going to drown him. Also did I mention Ace has eaten a devil fruit? He found one just off the coast of Loguetown actually. It could just be me being silly but it did seem odd that he found a way to access the power of the sea devils at the death place of one of the greatest devils to ever live.

Of course I haven't shared this feeling with him; he'd try and kill me if he knew what I thought.

But is it possible for Roger to be looking out for Ace, even though he's been dead for almost nineteen years now? I know I shouldn't still believe in the supernatural and whimsical notions of fantasy writers but I can't help but think that maybe it was fate for Ace to find the Mera Mera no Mi on the shores of Loguetown almost on the anniversary of Roger's death. Is that stupid of me to believe? I know fathers very rarely come through for their kids and there are very few genuine fathers out there but is it wrong for me to wish Ace did have a genuine father? Or is it only cruel for me to wish him something that he never had the chance of knowing?

Sorry to bug you down with all these questions but I don't know who else I could ask. No-one else knows of Ace's lineage after all and it will be a very cold day in hell when I ask Dadan for this kind of advice.

Loving you always,

Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles.

P.S. I might not be able to write regularly due to the whole being a pirate thing but if you send your reply back with Susanna (the bird) then it will be guaranteed to reach me.

Listen up old hag; I wouldn't be doing this if Sabo wasn't making me so don't go getting all emotional because you miss us, okay?

To be honest I'm not even sure what Sabo wants me to put in this letter (or why he's making me write it) as I'm sure Makino would have told you everything Sabo wrote to her in his own letter. But he won't stop glaring at me so I better crack on.

(I think he's still upset about the pudding and yoghurt incident. Don't ask)

Any way, we are now in the Grand Line (as I'm sure Makino has already told you) and I got my bounty poster last week! How cool is that? 27,000,000 is a pretty good starting bounty, huh? Luffy got kinda sulky about it for a bit before going on about how he'd get a better starting bounty than mine. Good luck to him I say. Not that I doubt my baby brother but he's gonna have to do something pretty phenomenal to beat that on his first go. Especially in East Blue.

The Grand Line sure is strange though. Each island has its own magnetic field so compasses and logic don't work here. At first it screwed Sabo over because we couldn't really navigate very well but now he loves it; this sea runs on a twisted logic that only Sabo could love. I mean it might be interesting to learn about now we've got a log pose but I'm kinda getting sick of surprise storms that almost throw me over board.

By the way I've eaten a devil fruit so I can't swim anymore. Worth it though; I'm now made of fire!

There was also this massive whale that Luffy found a way to befriend but it wasn't that surprising. The poor guy was just waiting for his friends. If Sabo hadn't put his foot down I would have let Lu bring the whale along but we don't know the full dangers of this sea yet so we couldn't.

However we also found this really cool lizard the other day that lights up when it comes in contact with heat; it's so cool and I want to keep it but I doubt Sabo will let me. Maybe if I say it's a baby dragon he will. And yes, he is still obsessed with dragons, we haven't managed to break the obsession just yet.

I also think he may be corrupting Lu; he might be turning into a dragon nerd as well. Also no luck breaking Lu out of the octopus obsession yet either; he still insists that octopi are the coolest creatures under the sea.

Now Sabo's gone to check out the rest of the island so I can finally stop writing this letter. If I can send it off before he gets back then that would be amazing!

Later old hag,

Ace (and Sabo and Luffy too)

P.S. How did you pick out your second-in-command without hurting everyone's feelings?

Dear Makino,

Sorry for not replying to your letter for a while: a lot has been happening. I won't bore you with the retelling of all our misadventures but I do have something exciting to tell you:

We know where Whitebeard is!

I know this might come as a shock to you but for Ace to be greater than his father he feels like he must defeat his rival: so it's off to beat Whitebeard we go. I'm not optimistic but I will continue to support Ace's dream, no matter what! He's my brother after all. Also there was a rumour that Shanks was around the island we were on a few days ago but I don't know how true that is. We didn't let Luffy know of course but it would be a shame if we missed our chance to thank him.

