Greetings, one and all, welcome to the Epilogue of Avatar Heroes. Boy its been some journey, I finally finished the first story I ever posted on this site... Its kinda like seeing your baby grow up and hope everyone else will like it as much as you do.
Before I go and answer the reviews, I just wanted to extend my thanks and appreciation to KyuubiNoPuma, mpowers045, ELO Mr. Blue Sky, JAKEkenstein, Anonymous, Doctor, The Infamous 1, Linkonpark100, TheMysteriousOtaku, DoctorWhoXX, Gadget Boy, Blaze1992, Lil'Manuel.G, Wolf King 0811, GentlestCobra2, Jack Cross, Argorok, FIREKING217, William. bragg. 165, Matthew Gemm, Ashzaroth, New-Guest, transformerhero1998, Argonian Dovahkiin, Gemm1mt, Avatar Vegeta, and every other guest (even the asshole once), for reviewing, and I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to everyone who has read, favorite or follows this story, I wouldn't have be able to complete it without any of you ladies and gents.
This has been much your story as it was Jason Skywalker's, and now on to the reviews.
transformerhero1998: Glad you liked it, yeah I could have extended the fight between Korra and Asami Vs but I felt it would dragg out for too long. Hope you will enjoy the prequel as much as this story.
mpowers045: There, there, it's okay buddy.
Guest: It called a references, and they do fit in MY story. Weird, I see you shitting on someone else story, but I don't see you writing anything.
Now on to the final.
Both Republic City and the capital of Skywalker's home World, Canterlot, held a grand funeral, but they didn't din't truly knew how to honor him, only as a soldier. But those closest to him had gathered in the town he called home for the true funeral.
Izanagi and Satsuki had gone back to their own World, feeling as though they had no business attending Skywalker's funeral, seeing as they hardly knew him.
Silence and soft sounds of crying was heard among the group as the coffin containing Skywalker's body.
One of the worst things about the funeral was Marc's reaction to it all. From the few chances she got to know him, she saw him as a stoic badass who always kept his cool.
But he wasn't keeping his emotions in check this time, tears were on his face and his eye white was red.
After the funeral, they paid their last respect to their fallen friend before heading home, leaving only Marc and Zuko standing there when Korra approached.
"...I know we haven't always gotten along, Marc.", Zuko said, "But no father should have to bury their own child... No one should have to go through that."
Marc was silent as he looked at the white marble stone that marked his son grave.
Jason Sephiroth Skywalker
'It's my friends that I draw my strength from in the toughest of times.'
"I have failed him... Just like I failed his mother, just like Lily.", Marc muttered, sounding so defeated.
Korra walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "It's not your fault, it isn't anybodies but Morgenstern's.", Korra told him, "There was nothing you could have done, Jason gave his life to take out Morgenstern."
"I knew about how Morgenstern infected him...", Marc said, "But I should have found a way to cure him, I should have protected him from that monster. But that duty fell to you, Korra."
"To me?", she said surprised.
"In his darkest moments, when the strain of resisting Morgenstern almost became too much.", Marc told her, "The one thing that kept him going the most, was his memories and feelings for you."
"He was even more like his mother than I thought.", Zuko said with a sad smile, knowing how much Lily had wanted a child, he could only hope he had ended up at the same place as Lily.
"...There is something I have been wondering, Marc.", Korra said, "When Morgenstern had just taken possession of Jason, he claimed that his fears of holding back made him lose Lily."
Marc looked slightly worried at Korra, "I see...Before he became the force of nature that is Morgenstern, he was once one of us, a Keyblade Warrior. But he found out about how the council had taken him from his parents, he snapped.", he explained, a tone of sadness in his voice.
"Where you two close?", Zuko asked.
"I... I guess we were.", Marc admitted.
"Maybe that is why he hated Jason so much.", Korra suggested, "He was proof that the girl he liked loved someone else."
The three then went silent for a moment, giving one last look over the gravestone, "Thank you for everything, Korra.", Marc told her, "If you ever need anything, don't be hesitant to ask me for help. I would also like it if you and your friends would come visit when Gia is born."
"I would love that.", Korra said with a weak smile.
He had then turned to leave, "Oh and Zuko, that goes for you too.", he added.
Korra gave it one last look, the memories of all the people who had gathered at Canterlot and Republic City. How her boyfriend had changed so many lives, "Jason never was just some guy who punched bad guys through buildings. He was an symbol of hope we all could aspire to.", she said with tears in her eyes.
It had been one year since the funeral, the people who had been under Morgenstern's control, only vaguely remembered the events, it was for them like waking up from a bad dream.
Over the past month's, Korra noticed a worried look in Roukio's eyes, but when she asked about it, he told her it was nothing. When she asked if he would go back to the South Pole.
