Ferid was never the one to compromise when he wanted something badly. This has become apparent to Guren over the span of months that he has been with the vampire. He was a prisoner initially, and had little to no freedom to go out of his prison cell. But the moods of his captor were erratic and unpredictable that he was confused as to his fate.

It was clear in the way the vampire treated him that he only viewed him as some sort of entertainment, just a past time, merely a toy that could be replaced when broken. By allowing him to roam the grounds of his estate freely after being brought to him, it was obvious that he never entertained the thought or the possibility of Guren being able to escape nor try his luck for it.

When Guren asked why Ferid was doing this, the vampire only gave him a smirk. The kind that sent shivers down his spine. It was a sneer of the devil. The curve of the vampire's mouth was full of malignity and his eyes, crimson in their colour was a motley in the undertones of its gaze. The vampire tells him he's generous and sympathetic. He tells him that he was kind enough to allow him to go out of his prison cell so he should thank him thoroughly and whole heartedly. What was he to do? With a confused mind, Guren tried learning about his captor. He tried patiently going with his meanderings, with his ploys and plots. In the process, he realised how contradictory the vampire was, how ironic and utterly conflicting he was.

Sometimes he acts like this innocent, immaculate being. Untouchable, elusive, a vestal among the corrupted and the next he acts like this irredeemable seductress, vile and degraded. But he never in all his deprived ways touched him nor hurt him. Guren was only put off by the way he does things, the way he narrates deplorable things with that face, with a face that could make even him fall to his knees.

Guren noticed his apparent apathy towards him. He noticed the empty stare he would sometimes give him. That gaze that seemed to see through him as if he was a phantom, something that didn't exist perplexed him. Even when the vampire speaks to him, there was no light in his eyes, only a void, a darkness much darker than his own.

Ferid sometimes visited him in his dingy prison cell where moss with the color of lime stuck to the walls and flakes of dried paint were pealing off. He was given a hammock as a bed. His sole companion were the screeching noises of rats, and the cold air running through his skin accompanied by Mahiru's voice inside his head. His visits were intermittent and truthfully, while it may be so that he believed that the vampire only goes to see him to either piss him off or to make him feel even more pathetic about himself, he had always driven Mahiru's voice away. To a certain extent, he was thankful for that reason. Whenever he goes to see him, the accusing ceases, the nagging and the blaming stops. He feels peaceful then. These visits brought a different kind of hue to Ferid's character. He finds himself waking up to the weight of his crimson eyes on him and the rustling sound of his clothes when he leaves.

When he summons him for a talk, to dine with him, his manner of speech always made Guren's eyebrows rise. It always did. He tried understanding this side of him, but he fails every time. Ferid was unbelievable. His actions always made Guren feel like he was coming on to him, trying to seduce him like the vile creature that he was. But like any of his observations, Ferid always acted like this with the others as well. This was a question he frequently acts himself, why was he quite unnerved when he talked to him this way?

He has seen him act like an innocent, he has seen him act like a temptress and a princess being waited on. He has seen him in all of these bits and pieces of his person but he has never understood nor grasped even a tiny detail of the creature that was Ferid Bathory. He was eloquent as well. His sweet voice taunting, the words roll on his tongue like it was the most normal thing in the world. It was easy for him to express himself in such a precise manner with words well stringed together. Persuasive, pleasing and charming, he was like that. He speaks to him with the sweetness and intimacy of a lover or a confidant. Always asking him questions about himself, asking him about what he feels and such. Truth be told, it always made Guren weak. But he tries his hardest not to be swayed, not to be hauled to him by force.

When he looks at him and speaks to him in such an intimate manner, making him feel like he could be the only one, trapping him in some sort of delusion where he could actually be what he says him to be: A man, a soldier, or simply someone enough. It always made him fall back. Ferid knew how to play with people's hearts. But Guren doesn't let it win over him, even if Ferid makes him feel powerful. Even if he dispels Mahiru's voice from his mind, he refuse to succumb to his advances. With an obvious sharp mind and passion for detail, the vampire loved schemes. He loved being immaculate despite his debased actuations and behaviours. Despite the amorality and the apathy, and the tiny pieces of his character that he reveals to him, there was nothing more that Ferid allows him to see. And it was difficult.

