A few months later.

A blue Loki sits on the throne of Jotunheim. He caresses his swollen belly. Looking down at his bare stomach protruding from his minimalist clothing. He wore a long cape with fur on the shoulders. Many chains adorned his body, neck and arms. Loki felt Thor's child move. He exhaled uneasy.

"Oh Thor, look what you have done to me." He spoke softly to himself. Loki felt his fingers shake as he was confused about what he was feeling. "I don't know what to do with you. Do I birth you and leave you as my father did?" Loki worried. The doors to the throne room.

Laufey approached him. "Loki, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Father, are you questioning my resolve or if I even have the mental strength to attack Asgard?"

"No. You have never been in a war. Your petty skirmishes and 'adventures' with the warriors of Asgard have not suitably prepared you for what is to come. I just think you underestimate the All-father."

"Odin will fall at my knees, as will his son!" Loki stood and held his hand up menacingly as he began to summon his sedir. Laufey acquiesced and broke eye contact.

"No offence was meant my king. I just don't wish to see you come to any harm."

"I thought you would." Loki smugly stepped down from the throne and towards the now kneeling former king. "With me dead you would return to the rule. But know this father.." Loki reached down and raised Laufey's chin to gaze upon him. "I am planning this to be a rival to Ragnarok. I will have my forces fight as if it is a one way journey." Loki swiftly turned and walked back to his throne.

Laufey gasped. "A suicide mission?"

"If they don't fight I will kill them myself." Loki looked down again at his belly then up at the throne. He smiled and then sat down and caressed the armrests like a super villain. He then burst out with a maniacal laugh.

Thor sat depressed. The sun was warm and there was much merriment in the realm, but Thor could not see it. He looked down at Mjolnir. He had left it on the floor of his room when the day Loki left.

It was now gathering dust. He was still worthy, but Thor didn't want to wield it. Tyr came in escorted by the Einherjar guard.

"My liege, we have news from Heimdall." Tyr placed his hand on his chest and knelt before the bedraggled Thor. He raised his gaze through his unkept hair.

"News?" Thor sounded horse. "Of Loki?"

"Yes my lord." Tyr stood and so did Thor. His face lit up. Tyr raised his hand and shook his head. "I'm afraid it is not all good."

"What is the news, do not keep this from me!" Thor demanded.

"Sire, Loki is raising an army to attack Asgard." Thor released him and gasped. "I have told the All-father." Thor clenched his fist and looked at Mjolnir the grabbed it. He strode out with the guards to meet with his father.

Upon the ice the Jotun marched in columns behind a small group at the front. The proud and defiant king stood near the cave in the cliff face. He was flanked by his father and the king's guard. Loki moved his hands across his body and the casket of winters appeared. He closed his eyes and pushed his own spell on it and fired a blast at the cave.

A shimmering waterfall appeared and Loki smiled turning to his father. "The portal to Asgard is now open." Loki turned to the silent forces stretched out over the ice flow and yelled. "Asgard is ours for the taking!" the Jotun yelled back and they ran head long into the portal. Loki stood beside them and then he and his generals moved through.

The portal opened on the edge of the palace grounds and the Jotun streamed through. The people ran and there were few guards to even attempt to resist the icy force.

Loki strode through the melee and directed his generals of where to lead their attacks. Soon Asgard's defences kicked in and the Jotun were taking hits from above from the towers and flying skiffs. Loki turned the casket of winters on them and an icy blast made short work of them.

The force came up to resistance as they encountered the Einherjar guard at the entrance to the palace. Loki moved to the front of the pack and the Jotun spread apart giving him room. The guards paused as they were no longer being attacked they saw the small Jotun with long dark hair moving towards them carrying a box.

Loki smiled cruelly and then sent a beam across their forces and left the frozen statues in the foyer. The Jotun moved through and smashed the frozen figures and continued their assault on the palace.

The attack had stalled. The guards had begun to win in the city and with the portal now closed, no further reinforcements were coming. Loki had put almost his whole force into this attack.

They had penetrated into the castle. Odin easily took down those who tried to enter the throne room. Thor stood beside him effortlessly striking the incursion. One of the Jotun ran back to the Loki's location. He stumbled down to kneel before him.

"Sire! We have lost much of our force trying to get the All-father!" Loki knew he would have to confront them. He led his remaining force to the throne room. Loki slowed then stopped suddenly clutching his stomach. "My lord, are you hurt?"

Loki felt a pain grow as he got closer to Thor. He buckled over with the cramps. He gritted his teeth and stood defiantly, trying to fight through the pain. His eyes were filled with tears. "I will kill this child before it kills me." He took a few deep breaths and carried on. Loki went to use the casket of winters but could not concentrate.

He hid behind his men as he tried to compose himself. They held open the doors and fought. Loki held up the casket and the Jotun parted to allow him to wipe out their enemy. Loki screamed in pain and dropped the casket as he collapsed on the floor. He held his stomach and cried. Laufey picked up the casket and looked down at Loki.

"Get up. You are a disgrace to your race." Laufey taunted him. Loki moaned in pain and a small pool of black blood appeared beneath him. Loki put his hand between his legs and then inspected his hand. He looked up at Laufey and begged for help. Laufey turned and pulled his force back. One of the Jotun went to Loki's side.

"Leave him!" Laufey yelled. "We are retreating to Jotunheim!" Thor went to chase them. Odin stopped him. Laufey turned to Odin. He gave him a slight bow. "It was a mistake to let Loki lead my people."

