A Fallacy

Chapter 1: Not-So-Well-Life

Hello guys! So this is my first story here. I know many people already done stories about Pokémon Highschool etc, but I there's no harm in trying right, right?

To all the people who consider reading this, I'm incredibly grateful to you.


Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon.

/ Fallacy: /ˈfaləsē/ a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument. /

I took a deep breath before entering the classroom, by that time it already seemed so loud from the outside.

The boys were shouting at each other while sitting on the tables, while the female students were chattering, spreading around the room each with their own 'circles'. While me? I'm just standing there at the doorstep with a strained face.

While condemning my life too, also.

Once noticing an empty seat at the corner, I hastily place my bag and sit quietly there. I rested my head on the wall and try to find at least one or two familiar faces. I do found several and gave them a quick small smile, but that doesn't mean I just can suddenly come over and get all chummy.

Oh yeah, I have to explain what's going on here.

Today is the first day of my second year in Junior High School. I should be happy, since I've graduated from being a lame junior to a sophomore.

But that also means that the class I took was re-randomized again and I have to get acquaintance with a lot of folks, again. Well most people said that its fun getting to know strangers, but it doesn't apply to me. Maybe it's because I suffer this disease of being a social awkward, so it kind of hard for me to just small-talk with people— or in a nutshell, to make friends, to socialize.

I don't even know why I always seemed to run out of topic, so people always end up getting awkward while talking to me, and they leave eventually.

That's why I spent my junior year pathetically. It's not that I'm an anti-social or a friendless hag, no, I actually had two close friends during the last semester, but I felt like I don't have any friend at all.

Every time the three of us hang out, I always kind of feeling left out. They're always whispering, just the two of them, as if their so-called secrets was as important as the state documents, while it's only just some scrubby gossips.

Yet whenever I tried to join and ask, 'what you've got there?' they would just pretend they didn't hear me—or they really did not hear me for real, I have no clue—and went by. Plus since our 'circle' consist only the three of us, it was me who act as the third wheel.

Whenever there's a project that was performed with a partner, I am the one who's neglected and ended up pairing with weirdos in class.

While it was fun when we're just laughing together hysterically in class, or tattling open secrets, it really got to my nerves each time they pretend I wasn't there. Moreover whenever they frankly talk about things they didn't intend to tell me at all, right in front of my face.

Haven't you got another time for that? That's rude. Really, really impolite.

I could've retaliated that, pretend to tell a secret to one of them and purposely kept the other one in the dark. But unfortunately my life was so flat that no dramas ever occurred in it. I don't have a single thing I could brag to people.

There's this saying, if your life doesn't have ups and downs in it, you are just the same as dead.

Yeah, what if that's really happened to me? Metaphorically, of course. It's like I always felt that my body was here in school, walking with my friends, but my mind was anywhere but here.

I was never the one to speak much, but I always observe my surroundings. So sometimes I found out some specific habits of certain people.

Like Brawly, who go in the same class as me in seventh grade and now again, likes to slovenly pick his nose when no one's looking. Or Roxanne, she kept stole a glance or two towards Brawly. Or Erika, who was labeled as the teacher's golden kid, often gapes first if talked to. But I always prefer to politely keep my mouth shut and stay silent.

I pass my view to every corner of the class to search for one of my two fine friends, but she was nowhere to be seen. I cursed inwardly, she usually came early. Right now I could travel to the other one's class, but it would be futile since that one was always late.

While on that, I realized that this whole class was dominated by the popular hellions who never blend in with outside of their circles. The probability I would adjust in this class became naught. Now just thinking about that made my stomach burn.

So then I decided to sink my head beneath my arms to made me look like I'm asleep, so no one would gave me inept look just because I was all alone in the corner, while the rest was busy babbling with their friends or even travelling to other classes.

But unluckily, I fell asleep for real, that I don't even realize a teacher came in and started to roll the student attendance.

"Lyra Soul!"

Hearing someone called my name, I snapped my head up right away. The class was staring at me with mixed looks. Amused? Careless? Puzzled? Whatever that is, I do not like being stared like that. I immediately raise my hands, with shame.

