Disclaimer: I own nothing!

It had been nearly a month since the well had closed for good with Kagome trapped in her original time. Kagome's time traveling adventures had only lasted a few weeks shy of a full year. Just a couple weeks after her sixteenth birthday and she felt like she had already lived an entire lifetime, and now she was depressed. Mrs. Higurashi was worried about her, so she did the only thing she could; she called Kagome's biological father. Deputy Sheriff Charlie Swan had been a charming man back when he was still just a deputy and they were only supposed to be friends, but one thing had led to another and they had spent quite a few nights together. Both had known it would only last until she left back for Japan but they had enjoyed it while it lasted. It was only a few weeks after she made it back to Japan that she found out about Kagome, which just so happened to be followed with her finding out about his wife. Mrs. Higurashi had been furious but she never let her anger be directed to her beautiful little girl. She had never kept any of those truths hidden either. When she made that phone call for Kagome, she had found out that Charlie's oldest daughter was also staying with him. Mrs. Higurashi told him about Kagome going through a really bad break up and that she could use a change of scenery. Charlie agreed wholeheartedly with her coming to stay with him. He said it would give them a chance to get to know one another. Now all that was left was telling her daughter.

Mrs. Higurashi knocked on Kagome's door and entered when she heard a faint 'yea', "How are you feeling, dear?"

Kagome looked up from the photo album that she had all of her pictures of her friends from the feudal era in, "I miss them, momma."

"I know you do, sweetheart," She comforted her daughter, "but I think they would want you to move on."

Kagome sniffled, "I know momma, but it's hard especially with all of their memories surrounding me."

"Well then, I believe it is time for a change of scenery." Mrs. Higurashi replied.

Kagome looked up at her mother confused, "But where would I go?"

Mrs. Higurashi gave her a smile that made Kagome feel uneasy, "I have already made the arrangements. You will be going to stay with your father."

Kagome shot up from the bed, "But that's all the way in America!"

"Yep! He has already agreed and can't wait to finally meet you." Mrs. Higurashi said laying the guilt trip on thick.

Kagome deflated not able to say no to that, "When do I leave?"

Mrs. Higurashi smiled, "Your flight leaves on Saturday."

"But that's in three days!" Kagome shrieked, instantly pulling her suitcase out from under her bed. She went into full on pack mode. Kagome packed nearly all of her clothes, only leaving anything she didn't wear anymore and her skirts. After traipsing around feudal Japan in a skirt she was sick of them. She preferred shorts and jeans now, but mostly her shorts.

She double and triple checked that she had everything on Friday night and was ready and out the door Saturday morning. Mrs. Higurashi explained on the ride to the airport that Kagome's older sister would be staying there too for a little while. Kagome was excited about meeting them both. Souta on the other hand was very upset; he didn't want Kagome to leave again. She promised to call and text him every night and that seemed to calm him down.

They got to the airport with just enough time for Kagome to throw her bags at the check in counter and rush to her gate. It was about twenty minutes into the flight when Kagome noticed something slightly disturbing. The boy three sits up looked very familiar. It wasn't until he turned around, his eyes going wide at being caught and ducking back in front of his seat, that she realized exactly why he seemed so familiar, "SOUTA!"

Souta peeked back around to look at her, "He he! Hi sis!"

"Souta Higurashi what the HELL are you doing in this flight?" Kagome was beyond pissed.

Souta started pouting, "I found your flight info on mom's computer and then bought myself a ticket with my allowance."

"Does mom know about any of this or is she frantically looking for you at the airport?" Kagome accused.

Souta got a sheepish look on his face, "I uh texted her before we left the ground."

Kagome covered her face, "Oh kami!"

Meanwhile at Tokyo International Airport, Mrs. Higurashi looked around frantically for Souta. She went to try calling him when she noticed a text message from him.

From: Souta
I got Kagome's flight info and bought myself a ticket. I'm on the plane with her right now and plan on staying with her in America. Don't worry I packed my stuff into one of her suit cases.
Love Souta.

Mrs. Higurashi read it and re read it three times before the shock wore off, "Oh dear!"


I know I shouldn't be starting a new story on top of everything else going on and the fact that I have been having a hard time updating WTH, but this particular plot bunny viciously attacked me and wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote everything down. I hope you enjoy!

~Love, Angel