Hello one and hello all! So as my first fanfic, I decided to do an oc To Aru fic (obviously), so I hope you all enjoy. As a small warning, I think I have crappy grammar and an even crappier writing style, so take that as you will. Now let's just start!

Disclaimer: Don't own the To Aru series

Chapter 1: A Certain Character - The_Protagonist_Isn't_Always_A_Main_Character

It is June 10th and for those of you who are looking to go on a hot date tonight, be careful cuz there might be some trouble heading your way!

"Hm. Stupid people. There's no way they can scientifically be accurate with that nonsense," a boy said as he walked down the streets of Academy City

The boy had shaggy brown hair and wore a male Nagatenjouki uniform. Although the uniform was fixed to make it look more comfortable for the boy, with the size seeming to have been forcibly enlarged, the top few buttons undone and the tie loosened around his neck.

Enshin sighed as he pulled out a small notebook and wrote something on it. It was already late and he knew he would be in trouble when he got back to his dorm. He didn't really care since he liked the quiet night right now.

"I can't believe they didn't have an Gekota accessories there. I ended up spending my whole day at useless places."

Enshin looked up to see a girl walking in the opposite direction as him. He noticed that she was wearing the Tokiwadai school uniform.

"Hm. Gekota? I wouldn't expect to hear an ojou-sama complaining about not getting one."

The girl's attention went straight to him with a flustered look. She hadn't noticed him there until he started to speak to her.

"Wh-what!? N-no, you've got it wrong! It's for my little sister!"

"It's alright if you like that kind of stuff, ya know. I'm not going to judge you. If I did then I would be a hypocrite." Enshin pulled out his phone and showed the screen to the girl. The image was one of a train with a face on it. "See. I like a kids show and I'm in high school."

"It's not Gekota, but I'm glad to know there's someone like you." The girl extended her had out. "I'm Misaka Mikoto. It's nice to meet you."

"Same here. Name's Toaru Enshin," the high schooler said as he took the hand. "So you're the Railgun of Tokiwadai, huh? Well I must say that you aren't what I expected."

Mikoto got a small frown at hearing this.

"But it's in a good way." Looking at the time on his phone, Enshin sighed. "Well it's getting late. We should get going back to our respective dorms."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Would you like me to walk you to your dorm?"

"Thanks for being a gentleman and all, but I'll be fine."

"I figured you'd say that." Enshin wrote something down on his notebook and ripped the paper out. He gave the paper to Mikoto along with two others. "Here you go. a present from me."

"What are these?" Mikoto asked as she looked at the papers.

Each paper had a different word written on it. The first one had the word 'Calm' on it. The second one had the word 'Happy' on it. The third one had the word 'Friendship' written on it.

"When you feel sad, mad, or have any negative thoughts, just look at the first two and they will make you feel better. It has something to do with my ability. As for the last one, just think of it as a reminder that you now have a new friend in me."

"What? Why would you..."

"I figure that Level 5 Espers must have it hard since they're so famous. I know the feeling you probably get when there are fake people trying to be your friends, so I just want people like me to feel like they have at least one friend. A true friend."

"Thank you. It's really nice to know," Mikoto said with a smile on her face.

"Alright, well, we must be going. By the way, you only have three chances to use those two papers. I still need to work on the limit of what I can do."

"Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll see you around some time," Mikoto said as she started to walk away.

"Can't wait. See ya, Miko-chan."

"Depends upon the reason."

"And this is why our conversations are always bland," Enshin said as he walked side-by-side with one of his friends and classmate.

Rusty was a male who was a little taller than Enshin with orange hair, that he dyed. He wore the Nagatenjouki male uniform.

"Just because I don't have an ability, doesn't mean I don't know how you feel."

"You say that, but you're also the one getting better grades."

"Your grades aren't that bad."

"They're average, and that's the problem. I've even asked Shino-chan for help, but she's busy with some weird experiment that she won't tell me about."

