Little Richard's Intentions for Ryo & Rika

Wedding Bells Ring

DF103: Heh…I saved this chapter as "P.O.S." Anyways…final chapter is here! Okay, thanks for the reviews and for keeping up with the fic. Here's a little interesting thing I've noticed…did you know that there are no Ryuki fics with a word length past 100,000 whereas Juri/Ruki and Rukato fics have at least one? Yesh, it's true. I found that out when I was really bored. Okay, back to the fic. First of all, I was asked by some of the writers if they were invited to the wedding, so all writers and fans are! So, it's the final chapter…yesh…never thought I'd see the day, when this would come…soooo…I'll just go on and ahead and just cut the rants…cause there'll be a lot of that at the end. I dun own digimon, Amber Kamisaka, Ashley Ojuka, "Whenever You Call" by Mariah Carey or "Lost In Your Eyes" by Debbie Gibson. So…here's the final chapter, the longest one in the whole fic (it's very, very long). And I'll repeat once again…I HAVE NOT BEEN TO A WEDDING RECENTLY WHERE I CAN REMEMBER WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED…so if anything seems outta line, I apologize. Here's Little Richard's Intentions For Ryo & Rika – Wedding Bells Ring…

Rika woke up to the sounds of rushing footsteps. She propped herself up from her bed and found Richard, curled up in a ball, next to her. From her bed, she looked out into the hallway, through a crack in the door and saw Amber and Ashley, running in one direction, and Jeri and Alice running in the other. She was about to lie back down before she heard a familiar voice.

"Rika, you better wake up," Renamon suggested from the shadows.

"I have plenty of time…" Rika started looking at the clock. "The wedding doesn't start till five o'clock. It's only one." Rika raised an eyebrow. 'Wow, that sounds weird, 'It's only one,' and Richard's still sleeping.'

"But, according to them," Renamon appeared and pointed to everyone outside her room, "you have to be there early. They want you there at around four. You have to eat, get ready, pack, and all this other stuff…"

Rika's dazed look met with Renamon's concerned look. She let out a sigh and carefully got out of bed, to avoid waking Richard up. She trudged over to the door, to inform everyone that she was awake. Rika got to the door and was about to reach for it, before Suzie and Ai stuck their faces in hers. Suzie held a tray with a plate of food on it.

"Morning, Rika! Hurry and eat up," Suzie said, cheerfully. Ai took the plate of eggs and bacon from the tray and gave it to Rika.

"Um, thanks. Shouldn't you two get ready, too?" Rika asked, picking away at the scrambled eggs.

"Don't worry about us," Ai said. "We'll get your dress."

"Here." Suzie gave Rika a glass of orange juice before the two of them left.

Rika sat down on her bed and set the glass on the side table. She ate silently, still sleepy. She looked over her shoulder and saw Richard, still sleeping.

"Renamon?" Rika asked, as her partner appeared.

"Yes, Rika?" Renamon answered.

"How did he end up in my bed?" Rika gestured to Richard.

"I think he was having, what you humans call, a nightmare."

"Hmm, well, why didn't he go into one of the other rooms?"

"That's something you'll have to ask him, Rika." Renamon disappeared into the shadows.

Rika looked back at Richard and then got up. She took her plate and glass out to the kitchen, running into Alice and Amber.

"Hey sleepy-head," Amber said.

Rika yawned as she put her dishes in the sink. "Hi."

"You nervous about today?" Alice asked.

"Yeah, I am actually. I'm just too tired to show it I guess." Rika ran her hand through her hair, moving it away from her face. She made her way back to the room, before the doorbell rang. She, then, walked over to the door and opened to see who it was.

"Are you Rika Nonaka?" a deliveryman asked, holding a card in one hand and a bouquet of red and white roses in the other.

"Yes," Rika simply answered.

"Delivery for you from a Mr. Ryo Akiyama." The delivery guy gave handed Rika the flowers and the card. "Have nice day." The man doffed his head and headed back to his van.

"You too," Rika said, faintly, reading at the card. "Well, today's the day. You nervous? I am. I sent these to you in hopes of calming your nerves a little and to make up for what happened last night. I'll see you later today. I love you. Ryo."

Rika smiled, and smelled the flowers. She walked back into the kitchen.

"Whoa, where'd you get those?" Alice asked. The answer came to her as soon as she asked it. "Oh, duh, Ryo, right?"

"Yeah." Rika set them down on the table and rummaged around to look for something to put them in.

"Here, we'll look for it. You go get ready," said Amber.

"Thanks." Rika walked back to her room.

As Rika approached her room, she saw Jeri, walking into her room with a bowtie and cummerbund in her hand.

'Richard's probably awake,' Rika thought, knocking on her own room door, not wanting to interrupt anything.

"Yeah?" was the answer that came out.

Rika walked in. "It's just me."

"Great!" Jeri squealed. "It's about time you came back in here. Now Ai and Suzie brought your dress in here."

Rika turned to look at the dress. Her eyes widened, finally realizing that today's indeed her wedding day. Rika fell to her knees, eyes widened in shock.

"Rika, are you okay?" Jeri asked, kneeling down next to her.

"It's today." Rika's head slowly turned to Jeri and shook her head. "It's really today. I'm not ready."

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no. This isn't happening, Rika. Don't let your nerves get to you."

Richard looked up from adjusting his bowtie. Rika's breathing became erratic.

"Calm down, Rika," Richard said.

