Out of the corner of her eye Natasha saw Stark slip away into the bathroom. Breathing a silent thanks she excused herself from the reporter who'd been trying to get a sexual harassment story out of her for the last fifteen minutes, and slipped through the crowd towards the corner of the room.

Dodging the waiter from earlier (she'd had to do a disgusting amount of flirting to get the table Stark wanted) she finally made it to the cleaning closet next to the door Stark had entered. She stepped in discreetly, opening the door a crack so that light spilled into the tiny space. Allowing herself a break she turned away from the door and sighed, following the chink of light on the floor.

"Well," Said an amused voice, which continued in the same tone even as she drew knives from several places. "I thought I was going to have to go get you." He dodged the knife thrown at his head, laughing, and it was only the flash of black and green as he stepped into the light that stopped her from loosing a second. Instead she slapped him on the head hissing,

"Could you find a way to sound anymore like a psychopath?" He chuckled again, which got him another hit. "Seriously Harry, 'I thought I was going to have to find you!'" He shrugged, looping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

"I try." She sighed, again, and buried her face in his neck. Natasha knew for a fact that he didn't have permission to be here, it was too important she didn't get outed with Stark. Harry remembered that she was on a tight schedule and pulled back, looking her over. "How's it going with Stark?"

"He's an asshole. But I think Fury's right about the palladium poisoning." Harry shook his head, hair falling into his eyes.

"Poor bastard." She nodded and reached up to kiss him. "Missed you." He mumbled into her hair. She hummed her reply.

"How's Clint?" Harry and Clint had hit it off immediately, and he became the third part of their trio and Strike Team Delta. During their missions he was constantly muttering about him and trios. 'What is it with me and threes?' 'Thought seven was the most powerfully magical number' 'The Golden Trio and now this?'

"He's good, complains constantly about not being able to borrow my wife anymore." She was regularly used as a barricade between Clint and the majority of the female population on missions. She allowed it mainly because her and Harry's relationship (and marriage) had to be kept secret from as many people as possible.

"I should get back to Stark." He pouted.

"I haven't seen you in almost a month and that's all you have to say to me?"

Even though the extra ten minutes allowed Stark to slip away and almost get killed, Natasha thought it was worth it.

When she put in her earpiece on the way to the Hammer Industries warehouse, it was out of habit. She did not expect Harry's voice to filter through while she fought her way to Vanko.

"I love those!"

Was his reaction as she threw the long-distance version of Widow's Bite at a guard's feet. She rolled her eyes and coughed in the way that said 'Explain Now'

"Oh yeah, what I'm doing in your ear. Right, well. Vanko is focusing so much on he drones I've managed to hack the cameras, thought you might want an extra pair of eyes."

She flipped over a table and took down a second man.

"Nice! Next one coming round the corner."

She slid between this one's legs, landing a hard hit to his groin. This earned no comment and she internally smirked as she pictured Harry and every other male in the vicinity wincing. Harry laughed as she took down the - was it the fourth one now? - with her signature move.

"Can you believe Stark's driver is still fighting that first guard? Two up ahead."

Two smoke grenades later and she was still moving forward.

"Next one's got a baton."

She pulled out her wire and caught the baton as it was coming down on her, twisting it round the man's neck as she heard Harry's warning for yet another two. Natasha pulled the wire down with her as she used the guards as pivots to get her legs around their necks. A guard in front of her stood up again wielding a pepper spray, and it was a test of her self control not to snort. Didn't any of them carry guns?

"Behind you."

Elbow to the nose and a kick to the head and Harry drew in a breath loud enough to be heard over the com.

"I almost feel sorry for them. Almost. Door on your right."

She lifted the pepper spray to eye level and the fully grown man went down balling. Huh, surprisingly effective.

"He's turned off the cameras so I can't see what he's doing, but that's definitely where the commands are coming from. Next door on the left."

She kicked open the door wielding both guns as Happy finally caught up to her.

"You bring out the guns now?"

The room was empty except for two guards hanging on wires from the ceiling.

"He's gone."


Natasha privately agreed with that. Hurrying over to the computers she started to re-hack the Iron Patriot, Harry rattling off tips in her ear. Eventually the 'SYSTEM ACCESS' notification flashed up on the screen and a connection with Stark opened.

"You got your best friend back."

"Yes. Thank you for that."

Natasha commented on the new core, and when he told her he was no longer dying Harry exhaled loudly in her ear.

"Lucky bastard."