"Honestly, she doesn't tell us anything anymore," Rusty said with a sigh.

The two were walking through the streets of District 18 and made their way across to head over to District 5.

"Well I guess it makes sense if the project is really that big."

"Whatever. As long as she pays us back with some snacks, I'm fine if she's really even cloning someone and using those clones as test subjects to make someone into a Level 6."

"Don't be ridiculous, she would have to at least get us dinner and snacks for something like that."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

The two stopped in their tracks and felt a shiver run down their spines.

"The heck was that?"


"Anyways, let's go."


"That one place."


"Naturally, my destiny invites anguish, my trembling legs remember too well…that inevitability. The place I'm facing, is it Heaven? Or is it Hell? Come, now I'll come to understand everything..."

Enshin nodded his head to his own singing as he walked through Academy City as some lights guided his way.

"A-ha! There you are!"

Enshin looked to the side to see a group of guys crowding around a girl and a boy grabbing the girl's wrist. He recognized the girl as Misaka Mikoto, his new friend.

He watched as the scene played out like this; Mikoto pulls her wrist back, more yelling goes on, electricity is made, boy is still standing, Mikoto shocked (no pun intended), boy runs away, and Mikoto looking irritated as a crowd starts to form.

Letting out a sigh, Enshin started walking towards the crowd. He clicked his tongue and the crowd started to disperse, seeming to find the incident uninteresting now. The only ones left were Enshin, Mikoto, and the burned people on the ground.

"Now, now. What did I say to do when you're irritated?"

Mikoto turned to the voice and looked around a little. She saw Enshin then noticed that the crowd had dispersed already.

"Oh, it's you. What did you do with the crowd?"

"I just made sure their ears were working correctly."

"Okay... And that means what exactly?"

"Nothing much." Enshin looked down at the burned people and sighed again. "We should get going before Anti-Skill or Judgement come."

"I guess you're right."

The two took their leave and made their way to a bigger area. People were still out and around as if there was no curfew to begin with.

"So did you get in trouble last time fore being late?"

"Nah. I was lucky enough to get a kouhai's help with that issue."

"Hm. Good for you. At least you have someone like that."

"Okay, you make it sound like I'm totally isolated from everyone else." Mikoto said as she put a hand on her hip.

"But aren't you treated like that?"

Mikoto's tough exterior fell a little as she got a somewhat sad expression. It was true that other people have been keeping some sort of distance from her, but she knew that it was because they felt inferior to her, not because they hated her.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." Enshin gave her an apologetic look. He then stightened up a little bit. "As a formal apology, I shall let you in on a secret of mine."

"Hm? And what would that be?"

"I knew a certain person who can get some Gekota stuff for you. Some of which hasent even come out yet."

The effect of those words happened in an instant. Mikoto was in front of him with wide, sparkling eyes, and hands clasped together. All-in-all, he found it cute like a little kid finding something they had wanted under a Christmas tree when they woke up.

"Really? You would help me out like that!?"

"U-um...Yeah. That's what friends do. They help each other out..."

"Thank you!"

"S-sure. No problem." Enshin got a smile on his face, backed away a bit and patted Mikoto on the head. "Ya know, when you don't have that attitude, you really are like a regular girl."

"Sh-shut up!" Sparks started to come off of Mikoto's head, making Enshin move to dodge them.

"Now, now, don't be so violent, Miko-chan. You won't be getting a boyfriend that way." More sparks flew at his head, but he quickly ducked under them. "That was a close one. You should be more carful. Someone can get hurt like that, ya know."

"That's the point!"

It was currently July 1st and the Level 4 Esper wasn't happy for the fact that one of his friend left Academy City for a demonstration while he was stuck having to still go to school. The two had been hanging out often and Mikoto had told him about stuff that has happened like the kouhai that helped her moving in to be her new roommate (he didn't want to know what happened to the original roommate) and about the times when she would run into the boy he had seen trying to get her away from the group of guys.