I'm sure Woodstock is in a rage right about now. My bounty increased and so did Ace's. Luffy still doesn't have one (though I think that's Garp's doing.) Luffy doesn't seem to mind too much. He says he would prefer to earn his bounty with his own crew rather than with us. Not going to lie that did sting a little and Ace was depressed about it for about a day but he'll get over it.

Also Ace is thinking about getting another tattoo. I'm not too sure myself on what design he's thinking of but I'm sure he'll take his time with this one. Do me a favour and don't tell Dadan (you remember how much she freaked when Ace came home with his name tattooed on his arm after all). Also don't tell Dadan about this (or anyone really) but I've been thinking about getting my ears pierced. You have your ears pierced so I'm wondering if you could tell me more about the process and healing. I saw this really cool earring thing in a market the other day: it was a dragon that rested on the edge of your ear and its tail went through the piercing. It looked amazing! I really wanted to buy it and I just think earrings are really cool and pretty. Maybe I will buy something like it if I do end up getting piercings...

Luffy's still terrified of needles so there's little to no chance of him getting piercings or a tattoo.

Also Makou is officially the first mate. Ace finally made up his mind. I was right though; he was concerned about hurting my feelings. Honestly I don't mind; Makou's a good choice after all and Ace trusts him an awful lot. Besides, I'm still the first person he comes to for advice so it's not like anything has really changed in that regard. I'm still the one who knows Ace better than anyone else (except maybe Luffy).

Speaking of Luffy he managed to hit all of his targets the other day and he's gotten strong enough to punch a cliff and leave a dent! How brilliant is that? Our baby brother's getting so much stronger it's actually kind of scary to watch. Everytime we're in a fight it's as if he suddenly knows everything there is to know about fighting. He's making up new moves, he's practising them and adjusting them to match his opponents in strength and he's just constantly developing and growing as he fights. It's slightly surreal when I see it because I end up thinking; if only he could understand maths in the same way he understands fighting. It would certainly make teaching him a lot easier.

And yes we are still keeping up on our studies. Ace is getting everything as easily as normal but he's still as lazy as a basking seal or something. I'll teach him something and he'll be able to write and apply it perfectly when he can be bothered to (which, as you know, is hardly ever.) It's made others think he's as dense as Luffy, though it is hilarious to see their reactions when Ace explains how he worked out the trajectory of his flames and how he adjusted it for wind speed and direction in about ten seconds, plus being able to control temperature down to the smallest degree and understand how heat changes as it's in motion. It's gratifying to see, that's for sure.

But the Grand Line is so fascinating I just want to learn as much as I can about it. Did you know that in some parts of the Grand Line you can dive in and see the different currents pull and run away from each other because different coloured bioluminescent are trapped in the currents? It's incredibly beautiful to see that for sure. And yes, I am taking advantage of the fact both my brothers now can't follow me in the ocean. It's certainly easier to hear myself think during an argument with there are gallons of water separating us.

Anyway I'll try and write again before we catch up to Whitebeard but if I don't then assume we're recovering from the thrashing we're about to get. We really are lucky that he came back into this side of the Grand Line for a while.

Loving and missing you,

Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles.

Hey old hag!

We're on our way to face up against Whitebeard; we've heard several rumours and had several tip offs that are helping us on our way. But I have something very important I need you to say to the Shitty Geezer when you see him:


He's been trying to recruit me as a Warlord: A WARLORD! Why the hell would I want to be a caged pirate? It's ridiculous and stupid and incredibly big headed of them to even conceive the idea that I might have the smallest inclination into throwing away the freedom I've gained to join an organisation that has been trying to kill me since before I could crawl! I hate the marines! Why the hell would I want to become their fucking lapdog? ARGH!

Hit my grandfather for me the next time you see him, okay?


But seriously Dadan, a Warlord? That's crazier than Sabo's messed up fairytales.

I'm sorry about this Dadan but if I did not take over he would continue on this tangent for at least two more pages of parchment (trust me: he's been ranting about this for almost a month now. Needless to say he's very very annoyed). And there's nothing wrong with my fairytales because Luffy seems to like them so don't believe a word Ace says!

Yeah they're completely normal (if by normal he means that at least someone always ends up dead with his intestines coming out of his eyeballs and strangling him.) I have reclaimed my parchment so now I can get on with updating you with what else has happened.

