Will Jinx meet Wally? Will she find out about his situation at home? Or will she just miss him? Stay tuned to find out!
Chapter three
A long sigh escaped the lips of a certain pink haired sorceress. She was in the living room that looked out to the water. Laying sideways on the curved couch.
It was barely two hours since Kid Flash left and he hasn't called her. This wasn't sitting well for her.
A passing by Starfire noticed her new friend's mood and became worried.
"Friend Jinx. What is wrong?" She asked. Pink meet green.
"It's just... I never realized how little I know about Flash. I just found out that he has a mom and that she's alive. I mean, he never talked about it so I assumed. I don't know if he has a dad, or any siblings. Are his grandparents alive? Does he have aunts and uncles? Cousins? Did he ever have a pet growing up? I do know he goes to high school, is fifteen years old, and lIves in Central City. But that's about it," it was making Jinx frustrated to the point where she wants to tear her hair out.
Didn't he trust her?
"Do you think he has the family issues?" Starfire had a strong feeling that that was it. A Tamaranian always believe in their gut instincts. It also helped that it was a woman's intuition.
"Maybe..." Realization slammed itself into her. Just what in the world was she doing? Wallowing in self pity that's what.
No. This won't stand. This wasn't like her. She was strong god damn it! She shouldn't act like a lost puppy. She should go find that boy and find out just what was going on. She was his girlfriend and she planned on being there for him. Even if it meant smacking some sense into him.
(Jinx did feel like smacking him. After all, he did made her into a romantic sap. She planned on returning the favor, one way or another.)
"You know what? I think I'm going to Central City," she announced rather suddenly, standing up from her spot on the couch.
Starfire furrowed her eyebrows.
"Why exactly?" She asked.
"I never been to Central City before, so I thought I might as well. Besides, I just might find Kid Flash," Jinx explained to the female alien.
"I... see... Do be careful! I do not think the police over there know of your status as a Titan," Starfire voiced her concerns. The young witch gave a grateful smile.
"I'll be fine Star. But thanks anyway. See you!" And with that she left to see Cyborg, hoping that he could help her out.
Wallace Rudolph West felt absolutely horrible. He just got finished with the longest lecture in the history of his life and a beating.
His mom and dad were furious with him. It was 'Wally you eat us out of house and home' this and 'You don't do enough around the house' that. Oh and don't forget 'You are a wild child Wally. Always leaving for long periods of time. Why can't you be more like your younger by three years sister'.
Yeah right. She was a spoiled brat that doesn't even get all A's like he does in school. She doesn't read books, she doesn't do her chores, she gets everything while he gets nothing.
But at least she doesn't get beat up like him. If anything he never wants her to go through that. He wouldn't wish that on his worst enemy.
No one deserves to be abused by their own parents.
No one.
"You are not allowed to leave your room until dinner time. Then you'll go right back. Do you hear me young man?" His mother demanded. Wally was happy that he managed to eat lunch over at the tower, but dinner at home? He might as well starve.
Wally would never admit that the woman was his mom. Mother? As in she gave birth to him? Yes. Mom? As in she took care of him, gave him love and happiness, feed him, gave him a proper room, NOT beating him for not doing simple things while his little sister gets away with it, gave him just as much stuff as his little sister gets, and actually wants him?
Aunt Iris was more of a mom than his mother. Same with uncle Barry in the dad department. Wally was actually glad that his father doesn't come home that often. He was always away on 'business trips'.
Yeah right. And he was secret royalty. See, if he had said 'and he was actually Kid Flash' then the business trips would actually be that. Business trips. But since Wally doesn't believe that, he went with royalty.
If it was true, then why did they live in the house they lived in?
"Yes," he managed to get out. After hearing the grunt of approval, Wally limped to his room (if you could call it that).
Wally West lived on the wrong side of the tracks. Literally. His family was poor (even though his father goes on those 'business trips' and his sister gets the newest Samsung phone, newest iPod, and just about newest everything, and can get dance lessons if she wanted to) and have to live in the house they lived in. Sure it was bad, but they could have done worse.
