Title: Change of Heart (#1 in Untitled Series)
Author: Pixie
Disclaimer: Do I *really* need to do this again?
Ratings: PG?
Distribution: You want it? Go ahead, ask first than I'll let you have it.
My site: :), under remodeling, sweeties!
Author's Note: AU fic! Buffy comes from a very different past than she is
from the show.
AN2: #1 in Untitled Series
Spoilers: None, this is an AU fic.
ever sent me feedback! You make my day!
Summary: Buffy Summers has led a troubling childhood and she must conquer
her fears, but when her handsome boss enters her world, she feels
threatened that he might destroy her fragile life that she had built for
herself. Will she ever allow her walls down and allow someone to teach her
the powers of love?
Part 10
The next week flew by, as uneventful as ever. Her highlight of the week was when she had received the news that one of her ex-client, Willow Rosenburg-Osbourne, who had delivered a healthy baby girl named Jenna Arianne. Buffy had been surprised that Willow had even bothered to call her, after all of her attempts to not form any kind of relationship with Willow. Buffy felt that Willow pitied her, although she wasn't quite sure how Willow would know. She probably read her files or something. After all, it was a well known fact that Willow was a cyber wizz.
Willow had also called to invite her to dinner, this following Saturday, and, after a lot of begging on Willow's part, Buffy had reluctantly agreed. Warning her that she had nothing decent to wear to such an event.
Of course, Willow had then invited her into a shopping spree. She had sighed, wondering what she had gotten herself into. She had tried to decline, but after hearing the whining in Willows' voice, she had no choice but to accept.
Today was Friday...the day of the *wonderful* and *most anticipated* shopping spree. Buffy's first and she had a feeling it would be her last.
Donning a pair of jeans and a white blouse with small flowers at its collar, Buffy waited for Willow to pick her up.
* * *
Why she had ever hated shopping, she would never know. It was at the mall, among others who didn't stare at her strangely, that she let go of part of her will. It was like a breath of fresh air that she hadn't even known existed. Of course, never having a normal family in the first place, she had never had the experiences that normal teenagers had.
Especailly normal teenage girls. From what she overheard from the other girl, the constant talk was what was "in" and what was not, the latest fashion, and the next hottie of the month. And every single time she had heard the popular students describe their trip to the mall, she had wished that she had been like them. To be carefree without the fear of a whip wavering nearby. To be talked to and listened to without fear that they might find out about her parents' habits at home. To have someone care for her, even if for a week, a month, or even a year. But, most of all, she had wanted to be loved and trusted.
In her hands, she had over five shopping bags. At first, Buffy had been reluctant to spend her hardly earned money on clothes. But after watching the excited and concentrated expressions on Willow's face while she picked out the perfect outfit, or outfits she should say, for their dinner tomorrow evening, Buffy had watned to feel it too. The fever that swept her up while shopping, the adrenaline rush to spend her money, was, like she said, a breath of fresh air.
Of course, once she was swept up in the wave...it had been kinda hard for her to stop. Hence the five pounds per bag held in her hands. At one point, she had gotten so tired of carrying around, she had collapsed in a nearby bench. Willow joining right beside her. Although, while Buffy's expression showed fatigue, Willow's only showed excitement and, no doubt, the adrenaline rush that still circulated her body.
Willow turned to her and, quite impatiently, asked how long until Buffy was ready to continue with the shopping spree.
"Willow, you have to remember that this is my first time shopping at the mall-" Buffy started, but after seeing a small frown gathering at Willow's forehead, she added, "in a long time, I mean. I'm not as energetic as you and my feet are about swollen from all that walking!"
Willow smiled and only answered with a, "You'll get used to it."
At the pace that they were going, she would get used to it pretty fast. After all, they've been at the mall for nearly five hours now....
She didn't even know if all the clothes and accessories that she had bought would ever be used or worn at all. They were all cute and pretty and, in Willow's opinion, looked good on her. "Especially," Willow had said, "the cute, little, black dress that you bought."
Cute was one thing, but little...it was an overstatement! To add to that, Willow had practically ordered Buffy to wear it for their dinner tomorrow.
Once again, Buffy wondered what she had gotten herself into.
* * *
It was Saturday afternoon and Buffy was in a panic. She didn't know what to do! How was she supposed to do her hair? And what were does little black things with the snappy ends for anyways? Shoes! Where were her shoes?
Buffy had just gotten out of her shower, still wrapped in her terry cloth towel...one in her hair and another around her body, when she realized that she had no experiences whatsoever with the intricacies of dressing up for a dinner "date" with Willow and her husband, Oz.
With a loud sigh, Buffy plopped herself down on her king-size bed. She knew what she was going to wear, the tiny, black dress that Willow had forced her to buy, and strappy heels. But makeup was another matter.