The answer to that is a fat load of nothing! The sea's completely calm and it's boiling outside. Luffy's practically melting if he steps outside, the entire ship smells like burning rubber, and Sabo's had heat stroke about five times in the past week. He also has really bad sunburn which is concerning a lot of us, especially our doctor, but he keeps trying to wave it off as nothing. The minute sunburn starts bleeding it cannot be waved off as nothing. Please tell him this when you get round to replying. Heck, tell Makino about it; she's bound to send a lecture that he clearly needs!

But yeah, I'll be very busy as soon as we catch up to Whitebeard so I might not be able to write for a while.

Missing you,

Ace (and Sabo and Luffy)

P.S. But a Warlord? Seriously?

P.P.S. Sabo's just told me that it will be close to your birthday by the time you get this so HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'll try and find a way to send you some good sake.

P.P.P.S But don't expect much though because THEY WANT ME TO BECOME A FUCKING WARLORD!

Dear Makino,

Well this is slightly awkward. How long has it been since I last wrote? A month, two? Okay I know it was actually four and a half but I swear I have a good reason!

Well I suppose I should start and tell you that we found Whitebeard. That's a good starting point, right?...Maybe not considering our circumstances.

We caught up to him about two weeks ago and when I say we caught up to him what I mean in we were in the general area he was and he knew that Ace wished to challenge him. However one of the Warlords, a fishman called Jimbei, arrived before Ace had the chance to find the big guy himself and challenged Ace to a fight in Whitebeard's name. I was too busy trying to get Luffy to dodge the stray fireballs to pay much attention to what they were saying. But it lasted for three days Makino; three!

Jimbei is certainly a powerful opponent. Plus the fact that his element has the natural affinity over Ace's certainly gave Ace a lot of trouble. Apparently Whitebeard protects his home island so Jimbei tries to protect Whitebeard as best he can. I guess he's a pretty honourable guy in that respect. But after three days Ace finally defeated Jimbei but he was pretty close to passing out too. It was an awful but incredible fight to watch though I really could have done without seeing Ace so beaten at the end. He was absolutely exhausted!

And then guess who happened to appear right after the duel had finished, completely fine and dandy and ready to fight? Whitebeard and all his pirates! Ace was exhausted and had just fought a three day long duel against Jimbei only for Whitebeard himself to show up and challenge him when he could barely pick himself up of the ground! Some great man Whitebeard is, huh? Wait until a man is close to passing out before deigning to reply to his challenge. It reeks of cowardice and arrogance and I hate him for it.

But you know Ace. As soon as he sees Whitebeard and knows that he doesn't stand a chance exhausted as he is he called for a full retreat and ordered the rest of our crew to take us with them, even if they had to tie us up to get us to leave Ace behind. He even erected a wall of fire to keep us from reaching him, the twat. I apologise for my language but I'm still trying to stop myself from hitting him for that idiotic move.

But, as I'm sure you've guessed by now, that didn't keep us away for long. However when we went back to the battlefield we found the Whitebeards gone: our brother along with them.

So we did what any sensible younger brothers with a crew full of worried, loyal, vengeful pirates would do; we gave chase and soon found their ship again.

The Moby Dick, for all the pirates inhabiting her, is a truly marvellous ship that dwarfs any navy battleship in size and scale. Her white wooden head is always smiling, grinning with magnificent whale's teeth. I'm not sure how many people on board know this but, if you're brave enough, you can climb down her face and squirm your way through a gap in her teeth and there's a compartment behind them that's kind of like a cabin really. It's quite cosy in there and it's from that cabin, with the sea wind in my ears and the salt on my tongue that I write this letter to you. Yes the Moby Dick is truly a wondrous ship and if it wasn't for the fact that her crew had kidnapped my brother then I might be inclined to like the crew almost as much as I like their home.

But I digress. We knew we had no chance of going up against the Whitebeards on land so what on earth we were thinking of going up against them on their home vessel I have no idea. But we wanted our brother back.