Ferid finds it appealing to feed in front of him. Disgusted, and anger welling deep inside of him, he was forced to sit through the ritual. Ferid loved teasing him. He would often tell him how much he loved a child's blood but he wonders how an adult would taste like clearly implying something. His eyes would linger on him for awhile, his face completely ineffable, a smile playing on his lips. Guren would feel his skin crawl whenever he's like this. Sweating, his hands clenched at his sides, his knuckles blanche and his heart beating frantically inside his chest, he would feel exposed. He didn't like it when Ferid provoked him this way.

Crowley would visit him too sometimes and would try to coax him into spilling information about their experimentations. But he never reveals anything to him even when the vampire provokes him into a fight where the redhead allows him to be freed from his shackles and even let him use his Godforsaken weapon against him. Guren was often annoyed at the vampire's treatment of him. He knew they only look at humans as livestock nothing more, nothing less, but to be able to experience it first hand was demeaning. It made him angry to be treated like some sort of rat, or an insect that they think they could easily crush. Ferid's treatment of him wasn't as obvious as how Crowley treats him. But he knows very well why. The vampire has told him before how much humans amuse him. He tells him that he liked the light in their eyes when they struggle. He says that he liked how they cling to hope despite the reality of hopelessness. The banding together, the fact that they needed each other was interesting too. That is why he loved them. Loving them was wanting them as well. Ferid was relentless when he wanted something badly. Sometimes he has this attachment to things like a child to his toy. Whenever he's like his, Guren finds it disconcerting. The thought of Ferid being more childish than he purports himself to be became clearer as time went. He had the penchant for testing people's patience. And he has always tested it with gusto. He liked it whenever Guren snarls at him and even more so when he looks at him in rage.

Whenever he provokes Guren into a fit of anger he would always just close his eyes and wait for it, even welcoming it. This always made the raven haired man lose all his anger because the look on Ferid's face made him tense. But every time, he finds himself lunging at him. Even Crowley could not provoke him like that.

It was not easy being help captive by the vampire. Guren was always being toyed with. Ferid loved every bit of the expressions he makes. The way his face would contort when he riles him up which would often end in a confrontation, a face off where the human ends up being thrashed because he was just too weak. Ferid was strong, he was stronger than Guren could imagine. His frail body and fragile looking limbs were only a facade. He's more than his looks.

"You always don't put much of a fight, Sweetheart. You bore the hell out of me."

This was the usual drill. Whenever Ferid calls Guren sweetheart, Guren always snaps. He hated how Ferid always calls him that. The feeling of being mocked and being reduced to a level of a pet - a cat waiting to be pet was repulsive to him. And in this moment, as always, Guren groaned, heat rose to his head. He tried to find an opening so that he could free himself from Ferid's strong grip.

"I don't like to fight as you would probably know by now..."

Ferid's voice trailed off in Guren's mind, it was difficult to concentrate on the words that the vampire was saying when he was in so much pain. He screeched as Ferid put more pressure on his skull. He grasped the vampire's wrists which took the other off guard. Guren doesn't touch Ferid if he can help it. And Ferid wonders whether he's being too cruel that he actually made Guren touch him.

"Screw you!"

Ferid wasn't expecting a kick from Guren, much less that kind of energy coming from him. He hit him on the side of the face which made the vampire tumble to his side breaking his iron hold off of him. This surprised Ferid. The side where Guren landed a kick hurt and before he could pick up his composure, Guren pushed him to the ground and laced his hands on Ferid's neck and choked him, putting in such strong pressure in his fingers. Aggression and the desire to destroy the vampire well up within him. But when he was about to strike, he hesitated landing a punch on Ferid's perfectly sculpted face.

"Do it." Ferid goads.

"Punch me in the face."

Guren realized that the vampire was only humoring him. He didn't fight back. There was no venom in his words. Calculative and observant as usual, the vampire was clearly testing him, testing his rage towards him. And so he did. He punched him like a ragdoll until he was satisfied but what was curious was the fact that Ferid only made soft noises, not of pain but rather of pleasure. His voice croaked, hiding fits of laughter. Guren was confused. He gritted his teeth.

"Perverted bastard."

A rising guffaw escaped Ferid's lips as he stood wiping his blood stained face.

After that incident, Ferid left him lounging for days inside his cell, his thoughts filled with nothing but his hatred for his captor. At this point, Guren's thoughts were always about Ferid and how much he's an epitome of contradiction. Thinking about how complicated a creature the vampire was he fell asleep.

