This one and the next I had to copy from my saved documents one word at a time. I've run out of time on my Word sub and I don't have the money to renew it right now. Hang tight guys, I'm sorry!

Chapter One: Sully Party


"Morgan, you can't do it on your own." Hotch glared at him under his fringe, his hands resting on the table in front of him.

Prentiss sat on the edge of the table next to Hotch, her eyes narrowed at the dark male as well. Rossi had his arms crossed in his lap, focused calmly on Derek.

Garcia stopped typing through the screen, watching the exchange with her mouth half open. Spencer's eyes switched between his boss and his coworkers and JJ had just walked into the room, an eyebrow raised in question at the positions of everyone.

"Hotch, if I don't get him to confess where the kid is in the first twenty minutes then I promise I will never step a foot near him again. But you gotta let me go in there alone."

"No," Hotch said firmly. "Prentiss is going in with you or you're not going in at all."

Instead of getting angry like he usually does, Derek calmed himself down and took a few breaths. "He won't respond to the female sex, we saw that already. I'll be calm. You can watch me like you always do and if I get out of control, take me out of the room, alright?" His voice was bordering on hysterical and he glanced at the picture of the missing boy more than once.

With a huge sigh and a slap on the back to Hotch, Rossi stood and nodded. "I think he can handle it, Aaron. You just gotta let him try it. Like he said, if he messes up you can pull him out of the room."

After another minute of silence and harsh glares, Hotch nodded minutely. "So much as a raised voice, Morgan-"

Derek nodded. "Understood, sir."

Prentiss groaned and shook her head, rolling her eyes towards JJ who was sporting a grin. Garcia had started her typing again but smiled into the camera. Spencer sighed in relief and relaxed into his chair. Derek cut his eyes towards Spencer and the brunette got the message. He stood and walked out of the room with a "Coffee," thrown over his shoulder.

"Sounds good, me too," Derek put in, following.

This station, luckily, had an actual break room instead of a coffee area. Derek closed the door behind himself and walked into Spencer's arms.

"I know I get out of control with these types of cases but-"

Spencer shook his head, which was resting on top of Derek's. "You don't have to explain yourself to me Derek. I'm capable of just being here for you, even if you make a mistake. And I expect the same when I go cat-lady-crazy on a case as well."

Derek chuckled and turned his head to kiss Spencer's neck. "Since you know I'm always here for you, I'll just pretend that you're cheering me up."

"But I am," Spencer mused.

"Thank you, babe," he whispered as he pressed a kiss to Spencer's lips.



"This isn't weird, is it?" Derek questioned breathily, his lips against Spencer's neck and his fingers moving further inside of Spencer.

The brunette gasped and arched his back as Derek reached a nice spot. "Hahn, n-no-" he whined.


Spencer checked his phone one last time before closing it and tucking it in his pocket. "This is insane," he said quietly.

"I agree. You know, we'll probably have to bypass changing and head right over there." Derek tapped his fingers against the wheel in annoyance. He had gotten the unsub to confess where he had hidden the boy -still alive luckily- yesterday, and they had headed home that evening. Paperwork for that case was the only thing they had to do today so when Collin texted for a date, they had agreed to meet at seven. It was now six-thirty and they were still twenty minutes from home. If, instead of changing, they went to the restaurant, they'd just barely make it to the date in the traffic. "I mean, we could always cancel-"

"It's okay. We can go. I'll just hide our guns and credentials in my messenger bag."

"And your slacks and sweater vest?" Derek smirked at Spencer's light blush.

"I decided to dial down my wardrobe in recent times and this is he result."

"Right," Derek laughed. "Dial down isn't the same as stuffing into a freezer, Spencer."

The doctor shook his head and crossed his arms. "I have never jabbed at your strange skinny pants nor your heavy stomping boots, why do you need to tease me about my wardrobe choices?"

"You're adorable either way- what do you mean by 'strange skinny pants'? I've been told that they make me look sexy."

Spencer rolled his eyes. "It definitely wasn't me."

Derek nodded. "No, it was me. My reflection and I have this special relationship that you just won't be able to come between."

Spencer laughed and shook his head. "You're right. I don't really want to intervene though."

"Good. Then I think we can get along." After a few more laughs and Derek's hand wandering along Spencer's legs, the traffic finally moved.

"It's been awhile since I've had Italian, was it you or him who suggested it?"

"It was him," Spencer said. "I like Italian, too. I just can't eat a lot of it."

"You mean you can't eat a lot. Period."

Spencer sighed and crossed his legs. "I apologize. I'll try to eat more like a starving dog next time."

"That's the spirit."

The restaurant was really busy, with a line out of the door and everything. Collin had let them know that he had reserved a table already and to ask for the Sully party.

The host sighed when he saw them but quickly put on a public face. "Hello, sirs. Party of two? The wait could be up to three-"

"No, actually, we're looking for the Sully party."