Unfortunately we did lose that battle but I suppose something we said must have gained their sympathies or something because they kept us on board, just tied up. They separated Luffy and I from the rest of the crew, seeing as we were the ones that refused to give up and stayed fighting even after everyone had been defeated. It was awful to see our comrades lying on the floor like that, not moving but to breathe. But we failed to protect them, failed to rescue our brother, and then we were separated from everyone but each other. However the Whitebeard obviously didn't expect us to know how to escape ropes because they seemed honestly surprised when we charged up on deck again using the ropes they bounds us with as weapons. I will spare you the details though as I'm sure you could do without those.

Though they decided to tie us to the main mast with steel cables so they could keep an eye on us and Luffy couldn't chew his way out.

However once Ace was up and walking (he still looked pretty exhausted though) it was explained that the Whitebeard wanted Ace to join their crew and they would be keeping us with them until he said yes. Ace being Ace told them to stick their offer where the sun doesn't shine and he's been trying to assassinate Whitebeard consistently over the past few days.

As for Luffy and me, well, we mainly explore and find hiding places among this massive ship whilst trying not to talk to anyone too much (although Luffy still gets roped into conversations with the Whitebeards sometimes. After all, when did being kidnapped stop Luffy from making friends?)

I doubt I'll be able to write very much now as I don't know how long we'll be stuck on this crew but I'm hoping that their desire for us to join them will allow me to send this letter to you in the first place.

Loving and missing you always,

Buttercup, Blossom and Bubbles.

Dear Dadan,

I hate old men. And fathers. And old men who want you to become their son.

Do you know why I hate them Dadan?


Nothing ever good comes from having a father. I have been hunted all my life because of who my fucking father is, Sabo was abused and emotionally neglected by his father and used like a piece of property to get him more status, and Luffy doesn't even know who his father is!

Not that I think he would care if he did but still!

Honestly Dragon is still probably the best Dad out of all three of them because at least he hasn't been around to fuck Luffy over nor has his last name ever been let slip because of the old geezer so at least there was no governmental dickhead trying to assassinate Lu since he was a toddler.

But yeah, I hate fathers.

Do you want to know what brought this rant on?



Honestly, who wants to adopt someone who is determined to kill them? And you can't say Luffy because we adopted him and long after we stopped trying to kill him.

Also can you send me more assassination ideas? My head's swimming too much to think straight.


Ace, Sabo and Luffy.

P.S. The only way he was able to write this letter was with my help so please don't lecture him on ranting in letters. I think he has a concussion from flying through the railings too much.

Dear Makino,

I bet you're surprised to get this letter so soon after the last one, aren't you? I know it's only been a few weeks but apparently the people on this ship are more than happy to help send letters to home islands. I personally think it's their way of trying to win us over and get us to join their crew but they should know by now that we follow Ace and Ace is still trying to kill Whitebeard.

Well I suppose I should keep you updated on who we're now living with for this short space of time, shouldn't I?

Well the first 'friend' we've made on this ship is (surprise surprise) the head chef and the fourth division commander. His name is Thatch and if Ace wasn't so busy trying to kill Whitebeard I honestly think they would be the best of friends. Still debating whether or not that's a good thing though. What can be said about Thatch? Well, he's always cheerful and he's the most persistent at talking to us. He's also the ship's best prankster which is why I don't know if it's a good thing for him to be friends with Ace. If they co-operated then the Moby Dick would be in shambled by the end of the week. You know, maybe that's not such a bad idea...

The one problem with it would be the first mate and first division commander. His name is Marco and, as far as I can tell, he's in charge of discipline and making sure everything runs smoothly on the ship. Or as smoothly as he can seeing as everyone on board is nuts. But the good kind of nuts, not the bloodthirsty 'I'm-going-to-kill-you-if-you-blink-at-me-wrong' kind of nuts. Marco as a guy is pretty cool; he's relaxed around us and genuinely seems to want to help us get along with his 'family'. According to some of the crew he's older than any of them and was apparently Whitebeard's first 'son'. He barely looks like he's out his late twenties though! He's eaten a Mythical Zoan fruit though, the Phoenix model, so maybe that granted him immortality or something? Or maybe just a really really really long life...I doubt he'd tell me if I asked him though. He seems kinda like Dadan in the way he'd most likely blow up if I asked him what his age was. My ear still hurts from the time I asked Dadan that.

