19 Years Later

"I won't be in Slytherin! I won't!" Albus declared loudly.

"James, stop upsetting your brother," said Ginny in a weary voice. The Potters were standing in the middle of a bustling crowd of witches and wizards, all giving out last minute hugs and kisses as students prepared to board the Hogwarts Express. It was nearly 11 o'clock on September the 1st.

"Now, be good Al," said Ginny as she fussed with his robes. "Remember to write. Don't duel with anyone until you've learned how-"

"Don't mess with Peeves," called Harry over her shoulder.

"-and don't let James talk you into doing anything you shouldn't." She gave the older boy a pointed look, who was doing his best to appear innocent.

"But what if I'm in Slytherin?" Albus asked, turning back to his father. Harry sighed and knelt until they were face to face.

"Albus Draco," His voice was quiet enough that only his son could hear. "You were named for two people who changed my life. One of them was a Slytherin. And…he was probably the bravest man I ever knew."

A train whistle sounded throughout the station, nearly deafening them. Students were all piling into the cars now, some hanging out of the windows to yell final goodbyes to family.

"Albus! Hurry or you'll be late!" called Ginny. Albus ran to the car and jumped in, planting one last kiss on his mother's cheek before closing the door. As the train gave its final, loud whistle and lurched forward out of the station, Ginny leaned her head against Harry's shoulder.

"This brings back so many memories. Doesn't it?" As the train passed and the smoke cleared, Harry saw a figure standing on the other side of the tracks, staring after the express. A man, thin and pale with blonde, receding hair and a pointed chin. He held a child's coat in his arms. Harry stared for a few moments longer, then took Ginny's hand.

"Yes, it does."