If only Wally had an actual room like his sister. But no. He got the room that connects to the no-longer-standing-garage that burnt down.
Wally had to make do with what he had so his room was filled with books and baggy clothing. Courtesy of aunt Iris. It was her idea to buy the clothes and knit hats for him. He can still hear her words from that day.
"If you're going to be Kid Flash, then we can't have people noticing that Wally West has the same body and hair as him. Besides, I needed to buy you new clothes anyways."
That was her reasoning.
However, Zatara owed Flash a favor and enchanted Kid Flash's suit to alter Wally's appearance whenever he wore it, but not much. It only goes into play if the mask was on.
"I can't stay here. What if a bad guy shows up to rob a bank or something?" Wally muttered to himself. With a sigh, he flopped onto his old bed. He touched his black eye tenderly.
"And today was going so well too..."
"And today was going so well too!" Jinx complained to Cyborg. She had just finished explaining the situation to him and why she needed to go to Central City.
"I understand. Look. I can give you a ride over there and hook you up with a place to stay. I can even give you a disguise so you can blend in better. And when you want to come back, you need to give me a call. All we need to do is tell Robin," he told her. It was a good plan. But will Robin allow it?
"Tell me what?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
"Cyborg is giving me a ride to Central City," Jinx said. Robin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and was that... worry? No. Jinx was just imagining things.
"Why are you going there?" Robin asked casually, yet on the inside he was freaking out.
'Does she know? Or will she find out? Damn it Wally. Why won't you take up our offer?' The offer Robin was thinking about was the one he and Speedy gave to Kid Flash. It was to stay at one of their towers.
Believe it or not, those three knew each other for quite some time. They met a few months after Wally West became Kid Flash. If he remembered correctly, Robin was nine, Kid was eleven, and Speedy was twelve. Or was Speedy thirteen? Robin was always a bit iffy on Speedy's age.
Anyways, they became the best of friends. Brothers even. One day their mentors allowed them to tell each other their secret IDs. So Richard 'Dick' Grayson, Wally West, and Roy Harper met.
They would have sleepovers at Dick's and Roy's mansions and at Wally's aunt Iris and uncle Barry's place. They would swap stories, and play pranks. They (as in Roy and Dick) told stories about their parents and how they died while Wally stayed silent. It was assumed that his parents were dead as well since he was always with his aunt and uncle, but never really healed so he never spoke of it. It went on like that until one day, they found out.
And they were not happy.
At all.
"See, I've never been there, and since Kid lives there, I thought I'd go check it out, see if it's as great as he says," this was Jinx's explication for Robin. She couldn't help but feel that he would not like her actual reasoning.
"Oh. Well... okay. Just be careful."
That… Was not what he was expecting, but he relaxed. Robin didn't want to know how she would react to Wally's home environment. He just wish that that boy got out of that toxic household.
"So, how long will you be gone?" He asked, wanting to know so he could tell KF to watch out. And so he can find his girlfriend without flipping out.
He remembered the last time Kid Flash couldn't find Jinx. It was not pretty to say the least. As it turned out she was fighting against the HIVE Five, and she was winning. Apparently it was payback from all those times they messed with her in some way, shape, or form.
"I," now that she thought about it she didn't know. So she said "I think around a week? I mean, I want to know the town, but I also don't want to be gone too long you know? Maybe two weeks at most?"
Robin nodded.
"Two weeks seems reasonable. I'll go call the city to let them know you're a hero, and that you're not there to cause trouble. See ya." With that, Robin left.
Jinx sighed in relief. One look at Cyborg was all that was needed to know on the situation.
"Come one little lady. Get your stuff. Next stop: Central City."
If only he hadn't read every book in his room. He was so bored. So the only thing that seemed reasonable at the time was to sing. Even if he didn't remember all the words.
So, as softly as he could, so he wouldn't be heard, Wally began to sing. A little bit off key.
