(A/N: I am once again back from the depths to deliver another chapter to you lovely folks. I have elected to slow my update schedule down just a little bit to avoid burnout, so hopefully you will stick with me while that is the case. Anyway, I think that I have covered everything that I meant to, on with the show!)
The North Wind Blows
Part 33
While the adults of the Manor wound down from the day and discussed things that were not age appropriate for the boys, Harry, Draco, and Dudley had pulled several games from the large chest of them that sat at the foot of Harry's bed. Most of them had been opened, but due to the care the boys took with them, all looked brand new.
Harry had been hesitant at first about letting Dudley handle any of his toys or games, as the other boy had always had a destructive streak for even his own possessions. But Dudley had shown him over time that he could be careful and considerate, and that most of his tendencies toward breaking things had been alleviated once Dumbledore's magic had been stripped away. As it was now, Harry would trust Dudley to handle a baby bird with the utmost care and compassion.
"I wonder, why do we have so many Muggle games in here? Rather, where did they come from?" Dudley asked softly and settled the boxes back in the chest once they had found what they were looking for in the Wizard's Chess set at the bottom.
"The adults, mostly my mom, I think, they go out into the Muggle world rather regularly. That's where our notebooks and pens come from so why not the games? Besides, there aren't a lot of kid friendly games in the Wizarding world," Draco stated plainly, without any of the smugness that Septimus would have expected of him.
"I wonder why that is? Do they expect us to play pretend most of the time? I know that most kids probably don't spend the time studying or doing the hobbies that we do, so what do they do for fun?" Harry questioned softly, somewhat perplexed by the concept of what a normal child was supposed to be doing with their time.
"It depends really; if you have brothers and sisters then you just make up games to play with them. If you are an only child it is likely that your parents will get you into as many hobbies as possible. Or at least, that is how it was explained to me when I asked when I was younger. But then again Septimus was not the best person to ask those questions. I'm sure that if we were going about being children in too wrong a sense our Mind Healers would let us know," Draco stated and was proud of himself for being able to say his father's name without flinching or tearing up. Ever since the Mind Healer had convinced him to use his name instead of calling him 'father' it had gotten much easier to think about the man that had tried to kill him without breaking down entirely.
"I see, I guess it isn't like Wizards and Witches can just park their children in front of the telly and leave them to watch children's shows," Dudley mused quietly and Harry remembered distinctly the times when Petunia and Vernon had wanted a free day to themselves and left the telly on for Dudley while Harry cleaned the house. Of course Harry had been forbidden to look at what was on television, but he could hear it rather well and had learned all sorts of things even without being able to watch it. He was beyond resenting Dudley though, it hadn't been the other boy's fault after all, and now Petunia and Vernon were suffering for what they had done and continued to do.
"No, I think that would be seen as beneath them anyway. Most would just hire a nanny to occupy their children," Tom's voice interrupted their conversation very softly. None of the boys startled too badly at his intrusion because they had been expecting him sooner or later.
"Hello again Tom, has it already been a couple of hours?" Harry questioned softly and carefully carried the box for Wizard's Chess over to a table where they could play later.
"No, only about half an hour, but I figured that if you wanted to talk I should do it before you got too wrapped up in anything," Tom said plainly and motioned for the boys to join him in the small seating area that had been placed in Harry's room. Since they all spent more time in there than in their own rooms, the adults had outfitted it with two couches and two chairs that sat facing the center of a square shape. There was still a chair next to Harry's bed as well, which made Harry pretty certain that he had the most furniture in his room compared to even the adults.
"That's probably a good idea. I was just about to start teaching Dudley how to play proper Wizard's Chess," Draco said, knowing that Harry already knew and was suitably terrible at it. Therefore Harry would be Dudley's opponent while Draco guided him through the ins and outs of play.
"An excellent game, though you lot might be a bit young for it yet. Now what did you want to talk to me about," Tom said kindly and looked between Draco and Harry rather expectantly.
"I brought this up to Harry already, and he suggested that we talk to you about it before I talk to my Mind Healer about it. But, um, I have dreams, about the future," Draco said delicately and relaxed when Harry gently grabbed one hand and Dudley grabbed the other to show their support.
"Do these dreams come to pass?" Tom asked and Draco relaxed even more, he had expected some sort of negative response, that Tom was curious was a better sign than he could have hoped for, even with knowing that the older man could be trusted.
"The short terms ones usually do. Like I will dream that it is going to storm, or what we are going to have for dinner. But I've only just recently started to have long term ones and I don't know if they are just hopeful or if they are things that would really happen if things went right," Draco admitted quietly and Tom's expression turned contemplative.
"Well you are getting closer to being 11 years old, young Wizards usually start to come into more magic around that time, yours is just a little early is all. Being a Seer is a rare thing, and often they see possibilities rather than concrete futures, especially the further out those futures are. But I think that there is very little doubt that a Seer is what you are destined to be Draco," Tom said in explanation.
(A/N: Well that's it for now, I plan on having more soon so don't worry, and this conversation isn't over yet. Anyway I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and that you will leave me a review or a comment to let me know what you thought. As always thanks for reading and I hope to see you next time!)