He in turn had told her about his ability called Sense Distortion and about his other two friends from Nagatenjouki. He didn't have any tales like her's since he preferred to stay in the background and be 'a supporting character' rather than 'the main character who fight for justice' like in mangas and such.

After that stuff was said, they each introduced their friends. He was introduced to the kouhai named Shirai Kuroko (who had tried to intimidate him), while the two girls were introduced to Rusty. Shinobu was working on that project again, so she didn't meet the two middle school girls. They all seemed to get along and even managed to make sure Kuroko wouldn't try and kill the two boys.

Now currently, none of his friends were able to hang out with him since Mikoto was in Russia for a presentation, Rusty was off doing who-knows-what, Kuroko was busy with Judgement, and Shinobu was busy with her project.

"Russia. She goes off to Russia and I'm stuck here. Couldn't she say that I was her assistant or something. All that Gekota stuff is coming in today and I don't feel like having it all in my room." Enshin continued to gumble as he aimlessly walked through the streets of Academy City. "No one. Not a damn person to hang out with. Man, this sucks." Enshin couldn't help up to pull out his phone and turn up the volume of his music.

"Shut up. We don't need your stupid lectures."

Just as the song was going to switch to the next one, Enshin heard someone say that. He looked forward and saw a person with glasses walk away with a distraught expression. He walked towards the spot where the guy left and saw two girls crouched down on the sidewalk. Letting out a sigh, he quickly made his way over to the glasses boy.

'Damn. I guess this doesn't count as being a main character if I'm just gonna give some advice. Anyone would do that. Yup. Nothing main character type about it.' Enshin went up and tapped the glasses boy on the shoulder. "Hey, dude. You okay?"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Just a supporting character. I heard the last part of what the chick said. Don't let what she says or does get you down. People like that are better left alone, if they aren't bothering other that is."

"Guess you're right, but is just wanted them to learn that it's better to be in school then wait their type doing stuff like that."

"Well I think that some day your words will reach them. Even if they don't, it's not your fault, so never blame yourself for something like that. Just find people who would listen to you and focus on them. They will be the ones to grow stronger in some way. The fact you're even trying to help means that you're pretty cool and in a sense strong enough to go up to them."

"You think so?"

"Yup. If there's one thing I-"

"Amazing punch!"

The two jumped when they heard a yell coming from a nearby park. They walked over to see a boy standing in the middle of some other guys on the ground. The ones on the ground groaned while the one standing put his hands on his hips in some sort of heroic fashion.

"You had no guts at all!"

"Heh. If you need a benchmark, that guy is a good one. I'm sure that if you yourself train hard enough, you can get as strong as him."

"You're right. I'll get stronger so that I can help others!" With that, the glasses boy walked off.

'Let's see what we have here. Black, windswept hair, jacket over shoulders and that shirt...Sogiita Gunha. Academy City's #7 Level 5 Esper.' Enshin read his little notebook before closing it and putting it in his pocket. He started to walk up to the #7, which made said person turn to him. "This really is 'amazing,' to say the least. You definitely are different from Miko-chan. You don't even seem to need friends as much as she does. That's probably because she's the most sane out of all your Level 5 Espers."

"You must have no guts if you're going to attack me after I beat your friends!"

"I don't even know these people. I was talking to someone when we heard your yell. Besides, as a supporting character, I don't have some sort of obligation to 'have enough guts' like a main character. If you want to fight, I guess that's fine, but honestly I'm not much of an actual fighter. I'm more of a side dish that makes the main dish seem more appealing." Enshin could see that Gunha was now confused and felt a little bad for being the one that confused him. "What I'm saying is that I suck at fighting, but can make others stronger."

"Why didn't you say that in the first place!?"

"I did. Anyways, I just came up to you to see if you wanted to be friends. My reasoning for being friends is different for you than it is for Miko-chan. While she is the most normal and can feel more lonely than the rest of you, you have that ability that's 'full of guts' and I think that's awesome." Enshin stuck his hand out with a piece of paper having the word 'Friendship' on it. "This is proof that I am a true friend, if you accept, that is."

