Title: A God's Love

Summary: Horus's thoughts about Carter during "The Red Pyramid." Song fic, "Atlantis" by Ellie Goulding.

Rated: T

Pairing(s): Horus/Carter (Corus)

Genre(s) Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship

Warning(s): Angst

My view on Carter was always positive. From the moment that the poor boy lost his dad, I felt so sorry for him. He seemed so lonely, and I could instantly tell from his emotions that his dad had always been a big part of his life. I wasn't able to read his thoughts as well, since he struggled to keep me out of his mind.

This is new

Feels unused

I've never met anyone like you

His emotions were so strong, and they hit me like a punch in the gut. Love. Pain. Fear. Loss. Heartbreak. Even during the first hours of being hosted by him, I knew he was special.


Feeling naked

Sense in searching something sacred

That assumption was only confirmed as Carter and Sadie's quest went on. I felt how he cared for his sister, and Bast.

I fell in love with Carter. Deeply, obsessively, hopelessly in love with him. Like a teenager. I managed to keep them hidden from Carter, who was falling in love with Zia Rashid.

I'll forget you not

I'll forget you not

I was so terrified of losing him. During their fight with the crocodiles, I prayed that he wouldn't die. (Ironic, isn't it, a god praying?) The relief that I felt when he made it out okay was like no other emotion I'd ever felt.

When Zia turned out to be a shabti, my first thought was Okay, good, so she can't have Carter. Not, I can't believe she was clay this whole time!

I'll forget you not

I'll wait for you...maybe

When Carter stopped struggling and our whole lives merged and we became one, I tried keeping my love from him a secret, but he found out. We couldn't focus on that, though. We had more important things to focus on, like saving the world. And we didn't get a chance to talk about it before we were separated, which was the hardest thing I ever went through.

Where did you go?

Where did you go?

Carter said he loved me before defeating Set, though, so even though we didn't get to talk in detail, of course that helped me get through it.

Where did you go?

AN: Hope you liked it! Please review and let me know what you thought :) More stories soon (And I always take prompts)