
Disclaimer: Beyblade is the property of Takao Aoki. I don't nor will I ever own it. I make no money from this story. I slave away at this computer for my own satisfaction.

Warnings: Swearing, Lemons (yay!) , Mature Content

(eh), Nudity (yay!), Violence (wooo!), Blood (boo), Character Death (gasp). Read at your own risk!

Hello everyone!

This is the sequel to Borderline. I have only 15 chapters of this story written so far. The update schedule is going to be every 2 weeks instead of every week, because life is crazy. Most likely Sunday/Monday nights are when you guys can look forward to new chapters. I apologize for not being very active in the writing community these last few months...I need 48 hours alone to catch up on all my reading.

Hope you guys enjoy the sequel!


He could taste it. His loaded gun was in the holster strapped around his waist. His bullet-proof vest was fastened. Blue warpaint stained his ivory cheeks. Closing his eyes he drew a breath.

He was ready. Ready for whatever lay behind the ancient, rusty, viridian doors of the warehouse. The S.W.A.T. Team was in position, ready to move in the instant he gave the order.

Studying the blue-prints one last time, he slowly supped the steaming hot coffee in his right hand, going over his mental checklist to ensure that he had forgotten nothing.

Today was the day he and Tyson were going to storm Biovolt and reclaim everything that they had stolen from him.


Where was that menace anyway?

He eventually found him behind one of the large shipping containers, sitting on the ground staring intensely at the pieces of a bullet-proof vest in front of him. He chuckled, "You're hopeless."

Tyson glared. "Well if it's so easy why don't-" The words died in his throat when he saw that his partner had his vest fully assembled and firmly fastened around his body.

The dual-haired male's eyes shone with mirth as he picked up the pieces. "Stand up." Within seconds, he had the vest firmly fastened around the younger.

Tyson's tanned cheeks grew hot. "Thanks." he mumbled.

The taller wrapped his arms around the bluenette and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I can't have you dying on me."

Tyson returned the hug and squeezed. "No one is dying today Kai."

The way that Tyson spoke with such confidence and reassurance, Kai could almost beleive him. It was a damn miracle they had survived as long as they had.

"Maybe we'll get lucky and all the guards are asleep."

"Don't get your hopes up." They continued holding each other, until they were forced apart by the high pitched beeping on Kai's watch.

It was time.

"We have you surrounded! Come out with your hands up!" Shouted Captain Kenosu, commander of the S.W.A.T unit. His blood pressure rose as the doors opened. A lone man, with greasy blonde hair stepped out into the open with his arms raised. Keeping his weapon trained on the criminal he asked, "Where is Susumu Hiwatari?"

A single gunshot rang throughout the air and the man laughed. "He just met with his unfortunate end."

Kai and Tyson's eyes grew wide in horror.

"Hahahaha, awww don't look so sad! After all..." he smirked cruelly, "...You're about to join him."

A barrage of bullets erupted from the warehouse and three officers dropped, blood splattering on to the ground.

All hell broke loose. Bullets were now being fired from all directions and Kai and Tyson dropped on all fours, keeping their heads as low as possible. Slowly, they made their way to one of the large metal shipping containers. Once they were safe, Kai pulled his boyfriend into a chaste kiss. "Stay here." Before Tyson could object, Kai had run out into the gunfire.

The Asian growled in frustration. "Like hell I'm letting you get yourself killed!" He attempted to run after his boyfriend, but as soon as he stepped out from the safety of the container, three bullets whizzed by his head. Returning to safety, he sighed in relief and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. "There has to be another way." He looked up and he noticed an old, rickety abandoned building. He grinned.

Meanwhile, Kai was doing his damnest to stay alive. He had taken cover behind a police car with an officer on either side of him, all of them taking turns reloading and firing, covering each other's skins.

His heart was beating wildly. There wasn't supposed to be this many gunmen. The blueprints they had obtained said that there was only four guards. So far he had counted 17. Could've the information been wrong? Or had the enemy known that they were coming?

A huge explosion blew the Russian off his feet and pain exploded across his skull. He hit the ground and his body rolled across the dirt. God...that had hurt. He opened his cerise eyes and slowly the world came into focus.

He immediately wished it hadn't.

The cop car that had been beside them was now being eaten away by flames. One man was on the ground screaming, clutching the area where his arm used to be. Another was laying on the ground, unmoving- his face completely blown off. The last was crying hysterically, holding on to what was left of his legs.

The pain that he was feeling paled in comparison to what those men had just lost. Gathering his strength, he rose to his feet.