But to her happy surprise, he decided to hang around Republic City for a while, even applying for the Republic Police Force along with Bolin.
Asami had become rather reclusive, trying to stay away from the others and burying herself in her work, something Roukio theorized was her way of escaping from the guilt of having killed Skywalker, at least from her point of view.
Korra stepped out of the elevator on the floor of Asami's office. She knocked on the door, "Asami, you in there?", she asked as knocked on her door.
"Yeah, Korra come on in." Her voiced came muffled from behind the other side.
Entering the office, she saw that Asami was sitting behind her desk. Korra took a moment to study Asami, her long raven hair that fell over her usual flawless face which seemed unusual pale, black bags were under her beautiful light green eyes.
"You look horrible.", Korra said, spotting a half empty bottle of whisky on her desk.
"Have you looked in the mirror lately?", Asami teased with a little smile, "Loving the hair, by the way."
Korra stroked her brown hair, she had grown it long again, seeing as how he liked it that way. "So Asami how are you doing?", she asked.
"I'm doing well...", Asami said with her caring smile.
"I want to know how you really are, Asami." she said as folds her arms, "I can see that you are hurting."
Asami looked taken aback, "I can handle myself Korra. You don't need to worry about me I can take care of myself.", she responded, "I should be used to people who I love dying around me."
"I know you can but...", Korra said, trying to find the right words, "It wasn't your fault. Jason gave you those weapons to defeat him in case everything went south."
"Why did he chose me?", Asami began to tear up.
"Because he knew, if it came down to it, you would be able to do what is necessary.", Korra told her, "He knew neither Mako, Bolin nor me could have done it."
The two girls held on to each other, as Asami began to softly cry in her shoulder, "We want you back Asami. You might have lost your mother and Jason, but you will never lose me.", Korra said softly.
"I didn't lose my mom and Jason.", Asami cried, "They were stolen from me."
As how she had done every day the past year, Korra was visiting Skywalker's grave, placing a flower on it and telling him how her day had been. Sometimes she would come across on of Skywalker's other friends, who she sometimes would talk to.
But this time she saw someone she had never seen before. It seemed like a very old man wearing gray robes, which covered his face. A shovel in his hand as he looked over Skywalker's grave.
"Who are you?", Korra asked, "What are you doing here?"
"Why hello there.", the old man said, his voice even sounded like an old iron gate, "I am called the Gravekeeper, and I am taking care of this grave."
Korra eyed him, as she moved next to him, "Everyday I see people coming and going here everyday.", the Gravekeeper explained, "Someone who was very loved must have been buried here."
"He still is.", Korra said, placing the flower down at the tombstone. It was then that she noticed something, "Where is he?"
She jumped up to turn to look at the Gravekeeper, "This earth on his grave is freshly diged, and I can't sense anything in his coffin through earthbending!", Korra growled.
The Gravekeeper looked up at her, "He is in a better place.", he said, but Korra retaliated with a stream of fire from her fist.
Instead of connecting, the flames seemed to pass through him, "Your flames cannot harm me.", he simply informed her.
"Tell me what you have done to his body.", Korra shouted, continue to bombard him with fire, earth and air, but none of it seemed to touch him, it seemed they phased through him.
"If you truly wish to know.", Gravekeeper continued as if she wasn't trying to punch his face in, "Then I suggest you follow me."
To Korra's surprise, a blue door had appeared next to them, and without saying anything else, the Gravekeeper stepped through it.
"Get back here!", Korra demanded as she charged after him but she was quite confused however that when a bright light enveloped her.
When the light faded out, Korra suddenly found herself alone standing inside a large and beautiful circular room, decorated in the colors white, blue and gold. A number of curious silver and gold instruments stood on wooden tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke.
Along the walls stood rows and rows of bookcases, filled to the brim with endless books. Much to her surprise, some books floated out of their case, opening in mid air, flipping through it as strange symbols appeared in them then closing and floating back into another bookcase.
"It seems you have taken my invitation."
Standing on a balcony overlooking the chamber, she saw the Gravekeeper, who began to descend down the stairs. His appearance began to fade away until he stood behind the large desk.
Instead of the old man, there now stood an tall androgynous individual, with a slim muscular build. Instead of grey robes, it was dressed in an blue coat with long white sleeves and a high collar over a silver and a black top. On its lower body it wore a black skirt like cloth above black pants tucked inside knee length boots with heels with a golden rim.
On the head it had messy dark blue hair and glowing blue eyes, which looked kindly at the confused Korra.
"He is cute... Or she...", Korra thought.
"Why thank you, Avatar Korra.", the individual said with a chuckle, as it sat down behind the desk, "You must have a lot of questions."
