Good evening All, I hope you're all enjoying your weekend. Thanks for continuing to read. Enjoy the following chapter. :)

Danny dropped Adaline off with Val, it was shame she was so insistent at going home because she was starting to get to know people.

"Ah, the ex-girlfriend." Val started with, holding out her hand to shake Adaline's.

"Wow, word travels fast." Adaline responded, shaking Val's hand.

"Yeah, but don't worry about it. Labels don't stick. I used to be the bitch that enabled the Immune's to spread their message, now I'm just a bitchy nerd that lives in the basement, that people only come to see when they need something." Val said and Adaline laughed.

"You two are going to get on fine." Danny said knowing that Val was viewed very differently now from when they first met. She actually was a really great person. Both of the women stared their death stare at him and he shrugged.

"Well, thank you for coming to meet me, I was hoping to run some stuff past you."Val started.

"You're welcome, I'm not sure how I'll be able to help. I'm not much of a computer buff." Adaline wondered what Danny had told Val.

"Oh, no, this is to do with comms. Come, I'll take you to my office in the basement." Val said with mock contempt.

"You chose that office," Danny reminded her.

"And I love it." Val said, mostly because very few people knew where it was and no one bothered her.

A blonde woman in a power suit walked past them and as she passed, she stared at Adaline. Adaline recognised the look, it was one she'd used many times when wanting to assert herself over strangers a slight narrowing of the eyes as if judging someone. Adaline turned and stared after the woman as she strode down the hallway in her heels. Adaline waited for the woman to be out of earshot.

"Who's that woman?" she asked..

"Who that? That's Alison Shaw." Danny told her dismissively.

"She's an advisor to the President." Val explained further.

"I don't like her." Adaline stated.

"Damn," Val raised an eyebrow, "I'm not sure I've ever judged anyone that quickly. Do you know her?"

"No," Adaline simply said. Danny studied Adaline, what had she seen?

"But as a general rule, you don't like anybody." Danny reminded her, "She's always been ok with me and Kara's never said anything bad about her." Danny tried to persuade her.

"Yeah," she's never bothered me. Mostly she ignores me. I don't think I fit her power image and she doesn't really understand computers." Val said.

"I don't like her." Adaline said again.

"Well, you're leaving soon so you don't have to work with her." Danny told her and Adaline shrugged, despite knowing this there was still something about the blonde woman that bugged her.

"True." They got to the stairs and Val started to go down.

"I've just got to see Kara quickly. I'll wait for you in the foyer to take you back to the hotel." Danny told her.

"Danny, don't worry. I know my way back." she told him, starting to disappear after Val.

Danny stood there for a moment and then realised this left his afternoon wide open. He'd be able to get a couple of hours in the gym. He smiled, with half his team out of the state, he could have an afternoon to do some of his own stuff. He looked at his watch 1440., he'd get to catch Kara before her 1500 meeting and then go to the gym. He picked up his pace as he headed to Kara's office, for the first time in a few weeks he felt good about them. Sure it was small steps, baby steps but there was hope. They had a house, they didn't argue the other night, he felt his baby kick and tonight they were going to have dinner.

"Hey Maria, is Kara in?" he asked her assistant with an easy smile. The woman looked up from te envelope she was addressing.

"Hello Lt Green," she said, then she frowned. "No, Lt Cdr Foster isn't here this afternoon. In fact she's not working afternoons at the moment."

"Oh," Danny felt taken aback, he felt sure he'd said she had a meeting that afternoon at three. "Are you sure she's not got a meeting. I'm sure she said she had one at 1500. Maybe I misheard." Danny started to wonder if she'd gone to the Nathan James for a meeting or maybe she'd gone somewhere else.

Maria stood up, "Let me check her planner." She told him with a pleasant smile.

"Thanks Maria." Danny said, he half followed her to Kara's office and stood just outside the doorway. It would be weird to be in her office without Kara there.

"You know, when she said she wasn't going to be working from the office on and afternoon I was worried, y'know what with the baby but she's been taking work back to the hotel with her. Then on a morning, I process what she's been doing on an afternoon. I think she probably goes back for nap."

Danny frowned, she certainly hadn't mentioned working from the hotel.

"No meeting on her planner but says 'Midwife, Hosp 1500'"

Danny thought about this quickly, she definitely mentioned this, he didn't even know she had a midwife.

"Oh Daniel, you haven't missed an appointment have you?" Maria reappeared in the door. Her eyes twinkling with the assumption that he'd forgotten the appointment.