From the roof top of the abandoned building, Tyson watched 2 officers rush to Kai. He quickly assessed his boyfriend's condition. There was a huge gash near his temple that was bleeding profusely, but aside from that, Kai looked fine. His clothes were torn and charred in various places, but there wasn't a mark on him. He glanced at the burning car and the area where Kai had been positioned. How did Kai have no burns? It would make sense if he still had Dranzer's magic, but that had left with Dranzer...hadn't it? Chalking it up to either luck or a miracle, he didn't care how Kai had survived, he was just glad his crazy lover had pulled through.

2 shots rang through the air and the officers helping Kai crumpled to the ground. Panicked, Tyson surveyed the area by the warehouse doors and watched a beast of a man reload a rocket launcher. He watched it being aimed at Kai. Without thinking he pulled his beyblade and launcher from his pocket. "Let it rip!" He launched his Dragoon blade and the silver blade hit the ground with such force, it caused ground to cave in under the man's feet. The beast lost his balance, misfiring the round into the sky.

Kai looked up to Tyson smiling down on him. Why couldn't he ever do what he was told?!

A gunshot cut through the air and Kai watched as Tyson's face turn into one of surprise before he fell off the roof.


Furry flooded the Russian's veins. Like lighting, he grabbed the fallen officer's guns and reloaded them. He sprinted towards the warehouse, taking aim at the fucker who shot Tyson and fired. The guy went down, clutching his leg. Next was Bazooka Joe. BANG! He rendered his shoulder useless. He felt a bullet fly by his face and turned and shot a guy on the staircase. He felt someone behind him. He spun around and shot him in the leg. Then another on his right.


Kai stood in the centre, the barrels of his guns smoking. Around him, 10 men were on the ground, groaning in pain. The S.W.A.T. Team stood there with their mouths agape. A stunned silence fell over the battlefield. Tossing away the empty guns, Kai made a beeline to where he saw Tyson fall. "Tyson!"

"Over here Kai!"

Kai turned and sighed in relief. Tyson was in the alleyway leaning up against the building, clutching his side. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. The bullet hit me in the vest. I think I cracked a rib when I hit the ground, but no biggie. I'll get checked out with you later."

Kai blinked. "With me?"

"Dude, your face looks like that chick's from 'Carrie'."

Damn... "Let's finish the mission."

The pair walked back to the warehouse where the officers were caring for their injured and morning their dead. On the ground there were 6 bodies covered with white cloth on one side, and 9 bodies covered with the same cloth on the other side.

Tyson's heart clenched painfully. There had been heavy losses for both sides. The sounds of moaning and "fuck yous" caused him to turn his head where he saw the Captain placing handcuffs on several men with gunshot wounds. Upon closer inspection, he realized that the injuries were superficial and completely non-life threatening.

"I tried not to kill them." said Kai lowly.

The bluenette stared at his boyfriend with wide brown eyes. "You did this?"

"They got off easy."

Tyson sighed. "Let's go see if we can find your dad...or what's left of him."

"Then allow us to escort you through the rest of the building." said the Captain, with two officers at the ready.

Together the group climbed the metal staircase to the second floor. With their weapons drawn, the searched the shadows for even the slightest hint of movement as they moved from room to room.




"Mr. Hiwatari, you need to see this." Kai and Tyson rushed over and frozen when they saw the Captain standing over the body of a man who was tied to a chair. There was a black bag over his head with a hole through it. On the wall was fresh blood spatter.

Kai drew a breath and steeled himself. Reverently he approached the body and pulled off the bag. Lifeless blue eyes and unruly blonde hair was revealed. Kai kicked the chair down to the floor in anger. "Fucking mind games!"

"Wait. So that's not your dad?" asked Tyson.

"No. It's probably one of their lackeys who fucked up." he stormed out of the room.

Tyson glanced at the body and bit his thumbnail in thought. "So why would they have 20 armed men guarding nothing?"

The Captain grabbed his walkie. "All available men-"

"Don't bother!" Came Kai's voice from the other room, "I've found it." He was standing in front of a large steel container that had to be about 20 feet long. On it, was a massive steel lock. He aimed his beyblade. "Let it rip!"


There was now a clean cut through the latch. Swiftly he caught his blade, reloaded it and cautiously approached the container. Removing the lock, he slowly opened the door. "Get a medical team in here immediately!" He ordered as he turned around and walked away.