"They are leaving. Let them go." Odin relayed the message to Tyr. The Einherjar realised they were no long being attacked and let the Jotun run. The Jotun swarmed together and Laufey led them to the Bifrost. Heimdall opened the portal and watched as the Jotun piled through.

Odin sighed and looked around at the dead and dying. "Tyr, have the wounded and dead Jotun sent back to Jotunheim. Call all healers from the realm to treat out people." He walked over to Loki, still sobbing in pain on the floor. Thor stood over him.

"Father, what has happened to Loki?" He looked down at his blue skin and red eyes. Thor squatted down and went too reached out to him. Loki flinched.

"Don't touch him." Odin grabbed Thor.

"But Father, he's hurt." Loki struggled to move away. He sat up slightly. Loki looked down and put both his hands around his stomach.

"Augh!" Loki groaned. He held his knees to his chest and spread his feet apart. "No no no.. Not now." Loki slipped his hand down and tried to stop slowly the flow of blood.

"Loki, what's happen to you?" Thor broke free of his father and went to his side. He put his arm around his back and took his blood soaked hand in his.

"Leave me alone Thor!" Loki cried as he tried move away. "Augh!" Loki bent over and held his stomach. Loki cried and put his hands down between his legs and covered himself. He felt the pressure building. He cried out as he strained.

"Loki! Are you?" Thor squeezed his hand. He looked down to see what was going on. Loki pulled off his loin cloth and slipped his fingers down to gently touch his vajina. He felt the top of its head. Loki looked up at Thor in desperation.

"I'm crowning, Thor... I don't want to give birth." Thor held him close as Loki screamed in pain. Loki cupped his hands as he felt the head start to push out. Loki spread his legs but he couldn't get a grip. There was too much blood on the floor, his bare feet slipped.

Loki pushed away from Thor and crawled onto his hands and knees. He stabilised himself and lowered his hips as he pushed down. He cried out as Thor sat in shock. He saw a head poke out then shoulders. Loki cried out again as he reached down to pull the baby out. He panted, weakened from his ordeal. Thor just watched as the baby slipped out onto the floor.

Loki turned over and sat away from the figure on the floor. The umbilical cord still connecting it to Loki. He wiped his tear soaked face. Now smeared in his own blood. Loki stumbled up to stand. He groaned as the afterbirth came free. Loki felt weak and his knees shook. He took a deep breath and stood up.

He held out his hands and cast a spell over him to assist in healing. Thor looked down at the baby. It was not moving and not making a sound. Loki turned back to is Aesir form. Thor moved over to the baby to see what was wrong. Loki smiling cruelly.

"There you go Thor. You can have it. After all you are its father." Thor saw that is was dead. His head snapped up at Loki. Surprised by his actions.

"Loki! What is this?" Thor stood up and moved towards him.

"It's a dead baby, dead, like what you are to me." Loki snapped. He went to storm off but Thor grabbed him. "Let go of me, or you will regret it." Loki looked down at the large hand on his bicep.

"Loki please, stop this!" Thor pleaded. He released him. "Loki, the baby.. Was it..."

"Were you its father? Yes." Loki looked at him coldly.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant? I could have helped you so you didn't have to lose the baby." Thor was emotional. Loki didn't expect this. He decided to hurt him more.

"Loose? No I was always going to kill it. Unfortunaly, due to the way our bodies work, Jotun cant abort a child till it can be born or it will kill us too. We have to sever our connection to our life-force." Loki placed his hand on Thor's cheek. He smeared his blood on it.

"Loki? Why would you kill our child?"

"Our child? There never was a 'we' in order to have an 'our'. No Thor, you did this to me, you drove me away. You and Odin." Loki looked down at his Aesir cloths and realised the irony of now being Aesir. Looking like all he despised. He didn't really want to be Jotun either. And now that his father left him, he knew where his loyalties lied too.

"Yes Loki. There was a 'we'. I loved you more than life. Couldn't you see that?"

"Loved? Past tense, so you no longer are interested in me?" Loki was always quick to pick apart anyone that used the wrong words.

"No, I love you, I just meant.."

"No! Don't try and change what you said! You don't care about me, you may have thought you loved me, but at what cost to me? Did you ever consider my thoughts on the subject? Whether I ever wanted you to rape me?"

"I never raped you!" Thor grabbed him and pulled him close by cupping the back of his neck. "Please Loki! Let me help you!"

"Please don't." Loki was quiet. He dropped his gaze. "I don't want help. I don't deserve it." Loki began to cry. Thor pulled him close and Loki collapsed into his arms completely. He was exhausted and emotionally drained.

"You are always welcome here. I will never stop loving you." Thor slowly knelt down holding Loki in his arms. He rocked him back and forth slowly. "I will always protect you."

Loki opened his eyes slightly at saw Thor's tears roll down his face. Loki reached up and brushed Thor's face. "I'm sorry Thor."

"Don't be."

"I lied to you." Loki said softly.

"So what's new?" Thor smiled slightly. He brushed Loki's hair from his face.

"I didn't kill the baby. It died inside me, I wasn't developed enough for child birth." Loki's bottom lip quivered and Thor looked deep into his eyes. "Oh Thor, I wanted to be loved by someone. I just wish I was better, that I was even close to what you desired in a lover."

"We can be. You just heal and I will help you feel better."