"Oh yeah," he covered fro himself, "I completely forgot." He looked at his watch, the hospital a few a minutes away in the car. He could still make it for 1500.

The older woman smiled kindly at him. "It's not you that's meant to have baby brain."

"Yep," he lightly tapped his forehead as if acknowledging his forgetfulness. "I'm going to try mke the appointment." He told her turning quickly. " Thanks Maria," he called over his shoulder as he started to run back to the car.

Danny managed to get to the hospital by 1455 and he'd thrown the car into the first available space. Running into the hospital he located maternity on the board, 5th floor and he started to run up the stairs. He had no idea what was going on. Maybe it was a routine appointment but why hadn't he been invited. She knew he wanted to be involved., unless something was wrong and she hadn't told him. He took the stairs two at a time, he had no idea what was going on and checked his watch, 1458, powered by the momentum of running up the stairs he pushed open the open into the maternity area, really hoping he was at the right place. His run had left him breathless and looking a bit wild, his eyes darted around the waiting room and there she was. The bang of the door had made up Kara look up from the magazine she was flicking through and when she saw it was Danny her face said it all. He was the last person she expected to see; busted and it she knew it. Her mouth dropped open slightly and her eyes went wide.

Both of them just stood there for a moment, eyes locked. His heavy breathing started to return to normal and Kara started to look less shocked. Kara started to stand up, her mouth starting his name.

"Dan.." but she was interrupted by a woman coming out of an office.

"Kara Foster," the woman called and Kara turn to look at her but her mouth remained the shape of Dann;s name. She composed herself quickly.

"Jayne," she smiled weakly and walked towards her and Danny joined her at her side. The woman in the clinical uniform turned and looked at Danny, her face showed pleasant surprise.

"And Dad, I assume?" she smiled and Danny smiled back, he was fuming with Kara right now but he was pleased to be at the appointment.

"Danny Green." he said cordially.

"I'm Jayne, the midwife. You were able to get off work today then?" She said, "I like it when Dad's are involved."

Danny shot a sideways glance at Kara as they followed Jayne into her office. "If I'm here, I won't miss it."

Jayne motioned for them to sit and started to get out the blood pressure machine.

"Well we'll see how taking it easy for a week has changed things, if at all. I assume Kara filled you in on what we discussed sincec you were away last time."

"Absolutely." Danny told her, nodding, faking his part well, even Kara was almost convinced, she set her jaw, pursed her lips and looked at him. He smiled at her but it didn't reach his eyes. He didn't know what Kara had told her about their relationship but he didn't want to look like a father who didn't care about either Kara or the baby.

"So how has your week been, Kara?" JAybe asked.

"Yeah, it's been fine. I've finished everyday at lunch, done a bit of light paperwork in the afternoon at the hotel. Done yoga and gentle exercise. I feel great. I think everything will be back to normal." Kara said with a tight smile.

"That's great, hopefully we'll see that." Jayne said.

"Danny's found us a house. So that's one less thing to worry about." Kara carried on.

"Well, I'm pleased for you both. It's the small things that can niggle at you, especially when it's your first baby." Jayne started to wrap the BP cuff around Kara's arm and set it going. Danny leaned slightly across to look at the numbers. 170/95 flashed up, even Danny knew it was high and he looked at Kara's fae. She bit her lip, she knew it was high as well.

"I think I'm probably nervous," Kara said quickly before Jayne could say anything. The older woman looked at Kara with a stern sympathy. She took a deep breath.

"Kara, this isn't nerves. This is high blood pressure in pregnancy and it's still high after a week of reducing your activity."

"Yeah," Kara accepted quietly. She looked downcast, she felt like she'd failed. Danny looked at her, she was looking down at her lap. He felt he needed to do something but wasn't quite sure what. He racked his brain, ask a question, he'd ask a question. That was being helpful.

"Do you think this is connected to Kara being part of the trial for the cure?" he twisted in his seat to speak to Jayne, she looked over from a drug cupboard,where she was getting out a box of tablets. Jaye stopped what she was doing.

"What trial?" she asked, her eyebrows drawn.

"Well Kara, er volunteered to be part of the trial, when Dr Scott was making a cure for the virus." Danny explained.

"Before or after you got pregnant Kara?" Jayne asked and Kara finally looked up.

"Erm….." she started.

"It's how we found out Kara was pregnant." Danny said quietly, remembering that day. That feeling he had, it still made him feel a bit sick, the waiting, the feeling that she might die. Capt Chandler had told him about her seizing, he was glad he hadn't been there. He wasn't sure he'd been able to have done anything for her and he hated being helpless. A bit like now. He instinctively reached across to Kara and rubbed her leg, just to touch her and Kara looked at him.

