Fiona's POV

"Scooter, what happened?" I asked him. He looked at the flashing red lights on the console at the front of the ship.

"Hmm... I'm not too sure..." He replied.

"Oh no! Minion!" Claptrap shouted.

"What? What's wrong?" Sasha asked.

"My sensors show that Helios shot us with some sort of weaponry!" Claptrap announced.

"Ohhhh great." Vaughn said as he looked out the window at Helios that was so close.

"Son of a fuck! How are we gonna get up there?" Claptrap questioned as he started to spin around, nervously.

"You need to calm down, Claptrap. We'll find a way."Springs assured him.

"Hm..." Scooter began, "It looks like there is some juice left in this baby! Could just be enough to get up to Helios."

"Alright. Everyone buckle in!" Sasha commanded. We all secured ourselves into a seat, I was in the driver's seat.

"Quickly, minion! I sense that Helios are preparing for another shot! I DON'T WANNA DIIIIIEEEE!" Claptrap shouted.

"We aren't going to die!" Sasha said. I looked at the boost screen and it read 96%.

"Ahhhh! Projectile inbound! A moonshot is heading our way!" Claptrap said covering his eye. I looked out the window and I could see it in front of us, heading straight for us. I looked down at the boost levels again: 99%.

"Come on. Come on!" I said to myself, hand hovering over the boost button.

"Boost Operating at 100%!" A robotic voice sounded from the console. The moonshot was mere meters away as I pushed the button. The boost activated and I managed to steer the vehicle out of the way of the moonshot.

"Thank God!" Vaughn shouted over the noise of the boost.

"We're going in for a crash landing it looks like!" I warned them as we approached Helios.

"A'ight, hold on to something!" Scooter shouted. We slowed down a bit, but not enough. We hit the landing bay but we were going to fast to stop, we crashing into the side of the space-station. Suddenly, an alarm sounded from Helios.

"WARNING! Unknown aircraft in Helios landing bay!"

"God. Is everyone... alright?" Sasha asked in between breaths.

"My eye! My eye!" Claptrap shouted as he jumped from his seat and waved his arms in the air. I stood up from my chair and walked over to Claptrap, his eye was on the floor. I picked it up and handed it to Scooter.

"Here. Can you fix him?" I asked. He looked at the eye,

"Alright, little robot! Just stay still, I can fix ya up." Scooter said as he knelt in front of the small yellow robot. He looked at the eye before literally just shoving it into Claptrap's head.

"I can see! Thank you, minion!" Claptrap exclaimed.

"We should hurry up and find Rhys before we're surrounded by Hyperion guards." Vaughn said as he left the crashed ship, followed by me, Sasha, Scooter, Claptrap and Springs. We were greeted by two Hyperion guards who were aiming their weapons at us.

"Oh. Great." Springs said.

Rhys' POV

"WARNING! Unknown aircraft in Helios landing bay!" The alarm of Helios echoed through the space station.

"Wow. Are they finally here?" Jack asked.

"How do you know it's them?" I questioned.

"Well who else would it be?" He replied, "You don't get many unknown aircrafts landing in the Helios bay." Vasquez then showed up in front of the cell with Gortys in his hands. He unlocked the cell and threw her in, roughly. He locked it back up before saying,

"You're little friends won't make it here, Rhys! Lilith and Nisha will make sure of that." He said as he walked away.

"Gortys!" I said as I looked down at her , "Are you okay?"

"I-I don't know." She said, sadly. "There were scary looking tools in the room they took me to. They were talking about using them on me."

"They didn't did they?" I asked.

"No. No they didn't, but I don't want them to use them on me, Rhys!" She said, worried. She then wrapped her small robotic arms around my legs.

"H-hey, Gortys. I won't let them take you, okay?"

"Thanks, Rhys!" She said, more happy as she pulled away.

"Hopefully they don't do any tests on you, Rhysie! Don't want me to die." Jack said.

"That would be terrible." I said as I sighed.

"What are you talking about, Rhys?" Gortys asked.

"N-nothing, Gortys. Just thinking out loud."

Fiona's POV

"You will come with us, or you will be shot!" One of the guards said.

"Oh my goooodddd!" Claptrap started to shout.

"What? What's wrong with him?" a guard asked. Whilst the guards were distracted by Claptrap going crazy, I pulled out my gun from my sleeve and shot both of them with corrosive damage.

"You can thank me later for being a distraction, minion!" Claptrap exclaimed.

"Okay. Let's split up and try to find him." I started, "Scooter and Springs. Vaughn and Sasha. And I guess Claptrap can come with me." I looked down at him.

"Yay! LET'S GO, MINION! ONWARDS!" Claptrap demanded as he headed towards the door. We all followed. Once we were inside, we went our separate ways, to try and find Rhys and Gortys... and I guess Jack too. Why would he tell me about Jack and not Vaughn?

"Right. Where do we start looking?" I asked as Claptrap and I headed down one of the many corridors of Helios.

"If I knew your small friend Gortys' ID code, I could track her!" Claptrap said.

"Is there any way you could get the ID code?" I questioned.

"Maybe that weird guy has it! What's his name?" Claptrap wondered.

"Vaughn?" I asked.

"Yes! That guy!" I called Vaughn on my ECHO device,

"Vaughn?" I questioned.

"Err can this be quick! Sasha and I are kinda runnin from some Hyperion guards!" He replied.

I sighed, "Can't you stay out of trouble!?"

"Look! What do you want!?" He shouted.

"Do you know what Gortys' ID code is? Claptrap said he can track it!"

"Ohh... I don't think Claptrap has the capabilities of doing something like that..." Vaughn exclaimed.

"Excuuuuse me!" Claptrap shouted.

"Look it's the only chance we've got at finding them!" I said.