Rika's irregular breathing got the better of her and she blacked out.

"Um, you guys? I think Rika just passed out," Jeri yelled out, holding Rika's head up, as Richard jumped down from the bed to fan her.

Ryo was tense as he walked around the house, tying his bowtie, with Henry shortly behind him.

"The roses have been sent, Ryo," Takato said. Now, Takato was organizing and making sure the getaway car for Ryo and Rika's honeymoon, would sure to be there on time. Kazu, Kenta, and Mako sat on the couch, ready to go and bored out of their minds as they waited for specified orders.

"Dude, Ryo. Take a chill pill," Kazu advised, watching him and Henry pace around Henry's house.

"Take a chill pill? You shouldn't be talking. I thought I almost lost Rika, again, because of what happened last night. You went too far yesterday. I can't let anything else go wrong." Kazu had a look of shame on his face. Ryo paused and drew in a deep breath before he continued, in a more calmly manner. "I have to make sure everything is going as planned. Make sure everything is in order—"

"Ryo, don't worry about that. That's why we're here." Henry patted Ryo's back before going into his kitchen to get him a glass of water.

"Takato, this thing is too tight." Guilmon came out with a tie around his neck.

"Well, then loosen it." Takato walked over, with the phone to his ear.

"I'm glad the digimon are invited. It's going to be a whole new experience for them," Kenta noted, watching the digimon, scurrying around with bowties on.

Ryo finally sat down, and fiddled around with his tie, staring into space.

"Yoo-hoo…Ryo?" Monodramon waved his hand in his face.

"Wha?" Ryo looked up. He saw all the concerned looks on everyone's faces. "I'm fine. Just great. Yeah."

"You nervous?" Henry asked, handing him the glass of water.

"Yeah. I've never been this nervous before."

"Don't sweat it. Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. Is there anything the two of us can do to make it up?" Kazu asked, gesturing to Kenta and himself.

Ryo let his head hang low, looking at the floor. "Jason was in on it, too, wasn't he?" Kazu nodded. "I'll think about it."

"Okay, what exactly happened yesterday?" Mako asked confused about what they were referring to.

"You don't want to know," Takato answered, putting the phone down and sitting down with the others.

Mako just shook his head and said, "Whatever," before looking at his watch. "Hey, it's twelve-fifteen. Shouldn't we be eating?"

"I'll get something. What do you want?" Jason asked, as he walked in with his suit on and his hair gelled back, held together in the back with a rubber band.

"Hey! You got the slug off your head!" Terriermon fell to the floor, laughing.

"Yeah, yeah," Jason muttered, as he turned to the others. "So what do you guys want?"

"Uh, umm, just get some cheeseburgers and fries," Kazu replied, surprised to see Jason without his mohawk.

"Done deal." Jason walked out and got on his motorcycle. The engine started and he drove off, with a light trail of smoke.

"He loves that motorcycle." Mako watched him leave.

"No kidding," Kenta said, facing the others again.

"Ryo, you okay?" Henry asked, seeing that he didn't take a drink.

Ryo nodded and looked up, his face red from the blood that rushed to his head. "I've always hoped this day would come and now look…it did." He glanced at Henry and Takato, before looking down at the glass of water. "Thanks. You guys kept me sane throughout all these years."

Henry looked at Takato, and gave a thumbs-up, establishing that the plan was almost a success.

"No problem, Ryo. No problem." Takato said.

"Aw, look at the three of them." Kazu snickered.

"Shut up, man," Kenta said, nudging him in the ribs.

Rika started to regain consciousness and felt herself on her bed. She heard distant conversations. The discussion grew louder as she became more aware of what went on around her. She opened her eyes and saw a pair of hazel-brown eyes.

"Oh my gosh!" Rika yelled out, surprised to wake up, and see someone's eyes that close.

"Good! You're awake! Rika, hurry up and get washed up and dressed and stuff!" Jeri exclaimed, as she packed some of Rika's clothes.

"What happened?" Rika asked, looking at Richard, who was laughing because he startled her.

"You passed out," Ashley said, fixing her light blue dress in front of the mirror.

Rika was stunned. She shook her head and headed for the bathroom. When they heard the door to the bathroom close, and the shower was turned on, Richard said, "The plan's gonna work!"

"After a lot of ups and downs, I think so," Alice commented, looking at her dress. "Tell me, Jeri. Why did our dresses have to be light pink?"

"I don't know. You didn't say anything, when we were looking for a dress to wear." Jeri brushed her hair.

"Don't worry, you look great," Amber assured, glancing at her, before she continued putting a little bit of makeup on.

"Eh…right." Alice sat down and looked at Amber's silver dress. "You look great, also."

"Thanks," Amber replied, gathering all her things.

"So, you nervous about singing today?" Jeri asked.

"Just a little," Amber answered.

"Oh, come on. You'll do fine," Ashley said.

"You're going to sing?" Richard asked. Amber nodded. "Oh! Can you sing now? Please?"

"No, it's okay. You'll hear me at the reception."

"Aren't you going to warm up or something?" Ashley asked.

"Nah, I'll have plenty of time to warm up."

"Jeri! Bring the dress here!" Rika yelled out from the bathroom.

"Coming, coming." Jeri grabbed the dress and swiftly walked over to the bathroom.

A lone stomach growled.

"How long does it take to grab a few burgers?" Mako asked, resting his chin on his arm, looking out the window.