Another person I find quite interesting is one of the fishmen on board. His name is Namur and he's a shark fishman. He's also the commander of the eighth division and the one who helps me fish the idiot I call a brother out of the water every day. If I'm not there he'll always rescue Ace for me which is nice. It's also really interesting to learn about his culture. Fishmen and Fishman Island sound so interesting! Apparently the mermaid princess is a giant, larger than every other mermaid living despite being only a child. Though it does sound quite dangerous for humans to visit at the moment. Of course, I don't blame the fishmen for wanting to fight back against the oppression that humans subject them to. It's not right for people to treat another race the way they do just because they have gills or a tail and can breathe underwater.

Racism is stupid. Why can't we all just accept one another the way we are and be done with it?

Sorry, this letter got pretty heavy again didn't it?

It must seem so strange to you to hear of our adventures from Foosha, huh? Then again you handled Luffy growing up around you so I don't suppose anything really shocks you now, does it?

How are things back home anyway? Is the Party Bar still going strong? How are Dadan and her bandits? How much did Woop Slap explode when the article came out about Ace's confrontation with Whitebeard?

I don't think the marines have clicked that the Whitebeards took us with them yet so if you could not mention it to Gramps that would be great.


Loving and missing you,

Sabo, Ace and Luffy.

P.S. I don't want the nosy sods on this ship to learn our nicknames so we'll sign them in our names for now.

Hey Dadan.

Ignore the ink splatters above please; my hands must still be shaking from the last fight I was in.

I... I talked to Marco earlier today. You know; the first mate of the Whitebeards, pretty relaxed guy, Phoenix powers, looks like a pineapple? I'm sure Sabo mentioned him in his last letter. Well anyway I talked with him earlier about something.

...Dadan? What do you do if you want something so badly but you've been fighting against it a really long time?

I want freedom. I've known that most of my life. I want to be able to go wherever I want, do whatever I want! I never want to be bound to something or tied down to something.

You know that, right Dadan?

That's why I had to go to sea, had to become a pirate no matter what Gramps wanted for me. I get he wanted me to join the marines because he is a marine but that meant I had to be tied to an organization that wanted to kill me. As a pirate I never had to obey any rules but my own, never had to listen to anyone but myself. Sure I listened to Sabo and Makou when they were saying something was too dangerous or risky but I always had the option not to.

And I love that life. The freedom of choice and the freedom of knowing who I am but not being bothered with it because I was making my own name known and I loved that.

But now... now I don't know what I truly want anymore.

Every day I've spent on the Moby Dick has been amazing. Everyone here just seems to get me. I don't know how to explain it. They know when I'm happy or when I'm genuinely angry, they know if I want company or want to be left alone without me even opening my mouth. They accept me as their ship-brother despite the fact I've been horrible to them; I've tried to kill their captain multiple times for crying out loud!

Dadan...Marco told me that the reason they called their captain their father is because he gave them a home. He accepted them when no-one else in the world would. He gave a home and a family to the outcasts and he loves them all, despite what they may have done before they were a part of his crew.

Is it bad that I want to be part of that family too? Is it bad that I want to call all these pirates my brothers and sisters, have a home to come back to...and have a father who will actually be there for me?

I know I told you I hate fathers. I've said that for as long as I can remember... but I don't hate Whitebeard. Not anymore any way.

I...I want to call him my father.

Is that nuts?

But I've talked to Sabo and Luffy too and they both like it here as well. Luffy's still determined to leave in a few years to come back and start his journey in East Blue but he likes everyone on board and I'm sure he won't mind being a Whitebeard for a few years. Sabo wants to stay too. He likes how everyone on board loves and fights for freedom just as much as we do.

Maybe that's why I wouldn't mind being tied down to this crew. I wouldn't really be tied down. I'd still be free but I'd have a home and family at my back to support and love me for who I am. Not hate me for a name I never wanted.

I guess what I'm trying to get across in this letter is that tomorrow I'm becoming a Whitebeard Pirate along with Sabo and Luffy.

And I wanted to thank you as well Dadan; for being so supportive of us three no matter what we chose to do and I know you'll support us through this as well.

So yeah, thank you!


Ace, Sabo and Luffy.

