Oh, my gosh. You're still reading this?! THANKS!

This story's getting more and more popular with every chapter, and I'm honestly super blessed to have such awesome (and crazy!) readers, thank you!

So everything's all out in the open now regarding the pregnancies. What happens as a result of that... well you'll see. Maybe.

Also, thank you for all the name suggestions :) And thanks for the support on the last names, you guys really seemed to like Doug's last name the best: Dwarfenstein.

Alright, I'll shut up now. Enjoy :)

WARNING: The beginning of this chapter contains somewhat descriptive SEX! This story will have it from time to time, but I'll give you a warning in the beginning. It's not majorly descriptive (I'm trying to keep this story rated T) and it shouldn't offend anyone. But if it does, I'm sorry.

~ One Week Later ~

"For what it's worth, I think you'd make an excellent head cheerleader." Jay smiled at Audrey, feeling her heavy breaths in his ear. She straddled him, coddling his hips with her own as she took in his words and matched them with even louder moans. His hands wondered up her bare back, taking in the sight of her naked body against his own. She bounced, he bucked upwards, pants of pleasure as they inched closer and closer to climax filled the room.

Sweat lingered on their bodies, her hair tangled with his when she planted pepper kisses up and down his chest and neck. Her hands and nails dug into his back, holding tighter and tighter as her huffs and moans grew and grew.

"S-shit!" She grunted, feeling that blissful feeling of finally reaching the end.

Jay moaned with her, letting the castle hear their screams and know of their sins. They peeled off each other minutes later, their chests felt heavy and their heads lulled back and forth, fighting the sleepy sensation that seeped through their bodies.

"Wanna... spend... the night...?" whispered Jay, gaining his breath. She pulled her bra off of Carlos' sheets (flung there by accident in their heat of passion) and fiddled with it until it was on her comfortably. She shook her head, and searched for her underwear. Jay smirked as his eyes found the hot pink-laced thong that crept out from under Carlos' bed, next to her foot.

"I-I've got some h-homework I need to... do..."

Jay nodded, now flexing his arms as they lifted up behind his head. He smirked again when her eyes lingered on his sweaty chest, the one her own was bearing against minutes more, still patterned with claw-marks and bruises she'd gifted him the past few nights.

Her foot grazed against her underwear, and she eagerly scooped it up and put it on.

"Besides, Carlos... h-he'll be back in, what, an hour or two...?" She watched him shrug off the question.

"Nothin' he ain't seen before."

Audrey rubbed her hand against her belly, forgetting how Carlos and Jane were in the same situation. She wondered if Jane, or Mal and Evie for that matter, were dealing with the same sexual hormones she craved. She and Jay were merely scratching itches every night, nothing more, nothing less.

In her mind, they weren't even a couple anymore. Just friends with benefits, and a lasting con of one of those "benefits" was inside her right now. Growing. Living. Surviving.

Jay didn't know what they were. He considered her as his girlfriend, but he knew she didn't feel that way. And he certainly didn't feel that the growing baby inside of her was a con, as she liked to say.

But they were gonna be parents; a princess and an ex-villain. What would that make their child? Would that determine anything? After all, wasn't becoming good just showing the fact that they, who were born and bred to be the next generation's villains, didn't have to be who their parents wanted them to be? They had a choice, and they chose the right one.

But that still didn't change the fact almost everyone still treated them with distrust, some still feared, whispered, and avoided them.

They were the villain's spawn.

And Jay didn't want that for his child. He didn't want them to know that feeling.

"I should get going," Audrey's voice brought Jay back from his thoughts. She was pulling her jacket over her sundress. "Goodnight."

"Night..." He muttered back, watching as she left the room. He sighed, and looked at the messy sheets he laid in, they smelled like sweat and sex. Again.

Mal chewed on her bottom lip, watching in agonizing pain as chef after chef brought out delicious and mouth-watering food. They even had strawberries. But "Baby-Beast," as Ben liked to call it, wasn't interested.

She shook her head sadly, trying to contain the tears as the strawberries disappeared.

So far, she hated being pregnant with a passion. And that didn't help with the feeling of her ending up like her mother; who was an awful mother.

"Why is this baby torturing me?" Mal gasped, "Is this my punishment for having sex? Getting pregnant?"

Ben smiled, his emerald-eyes gazed into her own, "We'll find something both you and the baby like."

"The baby likes spicy foods. I hate spicy foods. This baby is trying to kill me."

"Mal, sweetheart, you know the baby's not trying to kill you. You're it's mother, and it's just hungry. Besides, I don't understand why you don't just eat a taco or something..."

The daughter of Maleficent nearly slapped the King of Auradon.

You don't know what you're talking about!

"Just, zip it."


"Zip it!"

Ben slumped back in his chair with a heavy sigh, and Mal cursed under her breath. Her hand ran from one side of her stomach to the other. She felt like she was a million pounds, and everyone could see (it didn't help that people stared at her, regardless) her nonexistent baby bump. Sometimes she really hated being the "Queen-to-be."

That's what the Auradon Newspaper called her, at least.


It just wasn't fair that Evie, Jane, or Audrey weren't getting the same media-affection. Evie took it especially hard when her name only appeared in a sentence or two of a four-page article about the King and his Queen-to-be. While Audrey was mentioned at least once every few paragraphs, known as the "pregnant girl who Ben dumped," and Jane was merely added at the end, "Fairy Godmother is a soon-to-be Fairy Godgrandmother!"