"I don't know, but I'm starving," Kazu commented, leaning back in the couch.

"We're all starving," Ryo said, forgetting about being nervous.

"Maybe he's poisoning the food!" Kenta yelled out.

There was an awkward silence among the group, before Henry broke it.

"I don't think he'll do that…"

Mako continued looking out the window, bored and hungry, waiting for Jason to come back with food. The six of them heard a distant a sound of a motorcycle. Mako soon saw a red motorcycle park outside the house, and a man in black and white took his helmet off and walked up to the door with a bag of food.

"He's here!" he yelled out. Everyone rushed to the door.

Jason walked through the door, and stopped in his tracks as he saw the guys, drooling.

"Um, here?" Jason held the bag before him.

Kazu snatched the bag and reached in to grab a burger.

"Man, it's about time you came back with some food!" Kazu said, before he took a big bite out of his burger.

"How much do we owe you?" Ryo asked, taking a burger from the bag.

"Nothing." Jason sat down.

"Jason, man, you rock," Kazu mumbled with his mouth full. He shrugged.

"Thanks for the food," Henry said, giving a piece to Terriermon.

"Well, it got him to stop worrying now, didn't it?" Jason asked, pointing to Ryo.

Ryo gave a smile. "For now. After my hunger is out of the way, I'll go back to being nervous."

Kenta looked at his burger, and sniffed it. A funny thought came to him and he smirked to himself. He took a bite out of it and started to gag. The others turned to Kenta, as he fell to the floor. He stopped the spasmodic motion. The others turned to Jason in horror, after Kenta seemed to stop breathing. Kazu jumped to help him, as Henry got up to call for an ambulance. Looking at his face, Kazu saw Kenta smile.

Kenta opened his eyes. "Gotcha…"

Henry put the phone down, and watched Kenta laugh his butt off.

"Eheh, you had us fooled, Kenta…" Kazu commented, dully.

The girls on the other hand were much more productive. The dress was put on, and the make-up was applied. Rika stood before the mirror, looking at herself for the umpteenth time.

"Rika! You look great!" Jeri squealed with joy.

Rika was speechless and in awe.

"Ryo is going to be so…so…I can't find the word, but he'll be amazed at how you look!" Suzie exclaimed.

"No kidding," Ashley commented. Everyone in the room agreed.

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but shouldn't we go now, to see if everything is set there?" Alice asked.

Amber turned to the clock. "Yup, we should be going."

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe the time is almost here," Rika said, sitting down.

"Don't worry, it's one day, and then probably happiness afterwards," Ai comforted.

"Ai's right. Anyway, you look great," added Ashley, as she walked out the door.

"Yup, and just chill out, okay?" Amber said, as she stopped in the doorway. Rika nodded.

The group of girls left, leaving Rika, Jeri, and Richard in the room.

"Aren't you going with them, Richard?" Rika asked.

Richard shook his head. "Jeri said that if I es-escort you, I'd be a gentleman."

"I did say that, didn't I?" Jeri asked, laughingly. "Well, good for you Richard."

"That's very nice of you. Thank you." Rika smiled.

"Your welcome, Rika," Richard replied, putting his shiny, black shoes on. "When are we leaving?"

"Um," Jeri looked at the clock. "Soon."

Rika drew in a deep breath and stood up. Richard jumped around with excitement. "Ryo and Rika are getting married!" Rika and Jeri smiled at the sight of this and headed for towards the front door. Richard ran in front of them, and opened the door.

"After you," Richard said, as he let Rika and Jeri walk out to the mid-sized limousine.

The chauffeur stood beside the car with the door ajar. With each careful step, Rika tried not to dirty her dress. She, ever so slightly, picked her dress up from the ground and continued walking. As they approached, the chauffeur widened the door. Rika got in first, followed by Jeri who helped gently move Rika's dress. Richard hopped in and the driver shut the door. Then engine started and they were off.

"So, Richard. Did you have a bad dream last night?" Rika asked, trying to ward off the stress and anxiety.

"Mm-hmm…" Richard nodded, as he trailed off. "It was really, really bad."

"Care to tell us about it?" Jeri asked.

"There was this really evil guy and he was trying to hurt everyone. He was very scary and he looked like Jason."

Jeri and Rika gave each other a look.

"Well, I don't think Jason is going to hurt anyone," Rika reassured.

Back to the guys, they just sat gathered in the living room.

"Isn't it about time we leave?" Kenta asked, looking up from his watch, acting mature once again.

"Yes, the ushers and the greeters have to be there early, to set up the chairs, make sure everything is up and good to go," Takato explained.

"I'm an usher, right?" Jason asked, looking up at Takato from where he was sitting.

"Um, yeah. You and Kenta." Takato pointed to each of them, and then pointed to Kazu and Mako, "and you two are going to be at the front, greeting the people. Be polite."

"I thought this was a small wedding," Kenta said.

"Nope, don't think so." Ryo answered. "Now get going."

"Right, right." Kazu, and the other three ushers/greeters grabbed their jackets and headed out.

"Wait!" Henry shouted out, as Jason's head popped out from the doorway. "Take the digimon with you. They can help."

"Alrighty," Jason affirmed, as he waved them over to go with them. The digimon followed suit. Henry and Takato sighed, watching the guys leave.

"We should leave soon, too," Takato suggested.

"Hold up. I have to find the rings." Henry started out by searching his room, but ended up searching the entire house. Takato and Ryo joined in on the search, as well. When they looked in every single place possible, they began to panic.