Curious, Tyson and the police went over to the container and peered inside, their eyes grew wide in horrific disbelief. Dozens of tiny, sunken faces stared up at them with fearful eyes. Each and every single one was nude and so malnourished that Tyson could count each one of their ribs. The container reeked of feces, urine and blood.

With all the grace, understanding, compassion and humanity he could muster, Tyson lowered himself to his knees and gently stretched out his hand to the small, frail human that was closest to him. "Hi, my name is Tyson. You're safe now."

"Safe?" The child's voice rasped.

"Yes. Those bad men can't hurt you anymore." His eyes met the rest of the prisoners. "You're all free."

A bunch of them broke out into excited smiles. "Free?" Asked a little girl with hope in her blue eyes.

"Free." he repeated with a smile.

Kai stumbled against the wall and emptied his stomach contents onto the concrete floor. He looked up at the ceiling with haunted crimson eyes.

Human trafficking.

He never thought that his grandfather would be involved with something so sickening. There were over 40 people in that container! All of them children. How long had it been since they ate or drank? How long had it been since they had seen daylight?

He had come here with the hope that they had finally found his father, but instead...

He retched again.

"Kai!" He looked up to see Tyson standing there with unshed tears in his eyes.

"Kinomiya I-" He was silenced when the Japanese male wrapped his arms around him.

"Don't say it Kai. I love you and not Voltaire or anyone from your family can ever change that. You are you and they are them. Today you are a hero Kai. You saved 47 kids from the horrors of Biovolt and have their captures in custody."

Kai took a shaky breath and leaned into the hug. He said weakly, "My father wasn't in there was he?" His only response was those strong arms squeezing him tighter. "Didn't think so." Slowly he rose to his feet and wiped his chin, his face hard.

"Uh oh. I know that look. What are you going to do?"

"To see if I can make those fuckers talk!"

The cops stepped back as the criminal's face was smeared against the two-way mirror. "Woah...he's not going to kill him right?" asked the officer, looking at Tyson with concern.

"Nah. Kai is just blowing off a little steam is all. It's no biggie." said the Japanese male, with a bored expression, his hands resting on the back of his head.

The cops winced as they watched the crazed Hiwatari break the man's arm. "Mr. Kinomiya, we really should-"

"Wait for it."

The men cast their eyes back into the interrogation room and watched as Kai quickly snapped the man's arm back into place, then slammed him down into the chair, grab his collar and pull him so their faces were only centimetres apart.

"If you don't tell me who you've been taking orders from, I'll break your other arm, your legs then your spine."

The man stared into the demonic eyes and saw his life flash before him. He burst into tears. "Alright! Alright! We never saw him! We were just given an e-mail with instructions. We had no idea there we kids in there! We were just told to pick up the container and bring it to the warehouse."

Kai tighten his grip. "What was the email?"

"RussianPrince745 or something like that. But I swear to god I don't know anything else!" sobbed the man.

Kai released his grip and left the room. "C'mon Kinomiya." He made a beeline for the door.

"Wait Mr. Hiwatari! What about the inmate?"

"Do whatever you want. He's useless to me." growled the Russian as he slammed the door behind him.

Tyson gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry about him guys. He's had a bad week." He chased after his boyfriend. "Hey Kai! Wait up!"

The police glanced at the snivelling man in the small room and looked at each other dumbfounded. Kai Hiwatari was exactly what the rumours said- A demon.

Tyson followed the Russian out of the station and into the Lamborghini. They sat in silence for several moments before Tyson finally asked, "Russian Prince again?"

Kai slammed his fist against the door. "Why can't he just stop being a coward and show his face?"

Tyson sighed and sunk into his seat. Over the past year they had been in and out of warehouses, sewers and went on undercover missions within Hiwatari Industries to try and discover the whereabouts of Susumu Hiwatari. While on their missions, while they had discovered nothing concrete about Kai's father, they did however discover that Biovolt operations were very much active, with this so-called "Russian Prince" pulling the strings. He communicated only by an email that even Kenny couldn't even trace.

The whole thing pissed Kai off. "It's like he's toying with us!" he growled as he punched the door once more.

"Are we sure it's not Boris or Voltaire sending those e-mails?"

Kai shook his head. "Both are in maximum security prisons, and Boris is still in solitary confinement for another year."

"So it really is a new enemy." The silence that fell between them was almost suffocating as they stared at each other with solemn expressions. Tyson's eyes then trailed to Kai's head wound that was still dripping blood. "C'mon we better go to the hospital before that gets infected."

"...Fine." His eyes went wide as he felt Tyson give him a peck on the cheek. "What was that for?"