Mal couldn't wait to get her hands on whoever worked those stupid newspapers and magazines.

"Oh, there you are!" Carlos barged into the room, with Dude trotting along behind him.

"What...?" Mal pulled herself to her feet, "Is Jane okay?"

He nodded, "But I have a problem. Jane's kinda... well, h-hormonal. She's, like, being really mean one second, and the other, she's a sobbing mess. Jay's got it easy, all he has to do is have sex!"

Ben chuckled, "He must be exhausted, then."

Mal rolled her eyes, "Carlos, this is what being pregnant is like. There's lots and lots of tears, yelling, sex... and you need to be prepared for it. Did you just abandon Jane to come complain to us...?"

"No," Carlos scoffed, "give me some credit. I waited until she fell asleep. Like a gentleman."

He flashed a toothy-grin, and received a green-eyed eye roll from the both of them. Ben had stood up, and wrapped his arm around Mal's shoulders, "A gentleman would stay with his pregnant girlfriend even when she's asleep."

"Oh, please. I saw you hiding from Mal in the hallway yesterday."

Ben glared at the smaller boy, God dammit, Carlos!

Mal sneered, "Oh... really?" Her eyes sized Ben up, before she tugged his arm off her shoulders, "Thanks for the entail, Carlos."

"Y-yeah... thanks, Carlos..." Ben gave a scared smile, and continued to glare daggers at the son of Cruella de Vil. "I'll be sure to return the favor, someday."

"Well, I really should be going-" Carlos turned his heels, and started for the door, "I wouldn't want to get in the way of... that." His hand motion referred to the death-glare Mal was giving Ben.

Once he was gone, Mal burst into tears.

"Hormones..." Ben muttered, before getting punched in the gut.

Evie smoothed out her dress, and looked at herself in the mirror; she looked stunning. Her hair was in a braid that curled over her shoulder, and she looked like she could be a model. The dress was her tightest one, and she needed to be seen in it at least one last time before her baby bump came in.

Mal was off someplace with Ben, and she could hear Jay and Audrey's "screams of pleasure" all the way from his room. So, she didn't plan on paying them a visit until tomorrow. Just in case.

"Perfect," she smiled at herself, giving a little twirl as she cradled her purse in her hands. She couldn't wait to have dinner with Doug in the city, it seemed like the last time they had a special date was a few nights after Ben's coronation. He'd taken her out to get her mind of Finals week, and of course, one thing led to another...

Long story short: Evie lost her virginity in the bathroom of the Pristine Pizza Palace.

At least she didn't lose it in some crummy old library layered in years of dust.

(Ahem, Carlos.)

"Knock knock," a voice called through the door. Evie smiled, and gave one final twirl before eagerly turning the handle, and nearly ripping the door from it's hinges.

She desperately needed a night out.

"You don't have to say, 'Knock knock,' Doug." She leaned through the threshold and kissed his cheek. He held out a bouquet to her, his cheeks blossoming almost as red as the roses he brought.

"Well, someone's a gentleman," Evie added, taking the bouquet and setting them in an already-prepared empty vase. (Doug liked to bring flowers.)

"You look gorgeous," Doug held out his hand. "Better than a princess."

"I know," Evie grinned, "I'm the Queen."

They both giggled as she linked arms with him before shutting the door behind her. They kissed each other's cheeks, and continued down the corridor.

Date Night was always fun in their book.

Especially at Pristine Pizza Palace.

"I'm not gonna lie, Carlos. You look awful." Jay laughed when Carlos entered the room, his clothes stained with dirt and grass and his hair having mulch and twigs sticking out from the vast sea of white and black curls.

"I fell," He admitted, "It wasn't my proudest moment."

"Did you get lost in the woods or something? How the hell did you get covered head to toe in dirt and twigs...?"

Carlos huffed as he plopped down on his bed, quick to kick his shoes off and rub his aching feet. "That," he pointed at Dude, "decided to run away into the woods when it's almost pitch black outside. He probably spotted a squirrel or something "

Jay laughed again, seeing Dude bow his head in shame.

"He might of been making a mad dash for freedom," The ex-thief smiled.

"Shut up. I'm tired and my feet hurt. I just wanna lie down." He fell back onto his pillow, letting out a sigh of exhaustion.

"And what's Jane doing right now?"

Carlos shrugged, "Either sleeping, eating, or crying."

"So while you're getting some beauty sleep, Jane's all alone..."

"Don't try to guilt trip me!" Carlos huffed, "She could be sleeping."

"Or all alone crying."

The son of Cruella de Vil sighed, "Why? WHY?! Why do you have to make me feel bad?!"

"It's my job, snowflake." Jay grinned, "You might wanna hurry."

Carlos pulled himself out of the bed, and gave himself a once-over in the mirror, he looked like he'd rolled around in dirt for a couple hours.

(He only did that once!)

"I'm at least gonna take a shower, first." Carlos pulled open his dresser and pulled out his clothes, Jay was already texting Audrey, making sure she was fine and asking if she needed anything. Her answer was a no. "Gotta dress to impress," he added, disappearing into the bathroom.

"Not in my case," Jay snickered, "My clothes are off a minute after Audrey comes in. She couldn't care less."

"I didn't need to know that!" Carlos hollered back.

Thanks for reading! Sorry not a whole lot happened this chapter, (that'll change soon!), but hopefully it was enough to hold you over until the next update :)