"Gravity don't mean to much to me.
I'm who've I've got to be.
These pigs after me.
After you.
Run away.
Like it was yesterday.
And we could run away.
If we could run away, run away from here.
Dunda dunda dun dun na na nanana dun dun dun dun filler words
I got a bulletproof heart.
You got a hollow point smile.
We had to run away Scotts got a photograph dream on the getaway mile.
Let's blow a hole in this town.
And talk something something laser blade
Coming out of this place in a bullet's embrace then we'll do it again.
How can they say.
Jonny could you come back home.
Cause everybody knows you do.
Everyone come back, let me be the one to save you, gravity.
Don't mean to much to me.
I'm who've I've got to be.
These pigs are after me.
After you.
Run away.
Like it was yesterday.
When we could run away, when we could run away, run away from here.
Nunana awesome guitar solo.
I'm shooting out of this room.
Something like company.
We've stopped your preaching right there cause I really don't care, and I'll do it again.
So get me out of my head.
Cause it's getting kinda cramped in here.
Come and ready or not when the motor gets hot we can do it again.
The papers say.
Johnny won't you come back home.
Cause everybody knows you do.
Why don't you give yourself up, tell the truth and god will save you gravity.
Don't mean to much to me.
I'm who've I've got to be.
These pigs are after me after you.
Run away.
Like it was yesterday.
And we could run away, run away.
If we could run away, run away from here.
And though I know how much you hate this.
Are you gunna be the one to saves us?
From the black and hopeless feeling
Will you mean it when then end comes real.
And hold, your heart.
Into this darkness.
Will it ever be the light to shine you.
I ever leave you stranded.
I'm gunna be the who's standing.
You're gunna be the one left standing.
We're gunna be the ones left standing gravity.
Don't mean to much to me.
These things are destiny.
This world is after me, after you.
Run away.
Like it was yesterday.
And we could run away, run away run away run away from here.
Away from here.
Away from here."*
Wally felt a little better after singing that. It also passed some time. If only he could get the lyrics right. He always did like the 'gravity don't mean to much to me' part. It reminded him of whenever he ran with his super speed. It was the closest thing to flying for him.
Now what to do... he could always reread Huckleberry Finn. At normal (regular human) speed.
With a grunt, Wallace moved to the other side of the room, trying to find one book in a sea of them. At least it would keep him occupied til dinner.
He was unaware of his communicater going off.
By the time they reached the city it was around dinner time. They made a pit stop at a fast food restaurant (if you could call it a restaurant). When they were full of greasy goodness, the two heros went to an apartment building near downtown.
"Your room is on the top floor. Room 137. Here's the keys, and here's your clothes," Cyborg gave her keys and two suitcases.
Seeing one of suitcases made her confused. She only brought one, so what was with the other?
Chuckling, Cyborg figured out what the confusion was about.
"The second suitcase is from Star. She took Raven out shopping for you as a gift. So we thought that the best way to use it is here." Jinx could feel the tears trying to get out. No. She will not cry for this. But a traitorous part of her mind told her that even though the Titans have every right to hate her, abandon her, they were kind to her. Genuine kindness. And it was all thanks to Kid Flash, the boy she was looking for right then.
Stupid, treacherous mind.
"Thank you," she smiled.
"Ah, no prob. Now you be safe ya hear? I gotta go. See ya later." They hugged, and he left.
With a deep breath in, she calmed herself.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow is when she would explore the city. Tomorrow is when she would (hopefully) find her boyfriend. She will not stop until she finds the source of his pain, of his sadness and hex it into oblivion.
Luckily nothing bad was happening that day, and dinner was uneventful. Thank any and all powerful entities for that.
All Wally had to do is lay low for a couple of days, wait for the wounds to heal, finally show his face back at the tower, and try to convince Robin and Speedy that everything was fine. That he needed to check up on his city and that no, he was not abused by his mother while his sister watched. He got a black eye from a criminal that he wasn't careful about, managed to bust his lip from running straight into a fist while fighting a villain, slammed into a thick wall that gave him bruised ribs, cut his legs and arms on metal while running, and jammed his finger in a stall door while in a gas station. Oh and he stubbed his toe against a table.
