Title: Through Your Eyes
Pairing(s): Thomas Hunt x MC, Chris Winters x MC
Rating: T
If only I could see the world through your eyes. A collection of drabbles dedicated to MC x Thomas Hunt, with a hint of Chris Winters x MC. In 100 words. No more, no less.

[42] Secret

There are a million reasons why this needs to be a secret, but it doesn't mean Thomas has to like it.

As he reaches over to brushes a stray stand of hair from MC's face – softly enough so she doesn't stir – asleep in his bed beside him.

Thomas never made it a habit of watching his past lovers sleep. But her angelic features glow in the light of the lamp left on was mesmerising. She looked so peaceful.

He smiles softly as he reaches over to turn the lamp off.

He knows that she won't end up staying for breakfast.