"Oh, of course." He nodded at Derek before looking in his book and flipping pages. "If you'll follow me." He gestured towards the dining area and took off before them.

Spencer could see Collin first, and he seemed to be arguing about something with Randy. When their eyes met, the dark haired beauty nudged Randy and they both smiled at the two men as they sat down in the chairs. "Your server will be with you all soon. Please, enjoy your meal," the host said before giving a small bow and walking away.

"Glad you guys could make it!" Collin winked at Spencer and pulled his chair closer to the table. "Love the sweater vest, Spencer. It looks freaking adorable on you."

The brunette blushed and smiled at the dark headed man. "I'm trying to tone my wardrobe down a bit," he said.

Randy quirked an eyebrow between the three and nodded. "I wouldn't say that's just a bit though," he indicated with his hand.

Spencer's mouth opened for a retort but their waiter pulled up at that moment. "Hello, I'll be your waiter today. My name is Andrew. Can I start you off with a wine tonight?"

When Derek had secured a white wine and the others were filled with a red, they made small talk and ordered from the extensive menu. Derek teased Spencer that they'd be going three-way with the check and the brunette graciously accepted that.

"I was kidding, Pretty Boy." He tried to tug a lock of Spencer's hair but was denied.

"I can take care of myself."

Derek resisted rolling his eyes. "I know, believe me. But weren't you going to act spoiled with me? Come on, I was kidding." He leaned down into Spencer's ear and spoke in a husky voice. "Let me pay for you tonight."

Spencer blushed before smiling at Collin who was currently watching them while talking to Randy. He turned his head before giving Derek a small peck. "Only for tonight?"

Derek's eyes darkened and he nodded. "But I expect you to be exclusively mine once this transaction goes through."

Spencer sighed hotly before continuing to play along. "I'm expensive, you know. Well sought after. How could you make up for all the handsome clientele I'd be losing?"

With a lick to his bottom lip, Derek smirked. "I'll rock your fucking world."

"Can we possibly know if you want cheese on this or not?" Randy questioned. His voice was a little exasperated but with good reason. Derek and Spencer had gone off in their own little sexual role-playing world for a second. With a meaningful look that told Spencer it would be continued later, Derek nodded at the waiter who was looking a little sheepish.

"You two are actually really adorable," Collin seemed to be continuing from something he had said earlier that the two hadn't heard.

"Oh, uh, thanks," Spencer replied before scooping up a ravioli.

"No, really. I wouldn't have expected you to have been straight a few months ag-"

"Collin!" Randy reprimanded. The dark haired man looked up at his partner with a questioning look on his face.

"Was that a secret?" He looked to Derek then Spencer. "Um, I'm sor-"

"It's not a secret, honestly," Spencer assured. Derek nodded.

"I know everything. I've even met his little buddies," he smirked at Spencer's blush.

Collin laughed good naturedly. "Randy told me you guys were a surprise to everyone. How'd you meet?"

The conversation was getting dangerously close to their occupation being found out but Derek thought quickly. "We've known each other for close to a decade so I think we just naturally fell into each other."

"Oh?" Collin rolled spaghetti onto his fork and pointed it at them. "How'd you guys meet?" He repeated and stuck the forkful in his mouth, waiting patiently for a bite.

"A mutual friend of ours introduced us," Spencer inputted, thinking of the day he was introduced to the team by Gideon.

Randy paused in his lasagna. "I thought you guys said you met at work?"

Spencer flinched inside. He had let that tidbit slip out at the club that night a while ago and he hoped Randy wouldn't have remembered it. Of course he did.

"Yeah, he was our coworker." Derek took a casual bite from his steak tips, waiting for the next crap question to come their way.

"So what do you guys do?"

Spencer mentally cringed. Of course. Lying was definitely an option. But they should have thought, no, known that this would come up in conversation. Why hadn't they talked about it?

"Geek over here is a professor's assistant. I'm kind of a coach for one of the B and G's around here. What do you guys do?"

Spencer sighed in relief but made it seem as though he was breathing out after taking in a deep breath. Thank Christopher for Derek's quick thinking in times like this.

"-at the club, of course. But Collin is a full time student right now. He's studying to-"

"Hey! I can speak for myself, monkey!" He teased at Randy before kissing his neck.

The talk stayed away from jobs and the like until the end when they agreed to do this again sometime in the future. Spencer and Derek left after Randy and Collin had, Derek's arm wrapped around Spencer's waist and rubbing up and down the brunette's side.

"It seems we might like a bit of role-playing," Spencer whispered so only Derek could hear him. They were walking to the parking lot across the street from the restaurant at a snail's pace.

"So it does," Derek agreed, breathing in the scent of his beau happily.

Spencer grunted as they neared the car. "Maybe we should try it out?"

But of course you've seen this before. No worries, next one is already up ;P