"Ugh, fine! Let me check my book." Vaughn shouted.

Vaughn's POV

Sasha and I were still running as I pulled out a small book from my back pocket.

"Great. Perfect timing, Fi!" Sasha shouted.

"Well I'm sorry! Finding Rhys is our main objective!" Fiona replied. I flicked through the pages of different ID codes of bots that I have built or designed or met. It included ID's for multiple different CL4P-TP units and Loaderbot units. It also contained some other ID's for bots that I can't even remember.

"Vaughn! We don't have all day!" Fiona shouted. As I reached page 325 I finally found it.

"Aha! The code!" I chanted.

"Hurry up, minion! What is the code?!" Claptrap asked.

"It's er- G0RTY500032146!" I told them.

"Thanks, Vaughn! Both of you be careful!" Fiona said as the line went dead.

Fiona's POV

"So. Can you track, Gortys?" I asked Claptrap.

"YOU need to be patient!" Claptrap said. After about 15 seconds Claptrap jumped up, "Aha! THIS WAY, MINION!" He zoomed off down a number of different hallways. I only barely managed to catch up.

"Oh this is great!" I heard a voice.

"How is it great?" Another voice asked.

"We could have a party!" I recognized those voices. It was Gortys!

"A party? Are you serious!?" Rhys' voice sounded from down the corridor.

"Yup! We would invite Loaderbot! It'll be awesome!" Gortys replied. I ran down the corridor, followed by Claptrap.

"Rhys?!" I shouted.

"Fiona! We're over here! Cell number 8!" He replied.

"We're here to save you!" Claptrap shouted, waving his arms in the air. We both headed towards the Cells and found number 8. Inside was Rhys and Gortys... and I guess Jack too.

"Oh thank god. Are you guys okay?" I asked.

"Ye-yeah. I guess. You better hurry up and get us out of here, Vazquez will be coming down here at any moment to take us to the labs and do tests on us." Rhys replied.

"Tests?" I questioned, shocked.

"Yeah. I think they know about Jack and they want to get him out of my head, which would probably end up killing me. And they want to test on Gortys to see if they can open a vault without her!" He explained.

"Okay okay. Claptrap, how do we open it?" I asked. Claptrap then opened a fuse box and put his hand into it,

"Ahhhh! I'm gonna leeeeaaaakkk!" Claptrap shouted as sparks of electricity passed through him. The cell then opened (by the way, the cell is like the one Yvette is in in Episode 5),I ran in and pulled Rhys into a tight hug.

"OHHH! Okay, you're only cru-crushing my i-insides!" He said as he awkwardly wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Shut up you Hyperion jackass." I replied.

"Yay! We're like the best family ever!" Gortys cheered as she wrapped her arms around mine and Rhys' legs.

Rhys' POV

"Way to go, pumpkin!" Jack shouted. "I TOLD you that she digs ya!" Fiona then pulled away slightly and looked up at my eyes. She sighed before leaning up and placing her lips on mine. It was only for about 3 seconds before she pulled away.

"Err... I thought I was a Hyperion jackass..." I said.

"Yep. You are. Now come on, before Vazquez shows up." She said as she took my hand in hers and dragged me out of the cell, followed by Gortys and Claptrap... and Jack.

"Finally, kiddo!" Jack chanted.

"All of this weird romance stuff makes me want to reconsider my life!" Claptrap said.

"I think you're great together!" Gortys smiled.

"You are just the cutest thing ever, Gortys!" Fiona said.

Fiona's POV

"Hey guys!" I rang the rest of the group.

"Yeah? What's up?" Scooter replied.

"We got Rhys and Gortys!" I said.

"Great! But there is a slight problem." Vaughn said.

"What is the problem?" Springs asked.

"We don't have a ship anymore. It lost too many parts when we crashed into the landing bay!" Sasha said.

"You crashed the ship?" Rhys asked. "Let me guess. Fiona was driving." Rhys smirked. I punched him on the arm. "LESS VIOLENCE PLEASE!" Rhys said.

"We could take the escape pods. Some are two seaters and some are one seaters. I'm sure there will be enough for all of us," Vaughn said.

"Right. Lets meet up at Scooter's garage when we get back down to Pandora." I commanded. Everyone agreed, and we all said good luck to one another.

Gortys, Rhys, Claptrap and I ran towards the escape pod bay.

"Hey! The prisoners have escaped!" A Hyperion guard shouted as we ran by. An alarm then sounded,

"WARNING! RUNAWAY PRISONERS ARE ON THE LOOSE! Subjects known as: Gortys and Rhys!"

"There!" Rhys pointed towards two pods, they both had two seats inside. I picked Gortys up and placed her into one of the pods. Rhys and I then lifted Claptrap into the same on.

Before I released the pod I asked, "You know how to get back to Scooter's garage?"

"Noooo problem, minion!" Claptrap replied.

"Be careful you two." Rhys said as he climbed into the other pod. I handed Claptrap an ECHO device.

"If you get lost, call me on this." I said to him.

"Okay! Buh-bye!" Claptrap chanted.

"Bye, Fiona!" Gortys said, waving.

"Stay safe." I pressed the button and the pod closed then fired down towards Pandora. I then quickly climbed into the same pod as Rhys. I sat next to him as someone shouted,

"Stop! You will not get away!"

"That sounds like Lilith! Oh no, we gotta go now!" Rhys said. I pushed the button, a voice then sounded,

"Pod not yet ready to be ejected. 20 Seconds until fully charged."

"Oh great." I said. 'Lilith' then appeared in front of the pod.

"You will not get away Rhy-" She was suddenly tackled to the ground by...

"Sasha!" I shouted.

"Pod ejection in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

"We got this! Meet you at Scooters!" Vaughn shouted as the pod doors closed. We were then ejected into space, towards the big planet of Pandora.