Movie nights
Summary: Set before "Of course I get Jealous." It never matter to Steven what happened on Thursday, corrupt gem battle, alien invasion, gem drama. There would always be movie night with Connie no matter what.
For the always lovely anawinkaro. Thank you so much for your kind words, all the love, and reblogs, this is for you. Hope you like it cause, you rockš!
(Steven's pov)
I wedge my phone closer to my ear using my shoulder. "No Connie it's fine. This is just taking a bit longer than expected. You can still come over for movie night." My eyes widen as the corrupt gem monster we were fighting ran full speed at me, quickly I threw up my shield and it bounce back, shook its head and charged at Amethyst instead.
"Steven you've been fighting it since 10 this morning, it's already 4." She replied.
"It just has a lot of energy and aggression. But we're wearing it down, so it shouldn't be much longer. No need to worry." I reassured her.
"I'm not worried that your in danger, you and the gems can handle a monster. It's you being tired later is what's worrying me."
I ran toward the fight throwing my shield at its gem. She was right fighting corrupt gems is physically and sometimes mentally exhausting, but movie night was a tradition for us there's no need to cancel it just cause of me.
"It'll be fine. Look we'll poof it and I'll come home, call you to let you know to come over, shower, and by the time I'm out, you'll be there and we'll watch the movie." I explained.
"Steven get off the phone and help us!" Pearl yelled. The gem had knock Garnet back a few yards and Amethyst was holding it back with her whip.
"I got to go Connie but, yes we are still having movie night."
"Okay Steven, if your sure. Bye see you soon. Be careful."
I chuckled, she was sweet for worrying about me. "I always am, bye."
I hung up and went to help out the gems.
(Connie's pov)
I sighed as I heard the dial tone ringing in my ear. He was going to exhaust himself by the time I get there. I flop down on my bed and start on my homework and while it wasn't due until Monday, I didn't want to get behind.
I heard my phone ringing and picked my head up off my math book and looked at the caller ID. I smiled and flipped it open.
"Hey Steven, you done?" I asked excitably.
"Yeah I'm were warping home now. I'll see you soon." His voice sounded deeper and more rough, which is how he sounds in the morning if I call and wake him up, though more groggily instead of rough.
Though it still had the same affect at making my knees a little weaker and my heart rate a bit faster. "Okay, I'll be over there as soon as possible. Bye." I picked up my purse and started down stairs.
I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door, I rocked back and forth on my feet as I waited.
Steven open the door and I felt myself blush. He was wearing his gray hoddie and dark jeans. His hair was still wet seeing how it appeared darker than usual
"You alright?" I nodded trying to keep my head down. His voice still sounded the same as it did on the phone and it really wasn't helping.
He stepped toward me until he was right in front of me and he tilted my chin up to look at him. "You sure? You seemedā¦.flushed."
I could smell his soap off him and it had this funny affect on me that cause me to calm down and also make my heart beat race even faster.
I met his chocolate brown eyes and I saw his concern, kindness, and how unbelievably tired he was . "Are you okay?" I asked.
He smiled and place his hand on my back and lead me into his house. "I'm fine. Just a bit sore, nothing a movie with my Strawberry can't fix."
I laughed lightly and felt myself blush lightly. Oh yeah he was sleepy.
He walked me over to his bed and I sat down as he started the movie. He walked back over to the bed and sat down next to me. Handing me a bowl of popcorn. I grabbed a few pieces as the opening credits started and I felt Steven move closer to me. I caught another whiff of his sweet and salty scent. Oh this is going to be a long movie night.
Just as the title was appearing on screen I felt his head lean against my shoulder and his hand on my knee.
"Is this okay? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He asked. I could feel his hair brushing my face and the warmth that came off him.
"N-no. Your fine, but that's going to be really uncomfortable for you because of our height differences." Which is true since Steven is taller than me.
"Then when that happens, is it alright if I change positions?" He asked. The movie was introducing what seem to be the main character.
"Sure whatever you like." I answered. To be honest I really don't think he'll be able to stay awake during this movie much less the others he's probably pick out. He put his arm that was resting on my leg around the small of my back and rest his hand on my hip as he nuzzled my shoulder.
It didn't take long to adjust to his head resting on my shoulder and I quickly got back into the movie. Steven had chosen a murder mystery and I was really into it. After it went off I absentmindedly felt him remove his arm from around me and he stretch both arms toward the ceiling and I could hear his back pop. I stuck a few more pieces of popcorn in my mouth.
"Is it okay if I lay in your lap? You were right about the height difference." I tried not to break eye contact with the tv knowing full well I was blushing.
"You sure you don't just want to go to bed?" I asked.
"No, besides your already over here and we have movies to watch. Here I'll put in the next one." He got up and took the movie out and I felt a bit bad about not answering him. I put the pop corn bowl on the floor next to me. He turned and came back to me and sat down. "Go ahead Steven." He gave me a bright smile that made his eyes go all sparkly.
I smiled as he curled up on his side like Lion and laid his head down in my lap.
I turn my attention to the tv as another movie began to play this one was an animation movie. I could feel my attention wavering as I felt Steven's warm breath on my jeans and it caused chill bumps to form underneath my sky blue long sleeve shirt.
I picked my hand up and rubbed it up and down his back. "Connie." He groaned as he snuggled deeper into my lap. I smiled and continued to repeat the action as the movie played on.
When the movie ended Steven was still in my lap. For a second I thought he had fallen asleep. "Steven?"
"Hmm, yeah Strawberry?" His breath was still tickling my legs.
"The movie is over." I knew that he probably already knew that.
"I don't want to get up. Your so warm and soft and you smell so nice its relaxing. Can't I just lay here?" He rolled over to look up at me, giving me his best puppy eyes.
I giggled. "Finnnee, but can you put on another movie please." He got up and I felt my legs start tingling.
"Ah Steven, my legs are asleep." He put the movie in and looked at me.
"Oh I'm sorry." He turn back and I felt disappoint. I scooted back so my back was against the wall.
Steven turn back and gave me a questioning look and smile. "What are you doing?" I move my legs so there was a spot open.
I held my hand out so he could grab it and when he did, I pulled him to me so that he could sit in between my legs. "Connie!" He sat with his back straight so that he wasn't against my chest.
"Steven your going to have to lay back so I can see the tv." I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him so he was laying against me.
I felt him tense up. "Steven relax, your fine." I said gently as I ran my hands up his sides. He shivered.
"Okay, whatever you say." As the movie played on I moved my hands to rub his shoulders and neck and play with his hair, I listen to all the soft noises that escape his mouth. It was just because he was sore from the mission, I told myself though it didn't stop me from blushing.
The movie was almost over and I glance at Steven's face. He had fallen asleep. I smiled down at him. I untangled myself from him and stood up, making sure to guide his head down on his pillow.
I brushed his hair out of his face and glanced over at the temple door and bit my lip as I thought over the risk. Well they haven't came out all night.
I kissed his forehead. "Goodnight biscuit." I walked over to the tv and shut off the movie and made my way down stairs, picking up my purse as I made my way to the door. I made sure to shut it quietly as I left.
Authors note
So I 100% head canon that Steven would be a cuddly sleepy head. When his not annoyed of course. And Connie would think its adorable. Anyways thanks for reading, I love you guys, take care.