Yep. All that happened. None of it was from his mother what so ever.
Oh who was he kidding? Robin and Speedy knew him since he was eleven years old, and besides, Robin was trained by the greatest detective since Sherlock Holmes. Even if Mr. Holmes was fictional. But that wasn't the point. The point was that if he made a convincing enough story, Jinx might buy it and won't ask any unnecessary questions.
"Oh Jinx. I'm sorry. I love you," he murmured softly.
At first he couldn't fall asleep. His bed was lumpy, and he could feel the springs dig into his back. Eventually his fluttered closed and his breath evened out. Soon he dreamt of his aunt and uncle, but they were his parents. Jinx was there, hugging him while talking to Iris and Dick and Roy were talking with their girlfriends (Starfire and Cheshire). It was wonderful.
Jinx couldn't believe it. The apartment was wonderful. It looked like something from a movie. If only she got to share it with Kid Flash. She had a feeling he would like it.
The whole place was a perfect combination of light and dark. Whoever decorated the place made it work like magic. Maybe they were magic. Who knew? Not Jinx, but she loved it. If she could stay there she would. But she didn't know the city. Was it safe to live in? It had to be better than Gotham. After all, the city did have her quick boyfriend as its protector.
"Oh, Kid." All she wanted to know was what was going on. They had been together for three months, and in that time, she opened up to him. She poured her heart and soul to him. Jinx never thought that she would do that at any point in her live, but she guess that she needed to tell someone. Tell at least one person her story. And yet they way she told him was so embarrassing. Sort of pathetic if she thought about it.
But she was just so tired. It was the middle of the night, and she woke up to find Kid looking frantic so her sleep muddled mind thought the best thing to do to take his mind off of whatever he was worried about was the fact that her real name was Felka which was Polish for 'lucky'. Apparently her parents wanted to go back to their roots.
"Ironic huh?" She told him.
"That my parents named me after good luck when I'm bad. Did you know that Jinx is Latin? Well it is. It means 'bad luck'. Lucky and bad luck. Do you know where I got it? From a buck of kids in the first grade." With those words she spilled the beans.
She told him about her life while he never told her his. Only bits and pieces. Not enough to make the puzzle even partly done.
It felt like a lifetime ago. Now here she was. In Central City. Trying to find the rest of the pieces to complete the picture.
Jinx made her way to the bedroom to put away the clothes and essentials. First was her suitcase. It was filled with her usual outfits. Not... all that good if she wanted to stay low.
Next was Starfire's. It looked like Starfire and Raven did a good job on the outfits. Dark jeans, black shirts, pink shirts, dark blue jackets, and oh. There was a pink and black striped leggings. It would look good with the cute black tee with a pink skull and crossbones on it and the dark blue jacket.
The shoes in there were simple black flats. There was a dark pink hat that was big enough to hide her hair, and a nice pair of shades.
Yes. That was her outfit for tomorrow.
A yawn left Jinx, making her realize how tired she was.
"I guess it's time to sleep." She spoke to herself. She changed into her dark purple nightgown and laid down on the bed. It was so soft, she felt as if she was on a cloud. It was glorious.
'I wonder where to explore first,' Jinx thought, 'maybe I should just go where my feet take me...' As her thoughts left her she became dead to the world.
"I feel like death," Wally groaned. It was a miracle for him to have that full night of sleep.
Turning his head to look at his alarm clock he saw it was nearly ten. He was never any happier than then for it was summer.
Which meant no school.
"Ugh. *sigh* I guess it's time to get up," Wally slowly got out of his bed, and went to get clothes for the day. He put them on, stood there for a moment, staring at his door, and debated on whether or not he should risk a shower.