"What do you mean you're not dying? Did you just say you were dying?"

"That you? Uh, no. I'm not."

"That Stark's assistant/soulmate? He didn't tell her did he? The idiot."

Natasha saw the blinking light on the screen and after a few more lines of code she found out what it was.

"Hey, hey! Save it for the honeymoon, you got incoming Tony. Looks like the fight's coming to you."

After trying and partially succeeding to talk down Pepper (since when had she been a relationship counselor?) and frustratedly watching on helpless as the drones blew up half the expo, she sat back in her chair.

"Well that was a disaster."

"Not your fault Nat. And at least you can get off that mission now, after you've written a report. It's about time you came back to us."

"It'll be fine." Natasha glared at Harry with a look that said 'How dare you insinuate I'm nervous?'. He just replied with a smile that said 'Deny it all you want but I know you.'

Harry took her arm and lead her up the winding path and she winced as the wards washed over them. They walked for about a minute before the most gravity defying house she had ever seen came into view. Harry affectionately called it 'The Burrow', but it seemed to go further up than down. She wondered how all the Weasleys (there was quite a lot of them apparently) fit in there every Sunday without it collapsing.

Approximately five seconds after they came into view of the windows the front door flew open and a motherly looking woman with greying red hair bustled out to meet them. She immediately enclosed Harry in a hug, and Natasha watched, strangely moved as her husband interacted with the closest thing to a mother he had ever known.

"Harry dear! How are you? You look awfully thin, have you been eating? Why do you insist on working so far away? We hardly ever see you!" Normally anyone coddling Harry would get a glare hard enough to make them retreat to the other side of the helicarrier, but he just grinned fondly and reached for her.

"I've been fine Mrs Weasley, this is Natasha, my soulmate." Harry had told her that under no circumstances was the mother of the Weasley family to know they were already married. Even though it was not a magical ceremony (too much press were still attempting to follow Harry), the fact she had not been allowed to have a hand in planning would attract her wrath. And according to Harry the woman had lungs of brass.

Natasha had expected at least some scrutiny upon being introduced to the woman, certainly not to be pulled into an equally warm hug. She froze for a second before tentatively returning the embrace, but if Mrs Weasley noticed her hesitancy she didn't comment.

"Look at you! You're just as bad, come in, come in. I've got dinner going and everyone can't wait to meet you!" She turned and lead the way inside, and after one last shared look the couple followed. A collective shout of,

"Harry!" And other variations of same rose as they entered. As Natasha scanned the room it was immediately obvious being a redhead would not make her stand out amongst this crowd. The kitchen and living room were full of people and they were saved being rushed as a tall man with scars and a fang earring announced that the table was set up outside.

The couple followed the tide towards the door until Harry was ambushed by a child with turquoise hair.

"Uncle Harry!" The little boy squealed as he was caught by Harry and swung through the air. He giggled as he was squeezed to Harry's chest and Natasha watched in interest as his hair and eyes changed colour to the same startling shades of black and green as the man holding him. Her husband grinned and ruffled his now messy hair, turning him so he could see Natasha.

"Teddy this is my soulmate, Natasha. Nat, this is my godson Teddy." Natasha recognised the boy now from several pictures Harry had shown her, but making the connection wasn't hard with the constantly changing colouring.

"Hello." She told the child, in the least threatening tone of voice she had, and gave him a little wave. Teddy giggled again.

"Nat..a! Nat!" He reached for her and when Harry didn't immediately hand him over to her, he launched himself. Natasha was standing several steps away, but somehow the boy managed to cross the distance and she caught him on reflex, gaping. Harry grinned at her shock, shrugging,

"Accidental magic. Happens a lot to kids, especially if they're raised magical." She nodded, and began tickling the child in her arms, making him squirm and grin, showing off two tiny teeth.

"Teddy?" Called a female voice from outside.

"In here Andromada!" Harry called. A grey haired woman hurried in through the open door and smiled warmly when she saw Harry.

"Hello Harry. Have you been keeping well?" He returned the smile.

"As well as I can be Andromada. Has this little marauder been causing you any trouble?" Andromada, who Natasha gathered must be Teddy's grandmother - she remembered his parents had died in the battle - laughed loudly and took Teddy from her with another tender smile.

"Nothing I can't handle."

"Dinner's ready!"

Mrs Weasley called from behind them, levitating all the dishes behind her. Taking a moment to adjust her views on magic from 'dangerous weapon' to 'household tool', at least for her time here, Natasha followed her into the garden.

