Chapter 6 - England

Mina sat on the love seat in her parlor, suppressing a giggle as Johnathan glared at the Count. As soon as she suggested that they should come and take tea at her apartment, Johnathan had been on edge for some odd reason. Her reasons for tea were strictly honorable. The men must be tired as they had been at sea for a good month, not that the idea of questioning the foreign count had not crossed her mind.

Meg came in bearing a tray of tea and biscuits, which she placed on the table in the middle of the arranged chairs. "Will that be all marm?"

"Yes, thank you, Meg." The Irish woman curtseyed and left, closing the door behind her. "Tea gentlemen?" There was a chorus of thank yous and Mina poured four cups of tea. Each man said a polite thank you as she handed them a cup of Earl Grey. Renfield, the Count's manservant, looked at the tea warily when he accepted his cup and tried not to show his distaste for the substance.

The Count broke the silence just as it was about to become unbearable. "Please give my regards to the young woman who made this. In all my years this is one of the best tea's that I have had."

Mina smiled warmly. "She will appreciate that. Most people around here do not care much for the Irish and what they make, even if it is good."

The blond chuckled and took another sip of his tea. "That reminds me of the way the Romany are treated in my own country." And with that, the two were done thinking of anyone else. For over an hour they spoke of the facets in their cultures and their opinions on the matter. They hardly noticed when Renfield took his leave, muttering about sorting out the shipped items and leaving an untouched cup of tea.

Vlad and Mina were forced to notice Johnathan as he barged into their conversation. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we really must be going, Mina. I must show the Count to Carfax Abby and it is getting late. So, if you do not mind we will be leaving now." He stood in an attempt to spur the others into action.

Mina looked at him coolly. "I understand that this is your first assignment and you wish to do it right, but we were having such a good conversation." Johnathan opened his mouth to counter. "Besides, Carfax Abby is only a five-minute walk from here and I could easily take the Count there after we have satisfied our curiosity about each other's cultures."

"Mina," she was immediately on edge as his voice came out in a patronizing tone. "I think it would be safer if I took the Count to his new abode. Also, I was hoping to have some time to talk to you privately this evening instead of getting pulled into a philosophical conversation."

As had happened many times before, Mina was outraged that he threw her opinions by the wayside so easily. However, this time she had the courage to stand up to her long standing friend. With the Count in the room, Mina felt that no matter what she said Johnathan would not be able to retaliate.

Standing up, she looked the brunet dead in the eye. "Mr. Harker. I allow you into my home out of the goodness of my heart and you have overstayed your welcome for today. You know the way out, please use it." Johnathan's mouth opened once, twice, and a third time only to close with a snap. He bowed and left with a dark cloud hovering over his head.

Relieved to have him gone, Mina sat down in her vacated chair and turned to the Count. Her breath caught in her throat. If he had seemed handsome before it was nothing compared to how he looked in the light of the setting sun. He smiled at her as if he knew what she was thinking. "Now then, where were we?"


Johnathan stormed out of the Wisteria Manor. The little chit had some gall to say such things to him, especially in front of a client. Once they were married that behavior would be put to rest, forcefully if needed.

As he continued down the street, looking for a carriage, a man stepped out into his path. The man wore a suit of a working class style, had messily trimmed gray hair, deathly pale eyes, and a bejeweled crucifix around his neck. "Johnathan Harker I assume." The man surprised him by knowing his name.

"I'm sorry sir, but I do not know you."

The man nodded. "I am Professor Abraham VanHelsing." He smiled, almost cruelly. "And I am looking for a certain Vladaleous Dracula."

I just want to take a moment to send a word of support to those affected by the hurricanes and monsoons.