A/N I decided to write three shorts stories about the three Hinkley children from A Match Made In Heaven. I am starting with Amber. Next will be Sabrina then Alexander. Hope you enjoy!

Ambrosia Danielle Hinkley stood in front of the full length mirror of her spacious bedroom. Her pale green eyes went over her outfit and was quite pleased. A cute black and gray plaid skirt with a form fitting long sleeved black sweater. It went great with her luxurious flaming red hair that she inherited from her mother among other things.

Amber was quite a force to be reckoned with as in addition to inheriting her mother's good looks, she also was inherited her father's brilliance. The teen had a very high IQ. From her early childhood she was always extremely bright which made her father very proud. Her mother too of course. Both her parents were fond of their daughter and gave her everything in the world. Including a brand new mustang for her sixteenth birthday. She was stunned when it was presented to her. Amber was not one to ask for much. She rarely did. Most of the time if she wanted something she would work to get it. Meaning she would babysit and walk people's dogs. Even take small jobs at the local mall to pay for what she wanted. This actually taught her to be careful with money and she was. Very careful. She did not splurge on anything. Her folks told her how proud they were of her doing so well in school and wisely saving her money so they purchased the beautiful car for her. She thanked them a million times saying she loved them both very much.

School and paying for things she needed was not the only thing Amber worked hard at. The girl had talent. Great singing talent that she had gotten from her mother. When she was a little girl she used to love when her mother would sing lullabies at night to her. It was clear how much the redheaded little girl enjoyed music. Constantly had on a record on her toy record player and would sing along to Mickey Mouse and his friends. Ginger noticed her voice right away and when Amber was older they gave her singing lessons. Her teacher Mr. Wallace was blown away and said Amber had natural talent. It was not long before she sang in the talent show at school, joined the school chorus and sang in the church choir. Everyone loved her solos.

She brushed her long redhair until it shined and then picked up her school books to head down the stairs. She entered the kitchen and saw her younger brother Alex sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal with his nose in a book. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Always with his nose in a book. He was just like their father. He too had a pretty high IQ. It was not quite as high as Amber's but close. He excelled in his subjects in school and was always on the honor roll. Alex also had his father's looks and his blue eyes. Many girls were attracted to him but like his father used to be, the boy was just clueless. Someday he would learn.

Amber went to the cupboard and pulled out a glass. Her sister Sabrina came bounding in the kitchen, her light blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing a pretty pale pink sweater and matching skirt. Like her siblings, she was also blessed with a high IQ. All three Hinkley children were bright. Ginger loved to credit her husband for passing that on to them but he always always said that his lovely wife was just as bright. Amber sided with her father on that. The teenaged girl was very close to Ginger and fiercely loyal. As she was to everyone in her family. Family was important to her. Never did she like hearing gossip about her mother. It angered her. She knew it was part of the territory in Hollywood but she didn't like it any less. Especially when those jerks would try to second guess her parents' marriage. That infuriated her. Her mother and father were madly in love and for anyone to try to suggest otherwise was absurd!

The redheaded Hinkley girl went to the refrigerator and opened the stainless door getting out some orange juice. Sabrina followed suit and then sat at the table. "Say where is Mom?" She inquired of her brother.

Alex shrugged. "She was here a little bit ago. I think she went back upstairs to help Dad with something."

Amber grinned slyly. "I bet she's got him in a liplock again."

Sabrina sighed and rolled her eyes. "Really sis. You have to say that?"

"It's probably true." She said taking a sip of her juice. "You know they are always all over each other. Close to eighteen years of marriage hasn't stopped them. I'm surprised we don't have more brothers and sisters."

"Please." Alex frowned. "Must you put that picture in my head?"

"Oh be quiet." Amber said. "If you weren't so busy sticking your nose in every book you would see that there are a million girls who would love to date you."

Alex blushed a bit before turning his attention back to his text.

"And you little sis." Amber always referred to Sabrina as her little sister being she was born a minute after her. "You know you like Jonas Gilligan. You can't hide it."

Sabrina's cheeks reddened a bit before saying "So what if I do? He's cute. And he likes me. He asked me out to the dance next Saturday. Which is why I wanted to talk to Mom. I was hoping she would help me pick out a dress. I wanted to see if we could go shopping after school."

It was just then Ginger appeared. "Morning darlings" She greeted with a happy expression on her face.

"Morning Mom." Amber said. She was always in awe of her mother as she was convinced the woman never aged. Some would think she had a bit of work done but she didn't. Ginger refused to take such drastic measures as she didn't want to ruin what her husband fell in love with. The Professor often declared she was still as beautiful as the day he met her. Maybe more so.

"Mom." Sabrina said getting up. "Can we go shopping after school today? I want to get a new dress for the dance."

"Sure." Ginger said. "No problem. Amber dear you want to come along?"

She shook her head. "No thanks. I have rehearsal after school for the musical."

"Yes that's right. Well what time will you be home?"

"Probably around four. Miss Carter just wants to rehearse a few scenes we were having trouble with. My Fair Lady pretty challenging. Playing Eliza Doolittle is hard."

"Honey I'm sure you will be great. I've had a few challenging roles myself. They were always the most rewarding. You really get to push yourself and see what you are made of." Ginger stated.

"Easy for you to say." Amber smiled. "You've won three Oscars. And several other awards."

"Yes but it wasn't easy. I had to earn them. Honey you will be great. I know you will."

"I hope so." She said standing up. "I should get going. Did Dad leave already?"

Ginger nodded. "Yes he was running a bit late so he left a few minutes ago. He said that he wishes you all a good day."

"Running late?" Amber said raising her eyebrows. "Dad? Never."

"You be quiet and go to school." Ginger said giving her daughter a shove.

"Yes Mom." She said with a laugh. "See you later."

The other two teens left as well. Ginger smiled as she was proud of all three of them. She still missed her sweet Kimberly Rose. Not a day went by she did not think of her.
But she had three other miracles. That was enough for her. And she still had her darling Roy. She loved him just as much as she did when she first laid eyes upon him. Ginger always still believed he was the most handsome man in the world. The cutest guy in the room. That will never change.