Jessica and Seth are setting the table in Jessica's House in Cabot Cove. Jessica volunteered to prepare dinner for Sheriff Mortimer Metzger and his friend Fenton Hardy. Seth came over to help Jessica with preparing the meal.

"Jessica I don't know why you always volunteer to entertain strangers in your home." Said Seth grumbling.

"Mortimer is no stranger he's our friend and Fenton Hardy is a world renowned investigator." Said Jessica as checks on the roast in the oven.

"I don't understand how someone like Mort can know someone famous." Gripes Seth.

"Seth Hazelitt I'm surprised at you Mort is a good sheriff and a good man. Jessica responded.

" I know I just meant that a small town Sheriff and world famous investigator like Fenton Hardy, even the President has used this man's services. Said Seth.

"According to Mort he and Fenton were partners while working for the NYPD." Said Jessica

"You know Seth in all my years of traveling me and Fenton Hardy have never crossed paths, this is the first time I get to meet him.

"I'm not sure what to think of a man who puts his two sons in dangerous situations." Seth said.

"I've read that his sons Frank and Joe have helped him solve a lot of cases over the years." Said Jessica.

The doorbell rings and Jessica answers the door and it's Mort and a tall man with dark hair standing next him.

"Come in gentlemen dinner is almost ready." Said Jessica as she takes their jackets.

"Mrs. Fletcher I want you to meet an old friend of mine Fenton Hardy. Said Mort

"Nice to meet you Mr. Hardy." Said Jessica as she shakes his hand.

"Oh please call me Fenton." He said.

"In that case you can call me Jessica." She responded

The four of them sat down and ate dinner. Mort was telling stories about him and Fenton's adventures while working on the Force at NYPD. Fenton and Mortimer had a lot in common. After they both retired and they both moved to small towns. Mortimer became sheriff of Cabot Cove, Maine after the previous sheriff Amos Tupper retired. Fenton retired after his wife Laura gave birth to his two sons Frank and Joe and moved to Bayport, NewYork which is three hours away from Cabot Cove.

"So Fenton what brings you to Cabot Cove?" ask Jessica

"Well besides visiting an old friend I'm working on a big case." Fenton responded.

"May we ask what about?" asked Seth

"I'm afraid I can't divulge any details due to my client's privacy." Fenton responded.

"Oh come on Fen it's me your partner you can trust me. Mortimer said.

"Sorry Mort I can't." Fenton responded.

"Maybe after the case is closed I can use it in one my stories." Joked Jessica.

"I'll definitely take you up on that offer Jessica." Said Fenton.

"Will your sons be assisting you on this case?" ask Seth

"No they won't be assisting me on this case." Fenton Responded.

"It must be pretty big if you're not involving them." Said Mort

"You know Jessica I can't wait to tell my oldest son Frank that I met you, he's big fan of your work I mean he's read every one of your books." Said Fenton

"I'm flattered you know I have an Idea why don't I give him an autograph copy of my new book when it's gets published." Said Jessica.

"That a wonderful Idea Jessica, Frank would love it." Said Fenton

"You know Mort it's getting late I better be going and get some sleep before I drive back to Bayport in the Morning. Said Fenton.

On the drive to the Motel Mort watched Fenton and started to get concerned. He wondered what Fenton was keeping from him whatever it was its big.

"Hey Fen is everything okay?" asked Mort

"Yes Mort I'm fine." Fenton responded

"Frank and Joe are they okay?" asked Mort

"They're fine they are both doing well in college." responded Fenton

"Look if you're in some kind of trouble I'm here for you." Said Mort

"Thanks Mort I appreciate that and don't worry I'm fine Laura and the Boys are fine." Said Fenton.

They pull up to Motel and Fenton gets out of the car and walks to his room goes in and shuts the door. And Mortimer drives off.

At Jessica's house Jessica and Seth are in the kitchen washing dishes. "You know Seth I really like Fenton he seems like a very nice man." Said Jessica

"I must admit I was wrong about judging him he does seem like down to earth man." Said Seth

The doorbell rings again and Jessica answers and Mort is back. "Mort what are you doing back here?" asked Jessica

"I dropped Fen at the Motel and I couldn't help feel that there's something big going on and he's not telling me. When we were on the job we used to tell each other everything." Mort said.

"Well whatever he's working on is important. After all you're not on the same police force anymore. You two have different lives now. When the time is right he'll confide in you.

"You're right Jessica I just have to wait." Mort Said.

Mort's Cell phone rings and he answers "Metzger speaking What! I'll be right there.

"Doc I need you to come with me!" said Mort

"What Happened?" asked Jessica

"They found a body at the Motel.