Title: Not our fault, right?
Story: Twin Idols
Rating: pg
Disclaimer: I don't own neither sailor moon or gundam wing or their creator
Summary: After the war with the Gundam Boys, the senshi are forgotten. Settling into a comfortable life Minako and Usagi become Idol singers. But what if not everyone has forgotten about the senshi and plans on doing something the Gundam boys just can't allow?
Ami woke up, with the sun shining through bay windows. She quickly looked around and found three of her best friends all surrounding her on the bed. Now confused and wondering what happened last night, she got out of bed to go to the bathroom, when she finally remembered. Ami crumpled to the floor, and let out a loud sob.
"He's dead now, he's really dead." She cried, even more miserable than when she found him cheating on her last night. Ami continued to cry as Rei started to wake up, hearing her. Rei noticed Ami on the floor and quickly got up to comfort her.
" Shh, it's okay. He isn't good enough anyway if he were to cheat on you." Rei quietly told her, while rubbing her back, but what Rei said only made Ami choke on a sob.
"He cheated and we killed him! How can you justify that?" Ami's breath was now getting ragged and she cried even harder. Rei just sighed, frustrated that she said it wrong, but even more frustrated that she was the one to say it.
" That didn't come out right, you know I'm not that good with words. What I meant was that he knew, when we gave him immortal life from the crystal and our powers, that he was to be bound to you until you both die. Not until he wanted another. You loved him and he was the only one, besides Mamoru, who was granted that." Rei looked down to see Ami started to breathe regularly.
"Yea, maybe I'm not good for anyone to want to be with me until they die. Maybe none-"
"Don't say that! There is always someone for everyone. No matter how they come across them or the circumstances."
"You're right, we should go downstairs before we wake up Usagi and Minako."
"Those two? Shoot I'd be surprised if a bulldozer through that very wall would wake them up." Rei commented, and that made Ami laugh, already she was getting over it.
They started to get up and make their way downstairs when Rei said she had to go to the bathroom first. Then Ami realized that she never went either. She decided to go to the one across the hall, but bumped into Trowa.
"Oh, um I'm sorry. Eh, good morning." She sort of stumbled through the words, when she came over last night she didn't exactly introduce herself to everyone, so she didn't really know who this was. To top it off he was studying her with one eye, really he should cut that bang.
" Hello, were you crying?" Trowa inquired. Ami's eyes widened, knowing her eyes were red giving away all signs that she was indeed crying. She tried to come up with some sort of excuse, but before she had a chance he started talking again.
"Whatever the reason for your crying is, it is not worth your tears." Trowa never took his gaze off off her, and watched her scrunch her eyebrows, knowing she was wondering if he knew. Again, not letting her reply, he started walking off, and only then did Ami start to blush.
Rei came out of her room, refreshed.
"K, I'm ready to go downstair, what about you?" Ami looked up at Rei and just nodded.
They made their way down into the kitchen, but didn't find anyone, so they continued into the living room and Duo, Quatre and Heero were all watching the morning news.
News reporter: This just in, there was a young man no more than 19, maybe 20 found dead in his bedroom. There are no visible signs of a bloody murder, but researchers are hinting at suicide with drugs. Back to John with weather.
Everyone turned their attention to Ami, as she dropped her apple onto the hardwood floor. She just stared at the television, not really sure what just happened was real. But it was. She saw his picture on the television as the reporter spoke. She knew he died, she knew they killed him; no matter how much Rei tells her it was his own fault, but she didn't news of his death would travel so fast. How was that possible?
"Ami-san, did you know him?" Quatre silently asked, not sure what she was so upset about.
"Huh? Him? Um, no, no I didn't know him. I was just kind of freaked out. Ya know? Um, it's not every day young people just die, right? With no reason at all..." At the end she kind of trailed off, knowing she was rambling anyway. Rei kind of saved her by started to laugh sort of uncomfortable at first.
"I know right? Isn't that creepy?" Of course, it didn't come off very convincingly. Quatre and Duo looked unsure, but Heero looked straight at them, with a piercing gaze.
"Well uh, we should go and wash...Ami's apple. After all that was way passed the three second rule!" Again Rei came off lame, but did manage to get them out of the room.
In the kitchen doorway they saw Usagi and Minako coming through. Rei hurriedly rushed them into a corner table.
"Ok, major problem. Greg's death was on the news, and we might be serious suspects!"
"What? Already? How did that happen? When did you see this?" Usagi's response was slightly confused, not really knowing what was happening, and still sleepy. Minako looked at her with half closed eyes, thinking it was all a dream.
"Greg's. Death. Was. On. The. Morning. News. Yes, I know it is kinda of surprising it's on this soon if it were to ever be on the news. We took his immortality away last night, remember? Just a few minuted before you came into the kitchen we saw it." Rei answered all of the question and sat back waiting for reply, but all she got was Minako's head hit the table and a loud snore. Usagi's eyes were beginning to drop.
"Huh? Yes, I'm up. I know problem. Greg. Dead, not our fault. Okay next question!" Rei resisted the urge to slap her hand on her face, this was their leader?
" Usa, it is a problem, we never said it wasn't our fault. We still don't know if it really is or isn't!"
"Of course it's not, you don't stay alive after your life support was taken away. That's like taking the plug out of a microwave and it's still on, but you expect it to keep warming your dinner." Usagi mumbled through her breath.
Weird analogy, but Rei took it. Usagi was growing up to be a good leader after all.
Then Minako jumped out of her seat, gasped and starting freaking out.
"Oh my god! Guys, I just had a dream that Greg's death was on the news and the Rei told us and now we're might be suspects! Guys, what are we going to do? Guys?" Minako looked around, Rei was leaving the kitchen, Usagi went back to sleep on the table and Ami had a sheepish expression on her face.
"Uh, Mina, it kinda was."
Rei came out of the kitchen, only to run into Wufei.
"Watch it onna, don't want to get your germs on me." Wufei sneered, looked somewhat satisfied.
"What are you five, Mr. I-know-My-pony-tail-is-too-tight-but-i'm-going-to-keep-it-like-this-anyway!"
"What! How dare you? It is not a pony tail! Plus, I don't know what diseases you carry or where you've been!" Before Wufei knew it, Rei slapped him and he went reeling back a few inches, but just a few. Then Rei started to walk away, but turned around again.
"And, if it's not a pony tail, then what is it?" Rei spoke in a surprisingly calm voice, only to hear Wufei sputter for an answer.
"I thought so."
Ruby: Sorry that came out so short, but that seemed like the perfect cliffhanger and i couldn't resist! lol, anyways expect the next chapter soon. I plan on finishing this, if not before, but a week or two into school. I just hope I don't rush it.