Ha HAAA bet you weren't expecting to see me again.

So. I'm not dead. I have some explaining to do.

When I started this story, I was a wee young babe, new to the world of fanfiction. I thought, "Hey! I should mash my two favorite fandoms together with zero forethought! It'll be so cool, this is a great plan!"

As you can see, that didn't work so well. I tried to fumble together some semblance of a story, but ideas crumbled, and eventually I shelved the whole thing, the only sign of this story's existence being the occasional "Are you dead?" comment in my inbox. Wince. No, but I wish.

But I couldn't get this crossover out of my head. Try as I might, I really thought these two series (serieses? serii?) worked together. I just didn't have the skill to write out my ideas at the time.

However. I am now a slightly less wee young babe, and if I sit around thinking of this any longer, my head's going to explode. It's time for a redo.

I have sat, wrestled out plot points, reread and rewatched both series, listened to inspiring songs for hours, and I am ready. Not only do I have a coherent storyline, I have literally written an outline for each chapter so I can force myself to work on this thing, so don't worry about me abandoning this a second time. I'm also going to leave this 'version' up in case anyone for some reason still wants to read it, but please don't. Please.

I have the first few chapters already written, and next week I'm going to upload the first one here. I'm also thinking of uploading it to AO3, but I don't have an account yet, so we'll see. If there's anywhere else you'd like to see it, let me know.

It's going to be a bumpy ride. Are you ready?

EDIT: Got an AO3 account! The story will also be uploaded here (remove spaces): archiveofourown .org /users/Anjupear