When a practical joke goes awry, Elizabeth and Jason's friends are forced to alter their plans. When they remember what happened the night before, will they happy or wish they could take it all back?
Only in Vegas
A/N - Well, I didn't do a sequel to Vegas Baby! But since all of you wished it had continued, I did another short involving Vegas and Lynn and Herb. I hope you enjoy it. It's a ficlet so it will be short and sweet (maybe not sweet).
Chapter 1 – Oh What a Night
A groggy Liz woke up and groaned. She had way too much to drink the night before. The last thing she remembered was dancing with Johnny O'Brien and the rest was unfortunately a blur. The jerk had convinced her to come to Vegas to celebrate Francis's engagement to Diane and hadn't told her that Jason of all people would be there. They had a falling out because of Sonny faking his death and Elizabeth had broken up with him. She sat up and then walked to the bathroom like a zombie and when she finished going, she washed her hands and yelped as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Turning on the water, she splashed some onto her face and that is when she noticed the ring. "What the hell?" she yelled. Looking down at her hand in shock, she felt the bottom drop out of her stomach and she ran over to the toilet and threw up. What had she done? Did she marry Johnny? Oh God. He is gorgeous, but they are just friends and besides that, he isn't even interested in her like that and is a total ho. She ran back into the room looking for clues. The dress she had worn the night before was lying on the floor and then she realized something. She was sore—like I had too much mind-blowing incredible sex sore. Gasping, she sat down on the bed before her legs gave out. Who the hell did she have sex with? Grabbing her phone, she called Johnny but got his voicemail. Where the hell was he? She slammed the phone down and buried her head in her hands. A few minutes later, she got up and took a shower. Johnny O'Brien was going to give her some answers if she had to torture it out of him.
Jason woke up and rubbed his eyes. His head was throbbing. He was going to kill Johnny for giving him all of those shots. Sitting up, he looked over and saw a lump in the bed. Touching it, he realized it was a body. "Shit," he said before getting up and using the bathroom. He was in his underwear and was pretty sure that he had sex at some point. When he came out of the room, he saw Courtney looking at the ring on her finger and his mouth dropped open and he looked at his left hand. "Fuck."
She gazed at him and a slow smile crept onto her face. "Did we get married?"
"Fuck no!" he said shoving on his jeans. Stomping to the door, he threw it open and Milo was standing in front of him. Even if he was fucking unconscious he won't marry her.
"Hey boss." Jason looked like a complete mess. Some of his hair was in his face, and the rest was going every which way. His lethal glare was in place and Milo wondered if he should have worn Kevlar.
"Why is Courtney in my bed?"
Milo swallowed thickly. "Uh, you came home with her." He was going to kill Max for dragging him into this mess.
Jason blinked a few times as if he couldn't quite process that. "Were you with us before that?"
"Next time just put a bullet in my head." Jason went inside and leaned against the door and after a minute he jerked it open again. "Find that fuck Johnny O'Brien. I don't care what you have to do."
Milo nodded and watched the door slam shut again. Yup, Max owed him big time.
Johnny got out of the bed and yawned. He had switched hotels earlier in the morning so Jason couldn't find him right away. The prank was born out of a drunk dare. He was pissed at Jason for being such a shit the last month. Ever since he and Elizabeth had broken up, he had been a bear to work with. In fact, they both had been a royal pain in his ass. Last night, he had been a total prick. So after Jason's wedding to Liz, he decided payback was in order and everyone got in on it. It helped that they were all drunk too. If he was going to go down, he was taking everyone with him.
Jason shoved Johnny into the wall. "Why the hell didn't you tell me that she would be here?"
"Get off of me! Sonny asked me not to say anything because he knew you wouldn't come."
Jason let him go and began to pace back and forth. "I can't be around her."
"You are such an asshole. She is the best thing that has ever happened to you, but you threw it all away for freaking Sonny. And I get why she is mad, but she's just as miserable as you. Unfortunately, she's too damn stubborn to try and make things work. The both of you have been driving me crazy."
"You know I've pretty much been in love with Elizabeth since Lucky disappeared."