The bluenette smiled at him and laughed. "Dude, you really gotta lighten up! We just survived a shoot-out!"

Kai's face cracked into a grin and he chuckled; Trust Tyson to put things into perspective. "Yeah, we did, didn't we?" With that, he put the car into gear and sped off towards the hospital. Tyson's fingers soon found his and they interlace together, providing him with a silent comfort and security.

"What the hell did you boys do this time?" demanded Misa Tsubana as she watched her most frequent patients walk through the doors of her ER, looking like they had been through a war zone.

Tyson rubbed his head sheepishly as he stared into the doctor's furious green eyes. "Well you see, it's like this-"

"Is everything okay here?"

The three of them glanced over to see a doctor with a very professional and stuffy demeanour. His long black hair was tied into a neat ponytail and he wore small, rectangular shaped glasses. There wasn't a spec of dirt on his uniform, and everything about his stern expression screamed "Dick" to Kai. Misa at once straightened.

"Yes, everything is perfect doctor! Alexander and Takao are regular patients here. I tend to them on almost a monthly basis." She glared at them, and Tyson smiled innocently.

"Then treat them instead of harassing them." He briskly walked past them.

Tyson waited for the doctor to be out of earshot before placing a hand on his hip. "Jeez, who pissed in his cornflakes?"

"I know, right? He's Dr. Morozov, the new head of emergency. He gives me the creeps."

"Will he be a problem to our arrangement?" asked Kai with concern. "No. If he does become one the Chief of Staff will put him in his place." said Dr. Tsubana grabbing their charts. "Come with me." The woman lead them to a private room on the far side of the hospital and ushered them in. "Alright Takao, you know the deal."

"What?!" gawked Tyson. "He's clearly in worse shape than I am!" He pointed to the Russian's still dripping head wound.

"Yeah, but we both know for as long as he's conscious, he's going to refuse treatment until you're done."

"Oh c'mon!" Tyson looked up at his boyfriend with pleading eyes. "I'll make you brownies everyday for the next month."

"Nice try." His dropped his voice an octave. "Get on the damn bed."

"You can't keep using your "Captain Kai" voice to get your way!"

"No?" Kai took his index finger and jabbed it into Tyson's rib cage, forcing the bluenette to sink to his knees in pain. He picked him up and placed him on the bed. "How about now?"

"Fuck you." Tyson gasped.

"Later." He turned to the doctor who was biting her lip to contain her laughter. Shaking her head she walked up to Tyson. "Alright Takao, shirt off."

"Ugh, fine." Slowly he took off the garment and both Kai and Misa winced. There was a large purple bruise forming near his left pectoral and a massive black/purple bruise was forming along his entire left side.

"Shit." Misa cussed, pulling out her pager and pressing a few buttons before unwrapping the stethoscope from around her neck and pressing it up against Tyson's chest. "I need you to try taking a big breath for me, okay?" Tyson nodded and took several deep breaths. Kai watched as Misa visible relaxed. "Well the good news is that your lung doesn't seem to be punctured." She turned to Kai. "What happened."

Kai opened his mouth to speak, but that's when a red-headed doctor burst into the room. "Hey I got your page and-" He was paused by Kai's icy glare and Tyson laying on the bed. "Oh, not you two again!"

Tyson grinned. "Hey Marlow, buddy! How's it hanging?"

"A lot better than you apparently." He walked up to Tyson and they bumped fists. "So what is it this time? Stab wound? Concussion? Broken arm?"

"Broken rib. Got shot off a roof during a shoot-out and landed the wrong way."

"Dude. You need to get into a less dangerous profession!"

Tyson shrugged. "Someone has to stop this guy from getting blown up. I totally saved his life."

The vein on Kai's forehead began to throb. "I had it under control."

Tyson rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like you had everything under control in Russia? Face it Kai, you need me."

"Oh please, you can't even cross the street without nearly getting nailed by a bus."

"That was ONE time!"

As the pair bickered like an old married couple, Misa eyed the scars on Tyson's chest. A knife wound. A bullet wound. Faded white marks were visible on his neck and chest. His stomach had even more. Some of them she had treated, some of them were treated elsewhere and some of them it was quite obvious that Kai had done himself.

She remembered that about a month after the World Tournament, Kai had brought in a broken and bleeding Tyson and begged for her to save him. After the whole ordeal, Misa quietly inquired about Kai's healing abilities and Kai had gone quiet and Tyson had simply said that Kai didn't have them anymore. The subject was never brought up again.

