He guys,

so, Im sorry it took forever. I got a writers block and then intership and ugh... But happy to be back and writing again.
THis was going to be part 1 for chapter 7 but i thought that it would take to long to write another 2 or 3 pages and
let you wait that long! so here it is, hope you enjoy pls let me know what you think!

also thank you to my beta!

and go check out these girls writing on Wattpad, I think it's up to a nice start!
www. wattpad user/ Your_world_unleashed

The citizens of Storybrooke milled around the streets as they went about their everyday lives. The car ride was smooth as it was expertly maneuvered through traffic lights and signs. Regina was quiet on the way back to Emma's apartment, casually noticing people as they entered and exited shops and cars. Emma didn't want to say anything, just to make sure the brunette got some time to process what must be a traumatic experience for her.

After a 10 minute drive to the apartment, Emma slid her car into her parking spot, turning the car off. Neither of the women moved, the only sound was the ticking of the cooling engine. "Are you okay?" Emma asked after a while, turning her head slightly. She was honestly kind of scared to ask, because she didn't really know how to help Regina.

Regina nodded. "Yes… I just-." She sighed. "I had hoped the stalking and the whole being famous issue would be over when I got here." Regina whispered, looking down at her hands.

The sheriff took in the elegant manicured fingers as they fiddled. "I'm sorry." Emma whispered back. "But I mean, they would be pretty stupid to try and do that again at the sheriff's house." She smirked a little. Emma saw the corner of the brunette's mouth turn up a bit. "Come on, let's get inside." Emma said and got out of the car.

They walked up to Emma's apartment, Emma carrying Regina's bag and walking behind the other woman. "The door to the right, number eight."

"Do you live with someone?" Regina asked raising a brow, when the two women heard music coming from inside Emma's apartment.

"Uuhhh," Emma put the bag down and fished the keys out of her pocket. "I wasn't expecting anyone... so it's a mess inside." She avoided the question and turned the key, the door slowly falling open. The muffled lyrics became clearer, now no longer obstructed.

You think you're right, but you were wrong

You tried to take me, but I knew all along

Emma picked up the bag again, and with her other hand, gently guided Regina inside where they witnessed a 10 year old boy awkwardly dancing around the room in front of the tv.

You can't take me for a ride

I'm not a fool now, so you better run and hide

I'm trouble, yeah trouble now

I'm trouble y'all, I got trouble my own town

I'm trouble, yeah trouble now

I'm trouble y'all, I got trouble my own town

"Henry!" Emma yelled but the tv sound was turned up so loud he could not hear his mother.

If you see me coming down the street

then you know it's time to go

hey you know it's time to go

and you know it's time to go

cause here comes trouble

Henry turned around in a wobbly spin and his arms that were in the air, instantly dropped, his eyes gone wide. Emma put Regina's bag down, and walked over and first turned the sound down and then shut off the tv. "Well..." Emma exhaled loudly. "Regina, this American Idol wannabe is my son, Henry." Emma moved to stand behind her son and affectionately placed her arms on his shoulders. "Henry… behave." Emma smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Mooommmm," Henry whined. "Gross."

Emma chuckled at her son's antics and walked away. "I'll go put your bag in the guest room." Emma glanced at the actress.

"Okay." Regina smiled. It was easy to see she was amused by the interaction between the blonde and her son.

"Wait!" Henry said with wide eyes. "You're gonna stay here?" He asked. Regina just nodded. "Sweet!"


The table was filled with several white cartons, packets of soy sauce, and fortune cookies waiting to be cracked open. It all looked domestic and quite inviting to a casual observer. "So Henry, do you often listen to that kind of music?" Regina asked as she took a mouthful from her Chinese food they ordered.

"You mean P!nk?" He asked, then shrugged. "I mean, it's on tv." The boy went back to his plate as he impaled a piece of chicken.

"MTV, which you are not allowed to watch young man," Emma scolded pointing her fork to the boy.

"Anyways," Henry rolled his eyes and focused his attention back to the brunette. "There was something on MTV news today." He tells her but trying really hard to look her in the eyes, so she looks down at his food.

"Really? And what might that be?" Regina asked, eyeing the blonde for a second who is sitting opposite her, then looking back at the boy sitting at the head of the table.

"Yeah," he mumbled still looking down at his food. This was probably the reason his mom thought he shouldn't be watching now that he thought about it.

"Henry, what might that have been then," Regina asked again gently. She didn't want to push the young boy she just met into telling her things he really didn't want to tell. But it was Henry who had brought up the subject in the first place.

Henry was now playing with his food, and the look on his face told Regina that he was debating whether or not to tell about what he saw on tv. "They showed a few clips of some of the movies you've been in." He said, still not looking up from his food. "And you might have been, a little bit, maybe been naked in them."

"Henry!" Emma almost yelled out in shock. Where were the manners she had taught him?

"I didn't look I swear!" The boy defended himself.

"It's okay, dear. Those are the consequences you pay when you make a choice like that," Regina tells Henry. "I chose to be in a movie with rather less clothing on, so it's natural it is going to show up every now and then."

"Well, I mean you have a really nice body." Henry mumbled, his face turning beet red.

"Henry!" Emma almost yelled again out of shock and embarrassment. "Seriously, kid." Emma wanted to smack her son upside the head.

"Why thank you dear. But didn't you just say you didn't look?" Regina chuckled.

Regina could hear Henry groan, and he put some more food in his mouth. Trying not to smile at the sight of the sheriff with her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide, Regina went back to eating her food. The rest of dinner was all in silence.

Dinner over, Emma and Regina stood up and started packing up the leftovers and taking what needed to be washed over to the sink. Henry reached for a wrapped fortune cookie.

"So are you moving in with us?" Henry asked when they returned to the table.

Emma and Regina looked at the boy. Both woman locked eyes for a moment. Emma debated whether she should tell the truth. "No Henry, Regina is just staying here because someone thought it was funny to break into her house."

"Oh my god! For real? Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" The youngster asked right away, forgetting his mother within a second.

"Yes, thank you dear. Fortunately, I had a savior." She smiled. "But your mother however…" She smirked.

"Ah, I was wondering what happened there," Henry said, looking at Emma's face. Her right side of her face had a soft blue, purple color.

"Well, your mother saved me," Regina blushed, locking eyes with Emma.

"I mean," Henry scoffed, "Mom is pretty badass… being sheriff and all." Rolling his eyes and trying to be cool, he slowly leaned back on his chair.

Regina had a grin on her face as Emma chuckled and swiped the, so called 'dirt' off her shoulders, making the 10 year old laugh. Regina smiled at the small interaction, wishing she could have something like that too. But right now, she wasn't going to think about that. She was just going to enjoy her time here.