"We've got a major problem!" Ryo's right eye began to twitch.

"What are we supposed to do!" Takato asked.

Henry stood there thinking, wondering where he put the rings.

"Maybe you gave it to one of the girls, last night." Takato mentioned, remembering that Henry gave Rika a bag of Richard's things.

"I don't think so."

"Did you check your pockets?" Takato asked.

"Actually, no, I didn't. You know what? I think I put it there so I wouldn't forget them." Henry answered, as he stuck his hands into his pocket. His eyes widened. "There's a hole in my pocket."

"What!" Ryo and Takato was alarmed.

"Oh, gosh. I can't believe this is happening," Ryo said, plunging into a chair.

"I am so sorry." Henry's head drooped down, as he tugged on his bowtie, feeling suffocated.

"Come on," Takato started, "Ryo, you go on ahead and meet the other guys. Henry and I will look for the ring."

"What if you don't find it?" Ryo asked.

"We'll figure something out, just go ahead and go."

"Alright," Ryo said, uncertainly. He headed towards the door, and then looked back, with an unsure look on his face.

"Don't worry. Just go. We'll get it," Henry reassured. He tried to sound as calm, and as convincing as he could.

Ryo smiled weakly, before he walked out. Takato and Henry watched Ryo leave in the limousine, before they scrambled around to look for the ring.

"If it was in your pocket, it couldn't have gone far," Takato said, crawling around the floor, looking under the couch.

It was only minutes before Henry and Takato sat on the floor, leaning against the wall, staring into space. The room was a complete mess; all the furniture was moved around and everything was jumbled into one spot.

"We're screwed," Takato said, lightly hitting his head against the wall.

"Yup," Henry answered looking at his watch. "Let's look again. We still have time."

Takato nodded and got up.

When they arrived, Ryo got out of the limo and took a good look at the building. The car door was shut as he walked to the door. The door swung open, revealing Jeri, Kazu, and Mako.

"Now you two stand here, and smile!" Jeri said, her perky attitude being sensed from a mile away. Jeri spotted Ryo and shuffled over to him.

"Big day today!" Jeri exclaimed.

"Big day, big problem." Ryo's voice was glum, showing no enthusiasm. He tried to avoid eye contact.

"Problem? What's the problem?" Jeri asked, as her perkiness died down.

Ryo turned and looked at her. "No rings."

"What?" Jeri looked confused. "How's that possible? I saw Richard, putting them on the ring cushion."

"What?" Now Ryo had the confused look. "Henry said he had it in his pocket."

"Here, I'll show you." Jeri lead the way into the building, passing by Kazu and Mako. She saw Jason and Kenta sitting around. "Get up." She looked towards the door, and saw Yamaki and Riley, being greeted by Kazu and Mako. "Sit them down."

Jeri continued leading Ryo to where Richard was, as Jason and Kenta stood up. After going through two sets of doors, they found Richard standing in a corner with the digimon, with his prop in hand. Richard looked up and smiled when he saw Ryo.

"Hi Ryo!" Richard shouted, walking up to him and Jeri.

"Richard, could we see the rings?" Jeri asked.

"Uh-huh." Richard handed the cushion to Jeri.

Jeri gladly took the cushion from Richard's hands and touched the two rings. "See? They're right here." She gave the cushion back to Richard.

Ryo's face lightened up a lot, and his noteworthy smile returned. He was reaching for his cell phone to call Henry and Takato, when the two of them ran into the room.

Henry spotted Ryo, with Jeri and Richard, and ran over to them with his cummerbund in his hand and his bowtie loosely hanging around his neck. "I am so sorry, Ryo, but we couldn't find it anywhere."

Ryo's smile grew wider. "Look at what Richard is holding."

Out of breath, Henry and Takato looked down at Richard, and saw two small shiny rings on the light blue ring cushion.

"But how—where'd you find it?" Henry asked.

"It was in my pocket," Richard answered, and held up his prop, "and I put them on this when I got here."

"I thought you said you put them in your pocket," Takato said, looking at Henry.

Henry took a minute to think. Then, it hit him. "Oh, that's right! I put them in his pocket after I noticed I had a hole in my pocket, while packing his clothes for Rika, last night. I guess I was so busy about getting ready for today, I forgot about it."

"Well, problem solved! Now come on, we have to make last minute confirmations." Takato headed for the room, where the reception was held.

"I have to go check up on Rika and the others." Jeri looked at Ryo, and straightened his tie. She smiled, and then walked off.

In the main hall, Kazu and a group of people seemed to take part in a large staring contest.

"Um," Kazu managed to get out as he blankly stared at the people before him. He pointed to the people. "How do you know Ryo and Rika?"

"We're fans," one answered.

"And, we're writers," another added.

Kazu glanced at Mako, and raised an eyebrow. They looked back at the horde people and shrugged. Still with confused looks, they managed to smile.

"Welcome. Shortly after the ceremony, the reception will be held in the next room. Hope you stay for that, and enjoy your night," Mako said.

The crowd of people started to walk in, all lead by Kenta and Jason, to their seats.

As time slowly crept to the wedding ceremony, the men stood next to the officiant heads cast toward the back doors where the bride would walk.

"It's only a matter of minutes, Ryo," Henry said, nudging Ryo.

"Yeah I know." Ryo ran his hand through his hair, as he tensed up again.