Since then, they would come to the hospital every few weeks sporting some severe injuries. Every time she and Marlow would ask why they would put their bodies through such torture, but Tyson would simply say that they had a mission and that would be the end of it. Misa was tempted to learn everything she could about the boys, but Kai's intimidating stare would always deter her from asking too many questions. But the real question that weighed on her mind was: Did they keep them in the dark for their protection or her own?

"You are lucky it's only bruised ribs Kinomiya."

"Heh, you're just sulking because you don't get to drive."

"Hn. Bitch nurse." Mumbled Kai as he stared out the window. After they had lost their bitbeasts, Tyson had begged him to teach him how to drive, a request Kai had vehemently denied until Kai had gotten himself kidnapped by Biovolt and Tyson had "borrowed" the car to rescue him. After it became apparent that Tyson wasn't going to listen to him anyways, they spent weeks practising until Tyson had enough skill to become a professional getaway driver.

Though, if Kai was being honest with himself, he didn't mind Tyson driving. Now that the adrenaline rush had subsided, his head was pounding, and his ears were still ringing from being so close to the blast. He was looking forward to just collapsing into his mattress. After all...tomorrow was a big day. He glanced over at Tyson and a soft smile spread across his lips. Tyson really was sticking with him through everything. Which is why... "Next mission you're not going."

Tyson groaned. "Not this again! Remember the last time you said that and I hid myself in the trunk? It was fricken cold in there!"

"One of these days you're going to get yourself killed."

"Oh and you won't?"

Silence fell between them, and Tyson smiled. "I told you already; I promised you that I'd help you find your dad and I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep that promise." The teen pulled into the driveway, and they exited the vehicle. Kai punched in the security password to their house and they stepped through the front door.

The were attacked by fluff.

"Meow! Meow! Meow!" 10 cats raced to greet them, Takao jumping into Tyson's arms and Kei leaping onto Kai's shoulder, the rest nuzzling their faces in between their legs.

"What's all this?" Tyson asked the grey tabby, scratching the area beneath his chin. "We were only gone for 2 days." Takao just purred at the attention.

The duo somehow climbed their way over the wall of cats and made their way to the couch, where the sat down and allowed the felines to roam all over them so they could give them all equal attention. After 10 minutes, most of the cats got bored and jumped off their laps to either play with each other or find a comfy spot to nap, save for Kei and Takao who were contently purring on their respective owner's laps.

"Awww, I think we were missed Kai." said Tyson as he gently stroked the tabby's ears.

"Yeah." agreed the older as he stroked the older twin's fur. He then pulled something out of his pocket. "Kinomiya."

"Yeah?" asked Tyson, he looked up and was caught off-guard by the sight of the too familiar Dranzer blade.

"Beybattle. If I win, then you don't come with me on the next mission."

"Sorry Kai, but you're in no condition to battle me. I'd waste you in 10 seconds! Then you would have to let me top for a week!"

"Are those your terms?"

"In a maid's outfit!"

"Fine. Ready your blade Kinomiya."

Realizing that Kai was dead-set on this, Tyson's face grew solemn. "Okay then. Let me grab something first. I'll meet you out back." He gently placed his cat on the cushion beside him and raced up the staircase.

Kai smirked in victory and eyed his beyblade. All he had to do was win the match, and Tyson would be safe. Slowly he got off the couch and went out to the backyard. He stood behind the steel beydish, facing the house. Several moments passed before Tyson emerged, wearing his trademark hat. "Ready for this Kai?"

"I was born ready." Both champions readied their launchers and took their stances. Their eyes locked and a certain calm filled their bodies as their minds cleared. There was no bitbeasts to aid them, just pure skill.

Tyson started the countdown, "3!"




Kai stood their shell-shocked as his Dranzer lay at his feet. How on Earth did he become so powerful?

Tyson wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Whew! I thought you had me there for awhile. But a deal is a deal, right?"

Kai picked up his blade, his grey bangs shadowing his eyes.

Tyson placed a hand on his hip. "Well Kai?"

"...I am not wearing the stupid maid's outfit."

Tyson laughed. "Aww! Just once? I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Over my dead body Kinomiya!"

"Awww Kai! But-"




"I'll bake you two whole brownie pans!"

"For the last time Kinomiya, NO!"

IMPORTANT: So that's the end of the first chapter. FOR ALL OTHER CHAPTERS, PLEASE SEE THE STORY Breach IN MY PROFILE. I WILL NOT BE POSTING ANY ADDITIONAL CHAPTERS ON THIS STORY! I currently have 5 chapters uploaded.