At first he was walking fine when he didn't realize he was a pony even though he felt like he had extra legs, he had become a mare so with help from applejack she had helped in teaching him how to walk and strengthen his Earth pony like body… However, he had some issues holding his Polk index while walking. Thankfully Arceus had made it 100% indestructible.

Looking at the hairdresser there seem to be a spot that is sad, "place Pokédex here." As he placed a Pokédex on the doc.

The mirror turned into what appeared to be a computer

"Welcome Ash a voice spoke would you like to make a call?

"Yes, I would like to call my mother and father."

"Making a Pokédex call to Arceus and Delia Ketchem."The computer voice spoke,

the computer rang and rang till a woman and a giant equine creature picked up. "Hello sweetie hey baby how's it going." The giant equine said to Delia

"Arceus, it has been a while but what is going on here? What in who are you?" Ash said a mock heard teasing his mother I'm hurt you don't recognize your son? It's me, Ash."

He did that in a way to tease his mother, but he did hurt. "Ash? What happened to you? You look so, adorable!"Delia stated which made Ash tilt his head to the side of the wall blushing making him look more adorable."

"Would you like the long story, or the short story mom?"Ash asked slightly not wanting to talk about it."

"Whatever you feel more comfortable with telling."Delia said smiling at her pony son. Or pony daughter at this point."

"Honey allow me to explain, you see a certain someone in ashes friend group was about to betray him, so I intervened and we had to basically send him to a different universe. Thus his new appearance."

"I see thank you baby. That is why I love you." Delia stated warmly.

"So, how is your walking training going?"Delia asked Ash, which made him blush.." I I'm a natural," Ash lied.

"Oh so a natural falls head first into the steaming hot pizza, got it." Arceus said which made Delia laugh uncontrollably. She knew it was not a good thing to laugh at, but she could not help it."

"Hey, I only did that one time."Ash stated blushing at the embarrassment of being called out on his lie.

"Yes you did, about two hours ago. "Arceus stated making Ash blush more in embarrassment making an attempt to hide his face. "Are you okay my little pony."Delia asked in a motherly teased

"I am fine, thanks to Twilight Sparkle."Ash said, smiling

"Oh so who is this Twilight Sparkle." Delia asked which made Ash blush… "She's my roommate Mom."

All right, for all that you should know were noticed by the picture that you see above it might cover art zone… I would like to give a couple shell out.

First shot is by Deslove01 on deviantART. She is basically helping me in editing this story.

The second one for the base she used someone who goes by ZapWbottbases.

Thank you for drawing this this love and also helping me in editing my story. You rock as Jaden Yuki says get your game on... And stay awesome