A/N: So I was thinking about Anna Kendrick, and I was struck by inspiration. Recently she and Jeremy Jordan did a movie version of the musical "The Last 5 Years", and I couldn't help but think that some of the feelings in there related to Musa and Riven. Particularly the first and last songs. So I decided to base a fic off of "The Last 5 Years" soundtrack, though I will not be using all songs.

"The Last 5 Years" Background: The musical focuses on the relationship between Cathy and Jamie. They each tell about their sides of their relationship, but in the musical Jamie starts at the beginning of their relationship and moves forward, while Cathy starts from the end and goes backward to the beginning. It's a really interesting dynamic.

I will be starting at the beginning and moving forward just to avoid confusion. I will also be trying to capture the feelings of the songs. The songs will be the chapter titles and I highly recommend listening to them!

Chapter songs:
"Goodbye Until Tomorrow" – Cathy (I BESEECH YOU! If you listen to the movie soundtrack version on YouTube with "I Could Never Rescue You", please stop at 3:05. Because then it merges into a different song for later.)

"Shiksa Goddess" - Jamie

The Last 5 Years

"Goodbye Until Tomorrow, Shiksa Goddess"


As she lie on her bed, she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep. It was her last night as a freshman at Alfea and she was too wired from the party that had ended just a few short hours ago. Actually, she was too wired from the last few days. They had dealt with so much in such a short amount of time she should be exhausted, but instead she was exhilarated!

She climbed out of bed, careful not to wake a slumbering Tecna, and made her way outside onto the balcony. She placed her hands on the railing and stretched as she inhaled a deep breath of fresh air. Without her consent, a bright smile broke out across her face. A light warm feeling spread out across her chest. For the umpteenth time since it happened, the music fairy recalled what it was exactly that had put her in such a wonderful mood.

Musa and the rest of the Winx Club had been hanging out all night with the Specialists from Red Fountain. After returning from a dance with Flora, Musa decided that she needed a drink. She excused herself from the group and made her way to the refreshment area. From where she was standing, she observed the amazing friends she had made over the year and smiled to herself. She found herself wandering away, wanting to take in her school one last time before she had to leave it behind the following day.

A throat cleared behind her and she heard a quiet "hey".

"Yo Riven, what's up?" Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she turned to face him.

He shrugged. "Just wanted to get away from all the commotion."

She nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I know what ya mean. I wanted a sec to take in the campus before we gotta go tomorrow. Miss F says all the repairs should be done by the time we get back next year."

"Saladin said something similar."

Silence took over, but she was okay with it. He was there, he had started the conversation, and he had recently told her that he liked her. It was what she had been hoping for all year.

She was about to say something else, when she felt pressure against her lips. Electricity ran through her veins.

Before she could react, Riven pulled away.

"Umm… look I'm—" Riven started, rubbing his neck uneasily. He stopped when she touched her index finger to his lips.

"It's okay, Riven. You don't have to say anything." She smiled brightly at him.

They stood in comfortable silence for a while, until it was interrupted by a loud blonde fairy who demanded they come join the party again.

Musa sighed a content sigh and felt like she was walking on air. Then she realized she was, in fact, floating. Without realizing it, she had activated her winx. Powering down, she felt her feet touch the ground and laughed at herself. She couldn't believe how ridiculously giddy she felt! And she hoped that it wouldn't stop.

She had been waiting on Riven since the moment she met him. There was a moment in the Black Mud Swamp. She caught his gaze and she felt something within her change. She felt their songs intertwining for the first time. It didn't last very long, for they had other things to deal with, but the sound was unlike anything she had ever heard.

She caught another snippet of their harmony when he kissed her. A few major chords rang out to her before he pulled away.

The kiss had been brief, but it was perfect. They weren't like the others. She never expected Riven to show her that kind of affection. Not now, at least. She was glad for its brevity, because she wanted him to take his time and feel comfortable. She wanted this to last. She was in it for the long haul.

Before the Red Fountain boys departed, Riven had promised to contact her the following morning.

"Goodbye until tomorrow."

She had watched him walk away with a mixture of excitement and hope.

With one final content sigh, she decided to head back to bed. She should really try to get to get some sleep while she waited for the next time she'd see the hero who made her feel so alive.


Riven was up early. He figured it was about an hour before the first sun would rise. He and the other Red Fountain students had slept on the floor of a training room after gathering all the personal items they managed to salvage from their destroyed rooms.

He wanted to get out of that room and get some fresh air. Not that it had required him to travel very far since there were gaping holes all over their beloved school. Still, he thought taking a little stroll would be a good idea.

As he was walking he recounted what exactly he had done the previous night. He still found it hard to believe what he'd done. He wasn't exactly sure what came over him. It's not like he had planned to do it. It's not like he had even planned to go look for it. It just… happened.

He let out a heavy sigh.

But it was okay that it had happened, right? Musa had smiled at him afterward. A stunning smile that he had only seen a handful of times. Thinking about that smile made his own mouth quirk up in a half smile. He had kissed her, and she smiled. It was a good thing.

He let a complete small smile grace his lips. He finally did something that was good.

His little incident with Darcy had not exactly been his shining moment. He had let himself fall under her spell. He let her manipulate him.

His grimaced at the thought, then quickly pushed the thought out of his head. He didn't want to think about Darcy and his folly. Instead, his mind drifted to the girls that came before Darcy. There had only been a few. All attractive. All decent kissers. All extremely forgettable. He could recall their names – or at least something that was close to their names – but if you asked him to match them with the girl, he would be at a loss. All girls seemed to be the same to him, which is why he hadn't initially understood why Sky and Brandon were so caught up in Bloom and Stella. Like there weren't thousands of other women out there just like them.

But that changed the moment he met Musa. When they first met in the Black Mud Swamp she caught his attention. He was immediately attracted to her. Attitude radiated off of her and there was a glint in her eye that immediately intrigued him. Then she called him a loud-mouth. She was definitely something else. He hadn't exactly been sure what to do with that.

He missed out on getting close to her because of he had been traipsing about, playing spy for the witches. But that was over now.

Now he was getting somewhere. He had never had trouble with girls, not like he did with her. He had never been so affected by anyone. Maybe she would be the one who he would actually care about. Maybe she could break his cycle of empty relationships.

He shook the thought away. He was being way too sentimental. He had only just kissed her. It's not like they were in love.

But maybe they could be.

The thought scared him to death. Could he really fall in love with her?

He hadn't been sure he'd ever be able to fall in love with anyone.

Thinking harder about it, he thought that if he could fall in love with someone, it would be with someone like her.

He decided not to worry about it. He felt good. Kissing her, knowing that she felt the same way – that made him happy. He decided it was okay to let himself be happy for now.

He found himself outside of the gates of Alfea. Funny, he hadn't been planning to go there. To his surprise he saw the fairy he had been thinking about sitting on some steps talking to a girl he vaguely recognized.

Musa looked up and her face lit up as she said a goodbye to her fellow fairy and rose to walk over to Riven.

"Hey," he greeted.

She smiled nervously at him. "Hey."

Yeah. He might have been waiting for someone like her.

A/N: So I know "Shiksa Goddess" doesn't exactly scream "Riven", but I really wanted to do something for both of them in this first chapter.

I'm still grieving about their break up, so this is mostly to help me process. I really do appreciate anyone and anyone reading this though, and I hope you enjoy it!

Also I want to thank everyone who reviewed "Clarity", it meant a lot to me! So thanks FleurDevallee, cybercorpsesnake, ColorfulMusic, Half-Year Queen, Fairy Princess Moon, Akela Victoire, DangerDays!