Ch.1 New World

Darkness, there was darkness everywhere. There was a landscape, with a huge crater of scorched piece of earth, in the center of it of there were seven people on the ground. Five of the seven where the ninja, the protectors of Ninjago.

Cole the black ninja was lying on a boulder with his spine broken, Zane the titanium ninja's body was dismantled into pieces upon pieces.

Jay and Nya the water and blue ninja couple where lying next to each other. Nya's suit was torn and she had her head on Jay's chest. The top of Jay's suit was ripped of showing his bare chest and his left hand was missing and all bloody, both were covered in scraps and bruises.

Kai the red ninja, leader of the ninjas, was pinned to a rock wall with his broken sword through his chest.

Away from the group of ninja was a young boy, with arrow markings on his arms, legs, and bald head. He clutched the staff in his hand tightly as he faced the evil in front. In front of him was a dark shadow with the silhouette of person in it, it was difficult to tell if the person was male or female.

The bald boy narrowed his eyes at the figure and got into a battle stance with his staff, ready to fight. "You may have defeated my friends, but I'll never surrender to you, never!" The boy yelled.

The person in front of the boy said nothing and got into a stance and went through a couple forms before pointing their two index fingers and shooting out a blast of purple lightning that struck the bald boy.

He screamed in pain as the visions came to an end.

An elderly man with a long mustache, wearing a straw hat, dressed in robes, in a meditative pose. This was the ninja's teacher, Sensei Wu. He was taking deep breaths as the horrible vision he had ended. "What was that?" He asked himself.

Day in Ninjago

It was daytime in the land of Ninjago. The sun was out and the sky was blue, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, but there was something in the skies. Soaring through the air were three of the five ninja riding on their dragons, Zane the titanium ninja, Cole the black ninja, and Jay the blue ninja. They all smiled on the back of their dragons, doing somersaults and tricks through the air.

"Hey, race you guys back to the temple!" Jay shouted.

The three came to a large with a temple in the distance, they came to landing on the perch of the temple. They dismounted and entered the temple when they found five people in the center of it. The first two were the other members of the team, Kai the red ninja and his sister Nya the water ninja. The other three were the ninja's master, sensei Wu, Lloyd the previous green ninja, and Lloyd's mother Misako.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Cole asked.

"Something very pressing," Sensei Wu said with a serious expression on his face. "Last night, I had a vision about a great evil."

"Oh, is it Tuesday already?" Jay said sarcastically.

The others all looked at him with annoyed looks and Nya face palmed at her boyfriend's sometimes idiocy.

"As I was saying, I fear a darkness is coming one of great power."

"Do you know who or what it is uncle?" Lloyd asked.

"No, but it feels similar to the Overlord." Sensei said.

"But Sensei, the Overlord is gone." Zane said.

"Yeah, but a lot of enemies have always mange to return, sometimes even worse than before." Kai put in.

"That is exactly why you will need to defeat this menace before it accomplishes what it is trying to do." Sensei Wu said.

"But in order to do this you will need new weapons and new allies." Misako put in.

The ninja all grinned at this.

"Follow me." Misako said.

They all followed Misako to the library where she pulled out a scroll from her study, she unrolled the scroll in front of the others. " In another realm far different from our own, they are people much like our own, some with elemental abilities like yours and the other descendants of elemental masters. They are called benders, because they can bend the elements of fire, air, water, and earth to their will. There is one person in particular who could master all the elements much like my son could, this person was known as the avatar, the person who keeps that world in balance."

"So I'm guessing this is the place where we can our new allies, one being this avatar person." Kai summarized.

"Yes, it also where your will find and unlock your secondary golden weapons." Sensei Wu.

"Secondary golden weapons?!" They all shouted.

"Yes, you thought the weapons where gone, when you destroyed Garmadon's mega weapon, but what you didn't know is that those weapons live one in a different form, in a different world, the bending world." Misako said getting two more scrolls.

"This here is the map where you will find the weapons. Misako said giving the scroll to the four. "And this Nya, will lead your golden weapon, the Aqua Whip."

"Okay, now that we know where we're going, how do we get there?" Cole asked.

"Leave that to me." Sensei Wu said giving a smile.

The Temple Courtyard

The five ninja where all prepared for the journey ahead, they all were now outside the temple in the courtyard ready to go.

"Here, some traveler's tea going and coming back, don't use it all." Sensei Wu said giving the teapot to Kai.

"Wish I could come guys, but I'm feel I'm needed here more." Lloyd said.

"Yeah, maybe next green machine." Cole said.

"One more piece of information, the avatar's name is Aang you will almost as soon as you get there, Good luck." Misako said.

They all nodded and mounted their elemental dragons, Nya was on the back of Jay's dragon. They flew up high in the air and Kai threw the teapot in the air in a moment a portal that lead to the bending world opened.

"Here we go!" Kai shouted to the others.

They all then flew in headed off to the new world.

Chapter 1 End