Over dishes (and tureens, and platters) of Mrs Weasley's amazing cooking she met people she'd only ever heard about for the last few years of her life. She met Ron and Hermione, the other two thirds of the golden trio, and listened to their stories of Harry at school. She met the other Weasley children as well, (all five of them), and was grilled extensively on the workings of the 'muggle' world by Mr Weasley.

She also had genuine girl talk for the first time in her life, making fast friends with the women; Audrey, Angelina, Ginny, Fleur and Hermione. The last two of which were heavily pregnant.

As she climbed into bed in the (bigger on the inside) tent they were sharing with Ron and Hermione, she reveled in the fact that whatever she had thought after the Red Room, she had the biggest, best and most haphazard family she could have ever wanted.

"Is this love Agent Romanoff?" Natasha felt hope rush through her as Loki revealed that Clint hadn't told him everything he knew, and it was a struggle for a moment to keep it off her face.

She was fairly sure Asgardians didn't have soulmates, at least not in the way that humans did. But she and Harry were married, and that was something Loki could understand. If Clint had withheld information, that meant he was fighting for control, and there was still hope.

"Love is for children. I owe him a debt." Natasha thought of the irony, that this was something she had once believed. And as she told her story, spilling her life (just with some deliberate blanks) to the 'God' before her, and taking the insults he hurled at her, she thought it might have actually affected her if she hadn't talked these very issues over with Harry hundreds of times. Loki's confused,

"What?" Was like gold to her as she walked away, reporting that the Hulk was Loki's plan and that he had no knowledge of 'Sorcerer', Harry's code name. In between wondering how they could use Loki's ignorance of his skillset to their advantage she turned back to face him.

"Thank you. For your cooperation." Loki growled and hit the glass after she had left, unaware that he had a witness. Harry had watched the whole interrogation under the invisibility cloak, and had already been given a full plan of attack from Natasha as she made her way to the lab.

"She's good, isn't she?" The God of Mischief whirled around to see who had spoken, but was met with thin air. Even searching with his magic he found nothing. After Harry finished enjoying Loki's face of confusion he pulled off the cloak with a flourish.

"Sorcery." Hissed Loki. The man had truly been hidden from him, and he would hazard a guess that even Heimdall's own gaze could not penetrate whatever enchantment was placed upon the fabric. It only took him a few moments to recover from his shock, Silver Tongued that he was. "You are a Sorcerer."

"I prefer the term Wizard." Like hell was Harry going to let slip that there were magic users all over Earth, in case Loki decided they were the place to start his invasion. He walked down the ramp and took the seat Natasha had just vacated.

"If you have magic, should you not side with a fellow wielder?" Loki was detecting a strong magical signature from this Wizard, and knew he would make a valuable ally. Harry for his part thought of the way he had just insulted his soulmate and had to control the urge to snort.

"I have free reign on this world, the humans do not notice me. And even if they did, they would have no way to control me. Why would I want a higher power to rule me?" Their game plan was to make it seem like Harry was not with SHIELD, but a possible friend Loki would want to recruit, and he would have to reveal his plan to convince him. The God seemed to be thinking over something.

"We could rule together. Have equal power, you would not lose your freedom." This time Harry did snort.

"Why do I not believe you Liesmith?" Loki scowled before trying again.

"I would not interfere with you. And you would be free to take anything you wanted from this mortal scum." Pushing aside his anger (and not mentioning that he was mortal, if very long lived) Harry decided now was the time to get information.

"You act as if they would give it to me. Humans are rebellious, how would you rule them?" Loki snarled, looking incensed that Harry doubted his capabilities. Good, that would loosen his tongue.

"Once my Chitauri army have conquered the first city, they will know to fear us. They will submit easily." Almost there.

"And where-" An explosion reverberated from somewhere on the helicarrier and Harry swore, apparating away to the bridge.

Loki stared at his empty chair for a moment before screaming in rage, realising he'd been played again.

As the Avengers, the dysfunctional heroes of Earth, gathered around the defeated God, Harry wound his arm around Natasha's waist. Surely now they would be able to have some peace?

That was longer than I meant it to be, I was at my grandparent's so I had a whole day to write it. But hey, it's the last chapter! We went out with a bang!

If anyone is also a Sherlock fan, I've posted the first chapter of a Sherlock/Fem!Harry story called 'No Short Cuts' You can find it on my profile. It's a soulmate story but with a twist, which won't come out until the second chapter. Yes, that was a shameless self promotion. Please review!