"No worries, man," Takato assured.

While they waited, a small band played Pachelbel's Canon in D, as a prelude. The room was filled with people. A photographer stood in the corner with her tripod and camera, waiting to capture every moment, for Ryo and Rika. Amber and Ashley came in from the side and took a seat in the front row, with Kazu, Kenta, Jason, Mako, and Suzie.

In the back, behind closed doors, Jeri, Alice, Richard, Ai, and Rika waited for the given time to come. Rika clutched her bouquet and looked restless.

"Rika, calm down." Jeri walked over to her and comforted her.

Ai turned around from peeking through the door, and said, "Get ready."

"It's just like rehearsal, Rika, just with…more people," Alice added, standing behind Jeri.

The doors opened, revealing a lot of people. Ryo, Takato and Henry stood with the officiant, facing the door. Jeri and Alice walked down the aisle, in time with the music, holding their respective bouquets. A few moments later, after looking at Ai and Rika, Richard stepped through the doors, holding out the ring cushion with the two rings placed on top. Shortly after, Ai walked out with her basket of petals, tossing out a few with each step.

Before Rika walked out, the music stopped and went immediately to the bridal march. It was her cue to walk out. She slowly walked down the aisle, looking down at her feet. As she approached the front, she looked up and saw Ryo, smiling. She smiled as she stopped. Rika handed Jeri her bouquet, as Henry kneeled down to retrieve the rings. He gave the bride's ring to Takato, and gave the other to Jeri, for her to hold. Richard and Ai went to sit down with the others as the music came to an end. The officiant smiled and stepped forward, as Rika and Ryo turned to face him.

"Good afternoon, or good evening, whatever you prefer. We are gathered here today to join this man, Ryo Akiyama, and this woman, Rika Nonaka, in bonds of holy matrimony. If any person can show just why they should not be joined, let them speak or hereafter forever hold their peace." The priest paused, and then glanced Ryo and Rika. He looked at Ryo. "Ryo, take Rika's hand into yours and repeat after me."

Ryo looked at Rika, as he reached for her hand.

"I, Ryo Akiyama, take Rika to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward…" the priest paused for Ryo.

Ryo recited, "I, Ryo Akiyama, take Rika to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward…"

The officiant continued. "For better, for worse…for richer, for poorer…in sickness and in health…to love and to cherish till death do us part."

Ryo once again recited, while looking into Rika's eyes. "For better, for worse…for richer, for poorer…in sickness and in health…to love and to cherish till death do us part."

The priest, then, turned to Rika. "Now, Rika. Take Ryo's right hand into yours and repeat after me. I, Rika Nonaka, take Ryo to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward…"

Rika took Ryo's right hand. "I, Rika Nonaka, take Ryo to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward…"

"For better, for worse…for richer, for poorer…in sickness and in health…to love and to cherish till death do us part." He looked at her and waited for her to continue.

She smiled. "For better, for worse…for richer, for poorer…in sickness and in health…to love and to cherish till death do us part."

The officiant nodded and continued. "May we have the bride's ring?"

Henry, without hesitation, handed Ryo the ring.

"Place the ring on Rika's fourth finger on her left hand."

Ryo did as told, as Rika let out a soft laugh.

"Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor her and keep her, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, keeping thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live?"

Ryo smiled, and enthused, "I do."

"Now, may we have the groom's ring, please?"

Jeri handed Rika the ring.

"Place the ring on Ryo's finger." Rika, also, did as told.

"Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keeping thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live?"

Rika stood there, with a distinct silence left for a few moments. Ryo's face faltered. Rika smirked and replied, "I do."

A sigh escaped from many of the people in the room. The priest chuckled.

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

At first, the tamers and their close friends stood up, and then almost everyone in the room followed and replied, "We do."

The priest gave a surprised look, and then muttered, "It was supposed to be Rika's father." He cleared his throat and spoke up again. "Before this company, Ryo and Rika have pledged their love with the taking of vows and the exchanging of rings." He took Ryo and Rika's hand and joined them together. "I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Rika moved closer to Ryo as he leaned in and kissed her. Everyone in the room cheered. Jeri was teary-eyed with joy. The newlyweds pulled away, and looked at the group, then back at each other.

"I'll love you, always and forever," Rika said.

"Same goes here," Ryo smiled.

Kazu stood up on his chair and yelled out, "The reception is held in the next room. Please go on, and head there."

The horde of people started to move out towards the reception room. The photographer brought her equipment over to the aisle as the room cleared. Ryo, Rika, Takato, and Jeri signed the marriage license, as the others grouped together for the pictures.

"Okay, bride and groom in the middle, then maid of honor and best man behind them. Next to them, I want the groomsman and the bridesmaid together. The flower girl and the ring bearer, up, front and center with the bride and groom. The ushers and greeters should stand behind the groomsman and bridesmaid. Last, but not least, friends and family members surrounding the group."

The group finally got into position, and took five to seven pictures. After the pictures were taken, Yamaki spoke to the photographer about the costs. Kazu, Kenta, and Jason walked out towards the reception room, as close friends congratulated the newlywed couple.

"I'm so happy for you, Rika!" Jeri exclaimed, embracing Rika into a hug.

"Couldn't have made it through without your help," Rika replied.

Jason ran back into the room. "Okay you guys, pair up! Groom with bride, best man with maid of honor, groomsman with bridesmaid, and ring bearer with flower girl. Line up in reverse order."