Deciding that sitting on her fanny wasnt getting her anywhere, Buffy got up and sat in front of the mirror. Usually, Buffy would use make-up very lightly. Never too much, but always within reasonable amounts.
*Theres a first time for everything, I guess.*
And so the war between Buffy Elizabeth Anne Summers and the tube of mascara began.
Part 10
The next week flew by, as uneventful as ever. Her highlight of the week was when she had received the news that one of her ex-client, Willow Rosenburg-Osbourne, who had delivered a healthy baby girl named Jenna Arianne. Buffy had been surprised that Willow had even bothered to call her, after all of her attempts to not form any kind of relationship with Willow. Buffy felt that Willow pitied her, although she wasn't quite sure how Willow would know. She probably read her files or something. After all, it was a well known fact that Willow was a cyber wizz.
Willow had also called to invite her to dinner, this following Saturday, and, after a lot of begging on Willow's part, Buffy had reluctantly agreed. Warning her that she had nothing decent to wear to such an event.
Of course, Willow had then invited her into a shopping spree. She had sighed, wondering what she had gotten herself into. She had tried to decline, but after hearing the whining in Willows' voice, she had no choice but to accept.
Today was Friday...the day of the *wonderful* and *most anticipated* shopping spree. Buffy's first and she had a feeling it would be her last.
Donning a pair of jeans and a white blouse with small flowers at its collar, Buffy waited for Willow to pick her up.
* * *
Why she had ever hated shopping, she would never know. It was at the mall, among others who didn't stare at her strangely, that she let go of part of her will. It was like a breath of fresh air that she hadn't even known existed. Of course, never having a normal family in the first place, she had never had the experiences that normal teenagers had.
Especailly normal teenage girls. From what she overheard from the other girl, the constant talk was what was "in" and what was not, the latest fashion, and the next hottie of the month. And every single time she had heard the popular students describe their trip to the mall, she had wished that she had been like them. To be carefree without the fear of a whip wavering nearby. To be talked to and listened to without fear that they might find out about her parents' habits at home. To have someone care for her, even if for a week, a month, or even a year. But, most of all, she had wanted to be loved and trusted.
In her hands, she had over five shopping bags. At first, Buffy had been reluctant to spend her hardly earned money on clothes. But after watching the excited and concentrated expressions on Willow's face while she picked out the perfect outfit, or outfits she should say, for their dinner tomorrow evening, Buffy had watned to feel it too. The fever that swept her up while shopping, the adrenaline rush to spend her money, was, like she said, a breath of fresh air.
Of course, once she was swept up in the wave...it had been kinda hard for her to stop. Hence the five pounds per bag held in her hands. At one point, she had gotten so tired of carrying around, she had collapsed in a nearby bench. Willow joining right beside her. Although, while Buffy's expression showed fatigue, Willow's only showed excitement and, no doubt, the adrenaline rush that still circulated her body.
Willow turned to her and, quite impatiently, asked how long until Buffy was ready to continue with the shopping spree.
"Willow, you have to remember that this is my first time shopping at the mall-" Buffy started, but after seeing a small frown gathering at Willow's forehead, she added, "in a long time, I mean. I'm not as energetic as you and my feet are about swollen from all that walking!"
Willow smiled and only answered with a, "You'll get used to it."
At the pace that they were going, she would get used to it pretty fast. After all, they've been at the mall for nearly five hours now....
She didn't even know if all the clothes and accessories that she had bought would ever be used or worn at all. They were all cute and pretty and, in Willow's opinion, looked good on her. "Especially," Willow had said, "the cute, little, black dress that you bought."
Cute was one thing, but little...it was an overstatement! To add to that, Willow had practically ordered Buffy to wear it for their dinner tomorrow.
Once again, Buffy wondered what she had gotten herself into.
* * *
It was Saturday afternoon and Buffy was in a panic. She didn't know what to do! How was she supposed to do her hair? And what were does little black things with the snappy ends for anyways? Shoes! Where were her shoes?
Buffy had just gotten out of her shower, still wrapped in her terry cloth towel...one in her hair and another around her body, when she realized that she had no experiences whatsoever with the intricacies of dressing up for a dinner "date" with Willow and her husband, Oz.
With a loud sigh, Buffy plopped herself down on her king-size bed. She knew what she was going to wear, the tiny, black dress that Willow had forced her to buy, and strappy heels. But makeup was another matter.
Deciding that sitting on her fanny wasnt getting her anywhere, Buffy got up and sat in front of the mirror. Usually, Buffy would use make-up very lightly. Never too much, but always within reasonable amounts.
*Theres a first time for everything, I guess.*
And so the war between Buffy Elizabeth Anne Summers and the tube of mascara began.