The pros outweighed the cons, so he quickly and quietly made his way to the bathroom. Striped down to his birthday suit, and went into the bathtub. His official shower was ten seconds, but to put up a show if his folks were home, he stood there for at least five minutes. Eleven tops. It was kinda hard keeping track of time when the hot water was falling on top of his sore body.
He ignored the stinging sensation from the cuts.
After that was done, he stood in front of the steamed mirror. Wiping away the water droplets, Wally stared at his reflection. His body was made for running. He had a thin waist, thin arms, and thin, long legs. He even had abs.
But he wasn't always like that. No. Sure he was thin before, but he had fat to him.
Now? None whatsoever.
All because he got struck by lightning as chemicals poured on him.
"Wake up West. Figure out what to do with your injuries. And that shiner," he mumbled to himself. Grabbing the first aid kit, he bandaged the cuts to stop any infection from getting in.
He silently thanked his aunt for the long, baggy clothing that would hide most of his injuries.
A person's fist banged on the door.
"Open up! I need to take a shower!" Oh great. It was his sister. He shouldn't have to deal with this. He should be back at the tower, hanging out with Robin and Speedy, looking for apartments with Jinx, and saving the city.
But no.
"I just finished," Wally told her when he opened the door. She pushed her way in while managing to push him out.
Just great.
"Wallace Rudolph West! Get your ass over here this instant!" Oh shit.
He shuffled his way to the living room where his mother was.
"Yes?" Wally tentatively asked. Her face scrunched up, eyes searching for anything to yell at. Finding nothing out of the usual, she snorted.
"The only good thing Iris did was give you that hat to hide your god awful hair. Now go mow the lawn," she commanded.
"Yes ma'am," he said submissively.
Wally went out, hoping that no one would notice him.
Jinx went out with the hope that no one would realize that it was her in the new outfit.
Honestly she never expected that flats would be so comfortable to walk in.
'So far so good,' she thought. Jinx was walking westward since she was on the east side of the city. It was a little busy since it was downtown.
Jinx walked for a good while, going as straight as possible so she wouldn't get lost easily. Eventually, she found her way to train tracks.
"You've got to be kidding me," she slight faltered.
In front of her was literally the 'Wrong side of the tracks'. It didn't even look like the same city for crying out loud. There has to be at least one criminal over there.
And when there's a criminal, there's a Kid Flash.
Jinx just kept on walking forward, looking for anything that resembled her fast boyfriend.
When she got one block down, she heard a lawnmower going.
'Just who has enough grass to mow?' Her mind questioned. She followed the sound to an averaged sized house that desperately needed a new paint job.
There, working the rusty, old lawnmower, was a teen boy(?) in baggy clothing and a red knit hat.
For some reason he felt familiar. In response to the feeling, Jinx went closer to the boy, finding that he was, in fact, a teen.
She stood on the sidewalk in front of the house, trying to find out why she felt like she should know him. But there was something that surprised her enough to let out a soft gasp.
That gasp was enough to alert him of the new company. The teen's head shot up from the mower to find the source. His eyes widen at the sight of her and said only two things.
"Oh shit."
That was way longer than I expected. I just wanted it to be long enough for them to meet then this happened. I didn't even originally planned to put in a song. Oh and thanks for the reviews. Thanks for pointing out Jinx's personality for me. (I'll try to remedy that) This is my first time writing for Teen Titans. Especially Flinx. I like the criticism. It helps build the story to be better. And since I don't have a beta... would one of you like to be mine? It would help if the person knows their personalities better. Help steer me back on track. It would only make the story go towards its potential. And please warn me if I use a certain word/sentence/phrase too much. Just PM me. (I'm looking at you OS (you don't have to if you don't want to.)) Thanks! Btw, this chapter might be it for a while since it's so long.
*- that song is called Bulletproof Heart by My Chemical Romance. And no. It is not word for word since I wrote it by ear. If you want proper lyrics, go on YouTube.
Edit: TBH I didn't know if I wanted to keep that song in or not. As you see, it's in.