Amber, Ashley, Suzie, and Mako headed for the reception room as the participants lined up. The rest of the group walked down to the reception with their partners. Ai picked Richard up as they walked into the room filled with people. Up on a platform, Kazu held a microphone.

"Ai and Mako, the flower girl and the ring bearer through the doors," Kazu blared.

People started to crowd around the doors as Henry and Alice walked in.

"Alice and Henry, the bridesmaid and groomsman." Kazu pointed to each of them. Then, Takato and Jeri came. "Jeri and Takato, the maid of honor and best man."

The friends and guests cheered and clapped their hands. All applauding and cheering grew louder as Ryo and Rika finally entered the room.

"Ladies and gentleman! The bride and groom, Rika and Ryo Akiyama!" Kazu put the microphone down and clapped. After some of the noise died down, he picked the microphone up and said, "Ladies and gentleman, please clear the floor for the bride and groom, for the first dance. Amber will you do the honors?" Amber walked up on the stage, and smiled, as Kazu handed her the mike. She gladly took the microphone, and cleared her throat, as the back round music for "Whenever You Call" by Mariah Careystarted.

"Love wandered inside, stronger than you, stronger than I, and now that it has begun, we cannot turn back. We can only turn into one," Amber sang.

Ryo held out his hand, and Rika gladly took it into her own. They made their way to the middle of the room, where it was cleared for them to dance. Everyone else sat at the tables, watching this happy moment and listening to Amber sing. The photographer, quietly, walked around, taking pictures.

"I won't ever be too far away to feel you, and I won't hesitate at all, whenever you call. And, I'll always remember, the part of you so tender. I'll be the one to catch your fall, whenever you call," Amber continued and smiled, as her eyes gleamed in the light.

Richard looked at Ai, as he sat on her lap. "She's really good."

Ai simply nodded. "No doubt about that."

"Look at them dance," Jeri commented, watching Ryo and Rika.

"And I'm truly inspired, finding my soul, there in your eyes. And, you have opened my heart and lifted me inside by showing me yourself undisguised."

Ryo put his hands at Rika's waist as Rika put her arms around his neck. They swayed to the slow moving song.

"She's a great singer," Rika whispered.

"Yup," Ryo replied.

Rika rested her head on his shoulder, and smiled.

"I won't ever be too far away to feel you, and I won't hesitate at all, whenever you call. And, I'll always remember, the part of you so tender. I'll be the one to catch your fall, whenever you call. And I will breathe for you each day, comfort you through all the pain; gently kiss your fears away. You can turn to me and cry, always understand that I give you all I am inside." Amber sang with all her heart.

By this time, Henry and Alice were dancing with each other, since Amber was singing.

"Jeri, would you like to dance, for old time's sake?" Takato asked, getting up.

Jeri sighed and looked at Ashley. "Is that okay with you?"

Ashley nodded. "It's just one dance out of…a lot."

Jeri got up and walked with Takato, and started dancing. Near them, Richard was in Ai's arms, as she swayed to the music. Ashley sat at the table, with Kazu, Kenta, Jason, Mako, and Suzie.

"I won't ever be too far away to feel you, and I won't hesitate at all, whenever you call. And, I'll always remember, the part of you so tender. I'll be the one to catch your fall, whenever you call."

"This sure looks familiar," Kenta said, looking at the group of people, dancing.

"Without the Ryo and Rika detail, this sight reminds me of the dances in high school," Kazu noted.

"Those two and those two, danced at dances, in high school?" Jason asked, pointing to Henry, Alice, Takato, and Jeri.

"Yup," Mako answered.

"Interesting, huh?" Suzie asked.

"I won't ever be too far away to feel you, and I won't hesitate at all, whenever you call."

Ryo kissed Rika. Rika, smiled again, turning her head. She spotted Jeri and Takato.

'Just like old times,' Rika thought.

"I won't ever be too far away to feel you, and I won't hesitate at all, whenever you call. And, I'll always remember, the part of you so tender. I'll be the one to catch your fall, whenever you call." The song ended, and Amber took a bow, as people applauded, both for her, and the newlywed couple.

Rika, Ryo, and Amber made their way back to their big table. On their way back, a more upbeat song played.

"So what's it like being married?" Kenta asked.

"No big difference." Rika laughed.

"Yeah, I know. Why do you ask?" Ryo asked.

"No reason."

"Kenta is just fantasizing about his girl and his never-going-to-happen wedding," Kazu said, as he laughed.

"Hey, shut up. It's not like you're getting girl any time soon either," Kenta retorted.

"I don't understand how you two can be business partners," Amber commented.

"Yeah, I know. Fighting and bickering everyday," Alice added.

Kazu and Kenta turned away from each other and crossed their arms. The digimon, showed up, shortly after.

"Hey Henry. Can we go boogie?" Terriermon asked.

"Um, sure," Henry answered, glancing at the crowd, then back at Terriermon.

"Cool!" Terriermon climbed up on Guilmon's head and pointed towards the group of people, dancing. "Let's go."

Takato laughed. "Knock yourselves out!"

The rest of the digimon followed suit, as the others were engaged in a conversation. Minutes later, the digimon came back to the table. Guilmon sniffed the air.

"I smell food," Guilmon said. The digmon started to look around, and finally saw food, being set out on the tables in the back.

"Not yet, you guys," said Henry.

"Aw, but I'm hungry," Guardromon said.

"One more song, and we'll start serving," Takato assured.

