POV: Ahsoka Tano

I woke up today with the sound of my com beeping. I glanced at the clock and was surprised that it was 6:00 a.m. I knew it must be something important because the only ones who could contact me was the council. I quickly sat up from my bed and grabbed my com which was by the nightstand.

¨Ahsoka here.¨ I replied while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

¨Ahsoka this is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. The council would like you to come to the council chambers immediately. Master Yoda and the council needs to discuss something with you.¨

¨Yes Master, I'm on my way. Ahsoka out.¨ I said as calmly as I could so I didn't wake up my roommate, Bariss. I began panicking thinking if I've done something wrong. If the council AND Master Yoda needed to speak with me, it must be important. I quickly put my com on my arm and got changed immediately. After grabbing my lightsabers I exited my dorm and made my way to the council.

As I was walking towards the council I saw many Jedi staring at me. They were surprised since the younglings don't wake up till 9:00. A few of them tried to talk to me but I kept walking forward. I didn't know if I could trust anyone since… that. The only person I knew I could trust was my friend Barriss. I knew I could trust her and she could trust me.

After a few minutes, I finally arrived at the council chambers. I waited outside for a few seconds before the doors opened. I nervously walked forward and stood in the center of the room. I looked around and saw the entire council in their seats. Master Kenobi began speaking.

¨Thank you for coming Ahsoka. Master Yoda will now explain why you were called here.¨

¨Yes Master.¨ I replied then stared at Master Yoda.

¨Ahsoka, passed all your training earlier than the other younglings, you have. Ready for the next step, are you?

¨Yes Master¨ I replied back. My nervousness was now back under control.

¨Youngling you are not anymore, but a Padawan you have become. Give you a Master, we will.¨

¨Wh… Who?¨ I replied as my nervousness came back.

¨Skywalker, your new Master he is.¨

I stared at the floor and was both nervous and a little excited. Master Skywalker… The Chosen One… was now my Master. I didn't know if I could trust him, but I had a little crush on him. Nobody, except for Barriss, knew of my crush. Sure I was 16 and he was 21 but I didn't care. I glanced back at Master Yoda and let him finish.

¨Ahsoka, accept do you?¨

¨Y... Yes!¨ I replied trying to hide my feelings. Afterwards Master Windu began speaking.

¨Since your Master is on a mission on Ryloth at the moment, you are to go to your dorm and begin packing your luggage. You will be sharing a room with your Master. Be back here later at 6:50 pm. Do you understand? He said very strictly.

¨Yes Master¨

¨Very well, dismissed.¨ Master Kenobi replied

I bowed and made my way to my dorm, I couldn't wait to tell Barriss the news. She would be so surprised.

POV: Anakin Skywalker

My troops and I had just taken a droid outpost on Ryloth. We were ordered to take this base and get as much information from the computers. We still needed to take the capital but we had to wait for reinforcements to arrive. Our last battle had killed half my troops and many were injured now. I was going to go check on my troops before Rex said he had news for me.

'Sir, General Windu wishes to speak you immediately. He says it's important.¨

¨Very well Rex¨ I replied as I made my way toward the HoloComputer. ¨Put him through¨

¨Skywalker, how did your attack on the outpost go.¨ He asked. I could tell he was angry at me. We never got along very well.

¨We've succeeded in taking the outpost, but lost half of our troops and many are injured. We are still waiting for the reinforcements to arrive before we can continue towards the capital.¨ I replied

¨Very well. When the reinforcements arrive you are to come back to the Coruscant. Be here at the temple by 7:00 pm.¨

¨But I just can't leave my men here by themselves. I'm the only General here.¨ I said. I was shocked to why the council needed me.

¨Don't worry, Master Luminara will be taking over once you leave. She will be arriving with your reinforcements. Do I make myself clear, Skywalker? He said, staring at me as if I had done something wrong.

¨Yes Master¨ I replied trying to avoid looking at him.

¨Good, Windu out.¨ Afterwards his hologram disappeared, I made my way outside and I could hear Luminaras' ships approaching us. A gunship landed in front of me and Luminara steeped out.