For the record, those two friends I've been telling about, Hilda White was in different class while I'm with the other, Serena Yvonne. But apparently Serena came just recently since now she's sitting nicely in the front row. That row was people's last option. No one would ever want to slump so close with the teacher.

She forgot we're on the same class or what? Why doesn't she even greet me? Or better, waking me up?

On the good notes, I'm a little bit relieved Hilda wasn't here. Not that I resented her or what, it was just Hilda was the root of my problems. Wait, that's not quite true either, let me rephrase it. What I meant, Hilda was always blatant and love to speak, while I was the opposite.

Shortly after the student were back to their activities. Serena turned and grinned widely once she saw me, to that I returned a smile and waved to her. Then my homeroom teacher started to bore us to death by speaking elaborately about education and stuffs.

While on that let me tell something, a year in this place was more than enough to nauseate me.

But like it or not, this was one of the favorite Junior High School around, and my parents really wanted me to go here. But it's the society here that I never quite expected. Or it's just me in the process of becoming an antisocial.

So I should just bear it for another two years, and I will penetrate the world of high school. Everyone said high school was having the time of your life, right? The best four years of your life.

I only can hope it will happen to me. Because after undergoing one rocky year here, I'm sure those two years ahead of me would not be as smooth as I pray it to be.

"Damn Hilda, how can she and Calem be in the same class? If I'd know this would happen, I'll totally threaten the principal to make me transfer," Serena nagged. Now we're waiting outside Hilda's not disbanded yet class.

Speaking of that, Calem was kid from next class. Serena already fancied him starting the first time going to this school. I alone didn't quite understand how their relationship actually worked, Serena usually prefer to recite about Calem to Hilda, not to me.

The subject just now was basic mathematics. You can't really blame me for almost fell asleep again after one hour, since the teacher voice was more of a lullaby.

Ten minutes of silence felt really long before Hilda finally emerged outside the class along with her boyfriend, Hilbert.

"I swear Ms. Bertha just wouldn't stop rattling," Hilda seemed irritated as she rolled her eyeballs, I laughed on that.

She and Hilbert have dated since the last year of seventh grade, and it just wouldn't occur to me how they can still stay cordial to each other. Maybe they're one of the 5% of the people who met their soul mate in such young age.

Hilbert look fit as always, with the combination of blue denim jacket, dark jeans, red Nike shoes and a red hat atop of his messy brown hair... Whoa, it's not like I'm checking Hilbert out or what, NOT at all—I'm not those kind of girls—but I still have to admit that Hilbert is one of the most good-looking guy in school, and maybe people like Hilda who deserved to stood beside him.

"Hey, I'm off to the canteen with the boys," Hilbert pointed his thumb behind his shoulder.

"Okay sweetheart," Hilda responded with a flirty smirk.

Hilbert pinched Hilda's cheek lightly before disappeared with his buddies. I only watch that little act of PDA in silence while Serena grouchily elbowed Hilda right away.

"So the world only belonged to you two, huh?" she sneered. "Be considerate to the single ladies here!"

"What the heck, you have Calem," Hilda replied coarsely. Hilda was always like that to everybody. If she used that tone to me, I wouldn't take it to the heart, but sometimes I just can't be unoffended. Like, can you speak kindly for just one time?

Yeah, Hilda was your typical popular kid who's blessed with pretty face and model-like body, and understood it well. She had a pair of bright blue eyes and a long wavy dark brown hair tied up in a ponytail beneath her favorite snapback. Then her favorite outfit, consisted of a real short shorts, white tank top covered with a black sleeveless vest, and at least enhanced with black high boots. Truthfully boys would queue if only Hilbert wasn't around. Maybe it's her personality, but I can't help but wonder why she preferred to hang out with Serena and I over with the other popular chicks.

Meanwhile Serena, Serena's actually a real sweet girl if only she's not thirsty for attention, and she's really fashionable. She had this long blond hair—so that's made me the only not-so-long hair here—and quite skinny. Her favorite clothing was a mix between black and red, a tourist hat, sneaker and extensive black stocking. Serena was always focused to Calem, that she only went on one laconic date with some guy back then as a junior. I guess that's better than never at all, like me here.