"Yeah, I know. If you had communicated and actually said how you felt, maybe you wouldn't be in the place that you are right now. She didn't want to face her feelings for you and you didn't want to tell her how you felt because you were scared of her rejecting you for Lucky. I've heard it all. You had your chance and you blew it. And in a way she did too because she knows that there will be things that you can't tell her and at the first test, she freaked out," Johnny said straightening out his clothes. "Maybe if you hadn't of avoided her like the plague so you didn't have to lie to her, she wouldn't have exploded. Add Courtney into the mix…."
Jason's brow furrowed. "What the hell does Courtney have to do with this? She's with AJ."
"Not anymore. They were getting a divorce the last I heard. Anyone with eyes knows she wants you, Jason. The girl is in love with you."
Jason groaned. "I'm not into her like that." The blonde drove him crazy on a good day.
"Yeah well, that's not what she tells Elizabeth."
Johnny sighed. "It's amazing how she's so eager to believe the worst of you. I already said too much. I'm done with the both of you. Get your shit together and get your girl back. I saw Ric sniffing around her. Do you really want her with him?"
"Then handle it. You can't treat people like shit and then expect them to be okay with that."
Jason glared at him. "Get the hell out of my face O'Brien."
And that is when Johnny decided that some way, somehow, he was going to get Jason back for the way he had been acting. Johnny had picked him up after he was drunk, got his ass beat down because Jason would pick fights with freaking wannabe MMA fighters, and had listened to him whine about Elizabeth incessantly. He is done being Jason's punching bag.
Jason glanced at Courtney. "Get your clothes on."
She frowned. "Can't we just stay in bed all day?"
Jesus Christ he had slept with Courtney Matthews, the bane of his existence. Guarding her was like getting your teeth pulled. To make matters even worse, she couldn't strip to save her life and he had to watch that shit show several nights a week. "We are going to the court house and getting this annulled right now."
Courtney pouted. "But Jason…."
"Is your divorce from AJ even final?"
"It went through last week. Jason, I love you and I just don't agree with this. We can make it work."
He looked at her like she had three heads. "I'm sorry, but I don't think of you like that. Now get dressed." In fact, he tried not to think of her at all.
She slowly stood, letting him get a full view of her body since she was only clad in her underwear.
Jason rolled his eyes and sat down in a chair. Like he hadn't seen it before when she was on stage. Was he supposed to just drop his pants at the sight of it?
"Fine. Can we at least have breakfast with Carly first?"
Jason groaned. They were probably there last night and he would never hear the end of this. He had married Sonny's sister of all people. God, he needed some answers. "Yes, now hurry up."
Carly looked over at Sonny who looked at Diane.
"We might need you to bail him out of jail if he tries to kill us."
Diane smirked. As far as she was concerned, all was right with the world. Jason and Elizabeth were married and she knew they loved each other. The only reason she had agreed regarding the Courtney prank was because she was plastered and Jason had been a huge pain in her ass. He had gotten arrested at least three times for fighting and he was a walking pile of misery. Payback was a bitch. "As long as I'm getting paid well, your wish is my command."
"We'll go shoe shopping on Sonny later," Carly said smiling.
Diane grinned. "Nice."
Jason dropped into a chair and didn't even bother to pull Courtney's out for her. "Somebody want to tell me what happened last night?"
Diane smirked. "Someone got up on the wrong side of bed—again."
Jason gave her a look. "If you don't want me to murder that Manolo guy in his sleep, then I suggest you start talking."
Carly made a face and quickly took a sip of her coffee. Jason is in rare form.
Diane glared at him. "You touch the Manolo guy and I'll kick your ass myself. Francis has been teaching me a thing or two."
"You're stalling," Jason said loudly.
"And you're scaring the other guests," Diane said as she watched the couple at the nearby table hurry away. "I can't tell you what happened last night in your world because I took my man to bed around midnight and rocked his. Why don't you tell us what you think happened?"
Courtney held up her hand and grinned. "We're married."
If Carly hadn't already known about the fake nuptials, she would have spit out her coffee. Instead, she flashed her friend an incredulous look. "What the hell Jason?"