"That's putting it mildly.", Korra growled.
"And I will answer each one you have. Please take a seat.", the being said, gesturing to one of the three chairs in front of his desk. Korra took right most one not taking her eyes away from it, "We are in the realm called Aria Of World, a place that exist outside reality and time.", it placing its finger tops against each other.
"Small World this is.", Korra said bluntly, though for some reason, the being in front of her chuckled.
"This is only a small room of that World. A place accessible only by those deemed... special.", it continued to explain, "Or those who have accepted my invitation."
"Who are you and what have you done with Jason's body!", Korra interrupted.
Once again it gave a friendly chuckle, as its blue eyes looked into her own,
"I was there when the Habitus was formed. I was there when The Planet was created, I was there to spark and fan the flame of man's awakening, I was there when the Arcmoani Network was formed and I will be there when it eventually dies. I have watched humanity fall, and getting back up countless times.", it explained, "Elohim, Pushan, Ra. I have been called many names over the eons. But you may call me Arcmoani.", it introduces itself.
"As for where Jason Skywalker's body is, I do not know.", Arcmoani told her, "He is being preparing for his rebirth."
"His rebirth? You mean...", Korra said, a spark of hope filling her chest.
"He told you about Morgenstern and his Vessel of Power right?", Arcmoani asked, and she gave a nod, "It seems Jason has created one for himself, accidentally I might add."
With a twist of the hand, a book appeared floating in its hand. Said book opened and began flipping trough its pages on its own until it stopped at a certain page.
A single blue card floated out of the book, floating above it until six white cards began to circle it. "Life is not a river that carries one to ones destiny, but rather an ocean of possibilities for those capable of grasping it.", Arcmoani continued to speak as an image began to show.
It was of Skywalker holding a weakened Raava in his hands as they stood in a dark void. "T-Thank you, friend of Korra.", the spirit of light said weakly.
"This place isn't good for you...", he said concerned about the once powerful spirit, "Raava, would it help if I let you have my light?"
"I... I suppose... but it might destroy your soul, your very being.", Raava said, but Skywalker didn't care. Holding Raava in both hands, Skywalker placed her over his chest, granting her access.
A surge of power coursed through him, his eyes began to glow. "Take as much as you need Raava, you need to be strong when you rejoin with Korra.", Skywalker said, speaking with both his own and Raava's voice.
Floating off the ground, he reached out with his hand, creating a small white rift, leading back to Republic City.
"When Jason allowed Raava to feed on his light, some of his own power imprinted on her.", Arcmoani explained, as the cards returned to its book which closed on its own, "That's why, once you go into the Avatar State, your capable to use some of his power. Which in turn, means you Avatar Korra, are his Vessel of Power."
"You mean Jason is alive!?", Korra said hopefully, jumped to her feet.
"Yes and no. While his spirit hasn't moved on to the next life, he doesn't have a body to claim of his own.", Arcmoani said, "I see everything, I see forever. I can see all possible futures, but not the one people will take. Jason might return one day, but that is all on the chose he will make.", Before a blinding light enveloped the room once again.
When the light died down again, Korra found herself standing in front of Skywalker's grave, the blue door having disappeared. There was no trace of it nor of Arcmoani. She turned back to the tombstone, tears rolling over her face.
Turning around, she saw that Mako, Bolin and Asami were running towards her., "Hey guys.", Korra said softly, wiping her tears away.
"Hey.", Asami said gently, as the four remained silent, looking at their friends grave.
"Things have changed over the years.", Mako said.
"Yeah, some bad, and some very good once.", Korra said, before looking up at the blue skies above them, "But I wouldn't change them for the world."
"Me neither.", Asami said, also looking up.
"Yeah! If we did I wouldn't be engaged.", Bolin said suddenly, making everyone look at him.
"When where you going to tell us that!?", Mako said.
"Well... Opal was planning on giving this big dinner party and we were planning to tell everyone then.", Bolin said, rubbing his thumbs together.
"Congratulations, Bolin!", Korra said, giving him a hug. The others did as well as they began to take their leave together.
"I am sorry, Korra."
At the voice, she turned around but didn't found anyone. Figuring it was just her imagination of hearing Skywalker's voice again, she continued on her way.
"Dying is easy. Being reborn... Takes time..."
There ya go, the epilogue, hope you enjoyed the story. Again, many thanks to everyone who read, left a review, favorite or followed this story until the very end, you magnificently awesome beautiful bastards, thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
I wish you all a fantastic day, and maybe I will see you ladies and gents in one of my other stories or maybe when we enter Avatar Heroes II: Rebirth.
Until then, Skyguy626 signings off.
For now I wish you all a fantastic day and I will hope to see you ladies and gents, next time when we enter the epilogue.