Guren was woken up by a creaking sound coming from the door. Someone was coming in and he knew who it was. He was pissed off so he turned to his side to see his visitor. When he saw him, it was the first time he saw him in something other than his usual "vampire clothes" and his silver hair loose on his shoulder. It was dark inside the cell, and he wasn't sure whether or not Vampires had x-ray visions for real. But Ferid's figure was clearly illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the bars. It dappled on him like a limelight. His face was more pallid than ever and he was gaunt, dark circles under his eyes. He looked tragically beautiful. Guren can't help but wonder whether he was drinking enough blood. But it was impossible, he knew perfectly well how voracious he was. And just like always, with nothing to say to him only leaving him with the lingering burn of his crimson eyes, Ferid left, his long nightgown trailing behind him.

The week after, Ferid ordered his guards to let him roam free. At this point Guren was already tired of Ferid's mood swings and just went to devise a plan of escaping. But before he could do so, something happened. He was trying get to Ferid's quarters so that he could take something like a weapon of some sort that he could use or an information which would make his escape more practicable. When he found the Vampire's chambers and peaked at the key hole, he was surprised at what he saw. He knew there was something that was going on between the two vampires but he never would've expected this.

Crowley was inside and he was kissing Ferid on the mouth. Guren was so disturbed at the soft and wet noises that they both made that he wanted to go but something stopped him. It was the look on Ferid's face as their kiss became deeper, as their tongues aggressively longed for the other's and coiled on each other that made him stop on his tracks. His heart skipped a beat when he saw how utterly submissive and at the same time completely in control the silver-haired vampire was. He never saw him like that before. But despite their intimacy, Ferid stood still. In fact Crowley was the only one who was touching him. He raked his fingers on the silver-haired vampire's hair messing his perfect ponytail. His fine silver hair fell to his shoulders and swayed with him as he leaned forward for a more aggressive kiss. Crowley caressed him, touching his neck gently down to the crook of his arm. He heard the redhead say Ferid's name with desperation. Ferid only responded with a kiss and a tucked out tongue ready for him. Crowley moved forward, his hands grabbing a fistful of silver hair causing Ferid's face to tilt. It was easy to see that the redhead was using so much force because of the manner by which Ferid's face tilted. But still, the other welcomed his every gesture with such delight. It was obvious in his flustered face. Crowley's hands fumbled on the other's belt and loosened it to expose his member, limp and pale. Ferid moaned in his mouth as he caressed his sceptre and after that Crowley got down on his knees and Guren didn't want to look anymore so he left morally shocked.

Guren couldn't forget what he saw that time that he forgot all about his plans of escape. He was locked up for days without any news about Ferid. Ferid never visited him after that nor barged in when he's asleep. For some reason he felt a bit lonely. When Ferid summoned him though, he was so repulsed that he refused to go with the guards, to the point that Ferid needed to come to fetch him himself.

"You were never like this before." Ferid comments, his brows knitted and the disappointed expression on his face was obviously plastic.

Guren only glared at him. The look on his face delighted the vampire. He pranced, his steps light and full of mirth, his arms crossed on his chest. He hummed his name and leered at him. He was extremely pleased.

Ferid chuckled as he shooed the guards away leaving he and Guren alone.

"What's wrong with you? Just kill me off already. Why bother to keep me alive?"

Ferid sauntered towards him and stopped just a meter a way. The vampire smirked and because of that, Guren was so enraged that he lunged at him. The vampire always managed to provoke him just by standing in front of him. Ferid kicked him in the gut, throwing him to the other side of the room.

"Do you really think you can fight me with that strength human?"

Ferid said it in such a matter of fact way that Guren trembled. The word human felt like a pang.

"Isn't this what you wanted Vampire?"

"Oh~ What is that Lieutenant if I may ask? What do I really want?"

Ferid took a step closer and then another, bridging the gap between the two of them. Guren looked away flustered when he remember what he saw. As if reading his thoughts, Ferid averted his gaze from Guren and turned on his heels to take a few paces away from him.

"Why? You didn't like what you saw?" Ferid said provocatively, his saccharine voice soft and teasing.

Guren was shocked at this and pressed his lips together. The thought that maybe Ferid was just putting on a show for him that time irritated him. Ferid stopped walking and looked over his shoulder. A chuckle escaped his narrow lips.