Moving along, "I just can't talk to Calem," Serena complained.

"But you two text a lot, right?" Hilda raised an eyebrow.

Serena rolled her eyes. "Yes but talking directly was on a different level."

That's when Serena and Hilda suddenly turned to me. I, who was silent all the time, only grinned. "Eh, what?"

It's not that I didn't want to be indulged in that conversation or what, but it just that, I don't have anybody rite now. Or to be clearer, there was never a boy in my life story, except that snot-nosed kid who asked me out during second grade. But that time I'm still so pure and so on, that I didn't really fathom the words he was saying and I just simply threw the tacky love letter he gave me to the bin straight away.

"I wonder who Lyra fit with?" Hilda rubbed her chin.

"What the hell," I rolled me eyes. "No one."

Serena patted my shoulder. "Why'd you never tell if there's a boy who caught your attention!"

"Cause there's none at the moment…" I replied truthfully.

Well there's once, last year I had a big crush on a senior. Aaron was his name. That time I stoutly told every little thing that Aaron did to Hilda and Serena. But a year passed then he graduated just like that before I even got a chance to actually speak to him.

That's when I felt like a complete loser. Because of that now I rarely depict my heart content, especially if related to boy's stuffs, since in the end I would get nothing but sore heart.

Serena and Hilda exchanged a glance, appeared bored with my answer, before finally tugging my arms, telling me to start walking to the cafeteria.

But I was still standing at the doorway, caught up in my own thoughts before someone nearly bumped into me from behind. I turned anxiously, expecting a teacher there.

"You're blocking the way," it was a man's baritone voice complaining.

Behind me, inside Hilda's class, stood a boy with red hair that reached down to his shoulder. He wear dark attires and his gray eyes coldly stared at me.

I gasped and immediately step aside. "Sorry," I said quietly, maybe almost inaudible.

That boy then just went by, catching up to his friends somewhere there and laughed along with them. I squinted my eyes. It looks like he's one of Hilbert's friends as well?

"Lyra, just what on earth are you doing there?"

Hilda's shrill voice startled me, I turned to find the two of them was standing impatiently on the edge of the stairs. Serena snarled. "I thought you disappeared somewhere."

"Oh God, I'm so sorry," I said while trotted towards them.

"What did you muse there?" Hilda asked as we walk down the stairs.

I hefted. Should I tell them about that little scene there? It wasn't really weighty… but Hilda and Serena always got all shindigs about tiny things… "I accidentally bumped into a guy from your class," I finally said. "He got this weird red hair on him."

"Weird redhead?" Serena looks confused.

"Ooh, you mean Silver?" Hilda then said.

"His name was Silver?" I asked. What a weird name…

"He's usually a fine kid, a little cute too, if you asked me," Hilda chuckled. "But today he was really moody all of a sudden, so keep your distance. Latter I nudged his notebook on accident and I swear he's no different than on-period girls."

"No way!" Serena roared with laughter, while I contributed a laugh too from beside Serena.

Moving along, the three of us told jabbered excitedly as we walked to the cafeteria. It was mostly Hilda who did the shouting, Serena with her shriek, and I who laughed along Hilda's stories.

But somehow, inside I feel so… empty?

It felt like I was there, but I wasn't. Now I'm eating my cheeseburger with by two 'good' friends, but there's something inside of me who kept saying 'you don't belong there,' and other random things.

I sighed as I play with my brown locks that I tied into pigtails. I kept my gaze at the blue sky outside, while hoping this school day would end quickly. But of course, there's another day just like today tomorrow and a day after tomorrow and so on. {}


A/N: So you could say this chapter is just the prologue, as the real storyline hasn't shown up yet, but please leave me a review! and tell me how is it, I would very much appreciate it.

I know people usually interpreted Lyra as a bubbly and cheerful girl so this may seems... well, unusual. But it's part of the story!

Sorry if there's still grammar error, English is not my first language.

See you soon!