C.A. Cupid for sometime now had been missing her friends from Monster High. Then she had come up with a fairy awesome idea!
"Headmaster Grimm!" Cried the young archer of love as she entered the headmaster's room, "I just had the mostly lovely of ideas!"
Milton Grimm had cringed at the sudden burst of energy. Cupid's ideas, while indeed lovely, often lead to trouble concerning the other students destinies.
"And what exactly is your idea this time?" He replied cooly.
"A penpal exchange with Monster High!" Cupid almost sang as she fluttered into the air with a spin.
Grimm's brain was working like clockwork around what had just been presented. Communication with a world away? It wasn't impossible given how many realms there were in Ever After. But the world of Monsters was more so another dimension entirely. Still, to have his Rebellious students interact with youngsters their own age who willingly and happily accepted their destinies? Well this might just be what he needed to set things back on the right track.
"Cupid, my dear, that truly is a lovely idea."
It was early mourning when Monster High's Headless Headmistress received a letter in her office. The school hadn't opened and any mail wouldn't arrive for a another few hours. And yet somehow, it had magically appeared on her desk.
Heather Bloodgood, Monster High it was addressed. Very few people, alive or undead, actually knew her first name. Her eyes shifted to corner, in fairy loopy and majestic writing: Milton Grimm, Ever After High.
Despite her usual professionalism in most situations and with her being alone (with the exception of Nightmare), Bloodgood clicked her tongue. She had met him on several occasions and was not his biggest fan.
Still, for him to contact her at all mean something important was afoot (or maybe ahead). She flicked a finger, a nail sharping to a claw to snip the letter open. She glanced over the letter that was mostly a recap of destinies being ignored and Rebellious students. Bloodgood's eyebrow raised at how much it sounded like a plea for help. What was most interesting was one of her former students had prompted him with an idea of a letter exchange.
Grimm was very stuck in his ways when it came to fate, this she knew from their previous talks. He also assumed that she and her world was too (storybook men always seemed to think they knew what was best. Damned shrillvalry). Bloodgood smirked. She had come up with a fangtastic idea.
Milton Grimm looked out at the student body that filled the Charmitorum. He kept his composure before them, as he was headmaster, but a bead of sweat was visible to anyone with enhance sight.
"I've called all you here today to announce a project that I think will be most beneficial to many of you." His eyes always seemed to find Raven Queen during these times. He noticed Apple White placing a reassuring hand over the future Evil Queen's. "We are starting an letter exchange with a faraway school called Monster High. At the request of their headmistress, I've been asked to," And here he gritted his teeth, "to allow you all some choice in who you write too. This will be done by first writing the letters and having their students pick their partners."
There were gasps in the crowd at his words. He saw Raven's eyes sparkle as she smiled. Like she had won some victory over him. Hmph.
"The letters shall be collected tomorrow no later 6 PM. Write carefully and thoughtfully to show them the prestige of our great school. Dismissed."