"Of course I'll be your friend! You're able to see how gutsy I am, so that makes you a-ok in my book!"

"Hm. Nice to know. If you want, we could still have that fight. I do have some excess energy." Enshin said with a shrug 'I may be contradicting what I just said, but I'm also interested in that 'unexplainable power' of his.'

"Now that's some guts! Sure!"

"Alright. But let's go somewhere safe where people won't get hurt."

"This place should be good." The two currently stood in an area some place within Distric 19. "Kinda glad this place has started to decline."

"Let's get this gutsy battle started!"

Enshin pulled something out of his pocket and put them in front of himself. They were two cards, both Kings with one being the King of Spades and the other being the King of Diamonds. The King of Spades was facing Gunha while the King of Diamonds was facing Enshin.

"Now it's begun." Enshin raised the volume of the music he was listening to and got in battle ready stance. "First move's yours."

Enshin regretted saying that when Gunha sped towards him with his fist reeled back. Enshin brought his arms up to defend from the attack, but was still blown away. He skidded across the ground and made dirt and dust fly up onto the air.

'Damn. I got lucky I had the right song playing.'

Enshin saw a shadow over him and jumped to the side as Gunha smashed to the ground. Seeing that he didn't have time to guard, Enshin spun around and landed a kick to Gunha's stomach, making him tumble back. Not wasting any time Enshin ran up and landed a few more punches and kicks before jumping back to dodge a punch to the face.

He pulled out three slips of paper from his pocket, looked at them, then narrowly dodged a few more blows. He felt some air pressure from them and had to hold been pushed back by the last punch that missed him.

Gunha rushed at him again with a punch at the ready. Enshin dodged again, but this time grabbed the arm before Gunha could retract it and used all his strength to try and break it while flipping Gunha over.

Gunha simply landed on one leg, twisted his body and kicked Enshin on the side, sending him flying, but not as far as any of his previous hits would have.

"Damn. You really are strong. I had to do so much and you don't even look tired in the slightest. That's some guts you have there." Enshin said as he slowly got up.

"You did something, didn't you? I felt my power weaken a little each time I tried to hit you. Sneaky tricks aren't gutsy at all. Looks like I'll need to give you some of mine."

"No, I'm good. I told you that I am a supporting character, so my ability relies on strengthening and weakening people by using their senses." Enshin staggered over to Gunha as he spoke. "I have a trump card, but I'm way to beat up to use it. I think you broke something...or multiple things. And you can't call me non-gutsy when I just took you on in a fistfight, dude."

"That's true. You were quite gusty for fight me. Alright! We are officially gutsy friends now!" Gunha said with a big smile.

"Hm. I knew you were the type to get to know others through a fight." Enshin said with his own smile. "Well I need to get to the hospital now. See ya- What are you doing?" Enshin looked down at Gunha, who was currently kneeling on the ground with his arms in wait. "I'm not getting on your back."

"As a gutsy apology, I'll get you to the hospital in no time."

'You'll also end up hurting me more with you speed.' Not wanting to sound rude, Enshin said what didn't come straight to his mind. "It's fine. I can make it th- What the hell are you doing!?" Gunha had grabbed Enshin by the waist, tossed him into the air and turned around so that Enshin would land on his back. "I said I was fine!"

"Off to the hospital! Hold on tight!"

"Tsk. Bastard. Fine, only this one time."

With that the two left to the hospital as a crazy speed. Enshin simply sighed and tried to relax the best he could.

'Well that's a new friend. I'm glad.' He couldn't help the small smile appearing on his face.

And there was the first chapter. I have not idea if I did well writing Mikoto, Gunha, or the fight scene. I might have done bad. Anyways, I still hoped you enjoyed! Well until next time, bye-onara!