Lookit me making a new fic instead of working on my ongoings. All four chapters of this have been flitting around my head and blocking my creativity for a while now so I figured I'd let them out. Also S/O to Tumblr user Momoryou (username at time of publication) and this site's own EstelRaca for being partially responsible for this fic with their Decade liveblog and fic "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep", respectively.

Spoilers: End of series. References events in both movies.


He woke up, for probably the fifth time in as many hours, feeling cold and sick. There had always been nights like this, when half-remembered dreams told him that his unreliable, amnesia-plagued mind was once again taunting him with things beyond his reach. He'd thought they would stop after they found his world, after the waking nightmare that whole experience had been for all of them, but they hadn't. He'd thought they would stop after the Rider War, after he'd finally given in to the twisted destiny the other Riders, like and unlike those he'd met and befriended, had designed for him, but they hadn't. Now they just taunted him with what he still didn't remember, and haunted him with what he did.

Sighing, Tsukasa rolled onto his back and rested an arm over his eyes. Was it too early to just get up? Probably. He didn't even hear Eijiro in the kitchen downstairs. If it was too early for the old man to be up preparing breakfast, it was too early for Tsukasa to even be conscious. "This sucks."

"Tsukasa?" He flinched despite himself, though didn't move his arm away from his eyes. Yuusuke's voice was soft, concerned but unwilling to push. "Is something wrong?"

"... Nah." Tsukasa knew he'd left too many seconds between the question and the answer for Yuusuke to believe him, but he still turned his back on his roommate and pulled his blankets up closer to his chin. "Go back to sleep."

They stayed like that for a while, Yuusuke knowing Tsukasa was lying, Tsukasa pretending he didn't feel the eyes on his back. Yuusuke had his own problems, Tsukasa knew. He'd heard the other Rider wake in the night, crying as quietly as possible. Though Yuusuke never spoke of what scared him awake, Tsukasa could guess. He didn't need to add to that, not when Rising Ultimate Kuuga still made appearances in his own nightmares.

At least Kaito wasn't around to be a pest about Tsukasa not sleeping, though nowadays it seemed like he was at the studio more often than away from it. Or maybe that was just how it felt to Tsukasa. Either way, he didn't wonder where Kaito went when he wasn't with them. He probably got up to no good, and Tsukasa wasn't about to give the thief the satisfaction of being thought of when he was away.

"Hey, Tsukasa?" Yuusuke's voice nearly made him jolt, but he controlled the impulse immediately. A lack of reply didn't stop Yuusuke from carrying on, unfortunately. "Where do you think we'll go next?"

Not what he'd expected to hear, and he actually caught himself thinking about it. They had planned to change the photo background in the morning, but the idea of choosing their destination hadn't come up. "Who knows," was all he could come up with.

A rustle of fabric told him Yuusuke had turned to face him. "We could go back to a world we've already been to, see how Wataru or Kazuma's doing." They hadn't seen Wataru since the conclusion of the Rider War, Kazuma since even before that. It was an interesting idea... "Or we could visit your sister."

The mention of Sayo brought both warm and cold feelings to Tsukasa's heart. Warm, because she was his little sister and she had finally found the courage to spread her wings. Cold, because Yuusuke sounded like he didn't even care that he was suggesting going to see someone who had brainwashed him into a psychotic weapon. Then again, Yuusuke had forgiven Tsukasa, so maybe forgiving Sayo wasn't that far-fetched. He sighed, rolled onto his back so he could glance at the other Rider through the corner of his eye. "She's on a journey of her own. I want to give her more time." And he did. But he also didn't want to find out if there were any remnants of Shocker hanging around his world, gunning for the ones who'd wrecked their organization. He didn't give Yuusuke a chance to speculate, though. "Anyway, we'll probably end up somewhere new, and then have to save whoever lives there. Again."

Yuusuke laughed, muffled it with his hand, and even in the late-night dark of their room Tsukasa could see he was grinning. "You're probably right, but what's wrong with that? We'll make more friends." He stretched, tucking one arm under his head, not looking away from Tsukasa. "Wherever we go, it's fine, right? It's all our world."

Despite himself, Tsukasa smiled. The journey was his world. Yuusuke, Natsumi, Eijiro... and, yes, fine, even Kaito and Kivala. They were his world. His nightmares didn't change that. "Right," he said aloud, though it was punctuated with a yawn. "Now get some sleep. Wherever we end up tomorrow, it'll be a lot more enjoyable if we get shut-eye first."

He heard Yuusuke's smile in the man's next words. "Goodnight, Tsukasa."


And this time, he didn't dream.