"I had a seizure," Kara said quietly, "due to the temperature. Do you think it caused this?"

"Kara, what you did was incredibly selfless." Jayne said, aware that they owed those who had been in the trial so much and Rachael Scott had been the one to produce the cure. Jayne had never really thought about thise who would have had to trial it. Now there was one fo those people in front of her.

"I wouldn't have done it if I'd known I was pregnant. It was very early on." Kara said Jayne didn't think she'd done it knowingly. "I was taking the pill back to back, so I wasn't even aware I'd missed a period, still it was really early on." Kara said. "Danny was the one who told me." She smiled at him and he smiled back at her. He squeezed her hand, with a tight smile, she knew he was pissed at her and rightly so but going back to that day made them both realise what thye had been close to loosing.

"I thought she would die and then I'd have lost them both."

"Our baby is immune though." Kara said.

Jayne looked at them. There was something not right with them as a couple but it was clear they had been through a lot together.

"Truthfully, I don't know why Kara is having problems. Some women do. There's nothing to say that if this was pre-virus you'd have not had these issues. It could be related ut we'll never know. What I want to do is start you on a drug called labetalol, it will lower your blood pressure. You've to take 100mg twice a day."

"The baby?" Kara asked.

"Will be fine, it's approved and also I need you to go on bed rest, for a least two weeks. Until the drug starts to work and you've had a period of rest, I want you off work. "

"Off work?" Kara asked, suddenly coming back to the conversation, forgetting the trial. She started to protest, "But…"

"Wait, you also said bed rest." Danny picked up, "Is that different to time off work?"

Jayne sat back down behind her desk, putting the boxes of tablets down.

"Its not something I would normally recommend. I'm usually very reluctant to recommend it but until I know the labetalol is working then I want you to be on bed rest and I mean bed rest. For two weeks, you are to lie in bed, no work, just rest. You may get out of bed briefly for a gentle walk round but nothing strenuous."

"But.. I can't. I live in a hotel." Kara said, starting to panic. How was she meant to live for two weeks just in a hotel room? She as she was starting to feel the anxiety from thinking about it, Danny stepped in.

"She will do it. We'll be living in the house." Danny told Jayne firmly.

"Danny, if I can't manage to do this in a hotel room, I don't think I can do it in the house." she told him. Not hearing what he said.

"I'll take time off work," Danny told Jayne firmly, he then looked at Kara, "Kara, I'll take time off work." He told her gently. "It'll be ok."

Kara just looked at him bewildered.

"You're going to take time off work?" she repeated dumbly.

"Yeah, I'll take time off work. Your mom will be here in about 10 days. Then I'll go back on reduced hours. Who knows, maybe the drugs will work and you'll be able to go back to work part time. " he told her reasonably.

Kara nodded, "That make sense. Thank you." Kara told him gratefully.

"Kara, we have to try this because of the baby and for you. You and the baby come before work."

"So, just a few bits, "Jayne said, "don't push yourself. I appreciate you are someone that works hard but you have to take it easy. I need Danny to do your blood pressure three times a day. You;ve to come back and see me in a week. You can do gentle exercise such as yoga or a gentle walk and you can have sex, so long as it's nothing rough."

"Oh, I, um, no, we're, er, we're not going to be in the same room." Danny said awkwardly, shaking his head and hand to prove a point.

"Danny," Kara said, closing her eyes with embarrassment, "she doesn't need to know that," she whispered, mortified."Sorry," Danny muttered, not sure who he was apologising to but just went with the room.

Jayne allowed the awkward silence to only last a few moments before she cleared her throat.

"Well, I think there seems to be a plan there. Let me get you the blood pressure machine Danny." She pulled an automated BP machine out of the desk drawer and put on the desk in front of her.

"Any more questions," she asked, she smiled at them both. Danny shook is head and Kara rolled her lips before shaking her head.

"No, thank you Jayne. I really appreciate it." Kara told her with a smile.

"I know it's not what you want to hear Kara but we relly have to sort this. You're still too early to deliver and now, we don't have the same facilities that we used to have. So it's relly important for you and the baby to commit to this. " Jayne urged her.

"I understand." Kara told her.

"I'll make sure they're both fine." Danny told Jayne, picking up the BP machine. "Come on Kara, let's get yu home. Jayne, thank you, we'll see you next week." He shok her hand as he walked to the door and held it open for Kara. Jayne said goodbye to Kara and watched them leave. She'd find out in a week if it was getting better for them.