P.S. Thought I'd tag this on down here; the Whitebeard have this tradition of getting their mark tattooed somewhere to show you're a part of the family so guess who's getting another tattoo? It's going to cover my whole back if I have anything to say about it so you can't stop me on that!

P.P.S I think Sabo's getting one on the juncture between his shoulder and his neck so it won't so obvious with all the shirts he wears. So you will hardly know it's there.

Dear Makino,

I'm going to assume the mail arrives correspondent to when it's written so I'm going to assume you got Ace's letter yesterday and now know that we officially became Whitebeard pirates late last night. It may seem strange to you that I'm writing a letter so soon after Ace sent his own but I wanted to tell you something (which I'm hoping won't make it back to Dadan).

I got another tattoo this morning. It wasn't as painful as my Whitebeard one but it's worth more to me. I got ASL tattooed over my heart; our initials, you know? But I also got Izo (he's the one in charge of the tattoos and is pretty interesting) to put cherry blossoms behind the A, buttercups behind the S, and bubbles floating around the L. All the nicknames you gave us. I thought it was only right that I honoured our other family as well as our new one, right? I might ask Izo to take a picture so I can show you what it looks like.

That was mainly what I wanted to tell you any way. Thought it might be nice for you to know.

Another thing you might find interesting is that Ace is going to be learning to cook! How weird is that? He's doing it to learn about nutritional value in food while I read the medical books the doctors give me. After all, it's very important to know exactly what is going into our bodies especially given how much we eat. Is that why you kept trying to get me to eat cabbage when I was younger? Because I'm still saying it tasted nasty and I'm sure there was some other vegetable that would have done me the same amount of good with less mental trauma.

Anyway, I will write again soon when something interesting happens!

Loving you always,

Sabo, Ace and Luffy.

P.S. Tell Dadan she can look forward to rant free letters from Ace now. I doubt he will have much to rant about now.

Hey Dadan,

Bet you're sick of getting so many frequent letters by now aren't you?

But a lot has been happening lately!

For one; we met Shanks a few weeks ago. When I say we, I mean me and Sabo. He's pretty awesome actually, I can really see why Luffy idolises him so much. He let us drink too which is pretty cool in my book. He told us a lot of stories about Luffy actually. Yeah, did you know where Luffy got that little scar under his eyes? Did you? Well let me enlighten you; HE STABBED HIMSELF THERE TO PROVE HE WAS BRAVE!

I know Luffy can be an idiot sometimes but come on! Who just stabs themselves? And don't mention the time when I was four, I don't want my own mistakes to be used against me thanks. Besides, Sabo likes to read your letters back and he doesn't even know about that so please don't mention it or I'll have both of my brothers interrogating me.

But yes, back to Shanks. He's actually a pretty relaxed guy; I thought he'd be all hyper like Luffy but apparently he only gets that way when they have a party or set out on a new adventure. Sounds familiar right? Maybe that means Luffy might calm down a little bit when he gets older.

Also we ran into Gramps a few days ago. He hasn't changed much. He still threatened to beat us with his Fist of Love if we didn't come with him and he still said we needed to be trained to become marines but after talking to Pops he let us go. Strange, huh? Whilst I'm glad he's respecting our choices for once I still can't get over how he looked at us. It was like he was crushed or something.

Despite how much we complain about him we do care about him. We really do! And I know none of us are really happy with the way he looked as he left. We're so glad that he let us stay and is letting us stay as Whitebeard Pirates but I can't help but think that maybe he thinks we don't love him anymore or something like that when we do!

We do love him Dadan. If you see him before we do, make sure he remembers that, okay? We'll try and send birthday or Christmas presents to him. Hopefully that will show him that we won't forget him or stop caring about him.

But yeah, apparently the Whitebeards are shocked that we've never had a 'proper' Christmas, whatever that's supposed to mean. So expect a lot of letters about that soon from either me or Sabo. Depends who feels up to writing at the time. Who knows, maybe Luffy will finally join in? He needs the practise any way so if he does help write our Christmas letters I apologise in advance for his bad handwriting.


Ace, Sabo and Luffy.

P.S. I've included some pictures of Sabo after Izo got a hold of him. Since when did my little brother become so beautiful and why didn't you tell me before we left?!

