Day 10: So Much for Secrets

Connor bit his thumb as his dad dropped him off in front of Anchor Beach. Stef and Lena had forced the Adams Foster kids to go to school, and they along with Adam had forced Connor into it. He wasn't excited. He felt like a part of him was still at the hospital with Jude. Connor dropped his hand from his mouth and tugged on his backpack strap and walked down the pathway. He hadn't expected to end up back at Anchor Beach. The last time he had been here, he had planned to be going to LA. But, that was also the day of Jude's accident, and now it was Monday and he had missed a week and he had no idea how he was going to get through the day.

"Connor Stevens!" Connor froze as he heard Taylor's voice as he made it to the outdoor lunch tables. He turned slowly and saw the girl charging toward him, a determined look on her face. He had no idea what she was planning, so he opened his mouth to defend himself. What he wasn't expecting was for her to pause as she stopped inches in front of him, then throw her arms around his shoulders and hug him. Connor hesitated as she spoke. "I'm so sorry," Connor sighed, hugging her back. They pulled away after a moment.

"Don't be," he told her. "He's gonna be fine," Connor told her, gripping his backpack strap. Taylor looked at him, doubt clear on her face.

"Okay. What about LA?" Taylor asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Connor smiled softly at her. As much as Taylor was sarcastic and meddling at times, she really cared about her friends.

"I'm not going," he answered simply.

"Connor, Jude wants you to go," Taylor informed him.

"That's not true," Connor answered with a forced laugh. "He didn't want me to go. He wants me to be happy and safe, and yeah, that may be with my mom in LA, but there's no way I can be anywhere near happy while Jude is in that hospital bed," Connor explained to her, his gaze falling to the rocks on the ground. Taylor looked at him, her head tilted, a small look of worry on her face.

"You really love him, huh?" she asked.

Connor kept his eyes on the ground before lifting them and nodding. "Yeah, I do," he told her, not a hint of embarrassment on his face. Taylor smiled sadly at him, then lifted her hand to his shoulder.

"Come on, let's get to class," she told him. Connor nodded, and the two made their way inside the school.


Connor somehow managed to get through the first half of the day. Connor was asked only a couple times of why he was there, and where Jude was, but he knew that rumors were circling. He was relieved when lunch finally rolled around.

He placed his tray down at his usual table, sitting in the spot facing the tree. He wasn't hungry. All day his thoughts had been whirling, and whenever a teacher's phone rang or another teacher came in, he half expected it to be for someone calling him down to the office because something had happened to Jude.

Connor jumped as two trays slammed down across from him. He raised his gaze and saw Daria and Taylor sitting down. "Hey, Connor," Daria greeted, smiling stiffly at Connor. Connor placed down the sandwich he had been pretending to eat and turned his eyes to Taylor.

"You told her?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. Taylor bit her lip.

"Yeah, sorry," she answered. Connor shrugged.

"I probably would have told her anyway," Connor answered. Since school had started again, Connor and Jude had learned to become friends with Daria, and she had long since forgiven Connor for everything that went down. Daria looked at him with a worried look.

"Is he gonna be okay?" she asked. Connor ran his finger around the rim of his soda can and shrugged.

"We don't know," he answered honestly, closing his eyes briefly. Daria's eyes widened.

"You don't? What d-" Daria ceased her words as Aiden, the boy who had confronted Jude and Connor at the beach at the beginning of the summer, threw himself into the seat beside Connor and leaned close to the boy.

"So is it true?" he asked, his eyes wide, as he questioned Connor. Connor pinched the bridge of his nose, then looked at Aiden.

"Is what true?" Connor questioned back. He didn't even want to know what people were coming up with.

"That you and Jude broke up and that's why you're not moving to LA and why Jude hasn't been in school," Aiden answered, a hopeful grin on his face, hungry for the latest gossip. Connor glared at the boy.

"Right, because that makes total sense," he answered, his tone laced with sarcasm. "Why wouldn't I be moving to LA if we had broken up? I was going because my dad couldn't accept me being gay, that wouldn't change if Jude was out of the picture," Connor exclaimed, his eyes flaring with anger. His temper had been short with Aiden ever since he had confronted the two at the beginning of summer. Taylor and Daria exchanged a look as they watched the interaction. Aiden moved back, his face falling.

"Oh, I guess you're right..." Aiden spoke, seeming to process the information. Then he leaned forward again. "Then why aren't you moving? And where's Jude?" Aiden asked.

"Is that your business?" Daria cut in, her eyes narrowed in a glare. Aiden turned toward the girl, his eyes wide. Taylor and Connor gave her the same look.

"Um..." Aiden spoke, as if he was thinking about it. "No," he answered finally.

"Then back off!" Daria told him, her voice final. Aiden's eyes widened further, and he nodded, getting off the bench and moving back to his table. Connor turned his attention to the girl.

"Thanks, Daria," Connor thanked the girl, biting his lip. Daria shrugged.

"He's an ass," she explained.

"Didn't know you had that in you, Dar," Taylor commented, raising her eyebrows at her friend.

"Like I said, he's an ass. And I wasn't going to let him push you, especially when you're having such a hard time," Daria explained, focusing her eyes on Connor.

Connor smiled softly at her. "Thanks," he repeated. The three continued to eat lunch, chatter floating around the table. When the bell rang, they went their separate ways, and somehow, Connor made it through the rest of the day.

I can't believe this, but we have four more chapters till the end! I hope you guys liked this chapter.

Follow me on Tumblr at jonnorlandfill.

I do not own The Fosters or anything you recognize.