"Ah~! You didn't believe vampires can do stuff like that too?" Ferid laughed. His laugh a staccato.

But Guren in spite of himself ran towards Ferid and pushed him on the ground with an intense rage in his eyes. Ferid just stared at him with his glassy eyes of dismissive indifference. Guren put all his weight against Ferid's slender frame feeling his supple body underneath the cloth. The image that he saw came back to him. Vividly. With that, his body heated up as he remembered the way Ferid tilted his face as he was kissing Crowley, the way he responded to the other's deepening kiss, moaning in his mouth but still not touching him. He remembered the look in the Vampire's face when Crowley finally put him inside his mouth and at that moment Guren lost it all. He cursed in his mind as he was realising how dangerous their position was. He could feel all of him and he was surprised at how surprisingly lithe he was.

Ferid as if taking cue from the expression that Guren was making called out to him-an invitation-and brushed Guren's cheek with his fingers looking intently into the latter's dark abysmal eyes.

"Guren." Ferid purred. He closed his eyes and parted his lips knowing fully well what would happen next. Before Guren realised what he was doing, he was already kissing the Vampire and panting on top of him.

"Nnfff. Aaah…"

The slush of the lips was not as bad as he imagined. The sound of sucking, and the wet whispers of lips gliding against lip wasn't as oppressive as he thought. He pressed himself against Ferid and grabbed him by the arm, spreading the vampire's arm away from the former's chest to impose his dominance. He was being quite aggressive. Guren never felt such an aggression well up within him before. He undulated against Ferid and even groaned and moaned as he torridly kissed him, their teeth gnashing against each other. It was a cluttering of inexperienced kisses, awkward but sweet. Ferid was a real sport about it, he welcomed Guren's clumsy kisses and even melted at his hesitant touch.

"Guren." Ferid moaned in his ear. His raspy voice made Guren feel a certain muscular constriction near his crotch. That was the last straw. Guren cursed in his mind and was possessed by a strong feeling of self-hatred and shame. Looking at Ferid made him falter. He wanted to go on with this. He wanted to fuck Ferid senseless. But before he could try to take off the latter's clothes. Ferid pushed him off of him and switched their places with a seductive grin playing on his lips. Guren blushed as he realised how disheveled Ferid looked, his ponytail all over the place and his clothes wrinkled. He cursed again, he wanted to run his fingers through the vampire's straight silver hair.

Ferid liked everything about what was happening especially how Guren's body hungered for him. It throbbed underneath him and he could feel the raven haired man's erect cock near his behind. This made him chuckle. Knowing Guren's desire, Ferid took off his clothes himself. He untied his ribbon and his jabot but he just barely slipped out of his clothes. They formed huge folds on the crook of his arms. His lithe bony shoulders and boyish chest of a ectomorphic kind were bare but beyond that he was still completely clothed. Ferid took off his gloves revealing long pale candlestick fingers. His nails were polished and coloured dark purple. Ferid's magnetic eyes held his, he leaned down on the human and placed his hands on Guren's chest. Ferid ran his hands on Guren's muscular chest. As he repeated this twice, he licked his lips and grinned. Then, without any hesitation, he tore Guren's shirt off. At this, as if finally snapping out of a trance, Guren's face fill with rage. But before Guren could push him away and throw a punch he already had his way. Ferid leaned down and bit Guren. He pushed him down with a force so strong that Guren couldn't move and continued sucking his blood.

Copper and salt merge in the Vampire's tongue. It was something that was new to his palate. Guren's body tensed as Ferid's fangs pierced deeper on his neck. Veins on his throat and forehead started popping out. His eyes were bloodshot from using too much force and his face red. Ferid withdrew and wiped his mouth using the back of his hand smudging blood all over his face. He looked at his clothes and frowned at how dirty he has gotten them completely forgetting about Guren. He stood up and fixed his clothes and without even a glance turned on his heels to go now that he got what he wanted.

Guren was left there panting. The sensation of Ferid's skin against him lingered and burned him. The vampire's absence was oppressing. Sweating profusely, he was felt naked and vulnerable. The bleeding that was done to him by Ferid was so unexpected that by just thinking about it, he shivered. He was terribly afraid of what was going to happen to him in the future. If Ferid pushes him to do this kind of thing with him again, he would rather kill himself.