"Good, cause I was getting a little hungry, too," Jason commented, leaning back in his chair to stretch.

As the digimon watched the stack of plates being put on the table, a slow song started; "Lost In Your Eyes" by Debbie Gibson.

Takato looked at Ashley, and held out his hand. "Would you like to dance?"

"I'd love to," Ashley replied, taking his hand. The two walked out to the floor, where a few couples were already dancing.

"How about you? You up for a little dancing?" Henry asked, looking at Amber.

"Sure," Amber replied, getting up. "Are you two coming?" She looked at Ryo and Rika.

"Oh, no. We're fine," Ryo and Rika answered, simultaneously.

"Alright." Amber and Henry joined everyone else on the dance floor.

"Where'd Suzie and Mako go?" Rika asked.

"They went out, that way, I think," Richard replied, pointing out the exit.

"Hmm, doing what?" Ryo asked.

"Who knows?" Ai answered, looking the way Richard pointed. Masahiko ran in, and spotted Ai. He ran over to her. "Hey, why are you late?"

"I got outta work late."

Ai nodded and said, "I see."

Masahiko took a look around the place and turned back to Ai.

"You want to…dance?" he managed to stutter out. Ai nodded. She took his hand walked out to the floor.

Renamon appeared before Ryo and Rika. "Congrats to the both of you."

"Thanks Renamon. You want to join us?" Rika asked.

"No, it's okay," Renamon answered.

"This is a pretty song," Ashley whispered.

"Mm-hmm," Takato was all he could manage out, as he looked into Ashley's eyes, and smiled.

"How'd I do when I was singing up there?" Amber asked; her chin rested on his shoulder.

"You did great." Amber heard the sound of a smile in his voice.

Ryo and Rika sat at the empty table. They spotted Jeri and Jason, dancing. Then, they found Takato and Ashley, Henry and Amber, and Ai and Masahiko; they even saw all the digimon, having a great time with Richard, but still no sign of Mako or Suzie.

"Do you think they went back?" Rika asked.

"Nah, I don't think they would leave Ai behind," Ryo replied.

"Congratulations, you two," Yamaki said, walking over to the two of them, with Riley.

"And a great big thanks to you, for paying for everything. The bill must have been pretty hefty," Ryo said.

"Oh, I have my ways," Yamaki replied, smirking. "Well, I was on my way to taking Riley outside, for a little fresh air. I'll see you two later."

"Okay," Rika said.

Kazu got up on stage. "Okay, we're now serving dinner. Bride and groom, and participants are served first."

Ryo and Rika walked up and helped themselves to the assortment of foods, served. The rest soon followed.

Elsewhere, Mako and Suzie sat on a stoops marvelling at the sunset.

"I'm glad they're together," Mako said.

"Now are you saying that because we can go back to being angels, or are you saying that for their happiness?" Suzie asked, smiling.

"Both, actually," Mako replied, facing Suzie and smiling. He looked back up to the sky again, watching the sunset. "You know, this is probably the last time we'll see a sunset as beautiful as this."

"I know."

"We haven't really worked together till now. Did you know that?" Mako asked.

Suzie thought for a second. "I think you're right." She smiled. "We make a good team, and it's been a long while since you and your sister fought."

"Yeah…" Mako said. He looked at Suzie.

His head slowly leaned in, until they could feel each other's breaths. Suzie slowly backed away, shutting her eyes.

"Maybe we should head back inside," Suzie suggested, getting up.

Mako nodded, a little disappointed at what didn't happen.

Back at the wedding after everyone had a chance to get food, Ashley nudged Takato in the ribs.

"Aren't you going to do the toast?" Ashley asked.

"Oh yeah!" Takato answered. He got up and held his glass, in his hand. He cleared his throat. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Uhh, I'm Takato Matsuki, friend of Ryo and Rika. I would first like to thank all of you for coming out tonight, to celebrate this day. I would also like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Yamaki for paying for the event. Without you, this evening wouldn't be possible." Takato paused and looked at Rika and Ryo. "It's funny how these two met, because they were always at each other's necks, over simple things. They met at a digimon tournament and they faced each other at the final round. One of them lost, of course. Um…and then they met again in the Digital World…and yeah. They always seem to meet each other coincidentally. We've traveled to the Digital World many times, and these two, in particular, always had something to say to the other. A couple can't be much more alike than these two, especially with what has gone on in the past. But you know, as Sophocles said, 'One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love,' and that definitely holds true for these two." Takato paused again, glanced down at Ryo and Rika again, and smiled. "So I would like to protose—I mean propose a toast, to the newlyweds." Blushing, Takato raised his cup in the air. "Cheers."

Everyone in the room did the same. Takato sat back down, a little embarrassed at his mistake.

"It's okay, you did good," Ashley assured, rubbing his back.

"Nice words," Ryo commented, giving him a thumbs-up.

"You'll have to give us a copy sometime, for our memory book," Rika added.

"Will do," Takato answered.

Few minutes later, a couple of people rolled out a cart with the three-layer wedding cake. Ryo and Rika walked over to the cart and made the first cut. Rika took it and placed it on a plate. Ryo took some of the frosting and stuck it on Rika's nose. Rika laughed, and did the same to Ryo.

"This is getting too good to be true," Jeri commented, watching the two.

"I know." Alice stood up. "Come on. Let's help hand out the cake."