"How could you do this?" Sonny asked angrily. They needed to make this believable. Courtney would be pissed later, but she'd get over it. The whole stripper/stalking thing was on his last nerve and it was obvious that she was working it so that Jason would have to protect her more. Everyone acted like he was stupid or something and didn't see what she was up too. He had let it go on far too long. Clearly, Courtney had Jason on the brain.
"I don't remember okay?" Jason said angrily. "I thought maybe you guys could shed some light on it."
"Sorry, we went to bed early Jason," Carly said.
"Where's O'Brien?"
"Nobody has seen him," Francis said softly. "We think he's sleeping it off somewhere."
Jason abruptly stood, his patience wearing thin. "We're going to the courthouse to get this annulled. Diane, will you come with us?"
She nodded. "If you promise not to yell at me, then yes."
Francis stood and walked away with them.
"Cody is handling the clerk, right?" Sonny asked Carly.
He had a feeling that Jason was never going to forgive them for this.
Elizabeth paced back and forth in her room. Freaking Johnny wasn't answering. There was a knock on her door and Carly pushed by her.
"What do you want Carly?"
Carly smiled. Elizabeth hadn't always been her favorite person, but she had been really nice to her when she thought Sonny was dead. After she realized that Jason still had the hots for her, Carly started trying to get along with the petite waitress. "I brought you a muffin."
Liz rolled her eyes. She hated when Carly called her that. "Thanks—I think. So, maybe you can tell me what happened last night."
Carly frowned. "Why—what happened with you?" Elizabeth looked like a hot mess.
"I can't remember anything. I feel like someone drugged me."
Carly tried to maintain a neutral face. They had used a little something in her and Jason's last drink so they would sleep through the night, but she would never admit to it and it was right before they came upstairs. "You were throwing them back with Johnny last night."
Liz moved her hand from behind her back and showed Carly the ring.
"Holy shit. Who the hell did you marry?"
Liz closed her eyes for a second. "I don't know. It could have been Johnny. I'm not sure."
Carly fought a smirk. Maybe Johnny needed to come out of hiding. If Jason thought that Liz and Johnny were married, then he would be crazy jealous and maybe that would be what he needed to fight for her. It could also get Johnny's ass kicked though. "Well, I could have Max try to find him."
"You would do that?"
"Sure. Let me see what I can do."
Liz chewed on her lip for a moment. "Thanks."
Carly stepped out into the hallway and shut the door. "Max, get Johnny on the burn phone. There's been a change of plan."
Max smiled. "Sure Mrs. C."
Johnny picked up the phone. "Hey Max, what's up?"
"It's Carly. Listen, Elizabeth thinks that she married you."
Johnny grinned. "Why the hell does she think that?"
"You're probably the last person she remembers and you forgot to take off her ring you idiot."
He groaned.
"I'll get your room back. Go to Liz's room and play along. Jason is at the courthouse with Courtney. Maybe you could happen to take Liz there and you'll bump into each other."
"Do you think I have a death wish?"
"Relax, Francis is there and the two of you should be able to hold off Jason."
Johnny wasn't so sure. "Not when it comes to Elizabeth."
"I'll have Max meet you downstairs with a wedding band. Hurry up."
"Alright, I'll be right there."
Liz opened her door and was surprised to see Johnny. "It's about time."
She stepped aside and he walked past her. "What the hell happened last night?"
"I don't remember much."
"Did you sleep here?"
He shrugged. "I'm not sure."
She started to pace. "I think we had sex."
Johnny swallowed hard. "We did?" Holy shit. Somehow Jason and Elizabeth had sex before they passed out. When everyone had gone into the room to make the switch, they were stripped down but he figured they hadn't gone all the way because of the drugs.
She nodded. "I don't suppose you remember if you used a condom?"
He shook his head. "I'm sorry." Now he felt like an asshole, but he'd keep telling himself that in the end—if it got Liz and Jason to face the fact that they loved each other—then it was worth the ass beating he'd get later.
"We're married." She still couldn't wrap her mind around it.
He held out his hand. "I guess so. If we go to the courthouse, we could probably have it annulled."
She grabbed her purse and slid into her shoes as she fussed with her hair. "Let's go."
"You're in that much of a hurry to get rid of me?"
She rolled her eyes and walked into the hallway.
Johnny took a deep breath and followed her. This is going to be a long day.