Heya Makino, Hi Dadan!

Hello from all three of us. We decided to write this letter together.

Which is why it's a mess of doodles and colours already because Luffy didn't want to wait for us and decided to draw all over the parchment.

It's all of us together on the top! Shanks and Pops and Mama Pineapple (That's what he calls Marco) and Thatch and Izo and Namur-

And I'm stealing the pen right here or else you would have a list of everyone on this ship and then we'd be sending you a book instead of a letter.

So I think I'll go first (Ace is too busy tickling Luffy to write at the moment).

Anyway, Happy Christmas!

We've been celebrating for twelve days now, or at least, preparing to celebrate for twelve days. We've been singing carols, helping decorating, Ace has been helping out in the kitchens and we even stopped off at a winter island so we could have a snow filled Christmas as well!

Christmas here is certainly a lot different to Christmas on Mt. Corvo. Not that there's anything bad about spending the holiday with you guys but Christmas is just a bigger deal to these guys. Everyone, even the most reluctant, joined in with the story telling and the singing. It was just very jolly and happy. On Mt. Corvo you had to be careful because the cold could kill you at Christmas and there was always a shortage of food. Here there's always food being supplied by the chefs and if we get too cold all we have to do is hug Ace; it's brilliant!

I would just like to say that I disapprove of being the human heater and would really like it if you can tell these two leeches to stop!

Ignore him, he's just being a grump again. He likes getting hugs really.

Not when the only reason you're hugging me is to stay warm!

Ace and Sabo are arguing now so I guess it's my turn to write!

Snow is really pretty isn't it? We buried Ace in the snow and had a massive snowball fight on deck. They kept trying to knock our hats off though which wasn't as fun but they never did! Thatch has been making us lots of hot chocolate though and he always gives me more marshmallows which annoys Ace and Sabo.

We all went and got a massive tree for the deck too! Everyone helped out with decorations and it looked awesome by the time we were finished with it. Pops even lifted me up so I could put the star on the tree without rocketing up and knocking it over. Pops is super tall so he can do stuff like that. He's even taller than Magra!

Luffy you come up to Magra's elbows; everyone's taller than you.

Haruta's not taller than me! And you only just come up to Pops' knees! Also apparently Ace and Sabo have both grown a bit which they're happy about but it's not fair because they like to hold it over me. It's not my fault I'm shorter than them! I'm just catching up!

Keep telling yourself that and it just might come true Lu.

Anyway thought you might like to know this; my friend Thatch (I've told you about him before right? Or maybe Sabo did...) well he's obsessed with Christmas and he and Luffy even thought it was a good idea to sing Christmas songs whilst we were fighting the marines! How idiotic is that?

You were singing along with them you hypocrite!

Shut up Sabo, I'm writing right now!

As I was saying, can you please tell Luffy to pay more attention in his fights? We have enough on our plates with our own battles without worrying about him doing an idiotic move due to him singing Christmas songs and encouraging the enemy to get into the holiday spirit. If there is a single marine with said holiday spirit I will boil my boots and eat them!

I know what I'm going to be doing in the next few days then.

What? Finding a festive marine?

Yup! And I'm sure Thatch and Luffy will help me.

...I hate you.

He doesn't hate you two! He's not speaking to Sabo so he's using the paper to sulk.

I am not sulking!

Yes you are.

I hope you like your presents! We had a lot of fun finding them and we scared a few people when they saw your present Dadan. Thatch told us we should always get a funny gift for the people we love but Izo told us to get a gift that will mean something to you so we did both. Ace and I got you the funny gifts while Sabo helped with the special ones.

We've also included a whole load of pictures that our friends took and we've written on the back who is in them and what was going on so you'll really get to know some of our crew before we head back to East Blue in a couple of years.

So yeah, we hope you like your gifts! xxx

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Xxx

And we hope you have a good new year! Xxx


Ace, Sabo, and Luffy

p.s: Ace and Sabo don't know I slipped in the picture of them under the mistletoe with Thatch so please don't tell them you saw that!

A/N: There we go~ Hope you enjoyed those letters and that you enjoy the next chapter which will be: The Talk! (Also known as the moment of eternal embarrassment for Ace and Dadan)