¨Ah... Skywalker it's good to see you again. How are you today?¨ She said after noticing me.

¨I'm fine, what about you and Barriss?¨ I replied as I stepped into the gunship

¨I'm alright and you know Barriss, she's the same as always.¨

¨That's good to hear. Now if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way back to the Jedi Temple.¨ I made sure Rex and my supplies were on the gunship before telling the pilot to take off.

¨Pilot get us back to the Resolute.¨ I ordered

¨Right away sir.¨ The pilot said before closing the door and taking off.

A few minutes passed before the gunship landed in the hangar bay. I thanked the pilot and made my way to the bridge. When I arrived I told the Admiral to make our way back to Coruscant. A few seconds passed before the ship made the jump to lightspeed. Since we wouldn't be arriving at Coruscant for a few hours, I decided to rest up in my room. As I made my way to my room, I started thinking why the Council needed me back. The only reason why I would be called to the Council before would be if I disobeyed direct orders. I finally reached my room and when I entered I immediately meditated for a while before falling asleep.

POV: Ahsoka Tano

I began telling Barriss about the news the council had told me. I told her about me becoming a Padawan and about Skywalker being my Master. She was surprised to hear that but she congratulated after I told her the news.

¨So where is Master Skywalker, Ahsoka.¨

¨Oh, he's on a mission on Ryloth but the council told me to pack up my stuff, and be back at the council chambers at 6:50pm.¨ I replied. I tried to stay as calmly as I could but it was very difficult.

¨Ahsoka, what are you going to do about your crush on Master Skywalker?¨

¨I don't know, I guess it could just go away if I don't think about it. I still have to pack up all my clothes. If I start packing now we could hang out before I go to the council.¨ I replied

¨I can help you pack if you want. I don't have anything to do today.¨

¨Thanks Bariss."

Barriss and I started packing all of my clothes that I had in the dorm. I also grabbed my HoloPad and placed it in my suitcase. We got done earlier than expected and decided to go into town and get something to eat. Then we went shopping around the nice stores in Coruscant.

Later (Ahsoka's and Bariss's dorm) 6:40pm

¨Oh my Force Barriss, that was the best time I've had in a long time. We should hangout more often.¨ I said while putting my bag on my bed. We had just gotten back from shopping all day. We didn't buy much, I bought a few clothes and so did Bariss. We started talking and put my new clothes in my suitcase when realized how late it had gotten.

¨OH NO!" I shouted as I looked at the clock. It's already 6:40, I'm gonna be late to the council chambers.¨ I said as I zipped my suitcase close. We said goodbye fast before I stormed out of the dorm. I started running towards the council chambers. I had barely made it on time and we were waiting for Master Skywalker to arrive.

POV: Anakin Skywalker

¨Sir, are you in there?¨ Rex said as he knock on the door to my dorm.

¨Yes, I'm here, is there a problem? I replied as I was trying to wake up.

¨No sir, but we've just arrived at Coruscant. I glanced over at the clock and was shocked that it was 6:40. I immediately got up and ran to the the door. I told Rex thanks and made my way to the Twilight. Ten minutes later I landed near the Jedi Temple and ran to the council chambers. I had just arrived in time.

I looked around the room and found it odd that only Yoda, Mace, and Obi-Wan were in there seats. I also noticed that there was a Togruta in the room. She looked like one of the younglings the temple was training. I quickly looked back to Master Yoda.

¨Skywalker, believe we do, that you are ready for a Padawan. Train Ahsoka, you must. What it means to be a Jedi, teach her you will. Also move into your dorm, she will. Moved an extra bed into your dorm, we have. Tomorrow a mission you both have. Rest for now.¨

I stood there in silence for a minute, I couldn't believe they would assign me a Padawan. They knew I didn't want a Padawan and they still assign one to me. I was really angry at them for doing this but I knew I would have to do it. I relaxed a bit before looking back at the council.

¨Yes Masters.¨ I replied before walking out of the room.

Please leave a review. This is my first fan fiction and I would like to hear you thoughts and opinions. Thanks