Richard got out of his chair and ran over to the cart to help pass out the cake. Guilmon and Terriermon shared a piece of cake.

"I can't believe this plan actually worked!" Terriermon blurted out. Moments later, he noticed what he had just said. "Oops." Henry and Alice, as well as the rest of the group looked at Terriermon, then to Ryo and Rika, afraid of what they might say.

"What plan?" Rika asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

"To get you two together," Terriermon said. Henry and Alice shot a menacing look at Terriermon.

'Oh great, I'm good as dead,' Henry thought.

"Is this true?" Ryo asked.

Henry and Alice pointed to Richard. "It was all his idea!"

Rika looked at Richard. "Is this true?" Richard nodded. "You know, I would expect something like this from Jeri, but from you—" Rika smiled and embraced him into a hug, the opposite of what the others thought. Everyone else sighed of relief, and the reception went on.

Few hours later, Rika and Ryo stepped out through the doors, onto the lighted sidewalk, both in a shirt and shorts. A lot of people surrounded them. Jeri ran over to her and handed her the bouquet, and gave Ryo the garter (which he was supposed to slip off, but OH WELL!). The two of them turned around and threw it over their shoulders. Many people tried to grab it, but in the end, Guilmon had the garter hanging off one of his ears and the bouquet landed on MarineAngemon.

The wedding bells rang and Ryo and Rika kissed once again for the whole world to see. They laughed, and stepped into the town car that was filled with their necessities for their honeymoon. Rika stuck her head out the window.

"Thanks, you guys!" Rika yelled out, as Ryo started the getaway car.

Everyone waved 'farewell' and Ryo and Rika did the same. All that the people could see of the car was the back window of the car. Written in big, white letters were "Just married…to the greatest woman I've met…"


immature DF103: NOOOOOOO!

lovesick DF103: Like, get over it…

morbid/dead DF103: I know. It's no big deal…remember? Se-quel…

boring DF103: --…z…Z…z…Z…

DF103: Now, I have to worry about SCHOOL! I start Mon…and I'm not ready to go back! looks for bottle of gel ACK! WHERE IS IT? Hm…forgets gel and looks for black nail polish Well, here are the credits!


Produced, Written, and all the other stuff by: DigiFreak103

© Copyright 2003 By "DF103 & the 4 Idiots" co.

Thanks to: Mostly for the service to put up my fics… - -;; (What! I'm trying to show appreciation!)

Major Thanks to: Angel13 for clothes coordination and ideas, kori hime for some clothes coordination and song idea, RukiMakino for some ideas, DigiqueenTMIM for use of character, song ideas, and clothes coordination, and BIG thanks to HenryLovr07 for adding and revising some parts of the last half of this fic, as well as the use of her character, song ideas, and clothes coordination…

And of course, readers like you…thanks to the reviewers of Never Too Far From Home: con2020tran, Reiusune, Anime Master ZERO, Akino Matoumiken, DigiQueen-Sinceramon, silentobserver, half-demon, Anjel bluez, Rika1332, Dark Shadow, DigiQueenTMIM, Demon-Cat, Harsh Ice Queen, neko, crystal-digiqueen, AngelK, Sam, Izumi-Chan, Tiger Wolf, Junny, flufflywitch, Flameraven, Ryoko Lover 4-ever, Akino Ame, Lady Ice, nobody, DarkShadow9247, Little Birdie, Silverchan, Henrylovr07, starzzzzzzzz, millie, JRDW

…And the Reviewers of Little Richard's Intentions for Ryo & Rika: RukiMakino, Junny, digifreaks, Rika1332, Dark Shadow, Anime Master ZERO, Dark Shadow9247, Little Birdie, Akino Ame, DigiqueenTMIM, Akino Matoumiken, DigiQueen-Sinceramon, KuTiExAzNxAnGeL, Shiroi Taiyou, Nightshade, crystal-digiqueen, Angel13, rikiXD, Ladies Yin Yang, Reiusune, HenryLovr07, Ladychichi, Destiny'sFate, con2020tran, Jedi Takato, PinkShuntumon, rike+ryo 4eva, Sam, Ryoko Lover 4-ever, Alexis, Amethyst Blizzard, KristiexxNguyen, Sally, miaka, JRDW, taKAriryUKiruLEz, Tache, Pisces Panda, SS2 Megami-sama, and any other reviewers who happen to review after I post this! Sorry if I missed anyone…long list o people…

Disclaimers: First and foremost, I do not own Digimon, Amber Kamisaka, Ashley Ojuka, American Idol, Ryuki writers, and Ryuki fans.

Claimers: Richard, Melanie, and Jason are mine…

This fanfic has been created by DigiFreak103 (excluding characters of Digimon and the characters of other authors) 2002-2003

No person, digimon, or any inanimate object has been harmed, threatened, or mutilated in the making of Never Too Far From Home and Little Richard's Intentions for Ryo & Rika (except for Ryo's dented apartment door, and Rika's random attacks upon a few people coughKazucough but those are normal occurrences, and I take no responsibility). The people and digimon in these two fics have done their own stunts and DigiFreak103 take no responsibility in their injuries for taking the risk of not having a stunt double (Yes, which means, Takato was hit with the knife).

DF103: Once again, I want to thank all the readers for reading this fic, as well as the precursor for this. Hope to see you all when the sequel comes out! L8terZ! This is DigiFreak103 and the four Idiots, with Little Richard's Intentions for Ryo and Rika. Over and out!